Mendelssohn: violin concerto e minor
Sibelius: violin concerto d minor
...................................................................................................................................... Merchant of Venice
......................................................................................................................... Macbeth
........................................................................................................................... Beethoven: Symph #9
Beethoven: Symph #7
Thursday, August 20, 2015
each country builds its principles around its seed
no government ought to place the preponderance of their trust
8-20-15 Specifically, Bush said private technology companies need to cooperate more with the federal authorities to “make sure that evildoers aren’t in our midst,” the Hill reported.
Jeb calls for more surveillance of Americans
Jeb calls for more surveillance of Americans
Jeb calls for more surveillance of Americans
var icx_publication_id = 16633; var icx_content_id = 2342455; .icx-toolbar{padding: 0 0 5px 0;}Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who’s in a heated race for the Republi...
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Preview by Yahoo
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Beloved ones, the conditions of the laggard races in the Middle East and their instablility must reveal to you that no government, especially this government, ought to place the preponderance of their trust or their money or their military materiel in the hands of those who have betrayed the living Christ again and again and again....
Now, beloved, take the formula of the strength of Self in the vessel of selflessness and understand that God indeed will perform His Mighty Work through you in this age. -Jesus Christ: 4-7-1985, Easter, at Camelot, Los Angeles
Therefore let the 7 o'clock vigil of Keepers of the Flame be directed to the cause behind the conditions that have produced the stalemate in Iran, the war in Afghanistan and the spawning of Marxist regimes in Africa and elsewhere. -Pallas Athena: Pearls of Wisdom 23:10
And where can those be found who would defend Iran in the hour of her takeover by the Soviet forces? Thus the pressing onward into the Mediterranean, into the Middle East, into those very strategic waters is continuing. -Archangel Michael: 2-3-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Thus this mortal combat even threatened this very soil as one of the representatives of these forces from beyond this planet (Jeff Davis) rose up to create the divisive elements and to align that similar seed of God and Magog in the War between the States. This attempted division of America came from these very ancient rebels beyond this system that were part of the Nephilim ones, even those fallen ones....unless the wages are understood, unless the chessmen are known, unless the forces, the lifewaves and the evolution are seen, scarcely shall the elect be saved. -Archangel Uriel: 10-7-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Let Earth and Venus now be in relation to one another as a cosmic figure eight.

~1985 by Ruth Hawkins
We must press on for the gold standard, for the withdrawal of the Nephilim manipulation of the world economies. We must press on for the protection of life in the name of Mother Mary–regardless of the stand of any one individual in the United States. We must press on and demand a recompense when grain is transported to Communist nations. We must stop the action of the international bankers extending credit and then demanding tribute from the people themselves when the fallen ones have squandered the light! -Saint Germain and Sanat Kumara: 10-12-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles
You see paper money creating jobs that do not need to be created is not the solution to the flow of cosmic energy and abundance within the nations. Nay, it is the core of life, the threefold flame that comes first in those who are the restless ones and who become the ones who rest in perpetual motion.
Let life return then to its central purpose. Let life return to the art and the science of Venus. Let Earth and Venus now be in relation to one another as a cosmic figure eight. Let the evolutions of Venus hold the focus of the plane of Spirit. Let the evolutions of Earth hold the focus of the plane of matter and let there be the cosmic interchange ordained by Lord Maitreya and by the Ancient of Days. -Lady Venus: 5-15-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet
The whitefire core of each and every flame is the fohat. And the release of that fire for the creation and the uncreation of matter is accomplished by those who become masters of the sacred fire by practice, by exercising the flame and the decree, and by absolute unselfed love. -Omri-Tas: 7-7-1984 at RTR, Montana
Iran nuke deal
June 17, 2015
11-14-2014 The agreement signed with Iran on Tuesday envisions sharing some reactor technology with Iran. The two new reactors, and possibly two more at Bushehr, would be imported from Russia, but after that, further reactors would be built in Iran with Russian assistance, according to a Rosatom statement. All would use Russian fuel, even the Iranian-built ones.
Niagra Falls photo by John Moore .......................................................................................................................................
11-14-2014 The agreement signed with Iran on Tuesday envisions sharing some reactor technology with Iran. The two new reactors, and possibly two more at Bushehr, would be imported from Russia, but after that, further reactors would be built in Iran with Russian assistance, according to a Rosatom statement. All would use Russian fuel, even the Iranian-built ones.
- The U.N. resolution removes the existing ban on Iranian activity related to nuclear-capable ballistic missiles, including launches.
- The U.N. restrictions on sales of missile technology to Iran are extended for up-to eight years, but missile imports will be less strictly controlled than nuclear imports, relying primarily on reporting from Iran and due diligence by its suppliers.
- The agreement does not allow the “snapback” of sanctions in response to illicit missile procurement.
- Sanctions will be lifted early next year on several banks that have facilitated illicit missile-related transactions in the past.
Iran’s efforts to advance its nuclear-capable ballistic missile program – through test launches, production, and illicit procurement – will be made easier, while attempts to punish or deter Iran’s ballistic missile activity and illicit procurement will be made more difficult.
Soleimani allegedly met with high level Russian officials, including Vladimir Putin, to discuss the delivery of advanced S-300 surface-to-air missiles and other weapons that will be available to Iran once the conventional arms embargo is lifted under the terms of the nuclear deal.
Hopes that Iran will moderate its behavior are clearly ill-founded. The Islamic regime is energized and feeding off the momentum of what it considers a diplomatic victory over the United States. By failing to insist on linkage to issues beyond the nuclear realm, the West has essentially legitimized and empowered – and may soon underwrite – Iran's continued expansion of power and influence abroad, and repression at home. This fatal flaw in the diplomatic effort with Tehran goes beyond the well documented defects in the proposed deal itself, which is unlikely to halt or even slow Iran's march to nuclear capability. The entire effort amounts to a dangerous reminder that hope is not a method.
from Greece &Turkey to Macedonia & Bulgaria to the West--Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans
We have studied the problems of many segments of society, not only of men and women but of those in varying ethnic groups, origins, karmic accountabilities, those on various echelons of development in the four planes and in the chakras....We see then that those who are here from all nations of the must have delivered to them in their own tongue, in their own understanding and traditions the great message of Mother Liberty. -Portia, with Goddess of Liberty, Athena, Nada and Kuan Yin: 7-2-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet

Map: The Flight Path through the Western Balkans, August 18, 2015
what is the fate of the oceans?
according to documents seen by Bellona, and which were today released by the Norwegian daily Aftenposten, includes some 17,000 containers of radioactive waste, 19 ships containing radioactive waste, 14 nuclear reactors, including five that still contain spent nuclear fuel; 735 other pieces of radiactively contaminated heavy machinery, and the K-27 nuclear submarine with its two reactors loaded with nuclear fuel.
Eight of the top 10 contributors were in Asia, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh, according to the study, which estimated that 4.8 million to 12.7 million metric tons of plastic wound up in the world's oceans in 2010.
Photo by Flicker user DraconianRainMining enough gold for just a single wedding band generates, on average, 20 tons of contami-nated mine waste.
that number pales in comparison with the amount of waste that mining corporations dump into oceans, rivers, and lakes around the world each year, which tops 180 million tons. Over 85 percent of this waste comes from just 4 mines: the Grasberg mine in West Papua, the Batu Hijau mine in Indonesia, the Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea, and the Wabash/Scully mine in Labrador, Canada. These wastes can contain arsenic, lead, mercury, cyanide and over thirty other dangerous chemicals.

Eight of the top 10 contributors were in Asia, including Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh, according to the study, which estimated that 4.8 million to 12.7 million metric tons of plastic wound up in the world's oceans in 2010.
that number pales in comparison with the amount of waste that mining corporations dump into oceans, rivers, and lakes around the world each year, which tops 180 million tons. Over 85 percent of this waste comes from just 4 mines: the Grasberg mine in West Papua, the Batu Hijau mine in Indonesia, the Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea, and the Wabash/Scully mine in Labrador, Canada. These wastes can contain arsenic, lead, mercury, cyanide and over thirty other dangerous chemicals.
hundreds of millions of gallons of oil quietly end up in the seas every year, mostly from non-accidental sources §.
The graph below shows how many millions of gallons of oil each source puts into the oceans worldwide each yearDown the Drain: 363 Million Gallons
- Used engine oil can end up in waterways. An average oil change uses five quarts; one change can contaminate a million gallons of fresh water. Much oil in runoff from land and municipal and industrial wastes ends up in the oceans. 363 million gallons §Road runoff adds up
Every year oily road runoff from a city of 5 million could contain as much oil as one large tanker spill §.
Routine Maintenance: 137 Million Gallons
- Every year, bilge cleaning and other ship operations release millions of gallons of oil into navigable waters, in thousands of discharges of just a few gallons each. 137 million gallons §
- 26:45 — Moses Tcheripanoff, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium geographer: If you wouldn’t mind sharing with us a little about what’s going on here, it’s a really interesting observation.
- 27:30 — Roderick Phillip, Environmental Coordinator for the Native Village of Kongiganak, AK: For about a mile there was needlefish and smelts. Dead needlefish… It was just millions of needlefish, piles of them… and also smelts. Last year… same situation… It was the first time we heard of needlefish and smelts being flooded out of the river.
- 29:30 – M. Tcheripanoff: How did all those fish die? … I’m trying to understand what exactly happened to cause the fish die-off… You haven’t ever seen this kind of thing happen before, other than last year?
- 30:45 — R. Phillip: I talked to the local board and elders, they haven’t heard about this [happening before].
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- Interview with NHK journalist Morley Robertson, by the Center for Remembering 3.11, published Jun 30, 2012 (emphasis added): I begin with the radiation leakage. Radiation leakage exerts a long term effect on the environment. It contaminates our food chain, the groundwaterand the ocean. And the contaminated seawater will circulate around the globe. We never know how much this will impact on the environment… We’ll never able to study such issues with empirical certainty… [Due to nuclear testing] we have already accumulated “hidden losses” of radiation damage… how much is the [Fukushima] cesium in relation to that?
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- CBS/AP, Aug 5, 2015: Toxic algae bloom in Pacific even larger than thought… ocean researchers say this one is much larger and persisting much longer, with higher levels of neurotoxins bringing severe consequences for the… marine ecosystems… [Vera Trainer, with Univ. of Washington and NOAA’s Harmful Algal Blooms Program] said this bloom is theworst she’s seen in 20 years of studying them… “It’s been incredibly thick, almost all the same organism. Looks like a layer of hay,” said Raphael Kudela, a professor of ocean sciences at University of California, Santa Cruz. Kudela told CBS… “It’s definitely the largest bloom of this particular algae seen on the West Coast, possibly anywhere, ever.”… “It’s really working its way into the food web and we’re definitely seeing the impacts of that,” Kudela said, noting that sea lions are getting sick and pelicans are being exposed… The most recent samples showed the highest-ever recorded concentrations of domoic acid in the internal organs of Dungeness crab, Ayres said. “This is really unprecedented territory for us,” said [Dan Ayres, Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife].USA Today, Aug 7, 2015: A massive toxic algal bloom thriving in the warm water along the West Coast may be the largest ever recorded, according to [NOAA] scientists. The bloom stretches 40 miles wide and in some places is 650 feet deep. It runs from California to Alaska, and has shuttered lucrative fisheries in several coastal states. “It’s unprecedented,” [said Trainer].
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- -walnut tree
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- 173. Often a simple wooden icon is more cherished than a gilded one. A miracle enters life unnoticed. It takes time for a pure teaching to make its impress. Live with patience.328. But those for whom the cup of worldliness is sweet fly not. Chained to their idol, their delight, whither to fly? By experience will you learn the fruitlessness of earthly desires. It is simple, for all things are simple. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1924II, ii, 7. But when each one understands that the Spirit's way is simple\ and brings the call of the Mother of the World then each one will find the gates open.399. Only the energy of the heart makes a man invulnerable and carries him over obstacles. Thus one should remember the heart as a weapon. ...Whoever shall aid his near ones to find the path of the heart shall also find his own perfection. -Morya: Heart 1932
- .....................................................................................................................................Jiji Press, June 18, 2014: Radioactive contamination of groundwater at [Fukushima Daiichi] is far from being under control [...] the source of contamination remains unclear and new record levels of radioactive substances have been detected in groundwater taken at a number of measuring points on the ocean side of the plant’s No. 1 to No. 4 reactors. Radioactivity levels in groundwater have hit new record highs at 18 of 32 measuring points on the ocean side since April, according to TEPCO. At the most polluted well, located east of the No. 2 reactor [there's] 860,000 becquerels of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances such as strontium-90.
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USA Today, Jul 31, 2015 (emphasis added): … weather in the Pacific Northwest is killing millions of fish…
AP, Jul 27, 2015: More than a quarter million sockeye salmon returning from the ocean to spawn are either dead or dying in the Columbia… wiping out at least half of this year’s returning population… [NOAA's Ritchie Graves] says up to 80 percent of the population could ultimately perish. ...
Seattle Times, Jul 27, 2015: … the Columbia [has turned] into a kill zone where salmonimmune systems are weakened and fish die of infections… Some [are] suffering from abacterial disease. Others have backs covered with a mottled white fungus. All are expected to die… Mary Peters, a microbiologist who works for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [said] “It’s crazy.”… Salmon also face challenges in the ocean… “My guess is that this is going to be one of the poorest years for salmon (ocean) survival” said Bill Peterson, a [NOAA] scientist… “Things do not look good”… Diseased fish with red marks that are signs of a bacterial infection have been found… Some of them actually have red splotches all over…
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Feb 24, 2015:
Monday, August 17, 2015
to witness unto the symphony of the Word
From the obedient electron to the ritual of the cells within the body of man to the rhythmic heartbeat of life everywhere life is a grand ritual of the spoken and the unspoken Word within and without marking the cycles of perfection becoming more and more perfect within the framework of the soul's self-conscious awareness.
Wherever the saints gather in twos and threes to witness unto the symphony of the Word they engage their chakras with the chakras of Elohim. And by the very simple exercise itself the dimensions of individual wholeness increase their capacity to know and to be God. Thus the affirmation of the Word becomes the reaffirmation of the Word spoken by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago that continues to reverberate in hallowed space as the saints mark the time and the season of the advent of the Second Coming into their hearts. -Sanat Kumara: The Opening of the Seventh Seal, ch. 27, 1979, via Messenger ECP
-SK, by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985
I counsel you then, representatives of the Goddess of Liberty, I counsel you. The way of the preaching of the Word is the way of the heart--it is the love of the heart, it is the wisdom of the heart and it is the power of the heart. If you are lacking in these you must go after the freeing of your heart chakra and the freeing of your Holy Christ Self to manifest there. You must pursue it! You must raise your voice on high and be not fearful of injuring yourself in so doing....
And these calls are adequate if you put behind them the fervor of your will, and they are adequate to overthrow all of your human consciousness, all of your doubt and your worrisome ways. -Maitreya: 7-14-01985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
No matter what does transpire in the Earth I, Gautama, am with you. I am in the very heart of hearts of those who love God and His will, who meditate upon His Law day and night. Whatever your religion or affiliation it matters not. But it matters, beloved, if you enter into fanaticism, into condemnation of life and become bound by the letter [of the Law] without the Spirit. Thus love is the liberating power of Aquarius. -Gautama Buddha: 5-20-1989 at NYC via Messenger E C Prophet
34. How is it possible to move hearts? By not losing simplicity.
159, We treat wounds by immersion in pure water. Light and water are our remedies. Our efforts are directed to the simplest expedients. At the formation of new communities follow simplicity of method in all processes. -Morya: Community 1926
113. It is necessary to point out that our yoga contains no enforced sorcery and never will be a producer of chaos. It is necessary to kindle the young ones to heroic action which will transform their natures and, imperceptibly to them, prepare the heart for future perfection. Thus it is necessary with the utmost simplicity and joy to sail to the White Island, as we sometimes call our Site. -Morya: Heart 1932
Wherever the saints gather in twos and threes to witness unto the symphony of the Word they engage their chakras with the chakras of Elohim. And by the very simple exercise itself the dimensions of individual wholeness increase their capacity to know and to be God. Thus the affirmation of the Word becomes the reaffirmation of the Word spoken by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago that continues to reverberate in hallowed space as the saints mark the time and the season of the advent of the Second Coming into their hearts. -Sanat Kumara: The Opening of the Seventh Seal, ch. 27, 1979, via Messenger ECP
I counsel you then, representatives of the Goddess of Liberty, I counsel you. The way of the preaching of the Word is the way of the heart--it is the love of the heart, it is the wisdom of the heart and it is the power of the heart. If you are lacking in these you must go after the freeing of your heart chakra and the freeing of your Holy Christ Self to manifest there. You must pursue it! You must raise your voice on high and be not fearful of injuring yourself in so doing....
And these calls are adequate if you put behind them the fervor of your will, and they are adequate to overthrow all of your human consciousness, all of your doubt and your worrisome ways. -Maitreya: 7-14-01985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
No matter what does transpire in the Earth I, Gautama, am with you. I am in the very heart of hearts of those who love God and His will, who meditate upon His Law day and night. Whatever your religion or affiliation it matters not. But it matters, beloved, if you enter into fanaticism, into condemnation of life and become bound by the letter [of the Law] without the Spirit. Thus love is the liberating power of Aquarius. -Gautama Buddha: 5-20-1989 at NYC via Messenger E C Prophet
...let those who go to the mount Sion to adore Him in the meditation of their hearts' light upon the light of God's heart therefore learn to seal their chakras from all vibrations less than the Christ light registering in the matter spheres. The closing of the petals of the seven lotus flowers (chakras) is accomplished through the conscious determining of the will of man reinforced by the will of God. It is the thrust, ho!, of light flashing forth in the I AM the Guard consciousness. It is the right hand of the Christ or the Buddha stretched forth in the irreversible initiatic light which releases the command "They shall not pass!" It is the creation of a cosmic forcefield of light radiating forth in all directions from the center of the white cube within the heart. -Sanat Kumara: Pearls of Wisdom of 12-2-1979
III, ii, 1. We rejoice especially when the magnitude of the Plan is being garbed in simplicity. Remember, simplicity possesses the power of attraction. This magnet corresponds to the new abode. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
...........................................................................34. How is it possible to move hearts? By not losing simplicity.
159, We treat wounds by immersion in pure water. Light and water are our remedies. Our efforts are directed to the simplest expedients. At the formation of new communities follow simplicity of method in all processes. -Morya: Community 1926
113. It is necessary to point out that our yoga contains no enforced sorcery and never will be a producer of chaos. It is necessary to kindle the young ones to heroic action which will transform their natures and, imperceptibly to them, prepare the heart for future perfection. Thus it is necessary with the utmost simplicity and joy to sail to the White Island, as we sometimes call our Site. -Morya: Heart 1932
the continuity of your sacred purpose will one day rest entirely in the heart of your successor
Does CO2 drive significant climate change?
Solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years, reports Lawrence Solomon. This prompts him to ask: “Will temperatures on Earth be dropping until the year 2100 to Little Ice Age levels, as Horst-Joachim Ludecke, a scientist at Germany’s Saarland University predicted? Or will the temperatures only plunge until 2060, as Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head of Russia’s Pulkovo Observatory predicted? Or has the cooling already begun, and might it end as soon as 2030 as claimed by Anastasios Tsonis, head of the Atmospheric Science Group at the University of Wisconsin?” (1)
Add to this a recent study published in Nature that predicts the Earth is about to go through a major climactic shift that could mean decades of cooler temperatures and fewer hurricanes hitting the United States. (2)
It isn’t just recently that some researchers have suggested we were heading for a Little Ice Age. Earlier reports summarized results from numerous researchers around the world. (3,4)
Angels of Zadkiel and Amethyst, form now the mighty Maltese cross of my heart....and thereby be the focus of precipitation of the amethyst jewel*....
There are many fine souls of light upon earth who see the crumbling of education and therefore wonder where is this civilization about to appear and what will happen to the current generation. We of the Great White Brotherhood are obviously concerned, and you ought to be also. For the continuity of your sacred purpose will one day rest entirely in the heart of your successor. And that one who comes after you, [if] lacking in the true education and disciplines both physical and spiritual, may not contain that which is necessary to carry your mantle, to wear it well--thus from the ascended octaves you may see what a tragedy that you did not direct your attention to the raising up of this generation in the science of the Spirit and the disciplines of true culture....
The New Atlantis Rising is rising! And because it rises there is a requirement of alchemy, of transmutation as well as the tuning in to the original blueprint of golden-age civilization ordained for that continent, betrayed by black magicians and scientists who were the fallen ones misusing the sacred alchemy and even some of the steps they had learned that came forth from the retreat of Zadkiel. How great is the misuse of the sacred fire and of science when it is used to destroy the genetic code of life, to manipulate the nucleus of the atom, and when the control even of brainwaves at a distance becomes the plot of the archdeceivers of mankind! -Saint Germain: 12-30-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
* the Person of Christ when enthroned by the freewill of the soul within the temple of his very own being becomes the amethyst jewel for the crystallization of the soul's alchemical marriage to the living Spirit, so the disciples of that path of God-realization who cluster around the one who is the Word, the Lamb incarnate, form the amethyst jewel of community--clusters of neutrons and protons as particles of participation of the great God-awareness which the Great White Brotherhood is committed to sustain within the Earth body as a counterweight of light midst an evolution yet in the darkness of spiritual neglect. -Archangel Gabriel: 1-14-1979 via Messenger E C Prophet at Camelot
Sunday, August 16, 2015
China and USA--1943-9; ancient hieroglyphs of the Incas
The Soviets tried infiltrating the Kuomintang, but Chiang Kai-shek eventually saw through their schemes, and by 1928 had deported many USSR agents. That same year, 1928, Foreign Affairs, American’s most powerful foreign policy journal, published its first article criticizing Chiang. From then on, he became the enemy of both the Soviet Union and the American establishment — which had ironically sought to support communism since the 1917 Russian Revolution....
By forcing the postwar governments of Poland, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia to form coalitions with communists, the Marxists seized control of those nations; Mao Tse-tung envisioned the same strategy for China. In his report “On Coalition Government,” made in April 1945 to the Seventh National Convention of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao predicted that a coalition would destroy both Chiang and “reactionary American imperialism.”
The State Department’s China clique echoed this call. John P. Davies wrote in 1944: “A coalition Chinese Government in which the Communists find a satisfactory place is the solution of this impasse most desirable to us.”
A more realistic assessment of coalition government — which meant combining constitutional freedom with totalitarian gangsterism — was provided by Douglas MacArthur, who said it would have “about as much chance of getting them together as that oil and water will mix.”
In his monumental book While You Slept, John T. Flynn exposed the media bias favoring Chinese communists. Between 1943 and 1949, 22 pro-communist books appeared in the U.S. press, and only seven pro-Nationalist ones. Also, reported Flynn:
Every one of the 22 pro-Communist books, where reviewed, received glowing approval in the literary reviews, I have named — that is, in the New York Times, the Herald-Tribune, the Nation, the New Republic and the Saturday Review of Literature. And every one of the anti-Communist books was either roundly condemned or ignored in these same reviews.
One reason the pro-communist books received such favor: reviews were written by writers of other such books. Flynn documented that 12 authors of the 22 pro-Red Chinese books wrote 43 complimentary reviews of the others’ books. This cozy “in-house” system guaranteed laudatory reviews. It left the American public — which generally knew little of Asian affairs — with indelible impressions. So severe was the bias, Flynn noted, that New York Times reviews were barely distinguishable from those in the communist Daily Worker.
Overt Betrayal: The IPR
Perhaps the most sinister influence on America’s Far East policy and opinion was the now-defunct Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR). The recipient of grants from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, the institute published hundreds of thousands of pamphlets on China for U.S. public schools and the military. These pamphlets extended the myth that the communists were “agrarian reformers” and the Nationalists “fascists.” The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee eventually found IPR included 54 persons connected with the communist world conspiracy. Among them were such communists or pro-communists as Alger Hiss, Frederick Vanderbilt Field, Owen Lattimore, and John Stewart Service. Alexander Barmine, a brigadier general who defected from the Communist Army, testified IPR was “a cover shop for military intelligence work in the Pacific.”
The IPR organized a magazine, Amerasia. In 1945, U.S. officials were shocked when Amerasia published an article reprinting — almost word-for-word — a top-secret government document. Agents of the OSS (the CIA’s forerunner) invaded Amerasia’s offices and discovered 1,800 documents stolen from the American government, including papers detailing the disposition of Nationalist army units in China. The magazine had been a cover for Soviet spying.
Although the FBI arrested numerous Amerasia employees for espionage, all the cases were either completely dismissed or dispensed with fines. John Stewart Service, despite arrest for giving stolen government documents to Amerasia editor Philip Jaffe, was rewarded by Dean Acheson, who put Service in charge of State Department placements and promotions. This was not the only time powerful “hidden hands” have conspired against American interests.
“Aid” to China
With Japan’s 1945 defeat, Lend-Lease aid, sitting in India and slated for the Nationalists, was either destroyed or dumped in the ocean. By 1948, due to Marshall’s weapons embargo, the Nationalist government faced nearly inevitable defeat by the communists, who continued receiving unlimited weapons from Russia. Former U.S. Ambassador William C. Bullitt testified before the Committee on Foreign Affairs in March 1948:
The American government has not delivered to China a single combat plane or a single bomber since General Marshall in August, 1946, by unilateral action, broke the promise of the American Government to the Chinese Government and suspended all deliveries of planes.... As a means of pressure to compel Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to take Communists into the Chinese Government, General Marshall stopped all fulfillment of this program and dishonored the pledge of the United States.
Although Dean Acheson deceptively told Congress the Nationalists had received over $2 billion in U.S. aid, most was non-military or unusable. Colonel L. B. Moody, U.S. Army Ordnance Corps, clarified the realities:
1. The inevitable defeat of the Nationalist army was due to their deficit in items of infantry weapons and especially ammunition, and the Communist superiority in these items.
2. Military aid to the Chinese meant infantry weapons and ammunition above all else and it is “precisely these items which the United States has consistently denied, delayed or limited. Only passing reference will be made to the billions of mouldy cigarettes, blown-up guns, and junk bombs and disabled vehicles from the Pacific Islands which have been totalled up with other real or alleged aid in various State Department, Communist and leftist statements to create the impression that we have furnished the Nationalist government with hundreds of millions or billions of useful fighting equipment.”
2. Military aid to the Chinese meant infantry weapons and ammunition above all else and it is “precisely these items which the United States has consistently denied, delayed or limited. Only passing reference will be made to the billions of mouldy cigarettes, blown-up guns, and junk bombs and disabled vehicles from the Pacific Islands which have been totalled up with other real or alleged aid in various State Department, Communist and leftist statements to create the impression that we have furnished the Nationalist government with hundreds of millions or billions of useful fighting equipment.”
In April 1948, Congress, apprised of the desperate situation, granted $125 million in military assistance to save Chiang’s government. However, the first of this aid did not reach the Nationalists until seven months later (when China had become an issue in the 1948 elections). By contrast, after the British defeat at Dunkirk, U.S. ships needed only eight days to be loaded with munitions bound for Britain. Anthony Kubek describes the first shipload reaching the Nationalists in late 1948:
Of the total number, 480 of the machine guns lacked spare parts, tripod mounts, etc. Thompson machine guns had no magazines or clips. There were no loading machines for the loading of ammunition belts. Only a thousand of the light machine guns had mounts, and there were only a thousand clips for the 2,280 light machine guns.
I ask that you think of that wondrous Sun which was depicted in the ancient hieroglyphs of the Incas, behind the throne of their rulers, and indicated to mankind the dependence of those ancient civilizations upon the flame of God's wisdom released through the great power of the Central Sun....
Precious ones of the light, would you like to be an instrument for me so that you could stand upon this platform and my words could be flashed for you unto this audience? Let me point out to you, beloved ones, that the distortions in the atmosphere of the planetary body make it exceptionally difficult for us to transmit these wondrous messages to your consciousness, and yet because someone has dedicated himself wholly to God for this purpose we are able to do so. -Archangel Jophiel: 9-9-1963 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet
I ask that you think of that wondrous Sun which was depicted in the ancient hieroglyphs of the Incas, behind the throne of their rulers, and indicated to mankind the dependence of those ancient civilizations upon the flame of God's wisdom released through the great power of the Central Sun....
Precious ones of the light, would you like to be an instrument for me so that you could stand upon this platform and my words could be flashed for you unto this audience? Let me point out to you, beloved ones, that the distortions in the atmosphere of the planetary body make it exceptionally difficult for us to transmit these wondrous messages to your consciousness, and yet because someone has dedicated himself wholly to God for this purpose we are able to do so. -Archangel Jophiel: 9-9-1963 at Los Angeles via Messenger Mark Prophet
Saturday, August 15, 2015
attuned to the key and the mighty tone that is your cosmic Identity
See then the salvation of God as ye are made whole by the threefold flame balanced in power, wisdom and love, attuned to the key and the mighty tone that is your cosmic Identity ....Maintain the vigil of listening grace then; keep the vigil with Mother Mary....
For the most part the evolutions of this planet live in a world that is 75-85% a lie, a mirage--almost like a movie set....Beloved ones, without truth, with the key of this science there is much that mankind will lose. -Hilarion: 1-8-1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
- all-seeing Eye by Sindelar;
For the most part the evolutions of this planet live in a world that is 75-85% a lie, a mirage--almost like a movie set....Beloved ones, without truth, with the key of this science there is much that mankind will lose. -Hilarion: 1-8-1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
Confucius by Jack Fang, 1973-4, San Jose’s
Overfelt Park:

You will see then ere the vanquishing of all evil on the planetary body the rising of the tide of fear. And inasmuch as the children of God know not how to combat that fear, know not the name of Ray-O-Light or the mighty action of fearlessness flame, I call to the devotees of the Great White Brotherhood to invoke fearlessness flame that you might preserve your sanity from the vanity and the profanity of the fallen ones who assail you and would tear from you your own Christ-mastery....
Keep moving! Keep active! Move through the elements, move through the mirage of fear! Pierce it with your sword and discover the island in the Sun, the place of light, the Garden of Eden. -Ray-O-Light via Messenger Mark of Elizabeth Prophet, as in The Masters and Their Retreats, under that master's name
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