His natal astrology is: Pluto (in Leo) squares Sun, Pluto one-eleventh of circle to Mars and one-eighth of circle to Venus and sextile to Neptune. Moon (in Gemini) trines Saturn, opposite Mercury,
one-eleventh to Uranus, one-fifth of circle to Pluto, squares lunar nodes. -r.
The Syrian conflict, according to the report, has produced an unprecedented number of jihadis, far more than earlier Islamic conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Somalia and Chechnya. From 2011 to 2016, between 27,000 and 31,000 foreign jihadis from 86 nations joined the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq.
The foreign fighter flows came from six major states: Tunisia (6,000), Saudi Arabia (2,500), Russia (2,400), Turkey (2,100), Jordan (2,000) and France (1,700). An estimated 280 foreign fighters joined the Islamic State from North America. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/6/islamic-state-expands-to-7-more-nations/..............................................................
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