To begin with, a one-world government is not recommended by the Hierarchy. Until the Christ rules in the heart of the individual the individual is not fit to rule the world. It must be understood that nation-states were instituted by the ascended masters to serve as the final point of transition between the imperfect society that evolved after man's expulsion from Eden and the perfect society that will be out pictured in the golden age--a society based on a one-world government headed by the Prince of Peace and those who have attained self-mastery through the Christ consciousness....
The Brotherhood cautions against the premature uniting of peoples...The nation-state system is not inherently evil nor are its citizens inherently selfish. For by evolving their own individuality and respecting the right of others to do the same they enhance the evolution of all other states and the entire planetary body. The uniting of the peoples of the world will come about naturally as individuals and nations strive toward and achieve perfection and unity through the Christ....
While it is often true that the trained mind can best attune with the Christ mind it is also true that the best minds (having greatest potential) can be trained according to the worst concepts....
The plan for a one-world ecosystem will not work because it does not take into consideration the delicate balance of the spiritual ecosystem--the interaction of the causal bodies of the ten billion souls assigned to the planetary schoolroom (that we call Earth or Terra)....If you destroy a man's incentive to create you destroy the man, making him an animal. And if at the same time you destroy the identity of a nation by depriving it of its destiny you are left not with a golden age but with an animal's self-image as a man-animal through which he has functioned since his fall from the grace of the Christ image (is fundamentally hampering)...he must rise from the plane of identification with animal life to claim his inheritance as a sinless, selfless son of God. Only then will he be able to expand his sphere of identity and through the power of divine love include the entire world in his Self-conscious awareness. -Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet:
Climb the Highest Mountain, 1972 & 1978, pp. 485-8

-the Prophets, Mark & Elizabeth
Thus it is a delicate balance, one concerning which you ought to pray. For this is the very mystery of Life: weaving in and out of the responsibilities which deal with the realm of the possible, with the practical life that can be lived--given all the so-called limitations and in the very midst of these to know that the Spirit as the very revolutionary of God will cut right through -Jesus the Christ: 4-7-1985, Easter, at Camelot, Los Angeles
in Prayer & Meditation, 1978
I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, you do not know the power I wield! You do not conceive of the power of victory that is within your own bodies and minds and brains and beings! I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, this power is the absolute victory of this planet, and mankind must wake up and perceive that it is within themselves and not within another. Mankind today so frequently are driven by the idea of pursuing some master in some far-off land. ...But I tell you this, that some time, some place, somewhere you must set your feet upon the path with the God-determination that knows no retreat....
The question then is, having once determined to do this, shall you be turned back and deterred by those forces which would destroy you? I tell you nay! For upon every occasion when you may fall to the earth you must arise and say: "O beloved God-Self of me, take me by the hand and once again let me walk upon Thy holy path that leads to the light supernal...." -Saint Germain: 9-7-1963 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet; see
in Prayer & Meditation, 1978
And yet you have reached the ceiling of the offerings of Church and State--the politicians, the economists, and the wolves in sheep’s clothing everywhere apparent and nonapparent yet most transparent to us, for you see, beloved, they lack the spark of Victory! -Mighty Victory: 2-1-1987 at Chicago via Messenger E C Prophet
Therefore the capstone of freedom is victory. And freedom without victory is no freedom, beloved! And that is precisely the state of consciousness in the United States of America today. There is freedom but no victory of freedom....
Cosmic awareness does flow from the Royal Teton. Victory is cosmic awareness! And cosmic awareness is only God-victorious. I seal your projects and your service in victory. I seal you in the heart of Helios and Vesta. I seal you for another round of service to Saint Germain and Portia....Just call to me and say: "Victory's impetus is mine this day for power, wisdom and love in balance!" -Mighty Victory: 7-5-1987 at RTR, Montana