Friday, January 23, 2015

There is a doubt that is born of pride which causes

There is a doubt that is born of pride which causes individuals to shrink from anything which they at first deem to be unprovable.  This doubt dispels faith, throws the consciousness into a state of trepidation, elongates confusion and terminates the fruit of faith.  No man wishes to be the victim of a hoax and his personal pride tells him that unless he is wary he may very well be.  Thus the sophistication of earthly reason overrides the great tangible realities of Almighty God which dwell in the invisible realm and are functional in all outer manifestation.....
I urge therefore that all will pause to consider the motive behind my release.  I want neither purse nor person.  My only desire is that you should imbibe the nectar of the Divine One, transmute your difficulties and find release from earthly bondage....
Even the physical senses can be vehicles to the Divine, and therefore the keen and observant mind should never repudiate the existence of the Deity, of the soul, of the invisible Brotherhood or of divine opportunity on the basis of either the reasoning intellect or the testimony of the senses.  For it is all here.  It surrounds the world.  It is a swaddling garment of great light.  The unperceptive see that which they wish to see while seeking to disprove by hasty decisions the glory of the ages that they do not yet dimly perceive.
I urge upon all the weight of cosmic consideration.  Ponder the manifestations of life that are shown to you through the avenues of your physical and spiritual senses.  Ponder whatever God has given to you of glimpses of the Infinite.  Realize that something cannot come forth from nothing and that Infinite Mind has created man in order that he should expand his consciousness toward the mark of the Infinite....Let him who has an ear to hear, hear.    -Serapis Bey:  Dossier on the Ascension, #11, 1967
Given the well-meaning intentions of those surrounding the president and yet the bad advice that he has been given on some occasions, you can well understand that there are those who are not of good will functioning behind the scenes or at other levels. These are involved in conspiracies and orders founded for ulterior motives (to move the world closer and closer to a one-world totali­tarian state) and they also exert influence upon the president, even to the point of a threatening influence; and thus it is most difficult to occupy that position.  -Saint Germain:  4-22-1984, Easter Sunday, at Camelot, Los Angeles
On the other hand, those who have developed this ability through long centuries of practice--the Sophists who have come as serpents with their ability through logic and specious reasoning to convince the people to take the downward path, the course of least resistance and compromise where the ends justify the means--have wrecked havoc as they have wielded a great influence upon mankind through their spoken and written word.  And when they have engendered in their communications a powerful momentum of a spirit not of the Holy Spirit but of black magic, they have also been able to arouse the people and move nations--as in the case of World War II and the influence they exerted upon the people of Germany; this was the work of not one but any number of Nazi leaders who were operating under the misappropriated power of the Black Brotherhood. 
Beloved ones, when you consider the control of the media today and the control of education at many levels by sinister forces that do not desire to see the God-freedom of the children or the people but rather their enslavement in the mold of mechanization man you must understand that those who know the right and champion it fearlessly, those who have the light and hold it on high, those who have the wisdom and take the trouble to articulate it to the many are fewer in number than those who pursue the left-handed path with their haughty zeal.  And fewer still are those of the light who are able to effectively challenge the opposition to their communication of the truth that they do know while holding the balance of their personal karma, family and professional obligations and maintaining attunement with their God Presence.
We are confident that the dissemination of accurate information and the education of the people concerning the social, political and economic platforms that we have long espoused as well as those that we have exposed as counterproductive will bring about an awakening and a quickening, at least in those who are of the light. ...
We recommend that out of concern for Saint Germain there be a focusing of decrees on the United Nations not only as an organization but as a building used by the Communists as a center for their international spy network to move against the United States and all nations and to use that forum continually to put the United States in a bad light, to use that body to gain funds for their projects, and to gain a foothold in the United States where they may carry on their espionage activities while enjoying the privileges of diplomatic immunity.
I must tell you that the inception of the idea in the minds of lovers of freedom to have a world council representing the nations of the earth and providing a place for the meeting of minds and a dialogue for peace must surely come from the Great White Brotherhood.  However the United Nations was masterminded by the dark forces to preempt the founding of an organization of the spiritual elect and the representatives of the Great White Brotherhood to be selected from among those who have had inner training at the Darjeeling Council....
Nation by nation and section by section wherever these fallen ones make inroads or penetrate through a path of least resistance, there the body of lightbearers must stand.  There you must gather at inner levels in your etheric bodies.  There you must place yourselves as the Body of God and resist them with the full fervor and the fire of the heart....
Therefore from the heart of the Ascended Masters of the Darjeeling Council and from Saint Germain and myself, beloved ones, there comes the call to Helios and Vesta for the dispensation whereby you may make general calls to us and give to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood each day the authority of your Mighty I AM Presence to act in your name and by the full momentum of your causal bodies in those situations and areas that we deem of vital and urgent necessity.
If you will give us as it were the carte blanche, if you will empower us by the authority of your free will to act in the physical octave in circumstances of world treachery and intrigue, I can assure you that we will do so.  And if you will give your calls concertedly to beloved Mighty Hercules and call for the forces of Hercules, millions of angels who serve in his legions together with those of Archangel Michael, our bands of the first ray and of the God-Star Sirius to take action, you will discover that the Great White Brotherhood and the chelas in embodiment will checkmate many a dark plot that could advance the cause of Darkness on planet Earth when it need not be so....
Organization comes under the dispensation of the Mother-flame.  And I can assure you that it is by the hand of Mother Mary and by the beloved Astrea and the great brooding presence of the Divine Mother with you that there is and does remain the cosmic reinforcement of this organization.  So often in the past, endeavors we have founded have been compromised because the Mother-flame was violated; for its disciplines were not understood and therefore not adhered to and its power was not comprehended.  And thus when people come together for constructive service, where devotion to the Divine Mother and Her flame is wanting there is often a dilution of purpose, a division amongst the group as to how to accomplish the goals at hand and even a turning aside of those goals due to personal rivalry....
We encourage and laud your efforts; but we say they must be deepened, widened and accelerated as you examine the best methods of education that are in use today as well as those sponsored by the Brotherhood in past ages and in little-known areas.  There is much that remains to be discovered in the principles of the education of the heart.       -El Morya:  4-22-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet

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