Until men recognize the darkness they do not reach for the light. Thus the grossness of materialism and of a mechanistic civilization continues unchallenged. To challenge men must have a sword, and the sword is the sacred word of truth to this age....
Chela is a (Hindi) term meaning student or disciple of a religious teacher. In return for illumined obedience and self-sacrificing love the chela receives increments of the master's attainment--of the master's own realization of his Real Self. Through the acceptance of the word of the master as inviolate the chela has imparted to him the Christ consciousness of his master....The path that offers much requires much. -El Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 18:1-2
-solar flare
-Archeia Mary by Ruth Hawkins
this is the very heart and message of the life of Saint Patrick. Where there was evil he challenged it forthrightly and directly. He did not remain silent. And this is the great message of Saint Patrick and El Morya and Saint Germain today: that Keepers of the Flame who do not attend services and give their calls to Saint Germain for the burdens of the Earth are in silence consenting to the ravaging of the Earth and the lightbearers.
this is the very heart and message of the life of Saint Patrick. Where there was evil he challenged it forthrightly and directly. He did not remain silent. And this is the great message of Saint Patrick and El Morya and Saint Germain today: that Keepers of the Flame who do not attend services and give their calls to Saint Germain for the burdens of the Earth are in silence consenting to the ravaging of the Earth and the lightbearers.
Therefore I am sent by the Hierarchy this day to remind you of your covenant with the Magi, to remind you of Morya and Patrick and Saint Germain and Mother Mary, and to remind you of your responsibility in service. For Morya said to me this morning that those who know the law and do it not in this activity and in this fraternity of Keepers of the Flame already have written on their record of the Book of Life their neglect and therefore their consent to world conditions--having as they do the knowledge of the violet flame and the knowledge of the call and failing to present themselves a living sacrifice in the testimony of the Word in this sanctuary or in their homes and centers around the world. Withholding your life from the defense of innocent victims worldwide becomes an accountability, and that accountability is upon your lifestream this day. -Messenger E C P: 3-17-1985
11-19-2015 The TPP is not simply an economic document, about trade in goods, services and, investor money capital flows. TPP is first and foremost a political document. TPP is the latest salvo fired by global corporations against national and popular sovereignty, against Democracy itself. The key to understanding how TPP is about global corporations setting up their own global government is contained in its Chapters 27 and 28.
In chapter 27, TPP provides for a new executive-legislative body whose decisions will usurp national and state-local legislative functions and representative democracy — already under serious attack everywhere by corporate money and other initiatives. And in chapter 28, TPP provides for a new kind of global corporate court system, run by corporate-friendly lawyers and hirelings who will make decisions which cannot be reviewed, appealed or challenged in existing court systems of any TPP member country. TPP ‘courts’ will take precedence over US and other national court systems, already under heavy attack by corporate forces vigorously promoting arbitration as a means by which to bypass the formal judicial system in the US. http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/11/19/the-tpp-and-the-new-global-corporate-government/
When you find yourself in a snowstorm or a blizzard -Ray-o-Light via Messenger ECP, see: https://books.google.com/books?id=nBlOwrLYiHEC&pg=PA303&dq=clare+prophet+snowstorm+blizzard&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwibr-md453JAhVPKogKHbskDTMQ6AEIKzAB#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20snowstorm%20blizzard&f=false
11-19-2015 The TPP is not simply an economic document, about trade in goods, services and, investor money capital flows. TPP is first and foremost a political document. TPP is the latest salvo fired by global corporations against national and popular sovereignty, against Democracy itself. The key to understanding how TPP is about global corporations setting up their own global government is contained in its Chapters 27 and 28.
In chapter 27, TPP provides for a new executive-legislative body whose decisions will usurp national and state-local legislative functions and representative democracy — already under serious attack everywhere by corporate money and other initiatives. And in chapter 28, TPP provides for a new kind of global corporate court system, run by corporate-friendly lawyers and hirelings who will make decisions which cannot be reviewed, appealed or challenged in existing court systems of any TPP member country. TPP ‘courts’ will take precedence over US and other national court systems, already under heavy attack by corporate forces vigorously promoting arbitration as a means by which to bypass the formal judicial system in the US. http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/11/19/the-tpp-and-the-new-global-corporate-government/
When you find yourself in a snowstorm or a blizzard -Ray-o-Light via Messenger ECP, see: https://books.google.com/books?id=nBlOwrLYiHEC&pg=PA303&dq=clare+prophet+snowstorm+blizzard&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwibr-md453JAhVPKogKHbskDTMQ6AEIKzAB#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20snowstorm%20blizzard&f=false
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