Wherever the saints gather in twos and threes to witness unto the symphony of the Word they engage their chakras with the chakras of Elohim. And by the very simple exercise itself the dimensions of individual wholeness increase their capacity to know and to be God. Thus the affirmation of the Word becomes the reaffirmation of the Word spoken by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago that continues to reverberate in hallowed space as the saints mark the time and the season of the advent of the Second Coming into their hearts. -Sanat Kumara: The Opening of the Seventh Seal, ch. 27, 1979, via Messenger ECP
I counsel you then, representatives of the Goddess of Liberty, I counsel you. The way of the preaching of the Word is the way of the heart--it is the love of the heart, it is the wisdom of the heart and it is the power of the heart. If you are lacking in these you must go after the freeing of your heart chakra and the freeing of your Holy Christ Self to manifest there. You must pursue it! You must raise your voice on high and be not fearful of injuring yourself in so doing....
And these calls are adequate if you put behind them the fervor of your will, and they are adequate to overthrow all of your human consciousness, all of your doubt and your worrisome ways. -Maitreya: 7-14-01985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
No matter what does transpire in the Earth I, Gautama, am with you. I am in the very heart of hearts of those who love God and His will, who meditate upon His Law day and night. Whatever your religion or affiliation it matters not. But it matters, beloved, if you enter into fanaticism, into condemnation of life and become bound by the letter [of the Law] without the Spirit. Thus love is the liberating power of Aquarius. -Gautama Buddha: 5-20-1989 at NYC via Messenger E C Prophet
...let those who go to the mount Sion to adore Him in the meditation of their hearts' light upon the light of God's heart therefore learn to seal their chakras from all vibrations less than the Christ light registering in the matter spheres. The closing of the petals of the seven lotus flowers (chakras) is accomplished through the conscious determining of the will of man reinforced by the will of God. It is the thrust, ho!, of light flashing forth in the I AM the Guard consciousness. It is the right hand of the Christ or the Buddha stretched forth in the irreversible initiatic light which releases the command "They shall not pass!" It is the creation of a cosmic forcefield of light radiating forth in all directions from the center of the white cube within the heart. -Sanat Kumara: Pearls of Wisdom of 12-2-1979
III, ii, 1. We rejoice especially when the magnitude of the Plan is being garbed in simplicity. Remember, simplicity possesses the power of attraction. This magnet corresponds to the new abode. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
...........................................................................34. How is it possible to move hearts? By not losing simplicity.
159, We treat wounds by immersion in pure water. Light and water are our remedies. Our efforts are directed to the simplest expedients. At the formation of new communities follow simplicity of method in all processes. -Morya: Community 1926
113. It is necessary to point out that our yoga contains no enforced sorcery and never will be a producer of chaos. It is necessary to kindle the young ones to heroic action which will transform their natures and, imperceptibly to them, prepare the heart for future perfection. Thus it is necessary with the utmost simplicity and joy to sail to the White Island, as we sometimes call our Site. -Morya: Heart 1932
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