I may lose my way and roam in darkness but, O Divine Mother, see that the tiny taper of my remembrance of Thee be never extinguished by gusts of disbelief....I went out spotless; now I am besmirched with the mud of ignorance. O Divine Mother, wash me in waters of Thy wisdom! Make me clean again!...Cosmic Mother, awaken in us Thine impartial love for all; bless us that we be free from the sway of greed and delusion. Inspire us to build a new world--one in which famine, disease and ignorance will be only memories of a dismal past. -Yogananda: Whispers from Eternity
We admonish men to see the celestial standard we bear. In upholding spiritual truth we dispense an abrupt freedom that cries "Halt!" to the unnecessary hurts of men. Now let us watch the Lord's banner as in the hands of many it faces the uncompromising hysteria of the nameless legions of the world. -Maha Chohan: Pearls of Wisdom 8:33
In forgetfulness some have let the vine wither. "It shall not!" is our decree, for the blessing of each one shall be multiplied in the abundance of Allness. God is your life, you are His hands and feet to speed His work among men....I bid you God's speed. -Maha Chohan: Pearl 8:34
Friday, January 23, 2015
There is a doubt that is born of pride which causes
There is a doubt that is born of pride which causes individuals to shrink from anything which they at first deem to be unprovable. This doubt dispels faith, throws the consciousness into a state of trepidation, elongates confusion and terminates the fruit of faith. No man wishes to be the victim of a hoax and his personal pride tells him that unless he is wary he may very well be. Thus the sophistication of earthly reason overrides the great tangible realities of Almighty God which dwell in the invisible realm and are functional in all outer manifestation.....
I urge therefore that all will pause to consider the motive behind my release. I want neither purse nor person. My only desire is that you should imbibe the nectar of the Divine One, transmute your difficulties and find release from earthly bondage....
Even the physical senses can be vehicles to the Divine, and therefore the keen and observant mind should never repudiate the existence of the Deity, of the soul, of the invisible Brotherhood or of divine opportunity on the basis of either the reasoning intellect or the testimony of the senses. For it is all here. It surrounds the world. It is a swaddling garment of great light. The unperceptive see that which they wish to see while seeking to disprove by hasty decisions the glory of the ages that they do not yet dimly perceive.
I urge upon all the weight of cosmic consideration. Ponder the manifestations of life that are shown to you through the avenues of your physical and spiritual senses. Ponder whatever God has given to you of glimpses of the Infinite. Realize that something cannot come forth from nothing and that Infinite Mind has created man in order that he should expand his consciousness toward the mark of the Infinite....Let him who has an ear to hear, hear. -Serapis Bey: Dossier on the Ascension, #11, 1967
Given the well-meaning intentions of those surrounding the president and yet the bad advice that he has been given on some occasions, you can well understand that there are those who are not of good will functioning behind the scenes or at other levels. These are involved in conspiracies and orders founded for ulterior motives (to move the world closer and closer to a one-world totalitarian state) and they also exert influence upon the president, even to the point of a threatening influence; and thus it is most difficult to occupy that position. -Saint Germain: 4-22-1984, Easter Sunday, at Camelot, Los Angeles
On the other hand, those who have developed this ability through long centuries of practice--the Sophists who have come as serpents with their ability through logic and specious reasoning to convince the people to take the downward path, the course of least resistance and compromise where the ends justify the means--have wrecked havoc as they have wielded a great influence upon mankind through their spoken and written word. And when they have engendered in their communications a powerful momentum of a spirit not of the Holy Spirit but of black magic, they have also been able to arouse the people and move nations--as in the case of World War II and the influence they exerted upon the people of Germany; this was the work of not one but any number of Nazi leaders who were operating under the misappropriated power of the Black Brotherhood.
Beloved ones, when you consider the control of the media today and the control of education at many levels by sinister forces that do not desire to see the God-freedom of the children or the people but rather their enslavement in the mold of mechanization man you must understand that those who know the right and champion it fearlessly, those who have the light and hold it on high, those who have the wisdom and take the trouble to articulate it to the many are fewer in number than those who pursue the left-handed path with their haughty zeal. And fewer still are those of the light who are able to effectively challenge the opposition to their communication of the truth that they do know while holding the balance of their personal karma, family and professional obligations and maintaining attunement with their God Presence.
We are confident that the dissemination of accurate information and the education of the people concerning the social, political and economic platforms that we have long espoused as well as those that we have exposed as counterproductive will bring about an awakening and a quickening, at least in those who are of the light. ...
We recommend that out of concern for Saint Germain there be a focusing of decrees on the United Nations not only as an organization but as a building used by the Communists as a center for their international spy network to move against the United States and all nations and to use that forum continually to put the United States in a bad light, to use that body to gain funds for their projects, and to gain a foothold in the United States where they may carry on their espionage activities while enjoying the privileges of diplomatic immunity.
I must tell you that the inception of the idea in the minds of lovers of freedom to have a world council representing the nations of the earth and providing a place for the meeting of minds and a dialogue for peace must surely come from the Great White Brotherhood. However the United Nations was masterminded by the dark forces to preempt the founding of an organization of the spiritual elect and the representatives of the Great White Brotherhood to be selected from among those who have had inner training at the Darjeeling Council....
Nation by nation and section by section wherever these fallen ones make inroads or penetrate through a path of least resistance, there the body of lightbearers must stand. There you must gather at inner levels in your etheric bodies. There you must place yourselves as the Body of God and resist them with the full fervor and the fire of the heart....
Therefore from the heart of the Ascended Masters of the Darjeeling Council and from Saint Germain and myself, beloved ones, there comes the call to Helios and Vesta for the dispensation whereby you may make general calls to us and give to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood each day the authority of your Mighty I AM Presence to act in your name and by the full momentum of your causal bodies in those situations and areas that we deem of vital and urgent necessity.
If you will give us as it were the carte blanche, if you will empower us by the authority of your free will to act in the physical octave in circumstances of world treachery and intrigue, I can assure you that we will do so. And if you will give your calls concertedly to beloved Mighty Hercules and call for the forces of Hercules, millions of angels who serve in his legions together with those of Archangel Michael, our bands of the first ray and of the God-Star Sirius to take action, you will discover that the Great White Brotherhood and the chelas in embodiment will checkmate many a dark plot that could advance the cause of Darkness on planet Earth when it need not be so....
Organization comes under the dispensation of the Mother-flame. And I can assure you that it is by the hand of Mother Mary and by the beloved Astrea and the great brooding presence of the Divine Mother with you that there is and does remain the cosmic reinforcement of this organization. So often in the past, endeavors we have founded have been compromised because the Mother-flame was violated; for its disciplines were not understood and therefore not adhered to and its power was not comprehended. And thus when people come together for constructive service, where devotion to the Divine Mother and Her flame is wanting there is often a dilution of purpose, a division amongst the group as to how to accomplish the goals at hand and even a turning aside of those goals due to personal rivalry....
We encourage and laud your efforts; but we say they must be deepened, widened and accelerated as you examine the best methods of education that are in use today as well as those sponsored by the Brotherhood in past ages and in little-known areas. There is much that remains to be discovered in the principles of the education of the heart. -El Morya: 4-22-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The bureaucracy that is abuilding and has been so abuilding in this nation
The bureaucracy that is abuilding and has been so abuilding in this nation since earlier in the century, especially under the New Deal, now resembles those periods in India, in China and even in Russia when through the centuries there has taken place the buildup of an overwhelming system of red-tape, of petty servants and favors whereby ultimately the light vested in a government no longer flowed to the people nor were the people’s needs satisfied by the government....
The people of this nation bear an extraordinary burden of karma for the Earth as well as the karma of the fallen ones who have mismanaged the supply, the people’s money and the international banking policies. It will take a great deal of violet flame, a certain amount of background (which you may gain by your own reading), and a devotion to holding the stability within oneself to offset this burden; even the national debt grows exponentially by the hour.
The emotions of the nation affect the economy as does the faith of the people in God and the faith of the people in themselves and in the free enterprise system. This system must not be put down by the easy giveaway of technology and secrets to the enemy; it must not be deterred or discouraged by inappropriate tariff systems or an attempt to equalize international trade at the expense of the American manufacturer.
As we have mentioned before, we are greatly concerned regarding the fact that the nation’s resources are not being used as a deterrent to world war. This is not as it should be. You ought to decree for the technology I have given for the preservation of world freedom to be used for the defense of America and the free world against a nuclear strike by the Soviets or other hostile powers. And you ought to make your position known to your representatives.
This is one of the cumbersome problems of a republic and a democracy in a republic such as the United States, as you know. By the time the will of the people is reflected in the Congress and action is taken there is a serious loss of time. Although decisive action and consistent long-term policy is one advantage of a dictatorship, this may place a nation at a great disadvantage when a dictator has become ossified and calcified and unable to act out of a spirit of freedom or a spark of hope but is reduced to a base level of fear.
We speak then of the members of the Politburo of the Soviet Union and we would tell you that, more than ever before, the burden of fear upon this hierarchy is such that war and the reactions and decisions leading to war are more apt to be triggered by fear than any other vibration or condition of consciousness affecting that nation. This fear does not so much involve their fear of the United States, although this may be the apparent reason even to themselves, but rather it involves the fear of their own demise, the crumbling of their system from within, its inability to stand on its own and the certain knowledge that the West even with the worst manipulators and the best intentions cannot forever sustain World Communism....
I tell you, beloved hearts, the most valuable commodity in America is the heartflame of the people and their sacred labor. Yet this divine spark, this labor of love is trampled upon, it is misused, it is desecrated and their life-energy is squandered. This commodity of life itself has been a source of unending light and supply to all of the fallen angels of the Earth for at least a century and more.
Realize,therefore that those who have such a precious gift as the light of the Great White Brotherhood in their daily service and workplace ought to cherish that light, cherish the holiness of their labor and begin to realize that because it is sanctified by God it must be protected. And in order to have that protection they must invoke the intercession of the archangels....
Beloved ones, we are not in favor of the supplying of the current regime in Red China with technology and the wherewithal to build itself up to become a power that can be used against the West at will. Knowing the ancient cruelty of these lifestreams (the Chinese Communist leadership, not necessarily the people themselves) as demonstrated in ages not even chronicled, we can tell you that when it comes to the uses of power, both divine and human, they have abused that power almost more than any other group evolving on Earth. And therefore we are not in favor of the decisions that have been made by the president or those contemplated in this current trip to Red China.
Let all understand therefore that the position of the United States vis-à-vis the Soviet Union in this hour and the possibility of war in the European theater, and world war at that, has been brought about entirely by Western capitalists and unalert and sometimes very dark leaders in the United States who have allowed this building of the Soviet military empire to take place. Now they have turned to do the same in Red China before the Communist leadership has even bent the knee before the Goddess of Liberty or proclaimed the flame of freedom as paramount.
This dilemma ought to occupy a large share of your determined decrees. You must call for the binding of those individuals who, when given power, use it to wreck upon mankind an unmitigated evil. And you must call for the enlightenment of the American leadership and the judgment of those who are the betrayers of both the Chinese and the American people as they supply the Communists with the technology and the trade that guarantees them power over the people. -Saint Germain: 4-22-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles
There is no substitute for the treasures of heaven
There is no substitute for the treasures of heaven, and those who are enamored with the outer achievements of men will do well to pause and remember that thee gracious sustaining strands of the Spirit--the divine connection from the heart of God to the beating hearts of men--ought not to be scorned....
To preserve one's shadows is not necessary when facing the light. Leave them behind, for while they lengthen as the sun goes down they diminish each hour from the rising. Remember the zenith for then the light of the Presence stands directly overhead. it is the sun of man's being, that luminous orb wherein the precious treasures of heaven are deposited that releases the correct vibratory action into the world of men. -Morya: Pearl 8:28
To secrete the illusion of fog and confusion concerning many aspects of life by glossing over the more unpleasant and unsightly aspects of human creation is to further involve men in the maya of mortal concepts rather than to extricate them from such dilemma....
The excellence of the creation descending from the heart of God commingles with old and new interferences which are continuously being set up by mankind through his misuses of knowledge and power. Great care must be used in distinguishing the real from the unreal and in determining the inherent goodness of a specific manifestation.
There is no finer instrument than the humble gentle faith of a true believer in the justice of God whose every thought charged with mercy pursues understanding as a reason for being and knows that the fruit of that which is attained can never be lost....Since all things came forth from God and can only manifest the real as the intent of God is manifest within them, nothing can ever be lost....
Precious ones, have no sense of strain if the rarefied view be obscured at times so that God does not seem luminously manifest. Keep on increasing your understanding of reality each day, knowing that the law of regularity assures steadfastness in the climb and, by engagement of the thought and feeling in the ritual of attainment, you are weaving strands of light whose strength will carry you over each approaching chasm. For your expansion in the Christ light I AM -Maitreya: Pearls of Wisdom 8:29
In the 7-2-1960 dictation from Saint Germain sent out last week the RTR staff has mistaken Liberty's book: in reality "Liberty's book" is not as stated in the notes given in the Pearl. Attention, please! Here follows the true meaning of Liberty's book:
I AM the Goddess of Liberty, and my Book of the Law and my torch are ever yours for the teaching of the world's children. -Goddess of Liberty: 7-1-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
...the one who inspires patriots, defends America, holds the dream as the Book of the Law, will never let down her torch, will light your way and lead you into that perfect love for which your soul longs! -Godfre: 7-6-1984 at RTR, Montana
I AM the Goddess of Liberty, and my Book of the Law and my torch are ever yours for the teaching of the world's children. -Goddess of Liberty: 7-1-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
...the one who inspires patriots, defends America, holds the dream as the Book of the Law, will never let down her torch, will light your way and lead you into that perfect love for which your soul longs! -Godfre: 7-6-1984 at RTR, Montana
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Realize then that the Father who gave you life
Realize then that the Father who gave you life and birth could not have done so without imparting unto you the seed containing all that which you shall ultimately be as you discover your divine Selfhood which was created and is sustained in His image and likeness--the fullness of your divine potential then is already a part of your true being. You have but to claim it, to commune with it, to adore it to be one with the Presence of the Lord of Hosts....
I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE! So simple is this statement of the Christ yet it reveals the fullness of the Law. But how men do wander in search of the answer which lies before them and to which all nature attests. O mankind, reverse the flow, reestablish the patterns of divine unity and you will find the joy of the Lord in His Presence....
I declare to you this day that we who have gone on before you are never absent from you in your hours of trial when the advocates of sin would tempt you with all manner of folly and deceit; and when you vanquish the invisible forces which oppose the Christ we are there to applaud your victory, to give you our hand and to say "Come up higher! Well done! Thou hast been faithful over a few things. Continue in the fight and you will win the full crown to become ruler over many" (Matt. 25:21)....
Beloved ones, you can enjoy the beauties of this world which are the beauties of God without being overcome by the world....
Mankind must rise this hour/ Lest they victory be postponed to a latter day/
For if ye do not seize this hour--the Mighty I AM, its strength, its power--/
The cosmic cycle will have turned/ And ye know not when opportunity shall return/....
You are the chosen ones so blest/ Stand steadfast, God will do the rest/
Never let your faith be replaced/ By clouds of darkness and disgrace/
For none can challenge the light of Christ/ None can disillusion the children of light:/
I AM here, I AM near/ To guide and guard you all the way. -Archeia Mary: Pearls of Wisdom 9:18
1-21-15 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has announced this on the air of the Bloomberg Europe TV channel, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"The situation is getting worse. We have now received the information that more than two thousand Russian soldiers, two hundred tanks and armored personnel carriers have crossed our border. This creates a very high risk of further escalation of the situation," he said.
According to the President, about eight thousand Russian military are already positioned in Ukraine.
Ukraine's President has stressed that the current situation is still not as complicated as it was in August last year. In particular, Ukrainian forces continue restraining "Russian offensive operation" at several sites.
"However, taking into account that additional forces coming to my country, the situation may worsen in a few days," Poroshenko said. http://www.ukrinform.ua/eng/news/poroshenko_more_than_two_thousand_russian_soldiers_cross_ukraines_border_today_328382
Saint Germain July 2, 1960 NYC dictation: http://www.summitlighthouse.org/ePearls-2015/2015-01-01-ePearl.pdf?utm_source=greenrope&utm_medium=email&utm_content=1954&utm_campaign=943603 andhttp://www.summitlighthouse.org/ePearls-2015/2015-01-15-ePearl.pdf?utm_source=greenrope&utm_medium=email&utm_content=1954&utm_campaign=943603
However, in the dictation above from Saint Germain the RTR staff has mistaken Liberty's book: in reality
it is not as stated in the notes given in the Pearl. Attention, please! Here follows the true version:
I AM the Goddess of Liberty, and my Book of the Law and my torch are ever yours for the teaching of the world's children. -Goddess of Liberty: 7-1-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
...the one who inspires patriots, defends America, holds the dream as the Book of the Law, will never let down her torch, will light your way and lead you into that perfect love for which your soul longs! -Godfre: 7-6-1984 at RTR, Montana
for the formula to crystallize in the mind of the chela there is a requirement
Ah yes, our writings contain the sacred formula, but for the formula to crystallize in the mind of the chela there is a requirement. That requirement is the imput of the chela--the soul ingredient. The chela must mix in the momentum of his own individualized God-flame. -Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 18:15
Wisdom focuses....One of the greatest deterrents to effective action is the desire for recognition. Therefore wise is the man who will dampen his enthusiasm for self-acknowledgement, seeking rather to enhance his qualifications in service....
It is never wrong when running a race to fall short of the mark; it is wrong to lose hope. Remember, one's wind is strengthened in striving for the victory even when he finishes at the tail of the lists....
The warning of early detection (of the play of negative forces) can often avert the rending of one's spiritual garment of protection (which may be shattered through the introduction of discord into one's world). The act of expanding the God-flame from within in the ultimate gesture of absolute rejection need take only a moment but it can accomplish great protection for one's lifestream....
The principle of exchange whereby man rises in his consciousness to say to the Father "I will assume my place upon Your throne (3-in-1) of manifestation and bestowal as You assume my place in flesh form" can produce an attitude of consciousness which will make him aware of what may be called the peculiar situation of the Divine. Trutly the Divine is unique and it is a lofty position of giving rather than getting. -Lanto: Pearl 11:2
Wisdom focuses....One of the greatest deterrents to effective action is the desire for recognition. Therefore wise is the man who will dampen his enthusiasm for self-acknowledgement, seeking rather to enhance his qualifications in service....
It is never wrong when running a race to fall short of the mark; it is wrong to lose hope. Remember, one's wind is strengthened in striving for the victory even when he finishes at the tail of the lists....
The warning of early detection (of the play of negative forces) can often avert the rending of one's spiritual garment of protection (which may be shattered through the introduction of discord into one's world). The act of expanding the God-flame from within in the ultimate gesture of absolute rejection need take only a moment but it can accomplish great protection for one's lifestream....
The principle of exchange whereby man rises in his consciousness to say to the Father "I will assume my place upon Your throne (3-in-1) of manifestation and bestowal as You assume my place in flesh form" can produce an attitude of consciousness which will make him aware of what may be called the peculiar situation of the Divine. Trutly the Divine is unique and it is a lofty position of giving rather than getting. -Lanto: Pearl 11:2
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Let us begin and set the foundation of a tie and an allegiance to the inner mystery school
In sweet surrender to the heart of my Messenger in the heart of Padma Sambhava I reinforce the mantle, for the embodied Guru must also smite the waters of hell....
Come with me to the Royal Teton Retreat this night. Let us begin and set the foundation of a tie and an allegiance to the inner mystery school so that no outer condition can break the loyalty, the faith and the vow of those who are Maitreya's.
-Maitreya: 12-11-1988 at RTR, Montana, see https://books.google.com/books?id=hMRP0f-zVK0C&pg=PA672&lpg=PA672&dq=mantles+clare+prophet&source=bl&ots=hxn0zz7YgX&sig=SRmlX4pUD_Y4Fu8SPTvZ5nBGkE0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=JQK_VLX7EsGyyASosILgDQ&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAjgK#v=onepage&q=mantles%20clare%20prophet&f=false
Come with me to the Royal Teton Retreat this night. Let us begin and set the foundation of a tie and an allegiance to the inner mystery school so that no outer condition can break the loyalty, the faith and the vow of those who are Maitreya's.
-Maitreya: 12-11-1988 at RTR, Montana, see https://books.google.com/books?id=hMRP0f-zVK0C&pg=PA672&lpg=PA672&dq=mantles+clare+prophet&source=bl&ots=hxn0zz7YgX&sig=SRmlX4pUD_Y4Fu8SPTvZ5nBGkE0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=JQK_VLX7EsGyyASosILgDQ&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAjgK#v=onepage&q=mantles%20clare%20prophet&f=false
purity of spirit stemming wholly from determined God-seeking is the crying need of the hour
To know the Self necessitates finding the Way of Life that will discipline the self. Moreover it requires a teacher, one who has disciplined the self and thereby defined the Self. -Messenger E C Prophet: The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture..., 1976, p. 290
(America mystically wherein) the Christ light that among all nations, its people, its common people have the greatest sense of individuality, of self-government, of responsibility, of helping one another.
-Messenger ECP: ibid., p. 127
Shall we take so noble a cause, so great an enlightenment as we have been given by the Great White Brotherhood and hide it under a bushel and say "I will retreat into the mountains and do my own thing?"...(Can we not consider Armageddon)--a battle being waged right on the platform of our own consciousness where daily we fight the sluggishness, the perversion of our lifeline to the Presence, where we fight all those forces that attempt to take from us our God-harmony and our liberty? Are not the battlelines already drawn? Can we shrink? -ibid., p. 132
In order to have real depth of being, in order to have a flow of consciousness, to become a vital person, to become a real person you have to open up those frozen sluice gates that are in your own brain and being and let the water of Life flow. -Messengers Mark and E C Prophet: Lost Teachings of Jesus: Missing Texts, p. 60
The name I AM THAT I AM (YOD HE VAV HE) then was taken from the people, but God said to Moses, "This is My Name for ever, and a memorial to all generations." -Messenger ECP: Mary Magdale and the Divine Feminine, p. 90
(America mystically wherein) the Christ light that among all nations, its people, its common people have the greatest sense of individuality, of self-government, of responsibility, of helping one another.
-Messenger ECP: ibid., p. 127
Shall we take so noble a cause, so great an enlightenment as we have been given by the Great White Brotherhood and hide it under a bushel and say "I will retreat into the mountains and do my own thing?"...(Can we not consider Armageddon)--a battle being waged right on the platform of our own consciousness where daily we fight the sluggishness, the perversion of our lifeline to the Presence, where we fight all those forces that attempt to take from us our God-harmony and our liberty? Are not the battlelines already drawn? Can we shrink? -ibid., p. 132
In order to have real depth of being, in order to have a flow of consciousness, to become a vital person, to become a real person you have to open up those frozen sluice gates that are in your own brain and being and let the water of Life flow. -Messengers Mark and E C Prophet: Lost Teachings of Jesus: Missing Texts, p. 60
The name I AM THAT I AM (YOD HE VAV HE) then was taken from the people, but God said to Moses, "This is My Name for ever, and a memorial to all generations." -Messenger ECP: Mary Magdale and the Divine Feminine, p. 90
At present Truth holds no true course down the line of human reason, applied thought, accepted concepts, class dogma, advanced philosophy or primitive thought, but often like a diagonal runner Truth angles through many levels and strata, then veers off either left or right in sharp tangents wholly outside the realm of man's contemporary discoveries....
In our state we often feel that those who deny themselves the most are they who feed at the trough of the mundane swineherders and eat the husks of mortal reason, thought and feeling, complacently abiding like the dumb oxen in a sickly weed patch whereas the green pastures of God are just around the bend of mankind's failures, waiting to be partaken of so that the soul may wax fat in divine abundance....
It is the spirit that uses mankind that is to blame (for what is happening in the world); therefore purity of spirit stemming wholly from determined God-seeking is the crying need of the hour. Many teach the divine pursuit but withal cage men with such dogma as to make them enemies of other pilgrims upon the path....
The gaze of a man cast upon another man ought to be free from hate, from suspicion and from curiosity. The gaze itself ought to function as the beholding Eye of God, and men ought to send forth a penetrating ray of light charged with love, wisdom and power to bless and heal the wounds of other men whom they meet. Now then because so little of the Law is practiced the world reeks with the stench of abomination....
To truly study does not mean merely to gloss over our words by the mere scan of your attention's scantiness but to ponder the contact that is Freedom's bond! -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:19
Monday, January 19, 2015
It is not enough to believe in God-freedom, you must assert that freedom with every fiber
-2 last photos by Eve Arnold, 1979, China (and Inner Mongolia)--originals are online
It is not enough to believe in God-freedom, you must assert that freedom with every fiber of your being! If you do not want to be brought under the power of psychic influences you must determine to repel those influences from your world and to have no part with them....But at the present hour the power of virtue has been suppressed; and I would but give it at least equal time (before the public view), knowing that the divine steed in this great race before the consciousness of men would soon outdistance the mortal one. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:41
Sun into Aquarius 1-20-2015 at 1:18 a.m. PST; Sun at 1/10th of circle to Neptune and Mars, showing a tenacious navigation. -R
Saturday, January 17, 2015
The rectitude of the Law must be established above the human person, for freedom comes as higher concepts replace
The rectitude of the Law must be established above the human person, for freedom comes as higher concepts replace those passing thoughts which were sufficient in the lesser state but are outworn and outgrown in the march of progress.
The saga of liberty is sung not only in the patriotic ballad but in the unspoken and unexpressed fervor that wells up from the depths of man's being and cannot be uttered in words. There are two types of patriotism: that which stems from the holy flame of freedom itself and pure cosmic honor, and that which is an emotional drive based upon the nationalistic spirit of the individual as he identifies with group and national consciousness. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:27 (7-4-1965)
Yet often the best pasture is found in the valley of self-discernment....The wise see our abode as one of Spirit, and in fearlessness they save their own lives. -Morya: Pearl 8:28
The grace of God commendeth each one to the feet of holy reason for self-discernment that the way of victory may be made plain....The wave of the future needs the pure vision of creative power in order that the transcendence of the divine nature might be called into action. -Maitreya: Pearl 8:29
Thursday, January 15, 2015
To wave the banner of freedom over the world requires a sustained effort
To wave the banner of freedom over the world requires a sustained effort, yet wherever you are where your heart beats in adoration to God and in attunement with His purposes there is a connection--a strand of great light between your world and the world of divine freedom. The flow of divine energy over this cable is buoyant and all-knowing. The mysteries God seeks to convey to the minds of men are the mysteries of His heart that embody certain freedom for each lifestream....
The clash and clamor of the world are intended to drown out the voice of God and to make His words seem uncertain and vague. I cannot stress enough then that the hours of waking consciousness are like diamond-sparkling strands of holy radiance and they should be used as links to the Infinite....
The present conflict in Kashmir, the Pakistani-Indian warfare, is a blow at the unity of the Indian- American axis. All these signs so clearly defined in the geopolitical sky signify the perils of the age. Returning then to Babylon in reference may I say to all that regardless of wishful thinking on the part of national and international leaders man cannot afford to rationalize by the intellect the current degeneracy of the youth of the world nor the significant trends in which the youth move....the error (of this age) lies in the driving sinister strategies of the brothers of the shadow who find in mankind's loose ambitions a lever whereby they can open the door into the individual's world and dump upon the screen of his mortal consciousness the refuse of their chaotic confusion....Every man's ego is their advocate....
So long as men remain linked in desire and thought to father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife or mortal association there is a certain clearly defined sympathetic involvement which deprives them of the supreme blessing of energetic wholeness that is born of cosmic attunement with God. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:38
Beware! It is better for you to ask the masters to interject their ideas for you --without necessarily defining or releasing them to your conscious mind--than for you to be carried away from the tether of the alchemical norm. The ascended masters are not only sane and well organized but they are also godly and profound to the nth degree. It is essential then that you become likewise. Above all be not carried away by pride or by the exaltation of the self over others. -Saint Germain: Pearl 13:11
We have offered the light of our personal presence to the humblest among mankind as an act of faith in the power latent within them in order that they may perceive, even as they should also believe in, the liberating power that is latent there, the power that is necessarily concerned with their well-being, the power that can be called into action, and the power that is the sole brilliance of life, yearning to infuse each monad with the perfect expression that stems from the root of his faith. -Archangel Michael: Pearls of Wisdom 13:
The clash and clamor of the world are intended to drown out the voice of God and to make His words seem uncertain and vague. I cannot stress enough then that the hours of waking consciousness are like diamond-sparkling strands of holy radiance and they should be used as links to the Infinite....
The present conflict in Kashmir, the Pakistani-Indian warfare, is a blow at the unity of the Indian- American axis. All these signs so clearly defined in the geopolitical sky signify the perils of the age. Returning then to Babylon in reference may I say to all that regardless of wishful thinking on the part of national and international leaders man cannot afford to rationalize by the intellect the current degeneracy of the youth of the world nor the significant trends in which the youth move....the error (of this age) lies in the driving sinister strategies of the brothers of the shadow who find in mankind's loose ambitions a lever whereby they can open the door into the individual's world and dump upon the screen of his mortal consciousness the refuse of their chaotic confusion....Every man's ego is their advocate....
So long as men remain linked in desire and thought to father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife or mortal association there is a certain clearly defined sympathetic involvement which deprives them of the supreme blessing of energetic wholeness that is born of cosmic attunement with God. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 8:38
Beware! It is better for you to ask the masters to interject their ideas for you --without necessarily defining or releasing them to your conscious mind--than for you to be carried away from the tether of the alchemical norm. The ascended masters are not only sane and well organized but they are also godly and profound to the nth degree. It is essential then that you become likewise. Above all be not carried away by pride or by the exaltation of the self over others. -Saint Germain: Pearl 13:11
We have offered the light of our personal presence to the humblest among mankind as an act of faith in the power latent within them in order that they may perceive, even as they should also believe in, the liberating power that is latent there, the power that is necessarily concerned with their well-being, the power that can be called into action, and the power that is the sole brilliance of life, yearning to infuse each monad with the perfect expression that stems from the root of his faith. -Archangel Michael: Pearls of Wisdom 13:
Friday, January 9, 2015
People behave as though eternal life were already theirs.
...we who serve the ray of power and of goodwill are also cognizant of the flame of love. We have called it the flame in the chalice, but men have not understood the higher culture and by their understanding they have ruthlessly pawed upon it.
The time has come for awakening. People behave as though eternal life were already theirs. They do not understand and therefore they decry the mightiest purpose. To be a true humanitarian man must be guided by the highest principles. But there are lesser principles in manifestation which enable the wolf and the dog, the sheep and the creatures of small mind to pursue the path up the mountain....We remind that in every case the benign action of correct understanding, of correct culture will also return unto the self. Thus man is either the harbinger of his mortal destiny or the delight of the universal law....
We deplore the mystique of those who would falsely create the illusion simply because it is possible to obtain divine graces that they themselves are already overcomes of all things and masters of energy. We who understand the pathway to self-mastery, to valor, to victory, to the Spirit of reality--we know how long the journey is....The nonsense in which so many engage speaks of their own decrepitude....
Over the years thousands, millions have not understood the goodness of God; and so we have directed the necessary alterations in the structure of the teaching. -Morya: Pearls of Wisdom 13:41
He who puts down the mighty from their seats and exalts them of low degree does all things in order to produce the summum bonum of ultimate reality for every part of life....Nature and nature's God conspire to produce universes worlds without end--the great diurnal magnetism, the universal endowment that as male and female, as positive and negative, as Spirit and Mater are designed to produce the wonder of life....
Oh, let us love together! Let us be together and let us see together the far-off movement that yearns to draw nigh. -Saint Germain: Pearl13:16
I AM Serapis for the quickening of hearts who will be quickened, who are to be quickened....Go down then ye fallen angels to the sides of the pit! For the Son of God does raise his right hand in judgment of you who have betrayed a nation, a people, a God, a planet and a system [to deprive them] of the divine Union as Above, so below....O divine Reality, appear then in the seven centers of Thy lightbearers in the earth! O divine Reality, appear then! Appear then, divine Reality, before these fallen ones who have none and therefore let them perceive their nakedness and their nothingness outside of the God-center of that mighty Threefold Flame....
So there are sweeping changes due for a planet as angels of the violet flame sweep through and bind the dust of centuries. May a people rally, may a heart hear the call....The cosmic cross of whitefire seal you -Serapis Bey: 11-27-1987 at Washington, D.C. via Messenger E C Prophet, see
-Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, with the healing thoughtform
Thursday, January 8, 2015
I come to warn then of the forces of unrest and intrusion and also of the confusing
I come to warn then of the forces of unrest and intrusion and also of the confusing of the mind as to the higher purpose of the keeping of the flame of life where you are. The Body of God must have the savor of its salt....I warn you lest in pursuing illusion itself you miss the very calling of this life....
Periodically it is necessary for the huddling of lightbearers in teh very heart of the Mother that inner currents might be established, that times and half-times might be gained, and that more light might magnetize more children of the Sun....
Within your heart is written the prophecy of life--I bid you read it well. Make your decisions in life. Surrender to the will of the Lord who rules your temple and none other. -
Maha Chohan: 6-7-1981 at San Francisco via Messenger ECP, see https://books.google.com/books?id=wDslGZDujoIC&pg=PA652&dq=clare+prophet+unrest+intrusion&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0imvVKn1IoXkoATBi4LQBw&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20unrest%20intrusion&f=false
Periodically it is necessary for the huddling of lightbearers in teh very heart of the Mother that inner currents might be established, that times and half-times might be gained, and that more light might magnetize more children of the Sun....
Within your heart is written the prophecy of life--I bid you read it well. Make your decisions in life. Surrender to the will of the Lord who rules your temple and none other. -
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
when the outer consciousness of mankind is not prepared to move forward
And therefore no more shall there be [without impugnity] the slaughter of the holy innocents, the destruction of the light from heaven. On the contrary the descending light shall shatter the earth, and where the earth is not prepared to receive him (Christ) it will have to move over....when the outer consciousness of mankind is not prepared to move forward with this (cosmic) timetable then it must be set aside and the light from heaven must set aglow the entire globe of mankind's consciousness....
you will see the salvation of God if by the power of fohat, the discipline of Serapis and through the expanded silver cord you can hold the balance for the mankind of Earth. -Kuan Yin: 1-21-1968 at Colorado Springs via Messenger E C Prophet, see https://books.google.com/books?id=rP9xljL5NrkC&pg=PA390&dq=clare+prophet+kuan+yin+1982+pearls&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Ad2tVJXPOtfGsQTol4GQDQ&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20kuan%20yin%201982%20pearls&f=false
you will see the salvation of God if by the power of fohat, the discipline of Serapis and through the expanded silver cord you can hold the balance for the mankind of Earth. -Kuan Yin: 1-21-1968 at Colorado Springs via Messenger E C Prophet, see https://books.google.com/books?id=rP9xljL5NrkC&pg=PA390&dq=clare+prophet+kuan+yin+1982+pearls&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Ad2tVJXPOtfGsQTol4GQDQ&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20kuan%20yin%201982%20pearls&f=false
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