First of all there are two different calendars involved--the old Julian and the modern one; however, both calendars can be read in terms of degrees from the equinoxes for the date of interest. Now the date of interest for Columbus Day is October 12th of Julian calendar. When the Santa Maria with 2 other ships arrived at San Salvador in the Caribbean that morning of 1492, Friday on their calendar, the Sun was nearly to 28.5 degrees Libra, as the swiss ephemeris just below shows (yet one must use dawn in the Caribbean though instead of midnight at Greenwich, so one adds 10 hours which is nearly .5 degrees to the Sun's position).
Step 2: Here below we have the modern calendar and with it the Sun's position astrologically. What we need is the Sun at 28.5 degrees Libra, and that we find from October 21st, 2017. What is the hour though for this very Sun position?
For this we will have to begin with midnight of 21st Greenwich which would be in the Caribbean 8 p.m. of the 20th. At that moment there is 27 degrees 47 minutes Libra longitude for Sun position. But we require another 40 minutes of longitude forward to have nearly 28.5 Libra. 40 minutes of longitude is 2/3 of a day's travel of Earth-Sun, otherwise called 16 hours of a day. So to our 20:00 hours of October 20th we need 16 more hours, so we get 36:00 hours of the 20th, or in other words, noon of 21st Caribbean time. At noon of 21st Oct. 2017 local time we have Columbus Day beginning--because that is the actual longitude position of Sun when Columbus in the Santa Maria put into the island he called San Salvador. -r, mt. shasta, ca
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