Friday, January 13, 2023

11- year infiltration of government, finance, medicine, media\\\\\ education and miitary

110 year infiltration of government, finance, media, medicine, education and miitary in USA Since the Spanish Flu of 1918 Big Pharma has Deceived the Public about the Safety of Vaccines. The Role of the Rockefellers April 17, 2022 Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – Vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates recently spoke at the TED2022 platform calling the anti-Vax movement a bunch of crazy people, here is what he said, “So it’s somewhat ironic to have somebody turn around and say we’re using vaccines to kill people or to make money or we started the pandemic” he continued “Does this turn into something where there’s constantly crazy people showing up? Who knows.”?  Since the old days when the medical establishment expanded the use of vaccines to supposedly cure everything under the sun, they claim that they have saved countless lives, yet it seems that many people whether they are in the medical field or not, accept the notion that vaccines are the only answer that can cure a disease or help people stay healthy. I want to mention that there have been vaccines that were successful, but not all of them, these days its sort of playing Russian roulette with your life, so let’s take a step back and look at some of those vaccines that has caused injuries and deaths’ in its historical context. During World War I a major pandemic known as the Spanish Flu of 1918 shaped the way we view the use of vaccines.  It was a conspiracy that was astounding once you dive into what was behind the worldwide pandemic at the time.  It was estimated that the Spanish Flu had killed between 50 and 100 million people worldwide.  It is important to clarify that the Spanish Flu was not at all Spanish, it was American, and it began at an army base in Fort Riley, Kansas where the first case of the flu was discovered.  It basically began with billionaire tycoon John D. Rockefeller, an ambitious industrialist, founder of the Standard Oil Company who later joined the elite club of Globalists who helped turn Big Pharma into an influential industry controlled by the establishment. During the height of the Spanish Flu pandemic, it was Rockefeller’s invisible hand that was behind the experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’ which was cultured in horses by the institution he funded and named after himself called the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research which is now The Rockefeller University.   The Rockefeller University It began in 1900, Rockefeller’s Big Oil monopoly played a major role in medicine because scientists discovered ‘petrochemicals’ which allowed them to extract different kinds of chemicals from oil to create plastics and other useful products.  The discovery also led scientists to produce vitamins leading up to the creation of new pharmaceutical drugs.  So, Rockefeller saw an opportunity to monopolize the medical industry through his oil enterprises, but he had to settle a major problem that was in the way of his new idea and that was to destroy the traditional medical practice of using natural and herbal medicines.  Holistic medicine and its uses can be traced to Europe and Indigenous tribal nations going back hundreds, even thousands of years.  Rockefeller then teamed up with another Globalist friend of his by the name of Andrew Carnegie of the Carnegie Foundation and sent Abraham Flexner who produced the Flexner Report that criticized hospitals and other institutions including medical schools that used homeopathic and natural medicines.  The result of the Flexner report forced these traditional medical institutions to close their operations.  At the same time, it led to the demonization of doctors and other health practitioners who advocated for natural and alternative medicines with the result of them ending up in prison.  Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to medical colleges and hospitals through the General Education Board (GEB), a philanthropy to support his new enterprise of producing pharmaceutical drugs from his oil companies by awarding grants to scientists who can identify which chemicals in certain plants can be used for curing diseases, then they had to produce a similar chemical in the lab from Rockefellers petroleum to recreate a new prototype of medicine that could be eventually patented and sold to the public.       The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (which is the birthplace of Big Pharma) had played a major role in the global pandemic at the time because it was their vaccine that caused flu-like symptoms.  The experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine was administered between January 21st to June 4th, 1918, at Fort Riley with over 6 million American soldiers who were drafted for the war effort, many of them became human test subjects after receiving numerous doses of the experimental vaccine or the horse-infused bacteria.  At the same time, while fighting the war under harsh unsanitary conditions, American soldiers had spread the bacteria infused in their bodies even further on the battlefields of Europe.  However, after the war had ended on November 11, 1918, there were claims of returning soldiers spreading various diseases from Europe within the US, so a campaign spearheaded by the Rockefeller Institute to vaccinate the US population with the remaining vaccines took place resulting in the deaths of tens of millions of people.  What was shocking was the level of the vaccine experiments on the soldiers and then on the US population as autopsies revealed that the bacteria were caused by those same experimental bacterial meningitis vaccines that destroyed their immune systems.  A report from July 20, 1918, by Frederick L. Gates, M.D. First Lieutenant, Medical Corps of the US Army ‘Antimeningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in the Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers’ confirms the history of the experiments on American soldiers: Following an outbreak of epidemic meningitis at Camp Funston, Kansas, in October and November, 1917, a series of antimeningitis vaccinations was undertaken on volunteer subjects from the camp. Major E. H. Schorer, Chief of the Laboratory Section at the adjacent Base Hospital at Fort Riley, offered every facility at his command and cooperated in the laboratory work connected with the vaccinations. In the camp, under the direction of the Division Surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel J. L. Shepard, a preliminary series of vaccinations on a relatively small number of volunteers served to determine the appropriate doses and the resultant local and general reactions. Following this series, the vaccine was offered by the Division Surgeon to the camp at large, and “given by the regimental surgeons to all who wished to take it Preliminary Series. The preliminary series of vaccinations was carried out in the 342nd Field Artillery Regiment through the courtesy of Colonel Nugent and Major Czar C. Johnson, surgeon of the regiment. This organization volunteered en masse in response to the call issued by the Division Surgeon and offered a most promising opportunity for an extended series of observations. Moreover, only one case of meningitis had developed in the 342nd Field Artillery and the regiment had recently been covered in the search for meningococcus carriers. During the first experience the vaccination of known carriers was avoided, and this regiment appeared to be free from them As the experiments continued, Gates reported that the men started to experience flu-like symptoms: A survey of the reports of the regimental surgeons and of the observations in the preliminary series shows that headache was the most frequent symptom following injection and accompanied most of the other symptoms encountered. Sometimes the reaction was initiated by a chill or chilly sensation, and a number of men complained of fever or feverish sensations during the following night. Next in frequency came nausea (occasionally vomiting), dizziness, and general “aches and pains” in the joints and muscles, which in a few instances were especially localized in the neck or lumbar region, causing stiff neck or stiff back However, bacterial meningitis is known to be very similar to flu-like symptoms as described in that includes fever, headache, upset stomach or vomiting, stiff neck, etc.  Comparing the early symptoms of bacterial meningitis and even bacterial pneumonia to the flu is the sole reason why the vaccine experiments at Fort Riley, Kansas have been ignored as the main cause of the Spanish Flu.  In fact, an interesting article from the New Scientist published on August 4th, 2008 ‘Bacteria were the real killers in 1918 flu pandemic’ partially admits that “Medical and scientific experts now agree that bacteria, not influenza viruses, were the greatest cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic.” The reason I say that the article “partially admits” is that it was bacteria and not the influenza virus that was the cause of death because the article never mentioned that it was the bacterial meningitis vaccine that spread the flu among soldiers and civilians: Government efforts to gird for the next influenza pandemic – bird flu or otherwise – ought to take notice and stock up on antibiotics, says John Brundage, a medical microbiologist at the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center in Silver Spring, Maryland. Brundage’s team culled first-hand accounts, medical records and infection patterns from 1918 and 1919. Although a nasty strain of flu virus swept around the world, bacterial pneumonia that came on the heels of mostly mild cases of flu killed the majority of the 20 to 100 million victims of the so-called Spanish flu, they conclude. “We agree completely that bacterial pneumonia played a major role in the mortality of the 1918 pandemic,” says Anthony Fauci, director of National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease in Bethesda, Maryland, and author of another journal article out next month that comes to a similar conclusion The article only mentions what lifelong bureaucrat and the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease, Dr. Anthony Fauci had said regarding the vaccines: Antibiotics and vaccines against bacterial pneumonia could limit deaths in the next pandemic. And while an effective influenza vaccine should nip an outbreak in the bud, such a vaccine could take months to prepare and distribute. “The idea of stockpiling [bacterial] vaccines and antibiotics is under serious consideration,” says Fauci, who is on a US government taskforce to prepare for the next flu pandemic Obviously Fauci’s statement must have been music to Big Pharma’s ears. In the United States, the flu shot is advertised relentlessly to the public as a safe and effective way to combat the seasonal flu although there are various reports that suggest that they are dangerous.  On April 3rd, 2020 The Children’s Health Defense published ‘An Unwelcome Milestone: Payouts for Influenza Vaccine Injuries Exceed $900 Million’ by Wayne Rohde who introduced a brief history of the development of the flu vaccine which began in the 1940’s: Vaccine scientists have been developing inactivated influenza vaccines (IIVs) for decades, formulating the first bivalent (two-strain) IIV in the early 1940s and the first trivalent (three-strain) IIV in 1978. In 2003 , the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first three-strain live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) for use in children and adults aged 5-49 years old, extending its approval to those aged 2-49 years old in 2007. Rohde explains that “numerous influenza vaccines using different technologies and targeting different age groups have entered the market” and that “the FDA approves some influenza vaccines using accelerated approval mechanisms” which reminds us of the Covid-19 experimental injections that received the same accelerated approval process under Operation Warp Speed.   As of March 2020 Rohde’s gives a detailed analysis of the total compensation paid to the victims and their families from the injuries and deaths caused by Big Pharma’s influenza vaccines as reported by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP): As of mid-March 2020, the total NVICP payout for all injuries and death from seasonal influenza vaccines was approximately $897,967,381.38 (based on my analysis of all decisions posted at the United States Court of Federal Claims website). In other words, just shy of $900 million dollars for damages, attorney fees and medical expert costs—for vaccines that have only been part of the compensation program for the last 15 years. Another statistic that is concerning is the ever-growing number of petitions filed in the NVICP that await medical reviews or decisions. Over 2,000 influenza petitions alone are pending. Not even a year ago, that figure was 50% less Some of the serious injuries included in the NVICP are Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) transverse myelitis (TM), chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and death.  On December 1st, 2014 the Center for Infectious Disease and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota reported on the deaths of elderly people in Italy following the use of the Novartis Flu vaccine ‘Novartis flu vaccine on hold in Italy after suspicious deaths’ claimed that “Italian authorities have suspended the use of about 500,000 doses of Fluad, a Novartis influenza vaccine for elderly people, following 13 recent deaths in people who had received the shot, according to company and media reports.”  It was first reported on November 28th in a statement released by Novartis that it was “two batches of the vaccine, amounting to about 500,000 doses, have been put on a “precautionary hold” following the reported deaths.”  And of course, the Big Pharma giant also claimed that there was “no causal link has been found between the vaccine and the deaths.”  However, CIDRAP mentioned reports from Bloomberg News on the suspicious deaths: Italy’s drug regulatory agency, AIFA, suspended the two vaccine lots on Nov 28, after three people died within 48 hours of being vaccinated, Bloomberg News reported. On Nov 29 the number of suspicious deaths rose to 11, Bloomberg reported that day, and today the company put the number at 13 One important question that needs to be asked is what are the ingredients in the flu vaccines?  The World Mercury Project published a brochure titled ‘Flu Vaccines in Pregnancy and Childhood: What You Need to Know’ makes it clear that mercury is in the flu vaccines and warns “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends pregnant women and infants get influenza vaccines, many of which contain ethylmercury from the preservative thimerosal” and that it may “result in mercury exposures exceeding the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended maximum levels.”  Mercury is considered “toxic to brain tissue and can impact critical stages of brain development.”  The World Mercury Project exposes the hidden dangers behind the flu shots for pregnant women citing various studies below, one of them produced by the CDC: A 2017 CDC study links miscarriage to flu vaccines, particularly in the first trimester. Pregnant women vaccinated in the 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 flu seasons had two times greater odds of having a miscarriage within 28 days of receiving the vaccine. In women who had received the H1N1 vaccine in the previous flu season, the odds of having a miscarriage within 28 days were 7.7 times greater than in women who did not receive a flu shot during their pregnancy. A study published in 2016 that looked at the safety of flu vaccines found a moderately elevated risk for major birth defects in infants born to women who had received a flu vaccine during the first trimester of pregnancy. A study published in 2017 found an elevated risk of autism spectrum disorders in children whose mothers had a first trimester flu shot. Flu vaccine administration is documented to cause an inflammatory response in pregnant women. Recent research found inflammation during pregnancy is associated with the development of autism spectrum disorders. A large study in approximately 50,000 pregnant women over five flu seasons found no difference in the risk for developing influenza or similar illnesses between those who received the influenza vaccine during pregnancy and those who did not. An independent 2014 review found no randomized controlled trials assessing vaccination in pregnant women. It states “The only evidence available comes from observational studies with modest methodological quality. On this basis, vaccination shows very limited effects.” The conclusion is obvious, the flu vaccine is dangerous and for those who are skeptical, are completely justified in being so. The Polio Vaccine and Glorification of Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin The medical establishment always flaunts how the Polio vaccine saved millions of people worldwide, but let’s take a closer look at the start of the Polio vaccine rollout.   An interesting article from The National Interest published in 2020 ‘Four Times in History Vaccines Failed (Lessons for a Coronavirus Vaccine?)’ mentioned how the polio vaccine resulted in paralysis.  There was also an increase of new cases of polio after the rollout: In the 1955 Cutter Incident, some batches of polio vaccine given to the public contained live poliovirus—even though they had passed the required safety testing. More than 250 cases of polio were attributed to vaccines produced by one company, Cutter Laboratories. The mistake resulted in many cases of paralysis, and the vaccine was recalled as soon as new cases of polio were detected What was known about the Cutter Incident which began on April 1955 when more than 200,000 children in the US had received the polio vaccine.  On March 2006 The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM) published ‘The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis’ claimed that the “polio vaccine in which the process of inactivating the live virus proved to be defective. Within days there were reports of paralysis and within a month the first mass vaccination programme against polio had to be abandoned.”  The reason behind the abandonment of the vaccine was due to investigations on the aftereffects “Subsequent investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured by the California-based family firm of Cutter Laboratories, had caused 40 000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10.”  However, one of the most prominent advocates to vaccinate everyone for anything, Dr. Paul Offit, a well-known pediatrician who is a member of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices who specializes in infectious diseases, immunology, vaccines (he is co-inventor of the Rotavirus vaccine) and virology uses the Cutter Incident as a platform to propagandize the struggle of the 20th century on behalf of medical science and its fight against polio and other diseases:    He reminds us that, within a decade of Karl Landsteiner’s identification of the polio virus in 1908, an epidemic in New York killed 2400 people (mostly children) and left thousands more with a life-long disability. In the 1950s, summer outbreaks in the USA caused tens of thousands of cases, leaving hundreds paralysed or dead. `Second only to the atomic bomb’, polio was `the thing that Americans feared the most’ Obviously, the JRSM explains who Dr. Offit blames for the Cutter incident which is not the people or the science behind the polio vaccine, he blamed the manufacturer of the vaccine (Cutter Laboratories) and the inspection process of the federal government: Offit provides a gripping account of how the `March of Dimes’, inspired in part by President Franklin D Roosevelt’s personal experience of polio, raised funds for research and focused national attention on the disease. He profiles leading figures, notably Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin —brilliant, egotistical and flawed characters—pioneers in vaccine development and as scientific celebrities, and notorious for their bitter personal rivalry. Offit offers a balanced judgement on both the Cutter incident and on the Salk and Sabin vaccines. Reviewing failures in the manufacturing and inspection processes, he exonerates Salk from blame and concludes that `the federal government, through its vaccine regulatory agency… was in the best position to avoid the Cutter tragedy’. Three larger companies produced safe polio vaccines according to Salk’s protocol for inactivating the virus with formaldehyde. The lack of experience and expertise at Cutter Laboratories, undetected by the inspectors, caused the disaster Let’s go deeper into Offit’s propaganda.  In 2015, an article I wrote titled ‘The Jonas Salk Polio Vaccine: A Medical Breakthrough or a Propaganda Campaign for Big Pharma?’ based on the December 1960 issue of ‘Herald of Health’ an influential health magazine at the time  published a critical report titled ‘The Great Salk Vaccine Fiasco: Misuse of statistics, blackout of vaccine cases, cited by eminent Chicago doctor’ By Ernest B. Zeisler, M.D. ( who basically disagreed with Dr. Salk’s claim that the polio vaccine was safe and effective. What he wrote to the publisher of the magazine is quite revealing since he was uncertain of the new vaccine that supposedly cured polio.  Dr. Zeisler wrote “No newspaper, periodical or medical journal will touch this. Many authorities in this field agree with me, and some have written me to say so and to congratulate me for what they call my ‘courage.’But no medical man will agree with me publicly.” Dr. Zeisler made a statement on what he observed on the safety issues of the polio vaccine: On April 12, 1955, results of a 1954 field test were published and the Salk vaccine became a licensed product. Prof. Paul Meier of the School of Hygiene and Public Health at Johns Hopkins University revealed that “the vaccines used in the field trial, which were produced by two of the manufacturers, had been extensively tested in three laboratories and had been found negative for live virus. Many of the lots of vaccine released after the field trial had been produced by other manufacturers and had been tested only by the producer. Therefore the safety of these lots could not properly be judged from the results of the field trial. All manufacturers had rejected some lots because live virus had been found in them, and therefore Salk’s theory that safety was guaranteed by the method of preparation obviously did not apply…. The fact that the VAERS reporting system is underreporting injuries and deaths can allow Big Pharma to suppress the dangers of vaccines.… But 16 million doses of Gardasil have been distributed by Merck in the United States, and in a population so large “by chance alone some serious adverse effects and deaths” will occur, the F.D.A. and C.D.C. said.  The agencies said there was no indication that the deaths or serious side effects were caused by the shot, concluding that “Gardasil continues to be safe and effective and its benefits continue to outweigh its risks” Overall, administering vaccines in general is basically playing Russian roulette.  There is a long history of vaccine injuries and deaths, now with the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, which is still ongoing with Big Pharma’s new experimental injections called Covid-19 vaccines, the danger is clear.  The Children’s Health Defense updates the public on what the VAERS reporting system as of April 8th, 2022: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,226,314 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 8, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The data included a total of 26,976 reports of deaths — an increase of 277 over the previous week — and 219,865 serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 2,564 compared with the previous week.  Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 805,921 adverse events, including 12,471 deaths and 79,811 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 8, 2022 The European Union also has a system similar to VAERS called EudraVigilance as Health Impact News published the latest data on March 26th, 2022: The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 42,507 fatalities and 3,984,978 injuries The pharmaceutical corporations who produce the current MRNA vaccines include Moderna,  Pfizer-BIONTECH,  AstraZeneca and JANSSEN .  The Covid-19 experimental injections are dangerous as more injuries and deaths increase as time goes by, unfortunately the worst is yet to come.  We are at the early stages of what will be known as one of the greatest crimes against humanity and I hope one day that those who are involved in the conspiracy including Big Pharma, government bureaucrats and the rest of the Globalist cabal will be brought to justice. …………………….. January 13, 2023 - Ethan Huff Australia’s covid “vaccine” rollout was secretly headed up by the U.S. MILITARY: report (Natural News) All that tyranny we told you about that took place in Australia throughout the covid "pandemic" was headed up, secretly, by none other than the United States military, we now know. From the initial lockdowns to the mask and “vaccine” mandates, all of it was spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), which embedded its people within the power structure of Australia in order to subdue the nation under tyranny and genocide. Pharmacologist Phillip Altman and a group of Australian scientists, doctors, and medical academics all claim that the DoD “had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in the subsequent development, manufacture, and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines.” Operation Warp Speed, they say, which was proudly unveiled and unleashed by Donald Trump before he was replaced by Joe Biden, allowed the DoD to manufacture the injections rapidly. Those injections, Altman et al. say, designed, owned, and managed all the vials that were plunged into the arms of Aussies, many of whom had no choice but to comply – or else lose their livelihoods and ultimately their lives. According to Altman and his coalition of experts, the DoD spent billions on “large-scale manufacturing demonstrations” that had absolutely nothing to do with legitimate science. It was all a fraudulent psy-op (psychological operation) designed to generate billions of dollars in new profits for Big Pharma while depopulating much of the planet. “The intention was to create the impression that normal regulatory processes were being followed when in reality they were bypassed completely,” explains David James, writing for LifeSiteNews. “Australian governments and regulatory authorities participated in the deception, repeatedly assuring the citizenry that there was sound oversight to ensure safety and efficacy – even when it was obvious that medium term safety was impossible to assess in such a short period and the requirement for repeated boosters showed the injections were not effective for any length of time.” DoD was trying to create aerosolized bat “vaccine” when covid was released from Wuhan lab, Altman says In a paper he and his team compiled, Altman contends that the DoD perceived some kind of threat to national security – or so it claimed – that was then used to hand all power Down Under to the U.S. military-industrial/(medical monopoly) complex. “… all decisions from that point onward to the present day were subject to full command and control from them,” Altman and his allies claim. “Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to the public health matter.” The paper goes on to suggest that covid did, in fact, come from a U.S. military-aligned laboratory in Wuhan, but that it was originally being tampered with in an effort to create an “aerosolized bat vaccine.” EcoHealth Alliance was directly involved, which is also now widely known, and taxpayer funding from the U.S. was funneled into the project, via Tony Fauci and his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which was taking place on communist Chinese soil. Project Veritas also confirmed back in August of 2021 that EcoHealth, thanks to revelations made by Maj. Joseph Murphy, a Marine Corps officer working for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), was involved in creating this “deliberately virulent, humanized, recombinant SarsCov that was to be reverse engineered into a … bat vaccine.” All in all, it is now known that the U.S. military-industrial complex is directly responsible for unleashing covid, as well as plunging most of the world into a new normal of medical fascism and tyranny. ………………………….. Kissinger shown with Milley, Gates, Biden, Obama
last photo is of Katherine Watt, an important researcher

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