Blessed one, obedience is the true voice of God within so we know that the plight of humanity and of many who are of God is that they have lost the recognition of the true voice--and there is a babbling of voice. And in some where the mind is so far astray in that rebellion there is a cacophony, o such a blasphemy of voice out of hell [assaulting the mind] as to truly make mad those who are already in the out-of-alignment state by the insanity of disobedience itself.
To love the will of God, to love the blue-flame chakra and the blue-throat Kuan Yin, to love this very path of the way of the will of God--this is to enter into the filigree blueprint that is already spun by the Starry Blue Mother that does unfold and enfold you. It unfolds before your very eyes as such a delicate filigree and yet of such precision and geometric design....
We come delivering the opportunity to call upon us, to be with us that we might be with you, to take the 4th ray of Serapis Bey as a means to the strengthening of the 7th and the 1st rays, the 2nd, the 3rd, the 5th and the 6th.
As the whitefire core of being does intensify in the chakras it will thrust forward then the seven rays in the brilliance of color, creating ribbons of light as pathways for souls in all dimensions and octaves to make their way to the heart of the Mother as Astrea, as Elohim, as Purity. This confluence of the river of Life within you does come about as you spiritualize consciousness and know that there is a true spiritual path....Therefore spirituality is not an automatic state of consciousness, and the religious do not necessarily have this state. -Goddess of Purity: 10-8-1988 at RTR, Montana
Strident voices raised in a cacophony of mockery reminiscent of the last days of Atlantis echo as a solemn warning to those who are dedicated to producing a spiritual climate upon earth. That which can be brought to pass through many hearts and hands united in holy service will enable all people, from the little children to the aged, to receive the bountiful gift of divine aid if those who have been called will stand ready and willing to do whatever is necessary to produce the miracle of the golden age.
Men say that social pressures and the trends of the times, like crushing and grinding gears, have eliminated the high standards of living and have trapped them into those degrading actions which throughout the entire historical stream have spelled the doom of civilization. Let me say then to those men and women of cosmic vision who can see the beautiful glyphs of spiritual initiation standing as marble stairs, whitened and waiting the feet of the initiate: now is not the time to raise the white flag or to throw in the sponge! -Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom 14:13 (3-28-1971)
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