Sunday, July 3, 2016

in their (men's) attempts to outdo one another they shut off by the damper of selfishness the interplay of the sacred flames

  We see then that adultery in a broader sense is the entire ramification of the misuse of any of the seven chakras.  The Ten Commandments were given to an idolatrous generation.  They were the reinforcement at the physical level of spiritual laws that had application far beyond the simple understanding of the physical law....But if we keep the commandment and do not commit adultery we must realize that in order to win our eternal union with God we must begin to celebrate that union on earth.  Therefore we must also keep the spiritual law....We must be disciplined in the maintenance of the light of the t'ai chi in each of the seven chakras.           -Messengers M & E Prophet:  Path to Attainment, 2008; see'ai+chi&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjR5Ouz3NjNAhVU62MKHVdgAqUQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20adultery%20t'ai%20chi&f=false
  In a vital sense man can be compared to a flame--a moving flame that dances with progress.  The energies of man that proceed from the flame are electrical.  And the electricity of which I speak is a vital manifestation, both governing thought and being governed by thought.  Those who would exercise greater self-control and greater control over their sense of the beautiful must first exercise dominion over the flame and all that comes forth from it.  Thus they will automatically have that faith in the beauties of both man and nature which is essential to the attainment of God-control over oneself and one's environment....
  God has given to man a reasonable license in his exercise of the sense of the beautiful, expecting him to show a marked restraint when experimenting with new patterns, forms and colors.  He has also produced within his soul a mystical sense of the beautiful that allows him free range of thought and feeling to tune in with the grace of God's beauty available through his own inner awareness of the infinite beauties of macrocosmic and microcosmic worlds....
  Men feel confined within the ranges of their thoughts.  In seeking freedom from these confines they enter into competition with each other, and in their attempts to outdo one another they shut off by the damper of selfishness the interplay of the sacred flames of God that show forth the intricate beauties of His diamond-shining mind.        -Paul the Venetian:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:8

-Messengers M & E Prophet, in Prayer & Meditation, 1978

-Paul the Venetian by Ruth Hawkins

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