Friday, October 6, 2017

the all-seeing Eye in each one, in each third-eye center, must be rescued and restored

The wrath of God is love's severity.      
 -Phylos the Tibetan:  A Dweller on Two Planets, last page
 It is absolutely necessary that you make invocations to all of the Elohim and the archangels and the masters of the Great White Brotherhood for the arresting of the spirals of energy that is all energy misusing the action of the all-seeing Eye of God, for the binding of those members of the false hierarchy whose time for judgment has come, and for the clearing of the way for the crystallization of the God-flame in the City Foursquare....This is indeed the crisis of the age and this is the crux of the matter:  the all-seeing Eye in each one, in each third-eye center, must be rescued and restored to that virgin consciousness....
At the conclusion of this dictation I desire that you shall give calls for the all-seeing Eye of God to reverse the tide.  For there is such a momentum of misuse of this Eye that it is reaching the point of the precipitation of that new order of the ages that is not of God but that is held in the dark eye of the Illuminati.  And all of this simply because mankind have not understood that with the simple raising of their hands and the use of the energies of the heart and the head and the hand the reversing of the tide can take place.  And all of that darkness--I tell you, every erg of that energy--can be turned back again and reversed and be upon those fallen ones who sent it forth.  And immediately then by the reversing of that tide you will be confirming the judgment.  And these fallen ones will be called to judgment, and their karma and their energy will be upon their own heads and upon their own godless creation....
You must learn to see behind the scenes.  You must know what is taking place in your government, in your economy.  And you must know a bit of history and understand the trends that have been building for several hundred years, even to the destruction of America from its very inception....
Above all I ask you to make calls for the clearing of the pollution of the subconscious as well as for the clearing of the pollution even of the astral bodies and of the mental plane.  The physical plane must be cleared.  The physical plane must be cleared, for it is a burden upon the body of the Mother and her children.  But I tell you, all must be cleared at once.  Let calls be given then that those who are being saturated by the fallen ones be cleared, be receptive.
And when you prepare to knock on the door know that you are knocking on the door of the heart of Christ, that every door to every household in America is a symbol of the door to the Christ consciousness.  Will you make the call then that as you pass through that door Christ will open the door to the hearts.  And the action of the violet flame will consume the debris that would impinge upon the release of the vision of the City Foursquare in every soul....
Saint Germain has spoken to you, and you have heard that selfishness itself is the cause of all pollution of the astral plane.  As you well know it is that action of selfishness, self-love, self-infatuation and the preservation of the lesser self that is the conglomerate of density that makes the impasse over the all-seeing Eye of God chakra.  If then you lack the vision, you must know that automatically you must surrender.  You must surrender substance; you must surrender selfishness.  And proportionately as you surrender you will have the vision and the power of the vision of the all-seeing Eye to challenge all of its misuses.
The key to victory then by vision is the absolute sacrifice of the lesser self and the surrender of all lesser causes for the one great cause of freedom, the cause which the Great White Brotherhood has espoused--the freedom of every living soul.  I commend you into the keeping of the flame of Christ....God be with you.  God be with us all.          
(by Sindelar)
               -Elohim Cyclopea:  10-9-1976 at Pasadena via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
-Portia by John William Wright, 1846

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