This overview compiled with information from WHO,

Now, the coup de grace. Government propaganda always frames discussion of alpha
particles in terms of their inability to penetrate the skin. But they conveniently omit to
mention what happens when alpha particles are emitted within the interior
of the body.
People exposed to uranium munitions inhale uranium into their bodies.
Microscopic particles
become lodged in the lungs. Some are scavenged into the lymph nodes.
escape into the systemic circulation. A major site of deposit is in
bone, but autopsies of soldiers
contaminated by depleted uranium reveal uranium deposited in many
different organ
systems. These particles lodged within tissue become a point source of
ongoing radiation
to surrounding cells as individual atoms of uranium decay. Alpha
particles are emitted in a spherical volume around an embedded uranium
particle, the radius of this sphere being
the distance alpha particles are capable of traversing. The number of
cells at risk are limited
by the range of the alpha particles. Within this sphere, molecular havoc
is rampant,
cellular biological damage is created, and the process is ongoing as the
individual atoms
making up a uranium particle continue to decay over time. Particularly
vulnerable are all
DNA molecules within the spherical volume around an embedded particle of
Alpha interactions with DNA can cause various kinds of damage such as
breaks, double-strand breaks, base losses, base changes, DNA-DNA
crosslinks, and DNA-protein
crosslinks. These dramatic alterations in genetic integrity can
permanently alter
cellular function by causing faulty reproduction of biologically
essential molecules. They
can also cause genetic damage that is passed on to daughter cells during
cell replication.
Such mutations can have catastrophic results to the entire organism. The
genetic study of
cancer cells has determined that all cancers are monoclonal, i.e., a
cancer mass consists of
the uncontrolled reproduction of a single cell. Even one atom of uranium
alpha decay has the potential for creating a fatal cancer. The type of
cancer will depend
upon which type of cell is altered. http://du-deceptions.com/introduction.html
http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Country-Profiles/Others/European-Union/ -half of the region of EU and Russia's nuclear electricity is generated in France. terrorism & nuclear should not mix.
Claims are made that the dose from inhaled uranium is as insignificant
as natural background radiation. Left unsaid is that the dose from uranium/depleted ura-
nium weapons is delivered by densely ionizing alpha radiation to sensitive and critical com-
ponents of a small volume of cells, while natural background radiation is deposited
throughout the whole body. Research has confirmed that, like plutonium, a portion of
depleted uranium deposited in the lung is scavenged by white blood cells and transported
to the tracheobronchial lymph nodes. These tiny structures become the repositories of con-
centrated quantities of DU. This localization of dose poses an elevated hazard to the
organism that is simply not comparable to the same dose delivered to the whole body by
natural background radiation. -at page 92 of http://du-deceptions.com/downloads/Betrayal_Chap6.pdf
In any reactor, the 238U component is turned into several isotopes of plutonium during its operation. Two of these, plutonium-239 (239Pu) and 241Pu, then undergo fission in the same way as 235U to produce heat.
-at fast neutron reactors of http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/149847/
In recent years there have been problems with leakage of liquid metal
from the BN-600 cooling system. In December 1992 there was a leakage of
radioactive contaminated water at the reactor. In October 1993
increased concentrations of radioactivity in the power plant fan system
were found. A leakage the following month led to a shutdown. In January
and May 1994 there was a fire at the power plant. In July 1995 another
leakage of liquid metal from the cooling elements caused a two-week
shutdown of the reactor.
There is an increasing concern about radioactive contamination around the power plant. Several hotspots were discovered in the region, as the radiation monitoring effort was extended in recent years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beloyarsk_Nuclear_Power_Station
The BN-800 reactor is a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor, built at the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Station, in Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Designed to generate electrical power of 880 MW in total, the plant is the final step to the commercial plutonium cycle breeder. It was planned to start producing electricity in October, 2014, but the hydrodynamic problems in the core forced to implement some modification to fuel rods. In July 2015, the reactor was restarted at minimal controlled power to check the result of the implemented improvements. Officials say high power testing will follow later in the year, but unofficial talks are less optimistic. Electricity production is now planned for January 2017.[1]
The plant is a pool-type reactor, in which the reactor, coolant pumps, intermediate heat exchangers and associated piping are all located in a common liquid sodium pool. The design of this plant was started in 1983 and was completely revised in 1987 after the Chernobyl Disaster and to a somewhat lower degree in 1993, according to the new safety guidelines. After the second revision, the electric output power was increased by 10% to 880 MW due to the increased efficiency of the planned power generator steam turbines.
The reactor core is, in size and mechanical properties, very similar to the BN-600 reactor core, but the fuel composition is very different. While BN-600 uses medium-enriched uranium dioxide, the new plant will burn mixed uranium-plutonium fuel, helping to reduce the weapon-grade plutonium stockpile and provide information about the functioning of the closed uranium-plutonium fuel cycle. It was highlighted that the closed cycle will not require plutonium separation or other chemical processing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BN-800_reactor
But Russia’s BN reactors come at a price tag that’s significantly higher than thermal neutron reactors – so significant, said Nikitin, who sits on Rosatom’s public council, that the industry itself is somewhat skeptical it can foot the bill.
Further, possible accidents with fast reactors where MOX and sodium coolant are used could lead to consequences far more dire than those that would come of an accident at a thermal neutron reactors, Nikitin said.
The serious risks arising with operating BN reactors are associated with the use of sodium as the coolant, as sodium ignites upon contact with water and air, as well as of the highly toxic plutonium, which may cause severe ecological damage if it escapes into the environment, Nikitin added. http://bellona.org/news/nuclear-issues/2015-09-closed-nuclear-city-in-siberia-ramping-up-industrial-plutonium-based-fuel-production
-Zheleznogorsk nuclear
There is an increasing concern about radioactive contamination around the power plant. Several hotspots were discovered in the region, as the radiation monitoring effort was extended in recent years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beloyarsk_Nuclear_Power_Station
The BN-800 reactor is a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor, built at the Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Station, in Zarechny, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia. Designed to generate electrical power of 880 MW in total, the plant is the final step to the commercial plutonium cycle breeder. It was planned to start producing electricity in October, 2014, but the hydrodynamic problems in the core forced to implement some modification to fuel rods. In July 2015, the reactor was restarted at minimal controlled power to check the result of the implemented improvements. Officials say high power testing will follow later in the year, but unofficial talks are less optimistic. Electricity production is now planned for January 2017.[1]
The plant is a pool-type reactor, in which the reactor, coolant pumps, intermediate heat exchangers and associated piping are all located in a common liquid sodium pool. The design of this plant was started in 1983 and was completely revised in 1987 after the Chernobyl Disaster and to a somewhat lower degree in 1993, according to the new safety guidelines. After the second revision, the electric output power was increased by 10% to 880 MW due to the increased efficiency of the planned power generator steam turbines.
The reactor core is, in size and mechanical properties, very similar to the BN-600 reactor core, but the fuel composition is very different. While BN-600 uses medium-enriched uranium dioxide, the new plant will burn mixed uranium-plutonium fuel, helping to reduce the weapon-grade plutonium stockpile and provide information about the functioning of the closed uranium-plutonium fuel cycle. It was highlighted that the closed cycle will not require plutonium separation or other chemical processing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BN-800_reactor
But Russia’s BN reactors come at a price tag that’s significantly higher than thermal neutron reactors – so significant, said Nikitin, who sits on Rosatom’s public council, that the industry itself is somewhat skeptical it can foot the bill.
Further, possible accidents with fast reactors where MOX and sodium coolant are used could lead to consequences far more dire than those that would come of an accident at a thermal neutron reactors, Nikitin said.
The serious risks arising with operating BN reactors are associated with the use of sodium as the coolant, as sodium ignites upon contact with water and air, as well as of the highly toxic plutonium, which may cause severe ecological damage if it escapes into the environment, Nikitin added. http://bellona.org/news/nuclear-issues/2015-09-closed-nuclear-city-in-siberia-ramping-up-industrial-plutonium-based-fuel-production
A group of media representatives were recently given a tour of the new storage facility (Image: Rosatom) --used fuel storage, Zheleznogorsk ...................... |
- -Zheleznogorsk nuclear, ~ 2011
- http://survincity.com/2014/04/ratified-the-act-of-readiness-dry-storage-at/
- .........................
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