-chart of I AM Presence
And thus the Lord Jesus with me serves now to be with the hosts of the Lord the open door for freedom in America and in every nation. This is that open door which no man can shut. But I tell you, people of Earth, it is up to you to claim that freedom. For as ever before, the fallen ones who have invaded the governments and the economies of the nations are ever present as the spoilers to take from you your God-ordained liberty. Therefore I say, claim it in the name of the I AM THAT I AM! Claim it and be then one with God the majority vote for freedom on Earth! For what is peace without freedom?--this I ask you. And let every leader of every nation ponder in his heart this day what is that peace that has not the freedom to be or to worship God as the divine Self of every soul….
Understand then that this Earth is intended to be governed by the souls of light. Therefore souls of light, I speak to you this night. Take your place in government and stand for truth and stand for freedom! And this is the true and the only revolution that you can espouse. It is that cause of freedom whereby you understand that the goal and the calling of America and every true free nation is to lead mankind into that way of higher consciousness. It is a revolution of light that will allow all that is not aright on Earth to be righted by the law of freedom and by that baptism of the sacred fire.
Understand then that it is movement to the great God-Self within that is your salvation in this age, that all problems of the economy, the ecology and the government can be resolved if you will take only ten minutes each day to go within and to find your own God-Self, to meditate and to use the science of the spoken Word whereby you chant the mantra of the free: “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” This is my mantra which I give to you as your initiation into the Aquarian age. …
Behold then the chart of your own I AM Presence which was revealed to Moses as the I AM THAT I AM. Behold the individualization of the God-flame whereby you can claim oneness with the Most High. Behold then your own Christ principle, your own Christ Self, living as the Mediator and as the one who is able to forgive and to forgive and to forgive. Understand then that the Christ is one, the only begotten Son, and yet that Christ, that one, that light in Jesus, the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, is the body of God that is fragmented and repeated again and again and again for every incoming soul….
I say to you, people of light, accept your mission of the ages! Accept your role as the ones who are the protectors of freedom on Earth.

-Saint Germain, dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Pasadena on June 11, 1977, Pearls of Wisdom 20:31
note: Saint Germain, ascended master of the Aquarian age, Keeper of the Flame of Freedom in every heart, Chohan (Lord) of the Seventh Ray: at the end of each two-thousand-year cycle there is an impetus, a ray of light sent forth from the heart of God whereby cosmic Law is presented for the next cycle. Saint Germain whose name means “holy brother” is sponsor of the seventh dispensation, the seventh ray–a new lifewave, a new civilization, a new energy. Saint Germain became an ascended master in 1684 after having made, as he once commented, “two million right decisions” during hundreds of thousands of years of service on behalf of Earth and her evolutions. In 1786 he assumed the office of Chohan of the Seventh Ray, held for two thousand years by the Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy.
Therefore I, Jesus, prophesy to you individually the certain day of your victory. ..Anything else to be said will be spoken in the secret chamber of your heart by the great Initiator, your own beloved Holy Christ Self in consonance with the Word of Maitreya.
Know then, beloved, that the sum of this initiation is greater than the sum of the parts. Know then that you must exceed the knowledge and the knowing that has been conveyed. You must infuse the Teaching with the flame of comfort, the flame of the Holy Spirit. Let us return to that living fire, comfort--a roseate glow when needed and a steely whitefire when deserved. --Jesus Christ: 11-26-1987, Thanksgiving, at Washington, D.C via Messenger ECP
The crown of Life is won daily, and therefore there does come to all step by step on the ladder of initiation the opportunity to give--at first in small ways which seem great and then in great ways which seem small. For as one does ascend the spiral staircase realizing the Allness of God, one knows how small by comparison must any sacrifice be, for the gift of the return current is always the divine All….
This Diamond Heart which consists of all those who give their life to the will of God is surely the means whereby all people of goodwill upon Earth might see and recognize that the Christ attainment is truly that open door of the hour, and I myself do offer it again….
Now know, precious hearts, that to extend the cup of one’s life is surely to have that cup filled with immortal life. Let not your heart be troubled. For I, Jesus, am confident by the very witness of my heart that the Christ of you--men and women and children--is able to fashion a diamond heart of God’s holy will whereby not one, not a few but the many (as God does use the term “many”) shall identify, by the blessed teaching of the Law of the One, with this One--with this One that is the I AM THAT I AM….
Thus the taking over of a nation has come by the taking over of the minds of her youth and her people, her monetary system, even the gold standard as the Christ standard set aside. It has come about by the creeping, crawling serpents who have entered the halls of government at every level of the nation. The takeover from within, even that prophesied by that prophet and president Abraham Lincoln, is almost complete….
The pearl of great price you are, for you have paid a great price to stand, face and conquer your karma, your past misdeeds. And in your willingness to suffer for a while the burden of that karma, you will now know surcease from it and see the dawn of a new day of opportunity. Be glad and rejoice that you have allowed yourself to bear your karma rather than to deny it, push it back and cast it aside. With intelligence and the intelling quality of wisdom, so with the violet flame you can also make that suffering turn to joy and comfort in this hour. For the violet transmuting flame, beloved, does indeed take all of that energy and return it to your causal body, which does grow and grow and grow as the lilies of the field grow.
-Jesus Christ: 12-25-1987 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana via Messenger ECP
May the eye of the vestal virgin Pallas Athena be upon you always. For it is the age of Christ Truth and those who have my Truth have universal Life everywhere present in God....Blessed ones, I must perform deeds for the masters that I found in the East. Thus they sent me into the lairs [of the fallen ones], into the very dens of these who had all but put out the candle of Self-knowledge unto those whom they considered beneath them and not even worthy of having the impartation of the flame....
Thus the geometry of truth which Pallas Athena would bring to you is the knowledge of the precipitation of these things [i.e., the threefold flame] from the higher to the lower octave that in the mirror of the soul the great God-Self might appear smiling in the foreverness of your being....
Let the full weight of the recognition of the God-flame come upon you! Let the full weight of the Sacred Heart above you and the masterful Presence of Life, your own I AM Presence who is your true Self, come upon you in this hour as we seal the flame of Christmas 1988!...I give you this Teaching this night once again by way of exposing to you the lie that has crept into my Church, which is no longer my church therefore. I give you this Teaching that you might leap with the joy of victory to know that as the victory is yours to claim it can be done....See how subtle is this lie because, beloved, it has invaded the plane of the five secret rays. This I tell you, beloved, so that you will understand what must be consumed, what must be burned off before
the fullness of Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays can manifest surrounding your heart....
I AM and I remain Jesus your Brother, with you always when you call to me and when you maintain my vibration which is the vibration of Maitreya. And a holy, holy night to all.
-Jesus Christ: 12-26-1988, early a.m., at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana via Messenger ECP
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