Wednesday, April 8, 2020

It is not the Lord God who has decreed that mankind must suffer from these dread diseases.

  Do then call to God and your guardian angels to take you at night in your finer bodies where you may study and learn what are the golden-age methods of healing and how, when the planet is delivered of a certain karma and a certain band of fallen angels incarnate who oppose the real cures that could be available today for cancer and other terminal diseases--how through you and others there may come about finally the liberation and revelation of the true healing arts.
  Some who know it not have been inspired by us and have brought forth their methods. They have been persecuted.  They have been pursued by those who have taken the law to wrest it to the destruction of those cures that ought to be available to everyone upon earth.
  It is not the Lord God who has decreed that mankind must suffer from these dread diseases.  But it is, beloved, a certain clique of fallen angels who have crept in unawares with their spiritual wickedness in high places who have prevented the little people--my people--from having those cures and that application of science which could have delivered their bodies that their souls might have pursued the true spiritual calling of their lives in this very life.  The plagues themselves descending were never designed unto death and hell--they are a karma, yes, but the Lord has perceived and has sent the intercessor in the person of the Cosmic Christ to inspire all with the means of deliverance.
  I say to all who are so inspired, be not bound by the money beast! Freely ye have received, freely give.  Therefore let the world have what God has given you for healing.  Minister to the poor in spirit and the broken in body.  Some have promised to give and have been taken aside by their desire for wealth or money.  Blessed hearts, millions are dying.  Give and give again that you might be emptied that you might be filled of the Spirit and renewed to give again.  Did it ever occur to you, beloved, that God may have given to you a gift of healing or a knowledge because it is meet, for your karma demands that you serve life even as you may have done disservice to life in the past?  Count every blessing then and talent and even genius as opportunity to make all things right.  
-Mother Mary via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, February 8, 1987 at Pasadena, California

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