Sunday, October 22, 2017

The knowledge that is important is the knowledge whereby man becomes first the master of his own consciousness

               -swallows returning to nest at eventide

        Man should not overlook the invisible yet wondrous domain of the soul that to many is a realm of the unknown.  Simply because the soul is not a visible manifestation many believe that the soul does not have a real existence.  Yet what is it that dwells in the body which is called life?  Is it not that level of divine awareness that humanity borrows and claims as its own?

When mankind denies the existence of the soul what shall we do, we who dwell in the higher levels of awareness where reality is crystal clear?   Shall we say to them, “You are right” when we know they are not, when we perceive all around us the glow of His eternal wonder, and the grace of the eternal comfort reaches out to us from the center of Life?   I think not.  But how shall we convince humanity who cannot see in the good fruit of human endeavor the reality of the soul and its potential for even greater things?       
                                          -Goddess of Liberty:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:2
         Many of our students are overly concerned about their spiritual development, not knowing that their concern is the chief hindrance to their progress.  The gentle faith that manifests in the performance of good works and in the belief that God will see to one’s spiritual growth does indeed bear the fruit of progress in every area of one’s life.  For in reality God as the Eternal Spirit possesses the potential of man’s evolution within Himself.  How then can those who are striving daily to be His hands and feet be hindered by the suggestion that they are not making the proper spiritual strides?  For to serve one’s fellowman is to be one with Him, and to be one with Him is to progress.

Dear hearts, it is by leaving all progress to God and by simply drinking in the very atmosphere of illumination’s flame that you will naturally increase the dominion of your consciousness.  It is by using the faculties of the mind and soul to penetrate the intricacy and beauty--first of the physical universe and then of the spiritual universe within that you will move forward in the fulfillment of your divine plan….

Yes, my friend, there are by God’s Grace many in the higher octaves who are beckoning you to come up the ladder of life so that you might begin to understand the potential of the soul that God has nourished within you.  You are aware of the many pulls upon the soul of man, in fact upon his whole psyche, pulls that originate in the chaotic conditions of the world as well as in his own subconscious mind.  Mankind is looking to the world for a fulfillment that is often so lacking that it seems to tarnish the reality within him.  Let him now turn to the Grace of God and to those who are above him in a spiritual way.  Let him become aware of them that he may truly gain in stature and advance in the order of Hierarchy.

Individuals have unwittingly stunted their own progress by aborting the creative imagination that God has placed within the soul.  Many have imprisoned the splendor of God’s Grace that, if they would only allow it, would shine like a beacon from within.  To cover that beacon, to hide it in a shroud of mourning is to accept limitation in your outreach. Let man then realize that he has unlimited potential, let him call to heaven for an expansion of that potential in his consciousness.  For in a very real sense every man is the keeper of his own lighthouse:  either he hides the beacon within the self-centeredness of his being or he opens wide the shutters of his life so that the inner light can guide all men….

But unless man receives the messages telegraphed by the soul how can he entertain other than mundane thoughts and ambitions, seeing that the soul is the screen upon 
 are imprinted those cosmic engrams of light which lead the self into higher truth?…once he is able to let go of himself and to surrender the ego that imprisons his soul he can understand the divine intent….Then in the sense of a new beginning he will start with the alchemy of self-examination…But you yourself must develop the discipline, the steeling of your very mind and soul–the twenty-four-hour-a-day attitude of “pressing toward the mark.”…

You who look to the higher way of life will understand that life is destiny….Remember, beloved hearts of light, in past ages humanity have dwelled in darkness, forgetting the glories of the light from whence they came.  To the one who does not know the way of the light let me say that the only means of finding it is to begin today to invoke it and to keep on invoking it until the road of eternal life rises before you, unfolding ever-new vistas of progress and challenges of discovery and attainment.        
                                      -Hilarion:     Pearls of Wisdom 14:3
        Now when I begin to speak of fashioning the bounds of reality you should understand that it means that the individual must become aware of that measure of himself which is real and that which is the mere accumulation of centuries of dusty ideas.  As man begins to divide the light and the darkness in himself he is able to gauge the worth of the accumulation; and albeit a great deal suitable only for burning will have to be cast into the flame, he will in the process gather little jewels of consciousness.  These he will eventually sort out and refurbish with those higher standards that he acquires with the passing of the years….

I have seen the sincerity of these calls which stem from man’s desire to be well, to be whole.  But when the question is posed as to how it shall be done, people are often caught in the jaws of ancient theological traps.  For instance they accept the idea of God as being a God of wrath–whose sternness in the Law I do not deny–but they overlook in toto the power of the God of Love.  Then too the meaning and use of Love has degenerated into forms of sexual depravity, denying mankind the correct application of the life principle.

To exalt the purpose of creation:  this is a creative act.  To heal not only the body but also the soul and the fabric of the mind, creating a new garment that cannot be rent in the very consciousness of man, that cannot be destroyed in the very soul of man:  this is the fiat of the hour.  It is the call of a new age that garners strength because men understand themselves as an aspect of Deity, because they are no longer fearful to advance into the light….

In the healing of the mind and soul we need the air in its natural purity, we need the light in its glowing reality and we need to understand the meaning of love as a transforming contribution to all to whom we give it.  To so many love has become a mere feeling of possessiveness, a grasping at life without the desire to convey the enormity of God’s Grace as a tangible, living gift….

In restructuring the soul then do not be afraid to discard ancient concepts or dogmatic interpretations but be careful to preserve the meaning of the altar of God as a hallowed place where communion is not the mere orifice of desire.  Let men understand the love of God as going far beyond the mere possession of authority, although He has freely given it even to the soul.  Men must perceive the Grace of heaven as a gift of worth.  They must yearn for newness of life–life not as mere existence which they have already experienced but life as that infinite bond of freedom which they are beginning to understand.  For that bond will one day exalt them into the perfect healing of body, mind and soul, establishing the fountainhead of reality in their beings.  Then they will be able to convey to others the selfsame Grace. Then man’s ego will no longer be a caged lion, for he will have seen that the strength of the lamb that lieth down with the lion is greater in its purity than the thundering of human authority.  For it is purity of motive and intent that structures the soul to newness of life.  Then the Sun shining in his strength can be retained in the soul as the glow of eternal light welcomed home by the reflector of man’s consciousness.

When the light received by man becomes an object for misqualification that man consumes upon his lusts, upon his desires, then his degeneration becomes his own self-condemnation.  But when at last man understands that God is love and that he must prepare himself to receive the host of that eternal love within himself he experiences the communion that evokes the consciousness of the Holy Grail….By conquering the mortal self as well as mortal conditions man finds the way of true humility which is the way of overcoming victory.  And until he does, man lies in chains–chained by his own thought.  When he is healed by his own sense of perfection he may not immediately grasp the fullness it portends, but he stands willing to enter the portals of a new hope in the restructuring of the whole man into the perfection of the universal plan….

    As your servant in the light I AM devotedly,
                 Meta, patroness of the healing arts                   Pearls of Wisdom 14:4

        Let us now then gaze into the cosmic ethers as we see the approach of the great white cloud.  And behind that cloud, veiled in pure radiant light, is the thoughtform for the forthcoming year--a form of great loveliness and beauty which is the reality of the radiance of every man’s consciousness.

We want you then to understand that we have chosen as the universal thoughtform for this year the symbol of a great cosmic golden ring.  In the center of this great cosmic golden ring is held in the background the image of a world or globe. Superimposed over that you will find the upper figure in the chart of the Presence--or the causal body of every man. This thoughtform signifies that the salvation of the planetary body shall also be the transcendent glory and beauty of the I AM Presence in all of its radiant power as it is acknowledged more and more by humanity.  And as they come to understand that through the power of the I AM Presence they can invoke from God those majestic outpourings referred to as “the latter reign of living loveliness and love” the world will be literally transformed into the newness of the golden age.

The newness of this cosmic fire, the newness of this great golden ring signifies that the eternal values have been placed in time and space by the hand of God, just as a tender seed is lowered into the heart of the earth for the manifestation of a beautiful tree or a flowering plant.  The thoughtform is intended to create in the consciousness of mankind the understanding that all of heaven has conspired to pour out upon the world the waters of the living Word from the fountain of God’s Love, the strength of His heart, the will and wisdom and wit to do those things which are necessary— not to make a shambles of it or of the conditions manifesting in the world but to transform the world by new plans, to educate the young people in a manner in which they have not formerly been educated, bringing them at last into the understanding that their actions toward one another ought to be the actions of the Prince of Peace.                            
-Gautama Buddha:  12-31-1970 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet; Pearls of Wisdom 14:5
          Some have not considered the parable of the tares and the wheat in terms of the children of darkness and the children of light, as Jesus explained it to his disciples privately.  Some have not even thought upon the problem of embodied evil.  It is not our intention that any should become unduly upset upon discovering those evil elements in society which have been present for generations.  All should recognize the operation of the law of cycles, the inevitability of the harvest when the tares will be gathered in bundles and burned.  At the same time they should be vigilant in defense of the Christ light, seeking to curb the nefarious influences of the sons of Belial upon their children, upon their governments and upon the educational systems of the world.

Unfortunately the sons of perdition do not recognize the law of transference of authority given to the sons and daughters of God as filial dominion.  Being of the bad seed, they do not recognize the God-given responsibilities of the Christed offspring to hold dominion over nature.  Nor do they see that the beautiful rose appears thorn-crowned not as a divine act, not even as a manifestation of protection, but as the result of man’s wrong thoughts, his sharp feelings, his bitterness and hatred toward his brothers….Bowed down with the pollutions of mankind’s consciousness, elemental life can no longer provide the vehicle for the pristine power of the comfort flame as was intended by God.

The feelings of the masses, side by side with reasoning minds, vie for control of men’s lives.  In most cases neither the feelings nor the thoughts of men are imbued with perfection; yet it is possible for man to so endow them, if he will.  Let men understand that even the emotions in all their turbulence can come under the command of the inner power of the Christ light, the light of spiritual dominion.  Peace, be still!  The waves of mass emotion, choppy, engulfing and humanly erratic, are quieted by the command of the Christ, becoming thereby a calm reflector of the splendor of the light.  The mind can also be stilled, becoming the bearer of good tidings and holy wisdom as the mind of Christ or of God….

The day side of beauty and illumination lives.  It is abundance and compassion.  The night side wallows in alternating harsh and tender dreams, from time to time crushing the aspiration of the young student.  May I then urge all who would run with the strong to make provision for spiritual fortitude in their lives.  Do not allow yourselves to be thrust from side to side and then upwards and downwards, making your experiences to be yourself—or yourself to be your experiences.  After all is not your life of greater value, of a more enduring nature than either your perilous or your ecstatic moments?   Is not your life able to become a vehicle of expression of such infinite love, of such infinite wisdom, as to be eventually enveloped with the infinite power you seek?

So many would put on the pole of power before they are given the gift of wisdom and the gift of beautiful love.  Yet spiritual man must be unafraid to burn his own darkness, to burn his bridges behind him and to continue with the utmost determination on the spiritual path, come any wind of hatred from any source, come any destructive emotion or thought into his mind.  His life is an opportunity so vast and so utterly filled with divine compassion that nothing shall choke the tender young seed, although it be surrounded by a sea of monstrous emotion or suppressed by the boulders of intellectual pride.

Let the specters of fear and avarice go back into the dark whence they came!  Let these fade as phantoms of the night. But let each dawn bring the angels’ songs of forgiveness and love into your heart.  For there where God lives, in the garden of inner delight, man can become invulnerable like a diamond or lustrous like a pearl of great price, shining either within the heart of the earth or within the heart of the oyster.  His soul consciousness is sometimes uncut or unpolished, but it is ever expanding through those experiences which will one day make possible the tender and skillful art of the Master Jeweler who will cut, refine and polish it even as He is wont to do this hour.  

Those who yield their lives to Him, who are content to follow His plan as a magnificent reaching-out of spiritual opportunity will always receive a just recompense for their efforts and devotion.  Naught can stay the onward hand of Life when cosmic progress impels the stream of rippling happiness to cast down every idol in its course, to break down every barrier, to pursue every worthy goal, and to see the hand of God not as an illusive, vanishing dream but as an invisible but real guardian of man’s life….On the other hand your rejection of your own potential can temporarily destroy your spiritual opportunities for attunement with those great cosmic friends of light who would bring your life into perfect balance.               -Cha Ara, son of Meta    Pearls of Wisdom 14:6
        I AM Helios of the dawn.  Hear the Word of the living God!  Behold, the earth is Mine and the fullness thereof.  The hour has come and now is when My children shall be gathered together from the four corners of the earth and shall respond to the ministration of the Good Shepherd of humanity, when they shall understand in a manner never before possible the meaning of infinite love.

I say unto all, Awake, thou that sleepest, and rise from the dead that you may receive the light of the Universal Christ.  Lo and behold, the Eucharist of the dawn is breaking; and the particles thereof as the sacred flame substance of immortality are being dispensed unto those hearts waiting to receive the living bread of God that is the Word.  Hear then the living Word, for the great humanities of the living God shall be made manifest to all who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness.  Our prayer is that they may be filled!

Understand then that the domain of the heart is Mine; and I claim it!  Understand now that the domain of the soul is Mine, and I claim it!  Understand now that I AM the Lord thy God that as a living flame of fire visited thee and established in thee the pillars of eternity that thou shouldst understand My Law that is written in thy heart and in thy mind. 

Now is the hour of My appearing–the hour of trembling and the hour of My radiance, the hour when the diamond of My mind appears in the cup of life as that shining reality which assembled all atoms of substance as a portion, a goodly portion, of cosmic purpose revealed to view.  Yet there are those who have not seen, who do not understand, who do not perceive, whose hearts are darkened, whose consciousness remains in that nether world of human folly.  I say then, let them remain there.  For I have said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh.  He is as a vapor that appears upon the window, the pane of life, the plane of life for a time and then vanisheth away.

Hear now the Word of the Lord.  The hour has come when darkness and confusion must recede as the manifestation of the Christ light appears to all.  Lo, I come with power and glory.  Lo, I come!   Lo, I come with clouds, and every eye shall see Me–yea, even those which pierced Me.  And then shall men also know that not only do those pierce Me who pierced My Son Christ Jesus but also those who have pierced My purposes by denying them.  Having lived then in sundry times and various manifestations according to the rituals of the flesh, they continue so to do and fail to recognize the power and preeminence of the spirit of faith that is within their hearts and the power and grace of the world to come….

Behold, the time when men’s hearts are failing for fear has come upon the earth.  And behold, it shall intensify; for yea, they have deserved it.  Yea, they have surfeited themselves. They have thought to glorify themselves and exalt themselves unto the mountains; and behold, the hour of My appearing is at hand.  Behold, I shall surely visit the family of nations, and I shall render unto all according to their just deserts.         -Helios:  11-19-1972 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
-La Tourelle
            Spiritual fruit is the natural manifestation of that cosmic authority which was bestowed upon man in the beginning. Man was given the fiat to take dominion over his own world, yet he has allowed his authority to lapse.  He has failed again and again to uphold the banner of his personal freedom.  And because he has permitted the banner to be dragged in the dust, or because someone else has lowered the standards of life, he has often taken excuse and allowed his own standards to fall to the ground.

Now in this year of high adventure when so many are asking themselves how they may resolve the riddle of life’s meaning and their own fruitless experiences let me hasten to assure the devotees of freedom that once you have embarked upon a spiritual course, the very fiat of movement is itself the bearer of your freedom.  By contrast the inertia of noncommitment and the sense of hopelessness will draw you down into negative spirals of worldly magnetism.
The Cosmic Light investiture, the giving by God of His creative authority to each man provides him with a very wonderful opportunity when it is properly used.  The recognition of the fiat to create will bring to every man a new surge of freedom, a sense of well-being and that practical outreach to his fellowman which is so necessary to the survival of the soul.  Through obedience to the divine mandate Masters are born; through disobedience men pale into the insignificance of worldly habits to their own regret and shame, and their “damnation is just.”…

Thus the freedom to know, to do and to dare is a vital opportunity that makes the whole business of living a continuous summoning of new vistas of freedom.  Has another discovered a new world, has another planted his flag upon a neighboring orb?   Then there is hope for those who follow after.  From the standpoint of the individual pursuit of cosmos, no worlds are conquered until the individual himself conquers.  All worlds remain a challenge to every son of God….

The initiatic system affords mankind the opportunity of receiving the communications of his own Christed intelligence who will release to man in his finest moments the knowledge of the Law, enabling him to carry the banner of his own freedom.  Men have not dreamed of the vast wisdom that can be theirs through following this system; yet they have applied unto mortal men, unto mortal tomes, the strength of knowing.   Let them now in their own minds and for their own good accord equal respect to those of us who have sought to guide the race.   Let them recognize that we of the ascended hosts have, by the grace of God, the necessary cosmic intelligence and cosmic love, and even the cosmic power that when invoked by unascended hosts will establish in the world a cosmic forcefield of such magnitude as will restore to mankind en masse that sense of the divine reality that shall bring in the golden age!

Men cry for the coming age; they wait for it, they long for it. But if their hearts are ever to be assuaged they must first begin to experience it in themselves.  And this is possible. Men need not eat the whole carcass of their freedom in order to realize certain elements of that freedom.  Sometimes a tiny bite will suffice to show man the meaning of true freedom, and thus to stimulate his pursuit of it….Man makes vows, he seeks greatness, but he is often deterred by small obstacles.  Let all understand that the summoning of freedom is a valid expression of faith, that great help is given to the man who is beginning to realize that he can invoke freedom on his own behalf and thereby come to know that it exists in the higher dimensions of his own being.

Some think they are limited by their past attainments.  Not so, for the potential of the mind and spirit is so great that the moment the desire for freedom gives them a higher reign, man breaks the bonds of his mortal limitations.  Now his desire is chained to the goal of winning freedom through spiritual experience and attainment.  He realizes that he can know, he can see and he can be a higher expression of his own immortal being.  It is freedom just to realize cosmic potential, but it is even greater freedom to attain it.                
                                                -Saint Germain:   Pearls of Wisdom 14:6
          Many think it would be so nice if God would speak the word and, suddenly, as with the rushing of a mighty wind, all could speak the heavenly language.  Men forget the karmic patterns that others have carelessly woven and even the patterns that they themselves have woven.  They forget that these are the self-made prison walls that keep them from discovering the delights of heaven and from becoming gods among men. They do not understand that this planet is a schoolroom and that in these latter days many have permitted their consciousness to grow dark even while knowledge seems increased across the land.

The knowledge that is important is the knowledge whereby man becomes first the master of his own consciousness and then the master of his world.  Whereas in a relative sense one man may attain greater mastery than another in the manipulation of energy within a finite circle, this in no way guarantees that the big frog in the little pond will be able to navigate in the circle of the infinite.

We are concerned with the measure of a man’s advancement according to the divine precepts of the Brotherhood which have been established under the guidance of the Eternal Father from the beginning.  We are interested not in generation but in regeneration.  Now I am well aware that for some of our readers it is even a new idea that their thoughts can impinge upon others or that the thoughts of others can influence their own moods and manner of life.  Nevertheless it is so.  The wise will therefore seek scientific methods of dealing with the problems of auric influences and thought penetration.

If everyone knew how to use the tube of light and the violet consuming flame and believed in this method of self-transformation, I am certain that the world would be a different place.  The dissemination of such practical knowledge is invaluable when it is applied by those who receive it…. 

To misuse energy, to send out enormous power into the world like billowing storm clouds is not the fulfillment of the divine intent.  Energy should be directed as the perfect day coming from heaven into the lives of all it contacts.  Let radiant blue skies and golden drops of sunlight pour through the foliage of man’s consciousness, increasing the green, the beauty and the color of the day of perfection in all men’s thoughts.

May I chasten some by pointing out that sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly you are using the energy of God to further your own moods and feelings in the world of form.  Try God’s way, the way of perfection.  For just as the Christ consciousness is the mediator between God and man, so man can become a joint mediator with Christ.  And inasmuch as he does what he wills with the energy God gives him, he controls in a relative sense in the world of form a portion of the divine energy for the entire planet.  When he realizes this the whole foundation of his life can be altered if he wills it so.                      
 (by Schmiechen, 1882)
                                      -Kuthumi:  Pearls of Wisdom 14:26

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