Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Why was the fire withdrawn [from the altars of organized religion]?; the tide of the morning light that comes forth from the Great Central Sun

Why was the fire withdrawn [from the altars of organized religion]?  Because the priests, the rabbis, the ministers did not offer an acceptable Grail.  It was not a question of discrimination.  Nor do we have particular interest in being iconoclasts to tear down and destroy beliefs and belief systems, but rather we would divest people of a false doctrine because it is a deterrent to the presentation of the Grail.
We would rather have a beggar who understands the principle of the descent of the Word and the avatar--the simple devotion of the Hindu before the Principle and the figure of the Principle of the Godhead--than these whited sepulchres full of dead men’s bones that we might simply pour a morsel of devotion through that soul and hold the balance for a nation!     -Elohim Hercules:  5-6-1984 via Messenger E C Prophet
Your harvest must be by the action of the harvest sun.  What is the harvest sun but the exact frequency of the light, the very light of Virgo becoming the light of Libra.  Where the earth merges with the air there is the appearance of the harvest sun.  Let it be in your heart as a gathering sun.  We expect then that you shall establish each morning with the dawn the focalpoint of the harvest sun, rich and golden and roseate--a sun that is warm and mellow, a sun center that is the most powerful magnet ever known for the souls of light to come home.
We expect that you shall rise early in the morning, especially when you are wakened and nudged by your guardian angels, your Christ Self and perhaps a retinue of ascended masters.  We expect that you will hear the call, the morning call to keep the flame, and not turn over and put that pillow over your head and draw up the covers and say, "I will rest some more."
We do not desire to see you deprived of your rest; we desire that you shall catch the flow of the tide of light in the morning.  Better for you to nap in the afternoon or to retire early than to sleep through those moments in the hours between 5:00 and 7:00 a.m.--when the sun is dawning, when the light is oncoming, when the angels of the dawn circle the planet bringing with them tides of momentum of cosmic energy that can be anchored through your morning rosary,  your invocations and your decrees--so that by seven in the morning you have had one or two hours of meditation that has flooded the Earth and anchored in every city and nation the momentum of your decrees.
I tell you that early prayer and early meditation combined with the great dynamic power of decrees does more than decreeing in all the hours of the twenty-four because it is catching the tide of the morning light that comes forth from the Great Central Sun.     -Lanello:  7-3-1976 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger E C Prophet
Beware then of those who have been our disciples and who have taken our name to perpetuate their teachings and their claim to fame and yet have changed those teachings and who are leading, even this very hour, thousands astray through the path of intellectual pride.  By their fruits ye shall know them.  Of course Hierarchy withdraws sponsorship of rebels to the cause; but once they have claimed our name and a position of eminence among our band who will tell the little ones who come to their feet to hear the message of Hierarchy at the feet of the Master, who will tell them that the author is now bound on the left-handed path and no longer in the graces of Hierarchy?
Precious hearts, remember, the personality-cult consciousness has no place in the way of the Cosmic Christ.  Therefore do not become attached to the outer identity of any teacher or leader or of one another; for the outer consciousness may fail, but the Christ-light and the Law will uphold you and support you forever....
I warn you of this; for I observe that some of our children of light in various parts of the world, through the diets they have practiced, have had enter and intrude upon their consciousness demons and discarnates and direct emissaries of the black brotherhood.  These forces, entering in when their body metabolism was at its lowest ebb, identified with the soul and with the etheric envelope and began to subtly weave an alter ego, an alternative pattern to the true awareness of the Christ within. Thus these precious hearts who ought to be in the company of the highest devotees upon the planet are caught in delusion and in strange practices that are not in keeping with a balanced manifestation of the true spiritual life.
I offer this information to you this night because I perceive that you are sincerely desirous of making progress on the path of purity, total purification of your four lower bodies; and indeed this is a correct goal.  But let us understand that the ascended master standards of purity are not always the same as the world’s concepts of what purity ought to be.  For the world gauges purity from the standpoint of its own impurity....
And when the equation of truth and error is out of balance to the extent that error is in the majority--and I tell you that this is the case in the majority of schools upon this planet--then the students that graduate from these schools do not have the equipment within their outer consciousness to meet the tests of the path....Therefore we have laws. Therefore we have codes of conduct. And these are for the preservation of your very soul!  Without the Law as the protective forcefield, as the fence, the guardrail on the great spiral, you might find yourself tottering off as you reach those dizzying heights where the Cosmic Christ Consciousness is attained.      -Maitreya:   Pearls of Wisdom 17:7-8
  With this nucleus of lightbearers, with this nucleus I can create a world revolution.  I promise you that I can, and I enlist you in the legions of fearlessness flame.  And they have come with me. They stand behind me, and there are ten thousand in this legion--one of my legions which can be invoked by you!   -Ray-O-Light:  4-11-1982 via Messenger E C P

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