Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Canadian and Polish scientists find more junk in the bioweapon vaccines

When the contents of the vaccine were put under an electron microscope, Dr. Nagase was able to identify basic elements like carbon and oxygen. “You would expect to see carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus – all the things you would normally see in a protein,” Nagase said. However, none of the samples contained nitrogen or phosphorous, not in the X-ray spectroscopy or the electron microscope images. “X-ray spectroscopy didn’t detect any nitrogen or phosphorus. So, if those complex shapes – that rectangle with all the dots arranged in a grid – were the result of some kind of biological process … then there should be nitrogen and phosphorus there in addition to carbon and oxygen. Because every living thing, whether it’s a virus, plant or animal, is made up of proteins that contain nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorus,” he said. the Moderna vaccine contained neurotoxic aluminum and looked like a “ball with the legs growing out of it.” The object was not a biological contaminant because it did not contain nitrogen or phosphorous. “So, this thing that’s growing is non-biological,” Nagase concluded. He found no mRNA in the samples, either. The mRNA is the principal ingredient of the vaccine that is intended to interfere with the biological process of protein transcription in human cells. ...not all covid-19 vaccine lots are the same, and some may have no mRNA at all because it degrades easily and may not be preserved properly. Nagase cautioned that there is no way of ensuring that this vaccine lot was properly refrigerated to preserve the mRNA. Pfizer vaccine appears to contain rare-Earth metal, thulium says the researcher. This rare metal is easy to work with and is used as a source of radiation in portable X-ray devices. Under the electron microscope, these thulium samples were found in various polymorphic forms, including crystals, chips, strands, bulbs, spheres, fibers, and balls with legs growing out of them. Polish biologist Dr. Franc Zalewksi previously discovered these one-headed, three-legged objects in 2021. He found bromine, carbon, and aluminum in the peculiar structures, and he named them “nano-octopus.” Pathologists have also found unknown objects in the blood of vaccinated Germans. “I don’t even know if this carbon technology is in every batch or is it just in the batches they sent to Canada?” Dr. Nagase questioned. Dr. Nagase asks, “Are countries around the world being given different injections, and we’re being observed to see, ‘well, who dies the fastest, who gets the sickest or what kind of illnesses result’ from experimental ingredients being indiscriminately and without disclosure being given to people?” https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-31-electron-microscope-images-show-carbon-nanotech-aluminum-thulium-in-covid-vaccines.html

Monday, May 30, 2022

number this stuff; a=1, b=2, j=1, etc.

witless struggle 26+37=63. pitiless, pointless=39. leadership 52+ 39=91. spiritual director=91. Neroli, arguments, jealousy =37 +Duffy 26=63. Peter Duffy, compromise= 54. 54+63=117= 3x39. -r. ..................

meal ticket 2

Blessed ones, the temple of the Mother that was once here and her shrine are nowhere apparent except if one consider the earmarks of the misuse and misqualification of the Divine Mother in these gambling houses, in these places where people come for sensual pleasure. For through the gambling entity and all else that ensues around it, controlled by the money beast and often by organized crime, there is the stealing of light of the base chakra and its channeling therefore into fallen ones of the Earth. For that which one surrenders to the money beast and gambling entity may not be returned to that individual, for it is lost…. Therefore, beloved, choose ye this day whether to enter the fiery coil of the ascension of the Divine Mother (and therefore to deprive those vultures of the astral plane of their booty, who wait to take your light) and thus to focus within your being a counterforce, of ascension’s rising flame that thereby the momentum of gambling may not spread further throughout the nations of Earth, fed and fueled by the money beast and the rationalization “Let us do evil that good may come; let us use the funds for state projects and education,” all feeding again and again upon the credulity, the wishful thinking that one can acquire attainment by Lady Luck–or whether to go the way of the squandering of the Divine Mother’s light and abundant life within you!… Significant work at inner levels has preceded the coming of the Messenger by her calls and those of Keepers of the Flame, of our staff and those who are around the world. Therefore, beloved, one may see a waning of the power of the money beast, but those who are tied to that money beast on Wall Street may find themselves too late disentangled from its clutches. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 31:12 …….............. Some of you have heard of the arrest in New York of individuals who were ready to bomb the United Nations, the FBI building, the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Thus the people of New York and America must now face the point of vulnerability that comes when a nation does not cleave unto her God but is the slave of the money beast and of all manner of indulgences and inordinate desire. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 36:32 ................. Now as never before does the violet flame go forth to give you opportunity for transmutation of greed, greed for material things and alliances based on that avarice that is part and parcel of the money beast…. You have been told before but I must say it again: the elements of sacrifice are the means to victory. Yes, it is the people who sacrifice while the fallen ones take from them their money, their livelihood, destroy their economy, destroy their banking houses, destroy their insurance companies and destroy their businesses. Yes, beloved, and it is the people who carry the burden. This will only change when you are able to enter in to the lists of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray and understand the meaning of the legions of the Five Dhyani Buddhas and what action they may take to deliver this mighty people of a yoke of bondage, of financial servitude and of misuse of the money system itself. -Omri-Tas, Pearl 35:84 .................. The beast of gambling, beloved, is demoralizing. It sucks from the poor who have nothing. Gambling, beloved, is tied into suicide; the entities are very close to one another. Suicide is taking a chance—a chance that you may go to a good place, a chance that you may go to a bad place. Gambling is the same. You may win, you may lose but it is all a game of chance. You can see how suicide links up with gambling and then the money beast. And imagine how many children being born and growing up throughout this country will take gambling as a given, even as many of them have taken suicide as a given for the example of so many fallen angels who themselves committed suicide. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 46:32 ………….. Do you see what this then will mean to men who are presently engrossed in the building of monuments to their own personal egos and in the acquirement of money so that they may cause others to tremble because of their monetary power? I tell you, blessed ones, for money’s sake and for the sake of filthy lucre some among the mankind of Earth will do almost anything, even [if it means] bringing about destruction and defeat of great nations. They will betray their countries. They will betray their homes and families. They will betray their own Divine Presence for the sake of money. I tell you, blessed ones, this is an action of the money beast, whose center—lying over Wall Street in New York City—has caused a manipulation of the stock markets, many times to the destruction of many individuals. Blessed ones, do you realize what the action of man’s love of money has done to the cities of your own country? Do you realize how it has brought about not only places where individuals act in a manner most unbecoming to their own divinity but also where they deceive mankind and attempt to deceive the very deity within their own person? -Saint Germain, Pearl 60:18 …….............. Understand that the control of the divine economy of Earth is the necessary control over all of those nations who are determined to spread World Communism around the world. It is the United States of America and Western nations who feed light, energy, money, armaments and technology to the beast, therefore empowering the beast to make war against the children of the light.… Therefore, beloved ones, I point out to you that this sympathy must go,and [there must be] the binding of the dweller on the threshold of this nation of the entire conglomerate of the beast as well as the dragon—the beast of World Capitalism (that is, monopoly capitalism) and the dragon of the international bankers giving power to the beast of World Communism. This represents a conglomerate of many lifestreams who have entered into positions of immense power to control the flow of light of this nation which ought to go for education of all lightbearers of Earth as to their own interior light,their own Holy Christ Self and their own contact with Almighty God. Therefore the entire planetary body hangs in the economic balance. Therefore let us bind the beast—the money beast whose number is 666—and let him be cast down and cast out! In order to accomplish this let lightbearers fast and pray that they be delivered from the records of their own subconscious of greed, of the love of money which is the root of all evil —and not money itself as the instrument of exchange.… Realize then that the money beast itself is behind all war. And it is greed to increase money that causes Western nations to supply armaments and all manner of defensive as well as offensive weapons, mounting a huge spiral around the world. It is the money beast that causes the feeding of technology, of grain, et cetera, et cetera, throughout the planetary body. And that greed has its origin in the fallen angels and Watchers themselves who long ago lusted after the light of the people of God. And this lusting after the light is the lusting after their abundance, their supply, their energy, their life-force and all of the seven chakras which are points of God’s consciousness. Therefore lust and greed must be bound, and the planetary dweller on the threshold of the beast and the number and name of that beast! -Archeia Mary, Pearls of Wisdom 26:45 ………. Realize that the money beast that stalks the Earth and the vibration of greed itself and ambitions to that power of this world are not entirely rooted out of individuals, especially those who have not conquered the desire body or carnal mind. The tentacles of the money beast are everywhere upon the planetary body. And the cult of success without God has even lured seekers away from the pure and perfect service and givingness of self as well as supply upon the altar of God. Here upon the altar let us multiply the gifts of harvest, the fruits of thanksgiving! Let God be the sacred business of life. Let the altar be the place prepared for those gifts. Let us invest in the Lord and in His house and in the publishing of His Word. And let those who have been burned by the money beast be humble this day. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 23:49 .............. Therefore you who hold concert with the powers of world communism and socialism and those who are part of the money beast worldwide and international bankers who keep afloat the sinking ship of world communism—you who call yourselves Christians, you are judged this day! I have no part with thee, for you do not represent me. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 25:27 ……............................. Do you know, beloved–and you do not, therefore I shall tell you–that while you invoked the light here yesterday the call was made as it was destined to be made by the Messenger in that very hour. [Yes,] a million years ago it was destined that that call be made in that hour yesterday. And therefore the Messenger did [make the] call in the person and mantle of the Divine Mother that she does bear at inner levels, Kuan Yin and Mother Mary with her, [and she] did cry out to all lightbearers of the world (all of whom recognize her [as the Mother]), did implore every one of those lightbearers to let go of their cups of materialism, to let go of the money beast, to let go of this civilization and to come apart–imploring and giving call after call after call for all legions of the Divine Mother to cut them free. And with all of this and these centuries of service of our bands, beloved hearts, at this crucial hour of the handwriting on the wall, how many (apart from the body of God already separated out) of those lightbearers on the entire planet do you think responded? I tell you, 5 percent [of the lightbearers on planet Earth] left their hold upon the money beast and heeded the call of the one whose face they have known forever! -Morya, Pearl 31:37 ………............ In these days and hours the civilization of materialism is driven by fallen ones who manipulate Wall Street and money marts by things that people ought not to dwell on. But rather they should dwell on the manger scene and center within the heartbeat of their Holy Christ Self. -Jesus Christ, via Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on April 12, 1998 at Chicago, Pearl 41:20 ………...........

meal ticket 1

Let all realize then that the children of light must be wiser than the children of mammon. Let all recognize that upon the Earth body this present hour there are children of light and children of mammon. I do not deny that some of the children of mammon have behaved as children of light and that some children of light have behaved as children of mammon. This does not prove that the Law is wrong. It simply proves the tenacity of the element of human discord, vanity and sin on the one hand, and the power of the Creator’s inherent goodness that seeks to raise all life on the other hand. It also proves that laggard qualities are contagious and that vigilance is required to hold an immaculate concept, regardless of what appearances may be involved. Certainly virtuous motherhood such as Mother Mary offered is yet the requirement of the hour! -Saint Germain 7:8 ……….. Humility and simplicity of nature has sometimes made men pawns for men wiser in the way of mammon and the manipulation of mental substance. “For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8). In the holy name of truth then we would set all such captives free—most especially those who desire to render a true service to the great ones in this day of great ecessity. If the harvest of God is to be gathered into the barns and storehouses of God, holy truth must be given rightful preeminence in all things; and those organizations and individuals who stand for righteousness and sincerity, whose every thought is one of dedication and freedom for mankind, must receive through the great thread of cosmic unity the fullest measure of acclamation—not for personality’s sake but for the sake of holy principles upon which they stand. -Hilarion, 7:38 …….……. Accompanying physical wealth and the scientific blessings of the age has come a dialectical materialism, but behind that materialism there is a well-planned and clearly defined sinister activity whose goal is the enslavement of man. Because America is intended to be and is a land of such progress and true freedom, the spearhead of many of these attacks is directed against her and her people. To break down the image of the American people in the eyes of the world is the desire of those who serve the god of mammon. Yet the responsibility of the American people to honor their opportunity and keep that image untarnished is very great! -Saint Germain! Pearl 8:38 …............... We would develop in the initiate the realization of God-intent. It is not what man has intended but what God has intended that must be given preeminence. Notwithstanding, the accent in human affairs has been on human consciousness which, oddly enough, has expected and thus realized a sense of struggle. Yet because their attention is centered in the world the children of mammon are often wiser in their own generation than the children of light. They know where they are going, what their objectives are and how they will achieve. -Kuthumi, Pearl 13:45 ............... The lines of the swaddling garments of God are simple. Those who are always looking to others for psychic materializations and extraordinary powers, because they look to mammon rather than to God, will never find the real power of God manifesting in their own lives. -Maha Chohan, 14:47 ……........... The carnal mind is the manipulator of the mass energies of the mass consciousness. Since the carnal mind is in control of the world, the flesh and the devil, Jesus said to the children of light “Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations.” Thus the Lord showed the initiates of sacred fire that there was a time to challenge the carnal mind and a time to be wise in the ways of the world. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:38 ………. Yes, beloved, can you really have God and Mammon or Christ and Antichrist? I think you know the answer. [You cannot. But forsaking Mammon and Antichrist] is a small price to pay to walk the Earth as a shaft of light. But it is the ultimate price, for you not only have to set aside certain human-consciousness conditions but you must also know that some will be offended by the light and the Presence [and will rail against you]. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 35:66 ............... This is cosmic law and it cannot be abrogated. Therefore I trust you will make your freewill choice and that your choice will be to run with the violet flame! For only thus can you solve the dichotomy of God and mammon. You see, the violet flame is both a plus and a minus. It is the wholeness of the t’ai chi. Whatever side of the violet flame you are on you are still centered in violet flame. So it is a win-win situation. -Saint Germain, Pearl 39:33 ……......... The sternness of the Maha Chohan is the sternness of the white flame of honor. If you would know what honor is, then apply to me and I will release the steely white light that will show you the shabbiness of some of your past deeds and past associations. And when you see that light and the angelic hosts who stand in the midst thereof, you will shun the past even as you will shun your own former self. And you will know that when faced with the choice to be disloyal to God or to man you will choose the latter and fear not the breaking of any agreements or contracts you have made in order to reinstate God and reinstate the covenant that He has made with you, with the people Israel. It is up to you to keep the covenant. Let all other human contracts then which interfere with the covenants of God be broken, for ye cannot serve God and mammon. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 57:8 ......................

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Trump and Dursban

Trump Administration Refuses to Ban Neurotoxic Pesticide July 22, 2019 Trump Administration Refuses to Ban Neurotoxic Pesticide EPA Science Says Chlorpyrifos Exposure Threatens Public Health Cara Schulte Senior Associate, Environment and Human Rights @CaraSchulte_ @CaraSchulte_ Last week, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided not to ban chlorpyrifos, a neurotoxic pesticide that, according to studies funded by the agency, has been linked to developmental delay in children.... The decision follows several attempts by the administration to quash a 2015 EPA proposal to ban chlorpyrifos. These efforts began just weeks after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, to which the manufacturer of the pesticide, Corteva (formerly DowDupont), contributed $1 million.... ... The EPA also failed to comply with the relevant standards under the Food Quality Protection Act, which requires the agency to demonstrate that there is a reasonable certainty the pesticide will not cause harm. The EPA inverted the evidentiary standard when it noted that groups challenging chlorpyrifos’s use did not have “sufficiently valid, complete or reliable” data demonstrating the product is not safe. ...Hawaii and California have passed laws to ban the pesticide and New York, Oregon, Maryland, and Connecticut have similar initiatives underway. But despite some state laws, chlorpyrifos continues to be used on food crops such as corn, fruit, nuts, and soybeans in other areas of the US. As a result, agricultural workers, their families and those who live near crop fields or waste disposal sites all remain at increased risk of exposure and serious illnesses.https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/07/22/trump-administration-refuses-ban-neurotoxic-pesticide (Now, in researching Uvalde, Texas mass murder one can readily see that the area is surrounded by massive cotton and corn fields^, the worst in terms of genetic modification and heavy pesticides -usage like Dursban/chlorpyrifos which is one of the famous Dirty Dozen, or most dangerous of all . thus, as Texas is #1 in cotton, it is very likely #1 in Dursban usage, thus #1 in poisoning the food, water, air, especially the oils dervied from various crops which bind strongly to such poisons. -r.) ^one can use Google maps to check an area. Trump was schooled at Wall Street to learn Biden admin. has helped safeguard against some of the poisons. lobbyist tricks.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Karen Kingston on what's underway; video; brave new AI

video featuring Karen Kingston's documents; deep recent mission to convert (utterly) DoD to AI. Yes, total alien tech, completely going transhumanism, a kind of Nazi gameplan that perhaps owes something to Kissinger being on the Defense POLICYBoard till 2020, DPB that guides DoD. -r. This revelation of AI sucking DoD and big corporate powers into an AI world a la Bill Gates/World Economic Forum/world socialism/ globalism comes around 28:30 or so of video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BrU1bGkkbv9n/

Easter 1980

Hail, children of the light, sons of God! Hail, threefold flames that ignite the fire of creation in all Earth in the hearts of my own! Ye are the salt of the Earth. But the salt that has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? Therefore if the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! Light, my beloved, is the essential resource of life. Come down from the Father as the crystal clear stream of immortality, men have fashioned out of it their mortality—their sense of limitation and their correspondent limitations. Therefore if the essential light be compromised, where is that light but covered with a shroud of death? For this cause I AM come into the world—to give birth once again to eternal life by rekindling the essential identity of every living soul. I take this Easter to call sinners to repentance worldwide, for the preaching from the pulpits is either an intense fear tactic of hellfire and damnation or it is the whitewashing by sympathetic magnetism of the misdeeds of my children. Therefore where are the prophets in the land and where are the preachers of righteousness who will deliver to my children that light in its original intensity—that sacred fire that is the salt that has remained pure, that light that has not been misqualified into darkness? \ We are come—the saints in white, the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, beloved Mary, Saint Germain, beloved Magda. We stand to bear witness of the path of the ascension of which the resurrection spiral is the natural and essential fulfillment. And from that beginning unto that ending sacred fire must be nourished and tended, and the sheep of my flock must be led and God-taught in the way and truth and life of the light itself. Ye are children of the light, therefore walk in the light. And do not consider that transgressions are overlooked because someone is a chosen one. My beloved, our devotion is to the very first principles of the essential ingredient of the spark of Life, and there is no compromise with compromise. There is no compromise of the eternal Law of Life. Yes, strait and narrow, strait and narrow is the way and the gate that leadeth to everlasting life. Let those then who believe on the one sent understand the perpetual wave of light that comes as the mighty rhythm of cosmos to inundate the work of the hands. For by the labor of the hands is there the flow of the Holy Spirit and does that flow increase. By the labor of the hands is grace measured, whether the devotion of the heart be unto the Person of the Comforter or whether it be upon lesser conditions and circumstances. Therefore within the community of the Holy Spirit, my beloved, sacred labor is accelerating sacred fire. It is not the projects which consume the man, it is the man who by sacred fire consumes the projects. I wish to say therefore that the intensity of light begets the work that is ongoing—the work of the ages and the mighty cause of Life. And those who bear the light up the mountain are those who have the vision of those greater works which are done because ye believe in me —that I AM the living Christ, I AM the living Savior in the Earth because I dwell in the hearts of my true disciples. Therefore I come and I admonish you to contemplate greater works, for by these the wave of light intensifies in Earth. And that sacred fire pulsating from the sacred heart of the Mother is a fire that impels you to precipitate the diamond of my heart for crystallization of the mist. For unless the mist be crystallized, wherefore shall a mighty work appear? And wherefore shall the words and works come for judgment? After all, life is not the idling of the motors of Beness. Beloved hearts, let those who have light and life and knowledge of the sacred centers of being, let them spin the wheels of the chakras! Let them engage the gears of the chakras with gears of the mind of God! Let them accept the fiat to let that mind be in you which was also in me! After all these words read over and over again from carefully prepared Bibles, gilded edges and all that which goes with the preservation of the letter are no more alive than the pure in heart, are no more alive than the love brought to them by those who commune in love. My beloved, take care that you do not mistake the recitation of the Word for the doing of the Word. A simple message of Eastertide, yet how many are resurrected with me this day? I tell you, all too few upon Earth. They are much more concerned with outer awareness and have not the essential meaning of the resurrection flame. They have abandoned the path of fasting and prayer. They have not understood the raising up of that light or what it can do to transform a civilization and a single heart aflame with love. My beloved, the hour is urgent and the urgency is unto the quick and the dead. And the dead sense the urgency as they are in the consciousness of death. And therefore those leaders of the nations assemble, solemnly deliberating the fate of the planetary body and concluding that all is already lost and therefore they will make a pretense and a pretext to attempting to do something about the economy, something about war, something about Communism yet in their hearts they have not the ability nor the light nor the love to work a mighty change for God. For the work of their hands has never been blessed by the grace of God, for they never have consecrated that work unto the grace of the Almighty and therefore they are found wanting. Yet they prance about looking as though they were the wise ones when they have displaced the children of the light because the children of the light have allowed them to displace them, and therefore the Earth is in a sorry plight. And there are those who lean upon the hollow root, and the hollow root can provide nothing but a stream of air unqualified by sacred fire breath. Thus it is to the Holy Spirit that I direct your attention this hour. This moment of the resurrection flame and its rising tide in Earth must not be after all a mighty wave and a river that is parted by individuals standing in the midst who are not moved by it, who do not receive it, who do not allow it to pass through them. But this mighty wave of light must then be for the quick who understand the urgency of the hour and are not in a state of anxiety. Do not fear and tremble as devils who are brought to final judgment, but let the sons and daughters of God who recognize the appearing of Messiah come to the fore and realize that all is not lost. All indeed can be saved, but it must be saved by essential light of the native divinity of sons of God! By the flame that I AM I charge you with my light and I challenge you to no longer be content to watch this stream of events and not to set yourselves up as that focal- point of that light of which I declared, “And I, if I be lifted up, shall draw all men unto me.” The drawing of souls of light unto the Lamb is the work of the ages—of Sanat Kumara, of most blessed and beloved Maitreya, my very own sponsor and Guru. It is the very light of Gautama. O essential hearts beating with the heart of God, the very purity of your heartfire and your devotion to God is a sustaining principle in Earth, whereas all of those who gather together as those who are already the dead cannot, cannot contain the light—not to save their own souls and not to save the nations. Therefore let us not lean upon the hollow root or the reed, but let us turn our attention to the fire of John the Baptist and see his prophecy of the coming of the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit. Why do you think that I breathed upon them the Holy Ghost? Because without it there is no life. And in the absence of the Son of God incarnate to sustain life by the Guru/chela relationship, those disciples who are left must have the Holy Ghost. Therefore I said “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” For within that city the sustaining forcefield of my own lifestream would keep them until they might be filled with the fullness of descent of whitefire of my own being. And therefore if you have not the Holy Ghost, God the Father and Son are not indwelling in you and the Spirit is not in you. And dare you say that you then are counted among the dead? Or dare you say that you are counted among the quick? Or are you somewhere between? There is an urgency in seeking and finding the Lord Maha Chohan, and some of you do not sense that urgency as though somehow you were held in a cradle or a swaddling garment and all would be well if you just sort of move along with the crowd and follow a certain ritual. Well, the path is for striving and not for entertainment. The path is for a sacred ritual whereby the individual infuses a flame into the exercise of the Word. Those who do not engage their hearts into the service therefore cannot reap sacred fire of the heart of God. Who do you think will win your ascension for you if you do not? By cosmic law I cannot. And if it were not so, I would have told you and long ago demonstrated for you the great drawing up of the saints into the ascension current. Therefore listen to me, my beloved. You are preparing for the dark night of the soul and dark night of the spirit where your messengers have gone before you and saints have walked. This is the sustainment of the threefold flame and momentum of light within your temple in that hour when you must be tested to see whether or not you will turn away from all temptation and all temptation to do the anti-will of God and by the momentum of your own God-mastery and threefold flame so sustain the Principle and Person of the Trinity without reinforcement from heavenly octaves. This surely is the necessary path and it will come to all. And in that hour you will not be able to call upon this or that friend or upon the Messengers. Not even the angels of heaven could intercede with me as I went through the dark night of the spirit upon that cross. Not until I had demonstrated that victory could they gather again and surround me with their healing love and their balm. My beloved, there is a moment of aloneness when the soul must understand its salvation in God is directly dependent upon its own application of the Law. And this is the lie of fallen ones that they have put abroad in the land, convincing all of Christendom that the mere acceptance of my name is salvation. Truly it is the beginning of the path, but it is not the ending. Therefore seek the fulfillment of the whole law. Seek the fulfillment of the Law, my beloved, I adjure you. For the understanding of what is coming upon Earth—what I have set forth and what has been written in scripture—must surely make you to understand that the need for survival and salvation must be placed squarely upon the shoulders of the individual soul’s application to the personal Christ within and to the mighty I AM Presence. \ In each day\ therefore\ be satisfied when you have established the mighty current and flow between your heart and the heart of God by love and by devotion. Do not put your head to rest at night when you are in a state of disquietude, anxiety, when you are not conscious of the biding presence of God. You can establish that contact in a moment, a microsecond, or perhaps it will take longer if you have wandered farther from the center of your being during the day. Do not think that sleep will take from you the cares of life; sleep will only multiply and augment those cares, as you are not in God-control when you are absent from the body. This is a great travesty against the Godhead and ought not to be tolerated by disciples of the light. There is a certain self-discipline on the path. And when you think that no one is looking or watching or telling you what to do you must not go into a passive state of simply allowing life or nature or circumstance to be the bulwark of your protection. There is no protection in matter. There is no protection outside of the Holy Spirit. Therefore seek the Lord. For the Comforter is come, is among you even in this hour—the mighty Person of the Holy Ghost. And therefore that Person must be your companion until you are so prepared and cleansed that at any hour of day or night that Person of the Comforter may enter your temple, coming and going at will and finding habitation in earth. Thus may the just be made pure by love. May they live by faith and hope and good works of charity’s love. Thus may your heart be perfected in love that the light of the eternal Savio\r may enter in, that the Guru may come and go and find that habitation. For he is most blest whose temple is prepared and the fitting habitation of the Holy Spirit and of the Guru. Therefore strive, for ye are temples designed to be the house of the Lord. As I contemplate the sweet mystery of life, the mystery of love in all of its multiplication of inner radiance of the Father and Son I am mindful of the endearing relationships of my many incarnations—speaking first and foremost of Lord Maitreya and Gautama and of my Father, the Ancient of Days, speaking of my beloved and so many of you whom I have never forgotten who have stood by me in each of these successive incarnations leading to a greater and greater intensification of the spiral of victory. I would commune with my friends. Therefore I have come to the place prepared—to Camelot my home, to a sanctuary openly, unabashedly consecrated to mysteries of the Holy Grail. I have come, for I have sponsored many knights of the flame and ladies ministering unto the heart of God. I have sponsored Arthur and Merlin, Launcelot, Guenevere and all who participated in that early manifestation whereby the consecration of life was unto my blessed Mother and to the mystery of the Christos unfolding the initiation of white light through the sacred cup. Let the cup then be extended. From my heart I take the cup of the Last Supper and I give you to drink. So is the manifestation of that cup my gift of Life this Eastertide. I give to you the elixir of resurrection flame as I share with you my boundless joy in Life begetting victory unto victory. The love that we have known and shared, the love of the hundred forty and four thousand and so many of the precious children of God forms a link passing through time and space unto eternity and unto the very Throne of Alpha and Omega. I am touched by your devotion and your service to my father Joseph, to my mother Mary and to all saints who have gone before. I bless you with the joy of white lilies abroad in the land. I bless you with joy of the cosmic cross of white fire. I take you by the hand and I lead you into paths of righteousness for the sake of the I AM THAT I AM and its manifest presence in the Christ within you. O souls of my heart, souls of my heart, hear my call! Hear my call and enter into new life and acceleration of love. For our outpouring of resurrection flame in this hour is to counteract the darkness of the Dark Cycle moving onward then into the return of misqualified energies under the hierarchy of Sagittarius. Beware then the momentums of anti-victory. Beware then of that which would turn against light anc lightbearer. All of this must be swallowed up in the essence of your own resurrection. And if you lift up the light of resurrection within you by Christ, so you will draw into that mighty spiral that darkness which will be translated into light and thereby seize from the toilers their very weapons which they would use against light. Seizing them, transmute them and let light go forth to consume their darkness—to check it, to challenge it, to bind them and to put down oppressors of my children in Earth. O rising tide of resurrection’s glory, rising tide of resurrection’s glory, angels of light, angels of light and the ageless story of my victory, I come forth. I come forth in the name of God. And I sound the Word for the raising up of the rod, the rod of Jesse within you whereby resurrection spiral is become the manifest presence of your own Godhood, your own real Self. Lo, I AM come! Lo, my Word is true! Lo, I have spoken it unto you! Lo, I seal you in fire of Holy Spirit! Seek the Person of the Holy Ghost. Seek the Lord within and come into newness of life. This is my admonishment and my Easter joy. Now, my children, come unto me that I may bless you and fill you with my light. By the hand of God I seal you as of old. I seal you for the hour of your overcoming of the last vestiges of sin and the sense of sin. I seal you for the hour when the tempter and toiler comes. I seal you for the hour of the moment of union. In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit let the threefold flame expand. In the name of the Mother, let the glorious light of the Cosmic Christ appear in the Manchild. -Jesus, Easter 1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 23:25 ................ 
 Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Do not whitewash the deeds of the seed of the Wicked One. Do not sympathize with the sorrows of Satan or his cohorts. But meditate upon the wondrous love of God and contemplate Jis Wisdom. Go to the altar and let God tell you through your Mighty I AM Presence what is truth, what is error, what is real, what is inreal. - Jesus Christ ,via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on October 8, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:38 ...............….

Halley's comet

Halley's comet was widely seen on April 11, 1986 in its 75 year return cycle past Earth. It had appeared in spring 1910 and in 1835. In 1835 early railroads were being built, the first attempted assassination of a US President, Amdrew Jackson (who closed the US national bank, forerunner of Federal Reserve), occurred, and Texas revolted against Mexican rule. In 1910 in Nov. the formulation of a US central bank occurred at Jekyll Island, Georgia covertly. The idea that the US needed major national financial "reform" was orchestrated heavily before they hammered out their design at Jekyll Is. On April 11, 1986 Halley's comet being visible came 12 days after Easter and two weeks before Chernobyl disaster. Mark Twain both was born and passed away amid the Halley's comet cyclic return. Twain satirized the whitewashing that was becoming a national disease in the US. One could call it Neptunian delusion. To fool America by covert central banking set-up or to fool Europe with nuclear energy schemes highlighted by Chernobyl or to covertly aim to assassinate a rare strong US President--this shows Neptunian delusion although Halley's comet is illuming the foible rather than generating the foible of mass psychologic avoidance of reality through delusiveness. Half of a Halley's comet return cycle would be 75/2 or 37.5 years; the half-cycle hits April 11, 1986 + 37.5= autumn 2023

Friday, May 27, 2022

keep on keeping on

There are final exams. Be always prepared, for you never know when this or that will creep in to take you from your seat quite suddenly. How else can we move forward with bands, legions, lightbearers who would accelerate?..All must be tested. The mettle must be tested to see if it is strong enough to hold for the next round of initiations.  -Goddess of Light, Pearl 47:12   I have taken you round about through all of this that you might realize that festering in the fallen ones are the forcefield of these astral and mental viruses.  Unless they be brought to the judgment, unless the calls be made for that lethal substance to be bound-- the very essence of death and hell itself--there will continue to be a contamination and a pollution of the stream of consciousness in the Earth, affecting those who are not nearly so dark but who have only small elements of darkness or carelessness or ignorance of the laws of God.  -Archangel Gabriel and Hope, Pearl 24:9 .............. ……………………. Do not be set back by gross injustices practiced against you or any group of which you may be a member--racially or in religion, politically or in a stand for integrity in the defense of Life. Do not allow  mounting astral waves of mankind’s returning misqualified energy which is always unjust to deter you from a strong sense of justice that shall prevail because men and women of the light will it so. Do not be overcome by injustice but overcome injustice with justice.    My prayer then is that wisdom amplified by these flame flowers, etheric flowers of light, golden light from the heart of the wisdom retreats, floral offerings from Gautama, Maitreya, Jesus, Kuthumi placed at the feet of the devotees of justice--our prayer that these flame flowers of wisdom shall be abundantly scattered across the face of the Earth that the people of America will have a renewed sense of divine justice and therefore challenge the fallen ones who have usurped the authority and  light of the Supreme Court of this nation and consequently are usurping the light of the Constitution of the United States, the original covenant made by Saint Germain with  lightbearers to protect them against the enemy within and without this nation.  -Portia, Pearl 23:50      Now, the merciful ‘karmic deferment’ practiced at times by the Karmic Board has caused some recalcitrant individuals to take license for a continuation of their bad conduct.  Beloved mankind!  The mercy of the great law does not always bring immediately to the doorway of every man the full impetus of his wrong acts.  A certain portion of most men's negative karma likewise is restrained or deferred by the hand of mercy from reacting fully upon them as a cumulative release.  -Great Divine Director, Pearl 8:6     Yes, beloved, use that voice while you have it and do not withhold your disagreement with error or erroneous statements.  Do not keep your peace when someone is uttering an untruth.  Challenge it, beloved! ... Beloved ones, I have defended you and rescued you from the jaws of darkness.  I ask you now to return in kind the favor and to save others who will be lost without your intercession.  -Divine Director, Pearl 37:29      And therefore you see, their rebellion is against Almighty God directly and against His Law. They camouflage  rebellion in social causes, rebelling against this and that and this and that, against each other, against the church, against the state. But they are rebels to the core and you see, their rebellion is against the whitefire core of being. This energy shortly coming to the fore must be transmuted before it is precipitated, for its precipitation will cause further spiritual and material blindness and the coming to power of those individuals who are in no wise capable of running the affairs of state.  -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:51      Never tire then in the work that is your dharma, your duty to be the wholeness of yourself.  Never be frustrated that you are misunderstood or before your time in your understanding of the stars, universes,  mountains and petals of a flower... I have indeed fought the good fight and I have won.  -Nicholas Roerich, Pearl 33:44      O blessed hearts, it is the water of Life.  It is the energy of God. It is the Sacred Spirit. And it does flow from this fount of my Being. And in this light ye are filled and the Grail sparkles with that light. And therefore the soul is raised up. And if it will give that necessary service and sacrifice, it will come into alignment with the Christ Self and therefore be unto all people that shepherd and that priest under the order of Aaron.  -Lord Ling, Pearl 24:4      But He does not manifest to them in a tangible way simply because their faith has failed to provide the power to shatter veils of matter and to let them see what marvelous gifts Life has given.  These stand before you now.  These are light, truth and life. For your progress in exalting faith,     -Archeia Faith, Pearl 12:4 ....................    The vow is the set of the sail... You must recite your vows daily to review and remind yourselves that you have taken them... The vow that we take is a shield. It is a shield that protects us in the day of our karma....The locking of the  vow seals us for the victory.. .The vow is taken that bodhisattva can strengthen his resolve and keep himself from giving up his intended goal.. .The reason for the vow is that it is ever-present reminder, the comfort, it is the law itself. I have made this vow, I have given my word to God, I will fulfill it by His Grace. Vows are not taken lightly, when we take them we should keep them.   -"Phylos Lecture No 1, The Nature of the Vow" by  Elizabeth Clare Prophet ................     Hail, legions of Venus!  Come now!  Rally round the Mother of the World.  Rally around Her children!  Let them be drawn up now into the levels of the etheric octave where the power, wisdom and love of the music of the spheres is able to transform worlds of the psyche, worlds in the inner earth. Let music not be thought of as something that does not have ultimate power.  The great symphonies, the works of Beethoven, Mahler and many others -- play these also perpetually in your homes, for they are upholding a certain level of vibration of molecules, of atoms and of the Earth.  Know then that music is a mighty powerful force.  And just because it is so, the fallen angels, as you know, have moved in everywhere to take from children and adults alike the original purity of the sound of the Om that originated in the Word in the Beginning, the sound of the Om that calls home to the Divine Mother all evolutions whose day and hour is come for their perfectionment. I am Sanat Kumara.  I have come and tarried long in Earth.  I have returned to my home star and returned to Earth again.  I will not be moved from this planetary home until every lightbearer is ascended in the light and free.  Is this not the vow of the bodhisattva, beloved?  Indeed it is.  -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 44:46   When the prophet bade the people to come to the fount and drink “without money and without price” he was speaking of the mighty ascension flame of his own God-free being, of Sanat Kumara who was upon him, even upon your own messenger Lanello. Blessed hearts, this raised-up sacred fire, this ascension flame flowing in your midst, is the Mother light. Therefore let there be the gathering of my children. Let them drink of this light!   Dear hearts of light, you well know what is the path, what is the necessary discipline to receive the nectar of the inner chakra of the crown.  Truly this nectar of light that comes forth descends because  Mother-light is risen as the ascension flame within you.  Truly this light, this nectar of the crown that is for the opening of the third eye, that is for the clearing of the way of the ascent of consciousness, cannot be bought.  Now you have a greater light.  Now you have a greater perception.  And therefore I trust that you will also become infilled with your own Christ-potential to tear the veil from those sheep who are yet abiding at the level of devotee who yet stand beneath Almighty God and invoke his light.  And yet for some, they invoke the light of the unknown God.  And therefore they are tempted to go after those self-proclaimed gods that are loud in the marketplaces and that sell their wares as though they were a commodity to be bought with the very money of the land.     Beloved hearts, there is very little difference to the untrained eye of those initiators who claim to initiate the people in the third eye or in other chakras and the real transfer of light from Sanat Kumara.  Without  purging and  cleansing of your own chakras you yourselves--without this training and this path and this teaching--would not necessarily discern the difference.  Hearken unto this and remember!  For there are many charlatans and many psychics in the world today who can perform these signs and wonders.  And thereby they call upon the name of the Lord, yet the Lord is not nigh unto them!  Thus the miracles of the representatives of God are for believers and they are not flaunted before the fallen ones.  Thus you must be careful and judge righteous judgment when considering where is the flow of true light and where is its counterfeit.   -Lord Ling, Pearl 24:4 ....................      And so we have established a base far from earth, beyond this solar system.  Here we bind fallen angels, who have no right to corrupt the children of God or the civilizations of this world.  Yes, for many the time is up.  Nevertheless, it is the Law: we must have your calls daily if we are to cast out the fallen angels.  And it can definitely happen if you call upon us with such fury and such determination that no devil will dare to cross your threshold. Therefore, call to us, the Seven Archangels.  Command us!  Send us!  For we can multiply ourselves millions of times.  We can fill a cosmos with our Causal Bodies.  Indeed, there is nothing that we, the Archangel and Archeia of the Seventh Ray, cannot do--likewise Elohim--likewise sons and daughters of God if they will only meditate upon their Great Causal Bodies and realize what a great multiplicity of suns they have within those Causal Bodies. Blessed ones, the Archangels can and will do anything for you so long as it is within the framework of cosmic law.  You, therefore, would be greatly remiss if you did not ask them!  Command them!  Direct them!  Verily, do not let go of the hem of their garments until you have so moved them that they will go forth in answer to your call to bind this Evil! Beloved ones, there is great God-Good in the earth, even as there are great souls in the earth.  These are the stalwart ones who have vowed not to be moved from the God-center of the universe nor from the God-center of their hearts.  Therefore, because you are on your way to your victory, we direct you to join together to defeat the evil forces; for they are cunning.  Beware of them, because they have fooled you before, else you would not be in this room.  On the contrary, you would be in the octaves of light but for the fallen angels who enticed you here and there and finally caused you to be cast out of Maitreya's Mystery School. Yes, this is why we speak of Evil.  It is because Evil incarnate has caused you to fail and to fall many times over.  For you did not recognize these individuals as evil because they pretended to be your teachers and mentors, et cetera. -Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst, Pearl 40:33 ……………………

Thursday, May 26, 2022

origin of name Duffy

Duffy is one of the oldest of Scottish surnames and appears all over the UK. It is an anglicized version of the Gaelic name "Mac Dhubhshith". It combines "mac", meaning "son of"; "dubh", meaning "black"; and "sith", meaning "peace"?thus, "son of the black one of peace". Variant spellings include Duffie, Duffey, O'Duffey, Doohey, O'Dowey, MacDuffie, McFee, McPhee, D'Duffie, O'Duhig, and Duhig. www.archives.com › genealogy › family-history-duffy

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

a look behind monkeypox with Polly


sail on

LEGALISTIC 43 + COERCIONS 47=90. CLEVER29+ CAMOUFLAGE39=68. USURP23 + MESSENGER SHIP67 = 90. 90 +68 + 90 =248. 4X62=248. DIRTY31 + CLIQUE31=62.. SCHEME, CROOK, SUBVERT, MYSTIC =26. a=1, b=2, j=1, k=2, etc. gyrate=31. .........

into every heart rain must fall

Beloved hearts, love is able to quicken! Love is able to illumine! Love is able therefore to discriminate and to show you even the most clever games that lying ones play. Therefore understand they have pursued a deliberate adeptship in misqualification of the heart, where you pursue consciously a Christhood that must begin to be much more serious in your life. -Lanello, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 1, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 28:30 ……......... There are always some who will deny the Path, the teachings and the existence of the ascended masters, because they are clever enough to recognize that should they so embrace the path they will have to change their lives around completely. And they do not intend to be moved in this life. -Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:15 ................. This Earth is a place varied, as you know, a crossroads. Many lifestreams gather here. Some come to exploit, some come to exalt. Some are selfless as they give their lives to a humanity that is downtrodden and without hope. Others pursue education. They do not include in this courses in selflessness, courses that will lead to the soul’s victory even through a life of joy in the service of the Lord. I remind you that you can well conduct yourselves and have the best of both worlds. But you cannot have the best of the next world if your priority is here in these levels of materialism and non-caring. The Lords of Karma are likewise concerned, as are other masters who have spoken to you, regarding the decline in the levels of integrity, values, honor, kindness—above all, compassion as the core of service. You have here the path that can lead all to fulfillment, joy, happiness and the ascension as well. As for those who do not see it that way there are millions upon millions, and they may tarry in the Earth until the Earth itself is no more. This is a great pity.... And if it is to not happen, then we must have those who are servants of God and servants of mercy and servants of justice come into these fields and see to it that both lawmakers and those of the Supreme Court and those of every town and city are changed in favor of mercy and constructive rehabilitation. Life is worth something! And there are many on Earth today in positions of power who have no heart flame, who do not consider that most of the people on Earth have a life that is worth something. The absence of the value of human life is the crux of the concern of the Karmic Board. For where there is that absence of valuing ultimately human life there is everything from abortion to the injustice of sentencing. There are many areas that must be looked into. So many of those who lead have hardness of heart. When it comes their turn and their life for ten thousand years of karma to descend upon them they will try cleverly to dodge that karma. But they shall not escape! They shall not escape. And they shall indeed know what it is like to be on the other side. [9-second pause] We the Lords of Karma depend on those who are on the spiritual path to so purify and accelerate their auras and consciousness that we may call to you at any time and your karmic entanglements will not be able to stop you from jumping in and serving where service is needed. When you have not balanced karma and, psychologically speaking, you have many human attachments then you are not free to move, to act, to be there where we need you. Attempt then to develop such a great heart of love that you may give that love to all who depend on you and ultimately to the world and yet not be dependent on others but know that some must come out from the crowd and be ready. The Lords of Karma are concerned about gangs, gang warfare, political parties being overtaken by gangs, and an entirely new climate in the United States based on these individuals who move in packs and are determined to defy all that is holy and good in the founding principles of this nation. ...Those who have not extended divine justice or human justice must have the tables turned upon them. I AM Pallas Athena and I have seen that the sword of truth, the sword of truth, beloved, is the means whereby civilization does continue. When you visit countries where there is no truth in speech, in commerce, in the marketplace, where everything that is spoken is spoken for convenience, is a lie, you have understood that it is no longer the cosmic honor flame that governs these societies. And therefore their civilizations, their nations cannot stand the test of truth.... Each quality of each of the (Karmic Board) members does draw us back to the founding principles of life. We must stand on those principles. And we must demand that souls who have strayed from them must pay their karma and return to the mandates of God set forth by the great Manus. There is nothing left when the virtues of God are not extolled. ...And those who are the liar nations pretend to speak the truth. And those who are the truth nations will listen to them, and because they want to hear the truth they accept the lie as truth. This has been going on in the East and the West for hundreds of years. It is time you realized that it is one of the techniques that have been taught for all time in warfare. You have read the book of Sun Tzu and you know exactly what is deceit in warfare. There is deceit this day. There is deceit in the Congress of the United States and in the Office of the President, and the deceit has to do with the promise to the American people that they shall have a defense. And yet they shall not have that defense, for the United States has not seen fit to abrogate those treaties which have bound the United States to not have her own self-defense. This is such a serious matter that it brings us to the very core and point of our message. By dynamic decree, by speaking out, by representing your state, your town, your government you must demand that the elements of this ABM Treaty are taken apart and that this United States shall have the maximum defense necessary in the case of any attempt by any foreign power to bring nuclear war or a first- strike attack upon this society. This is still on the drawing boards of nations—make no mistake, beloved. And it is partner nations to the United States who have a greater opportunity to be rescued by the United States in such conditions than the people of the United States themselves, who do not have that defense. Blessed ones, you can look throughout history. There have always been nations, races and peoples allied against one another. There has been war all the way back to Lemuria and Atlantis on every nation and on every soil. The Earth is blood-soaked. It is about to be chemical-soaked by these weapons of war that have grown and grown and grown. I ask you then to remember that your original Saturday night services were based upon your decrees and calls for reversing the tide of the momentums of World Communism and world socialism and the engines of war building between the two power nations of the Earth. This matter is not done with. This is not the end of it. Even if there is a merging of space stations of the United States and Russia, yet these matters are not done with. Yet there are still powers, whether they be in the top nations of the world or whether they be in those of fanaticism and those who have a vengeance against the United States and are preparing to act when the time comes. You cannot overlook this and consider that this planet is going to simply roll into a golden age. Whether or not and when that golden age comes you must understand: war must be banished from Earth. And since it is not being banished from Earth then every nation has a right to absolute protection and absolute survival and a plan for both. And I am counting on Keepers of the Flame to see this, to understand this. And if you do not believe it and if you think this is right-wing rhetoric then think again. For it is not right-wing rhetoric—it is the truth at hand. And the government knows it and they are still dallying about, failing to abrogate that treaty which effectively will make the citizens of the United States of America the slaves of any powerful nation that should determine to launch a first- strike. Furthermore, the Lords of Karma assess people from all walks of life, including those who are attending this conference. And we see, as is well known in the astrology of the United States, that people come under the delusions of Neptune. This Neptunian delusion, beloved, causes people to enter into denial, to not read about or work diligently about those areas in the social life of this nation and the world. Therefore not to tackle the question of drugs, not to tackle education, not to go after the drug lords in South America and around the world—all of this is denial, wishful thinking as people enter into their so-called new age movements and are fascinated by this and that form of psychic involvement. This Neptunian delusion, which is a national disease and has been since the founding of this nation, must be looked at squarely. There are levels upon levels upon levels of maya, and you must see that there is maya everywhere. And if you would see clearly and see spiritually you must have the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Pursue them and work for them. Otherwise this nation can easily be taken over one way or another whether it is by the destruction of entire generations through drugs or that which we have spoken of as war. I ask you to pray for the members of this nation. And I ask you daily when you give your Astrea calls to always call for the clearing of the astrology of every man, woman and child in this nation, the astrology of Neptunian delusion so that they will have clear minds and clear seeing. Never mind that they will see horrors. Never mind that they will see reality. It is time the entire nation woke up to reality. And this is one of the greatest burdens of the Lords of Karma because those who are Keepers of the Flame yet remain under that delusion in some cases. We ask you to work on this and strictly direct your calls to Astrea to strip from you all wishful thinking, all unsound business practices, going here, going there, investing in this and that, not knowing how to handle your money and not asking experts to help you. You must be wise. You must realize that this war of light and darkness, of Armageddon, has yet to be fought and won by lightbearers in every nation. Therefore, see to it, for the Lords of Karma are concerned. [20-second pause] The rays of the Lords of Karma are intensifying. As we seven members and Vairochana come together we now direct the seven rays and the eighth ray into your chakras that the chakras might have balance, be spinning correctly and that you might open your eyes and have the strength to open your eyes to these challenges at hand. On the return current of each of these rays you may send petitions to the Lords of Karma, requests for grants that you might achieve some breakthrough along the lines that we have discussed. The pale horse rides this day, beloved. The pale horse rides. The stench of death to come is already in the Earth, for the future can be read. It can also be smelled. You know that there is a death of the soul, a death of the spirit, a death of the mind and heart. But above all let conscience live as the inner voice of the inner man of the heart. And let that inner God Presence of Atman so sustain you that you will be the victor over death and hell. [12-second pause] ... Do not allow the scum of the astral plane to surface and to bleed you of the earnings of your daily bread and of the wealth of nations. Let hearts of courage consider that to deal with these matters will always require sacrifice. And there is danger. But then shall you bequeath this world to your children and leave them to tend it when it has grown to such proportions that organized crime cannot be touched? I tell you, beloved, now is the time to deal with what is right in front of you. If you cannot go out and jump into the fray, then let your fiats rise to God each night. And call to K-17 and hosts of the Lord to go forth and do your bidding in these areas. And see how these individuals do not have the power that people think they have. They are empowered by demons who flee when they are about to be caught, and then they are as nothing, nothing but vegetables. Yes, beloved. If you would bequeath the world to your posterity, listen to the words of the Lords of Karma. Believe us, for we warn you. You know all of the good that is in the Earth; it is not necessary to remind you. And we know of all the good that you have performed in magnificent service. Therefore we must point out that which you are not focusing on. So I have done this. And I believe that you can add to this list so that major sections of specific matters may be looked into in detail.... Onward to the victory in every area of disgrace! [34-second standing ovation] -Pallas Athena, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:13 ………… To Those Who Maintain an Open Mind in the Spirit of Inquiry: One can easily resolve the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” by asking “Which came first, God or man, Spirit or matter?” The answer may well provide additional insight into our subject—understanding yourself. Man was created as a Spirit, and consciousness and intelligence are a necessary part of the spiritual being that man really is. However, consciousness which may be defined as God’s awareness of Himself not only functions in the domain of Spirit but also is able to project itself into the time-space continuum and thus to integrate the ever- changing world of the finite into the magnificent real world of the Infinite. The sole purpose of life upon the schoolroom-planet Earth is to develop in man through consent by freewill those masterful cosmic qualities that are a part of the character and being of God. The eternal Spirit is all-goodness. Man is intended to become that goodness. Of necessity his intelligence has been limited both in ability and flexibility by his karmic pattern and by his response to opportunities of Life. His power likewise has been restrained until such a time as the character of the individual might be developed in its divine similitude, whereupon his acts would become wholly divine, hence worthy of divine power. There is no competition in God. He delights in diversification of all creation provided that its pattern is after the true nature of divine being. The reason that pattern is all-important has to do with eternal life or a state of permanence in God. God does not wish to perpetuate evil or unhappiness, and certainly man should not desire to prolong his imperfection. Therefore the guardianship of the Eternal has placed necessary safeguards and restraints in the world of form, including the death of the physical body. This was done in order to prevent perpetuation of undesirable traits of mortal thought and feeling. Let men understand that the abundant life must come into manifestation in the world of the individual as naturally as the opening of a flower once he has developed attunement with the mind of Christ. For the Christ acts as a mediator for him and imputes unto him that righteousness which is the Father’s will. There are many weapons which the dark ones have employed to keep mankind from discovering the real Self. The most darkening of all is the screen of egoistic (self-centered) consciousness and that altogether human quality of pride which so readily saturates the being of man. Beloved ones, pride is so subtle that individuals often mistake it for spiritual zeal. The great doer is always the Eternal One who employs the hands and feet of humanity as well as their consciousness, their mind and their will but never without the consent of the individual. It is his intent to turn over to the individual—just as soon as he has demonstrated his capacity and worth to receive it—the full employment of his God-given talents. The correct use of these talents is always under the direction of the genius which God has implanted within mortal consciousness. This genius is truly a manifestation of the infinite law that lives and moves in the finite world. With all of their hearts men should guard their consciousness against the luciferian attitude of human pride. With few exceptions the people evolving upon this planet have lurking within their consciousness the quality of pride which shows its face when individuals allow themselves to become piqued over little things. The spiritually progressive lifestream who is willing to engage in a bit of introspection should note as an indication of personal pride the fact that he becomes annoyed or angry with others over trifles or unimportant matters that ought not to make any difference. One should learn balance and reasonability, giving unto others the same grace that one expects to receive. Through inward delight in the law of God a man can reach the point where he is able to withstand the onslaught of excess emotionalism and hold himself in the balance of the universal light even when his sensitive nature causes him to feel the pain of anger or regret concerning the conduct of another. Self-control that is control of the emotions and feeling world is one of the keys to self-mastery which some of our disciples find difficult to employ. ... Above all, the self should remain poised yet not aloof or without compassion for the problems of others. Training in sensitivity to Christ is advocated by the Brotherhood, but we would point out that involvement in psychic sensitizing and improper physical contact with others (which comes under the heading of “sensitivity training”) is a dangerous procedure which can very easily bring about the demise of needed individuality. Men need to preserve the individual self while they attain spiritual identification with the real Self. ... It is necessary that effective God-control over the creation be maintained in the universe so that God can produce the reality of his kingdom everywhere. Where the Spirit is not present, where the Spirit is denied, where the Spirit is quenched there is no fount of reality that brings the buoyancy of inter-spiritual and inter-personal realizations to the consciousness. ... Those who engage in so-called mental karate, those who seek to control or to hypnotize others often do not realize that they are functioning outside of the intent of the eternal Father.... Through discretion, Christ-discrimination and holy prayer men retain their divine dignity which does not preclude the possibility of the effervescing of the self in humor, truism and perpetual joyousness. Such dignity is never overcome by person, place, condition or thing. ... Through human cleverness and wit the kingdom of God has suffered violence, the world order has been tampered with and the forces of media have been used for purposes of negative control. The key to the redemption of the social system lies in the victory of divine law in the being of individual man.... O wisdom’s star, continue to shine! Graciously, I AM Lantom Pearls of Wisdom 12:29 .................

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

the nay way

deviations 46 + fiasco 26 =72=self-justification= Sanhedrin47+ Vatican25. nay13+ way13=26= Duffy. nay to Mother's vision of less top-down activity delivered end of June 1997 at San Diego, nay to Code of Conduct in spring 1997, nay to Council of Elders being independent from the Ranch insiders clique, nay to Ketino who was appointed by Mother, nay to Kuthumi's Pearls 19:5-15, nay to due process of the law, nay to Church ministers having their contract with the Messenger, nay to accountability to the Summit Lighthouse lightbearers, nay to admitting as Mother did in June 1998 at S.D. that "dark ones had come into this activity and Frances (Scott Miller) had made it her cause to counter them"--yes, by omitting that line of Mother's when they printed up the Pearl version, but it is spoken on tape version!, a big nay to 5 dissenting Elders who called for due process of the law in 2003 which Mother had agreed to.

RTR deviations

To Those Who Are Ready to Leave Their Misconceptions at the Gate of the Kingdom: The coercions of the world have exactly the power humanity gives to them. Is it not written in the sacred scriptures that God will suffer man to be tempted above that he is able, but will with every temptation also make a way of escape? Invictus, Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 13:27 ................... Well, the RTR after Mother's retirement wanted English instead of American spelling in the Pearls, e.g., Saviour instead of Savior, so they changed the Pearls in that way and in various other ways time and time again. In the above Online Pearls of Wisdom that I have reproduced here one sees "that God will suffer man to be tempted above that he is able,..." (searchpearls.summitlighthouse.or). In the original printed 1970 volume the reading is "that God will not suffer man to be tempted above that he is able," So much for world coercions going out as supposed "Pearls of Wisdom!"

Monday, May 23, 2022

grim enough

SERPENTINE 53 +MODE 19= 72. VATICAN 25+ SANHEDRIN 47= 72. CONFOUND\ 38+ POMPOUS34=72= BLACK MAGI 32+ ARROGANT 40=72=SELF-JUSTIFICATION. diabolic37= Neroli. PETTINESS37+SCHISM26=63=A HOUSE DIVIDED= BITTER 29+ POISON34 =63=CLEVER29+ DEBASING34. SLIPPERY 48+ DOUBLE-AGENT43 =91= SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR. SELF-CONCERNS 52 + COVERTLY39=91. AT ANY COST=28 + BETRAY26= 54=COMPRO-MISE=mad9 +pesticidee45 ..................... .....................
Lesia Dubenko May 23, 5:36 pm Dutch foundation evacuates six heavily-wounded Ukrainian soldiers to German hospital Kyiv Post May 23, 4:59 pm ICU Weekly Insight: May 23, 2022 – Eurobond prices rising sharply Kyiv Post May 23, 3:52 pm Russian Soldier Jailed For Life Over War Crime in Ukraine Kyiv Post May 23, 1:27 pm Renewed battles in Donbas around Severodonetsk, RF claims gains, UAF says attacks … Stefan Korshak Support the Ukrainian Army! Featured video All videos A paramedic at the battle zone on the front line in the Luhansk region. watch Featured article Meet Ukraine’s Defenders: (1) At the 25th Airborne Brigade’s Casualty Processing Center Kyiv Post Exclusive Ukraine May 23, 12:02 pm Changing the Russian Narrative Jason Jay Smart May 21, 2:44 pm Netherlands’ Expat Community Comes Together For Ukraine May 21, 12:31 pm Meanwhile in Spain: Anatoliy Shariy vs Sveta Nuzhna May 20, 3:03 pm Meet Ukraine’s Defenders: (3) Casualty Reception Center Nurse Olena Saprykina, 25th … May 20, 2:09 pm Russian Filtration Camps Are a War Crime (2) May 20, 10:36 am Heroes of Steel May 19, 2:19 pm Russian Filtration Camps Are a War Crime (1) May 19, 2:11 pm Meet Ukraine’s Defenders: (2) Ambulance Driver Oleksandr Saienko, 25th Airborne Brigade May 18, 12:21 pm Meet Ukraine’s Defenders: (1) At the 25th Airborne Brigade’s Casualty Processing Center More Ukraine news Business May 23, 4:59 pm ICU Weekly Insight: May 23, 2022 – Eurobond prices rising sharply Kyiv Post May 22, 10:18 pm ICU Bond Market Insight: May 18, 2022 May 18, 11:58 pm Ex-Kyiv Post Publisher Mohammad Zahoor Helps Buy Two Fighter Jets for Ukraine — Wife May 17, 11:54 am ICU Weekly Insight: May 16, 2022 – Foreigners Reduce Bond Portfolios More Business news Technology April 22, 2:10 pm Unique NFT Shevchenko poetry project to raise funds to help Ukraine Kyiv Post Jan. 28, 5:38 pm Silicon Valley CEO Reflects on Three Years in Ukraine Jan. 14, 11:12 am Overnight Cyber Attacks Bring Down Ukrainian Ministry, Government and Embassy Sites Jan. 7, 4:05 pm Ukrainian “Dream Team” Stars at Tech’s “Super Bowl” in Vegas More Technology news Lifestyle May 20, 3:59 am Ukrainians Show Off Colorful Shirts to Celebrate Unity Kyiv Post May 15, 3:29 pm Kyiv City Council renames Soviet monument “Arch of Ukrainian People’s Freedom” April 26, 4:03 am More ‘Russian Warship’ Stamps Get Printed as Ukraine Postal Service Devotes New Series to … April 18, 11:34 pm Kharkiv’s Cultural Life Defies Constant Russian Bombardment with First Book Presentation … More Lifestyle news

"A house divided against itself"

Invoking the famous biblical words “A house divided against itself can not stand,” Lincoln declared “I believe this government can not endure permanently, half slave, and half free.I expressed this belief a year ago; and subsequent developments have but confirmed me....I do not expect the Union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and put it in course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawfull in all the states, old, as well as new...." LINCOLN in his 1857-8 discovery of the foundation stone for this nation--and ultimately for the world. The spirit of clever compromise which had been running for decades was increasingly displaying deep cracks and Lincoln, being rather philosophical, looked deeper to hunt out the core of the matter that troubled many. Now Neptune's orbital cycle is 164.8 years, so we presently experience the return of Neptune late in the sign of Pisces anew, in other words the return of the cycle of Lincoln's 1857 innovation. America again is divided: the clever compromising mode again falters as divisions deepen. This necessitates fresh creativity or invention and deep remembrancewithin the character and consciousness of man. The core issue turns upon principles rather than personalities. Some align one way, some few go deeper to seek out the fundamental truth that has been blurred out in the process of time. The cycle of Neptunem yes!--but Lincoln was Aquarian; he simply seized upon Neptunian awareness through his deep need and the new Republican Party's deep need for a rallying-point.
And so do I. -R, Siskiyou County, California

Sunday, May 22, 2022

how much is 2+2?

The Messenger ECP was a Romanov and by 1996 Ketino was putting Teachings into Russian. Putin rose to head FSB by 1999. Surely the FSB/KGB has had long files on the Summit. Ketino operated in Moscow. Tje picture is not hard to understand. Divide and conquer is a prime motif. Black magician Rasputin=37; (Prime opponent to Abe Lincoln) Jefferson 44 Davis 19 (=63, same as Neroli Duffy63). Putin=26, so we can see the pattern all right, or call it a weird correlation. Now the entire Pearls do contain Pearls 19:13-15 which 3 do concern Lenin and his previous embodiment as Ignatius Loyola, these particlular Kuthumi Pearls deleted by RTR from Pearls online for years now, since 2003-4. So this is highly symbolic. You get the picture by now: Peter Duffy 54 and orthodoxy54 is another correlation. Neroli on 8-29-2003 at Moscow meeting tried to stop Ketino from tape recording that meeting; RTR took many questionable legal steps (e.g., deleting due process of the law from this activity) , wanting perhaps an okay from the Kremlin led by Putin for operation in Russia. If this does not make sense to you, this thread, not to worry, you can always join the Peter/Neroli Duffy approach or move to Mars. -r, siskiyou county
, california

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Karen Kingston: supreme video bioweapon

Karen Kingston, goldmine video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yghdVomMQCV2/

heartbreaking Duffy

numerology., n'est-ce pas? heartbreaking65 + Duffy26=91.carnal mind 44 + calcination47=91. spiritual44 + director 47=91. Peter 28 + Neroli 37+ Duffy 26=91. =

smoke mirrors

But now just as the Soviet Union has reached new heights of nuclear and conventional military power, we are told that the Soviet threat no longer exists. The reasons for this are supposedly self-evident. Eastern Europe has broken free from Soviet control and the Warsaw Pact is defunct. And in the wake of the failed military coup of August 19, the Soviet Union itself has disintegrated. … In 1990 and 1991 the Soviets supposedly became our ally in the Persian Gulf war. They signed treaties to reduce the number of conventional arms in Europe and to reduce nuclear missiles pointed at the United States. These events made world peace seem like a sure thing. -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 34:63 …................... I speak to you then and I behold with my eye the military preparedness of lightbearers. And I say it is found wanting, especially in the area of conventional forces that are needed to take command of certain skirmishes and acts of terrorism as well as penetration of this nation of drugs from beyond her shores which ought to be dealt with by military forces inasmuch as this is a declaration of war against the United States of America and her divine destiny and the physical bodies of this generation of her youth! -Archangel Michael, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter, April 11, 1982 at Camelot, L.A. Pearl 25:28 .............

Friday, May 20, 2022

Agni Uogaandblack forces,2

74. There is no reason to think that black magic is now especially increasing in Tibet. Of course it has increased there greatly, but this is only one phase of its worldwide development. One cannot imagine to what an extent this black network is being spread. It is impossible to conceive the entire diversity of its participants. It is impossible to reveal all unsuspected combinations which sustain each other. Can one be reconciled to the fact that heads of states, prelates, Freemasons, rebels, judges, criminals, physicians, the sick and healthy are all at work in the same black field? The difficulty of detecting them is that one cannot indicate any definite organization; all is based on separate individuals who are deliberately placed in the most varied activities. Fiery World - 1933 .............. 75. Thus if you notice an inhuman cruelty, be assured that this is a sign of the dark ones. Each Teaching of Light is primarily a development of humaneness. Remember this definitely, for the world has never before been in such a need of this quality. Humaneness is the gateway to all other worlds. Humaneness is the basis of straight-knowledge. Humaneness is the wings of beauty. The essence of humaneness is the substance of the Chalice. Therefore above all on Earth let us be clothed in humaneness and recognize it as an armor against dark forces. A fiery manifestation will visit the heart through humaneness. Thus we shall realize once again to what a degree the farthest is the nearest. We also recognize each other through humaneness. Thus in this hour of danger let us labor for the most imperative. ................... 167. Where then is the mite that can turn the lever of events?... Calamity creeps in more easily than the smallest worm. 
173. The heart, the Chalice, the solar plexus are truly cosmic barometers. ...therefore I speak about the preservation of magnanimity as the basis of good health. It must be understood how urgently the heart requires magnanimity. There are a great number of small black stars as if they were signs of the onset of darkness. -Fiery World 1933 ............ 
272. Each unlawful deviation and destruction arouses the so-called black fire.... The more naturally the Fire is kindled the more beneficial it is. Hence the conclusion that the fire of love is the most perfect. You wish to protect the Hierarch, and you do so not from fear not for gain but from love. The substitution of fear or covetousness for love results in black fire. The result is the same in the case of any other unworthy substitutions. Every fire is magnetic; therefore one should so cautiously avoid the magnetism of black fire. It does not transmute the particles of dense emanations but acts just reversely, thus encumbering space. This can be especially harmful in the case of blood relationships when dense unconsumed particles are so easily attracted and can overstrain already weakened organs. Thus it is impractical to kindle black fire. .......... 276. Indeed striving is the very force that saves one from the blows of hate. Thus when we pronounce the great concept, Agni, striving is understood in all its ardor. In humanity's conception the fiery world is growing together with achievement of thought. But do not try to convince of the fiery world a heart that is ignorant of Fire. Such coercion will only lead to black fire. If we could count the number of servants of darkness created by various coercions, we would be terrified by the enormous total. One must possess the utmost sensitiveness in order to understand when one can turn the key the second and third time in the lock. Neither dogma nor chemistry can say when the sacred word permitted can be pronounced. But fire of heart knows when karma and the consciousness of a brother will not be overburdened; for the manifestation of Agni must not burden. -Fiery World 1933 ............... 351. The black lodges know what to do. But the servants of light by their disorganization often even harm each other. The black lodges are not approached by strangers, but the servants of light through good nature or rather ignorance often are ready to embrace the most dangerous traitor. One must eject indifference, which paralyzes the best forces. Truly one can become exhausted not so much by enemies as by indifference of friends. How is it possible to understand fieriness when one is indolent and indifferent? The qualities of Fire are the antitheses of indifference. One must beware of the oppressiveness of such inert people, although occasionally one can put them to shame and at least rouse indignation in them. A deathlike withdrawal of the spirit is a departure from life. .......... :
356. Doubt is the main entrance for the dark ones. When doubt begins to stir, the Fire becomes low; and the front door swings wide open for the black whisperer. One must augment harmony and find joy even in a hen laying an egg. Thus in great and small we outdo the enemy. ............ 367. For natural magnetism there is no need of special black magic. Black fire fills every evil heart, therefore let us be very observant in regard to objects. One may recall that Apollonius of Tyana never touched objects that were unfamiliar to him. First he looked at them carefully especially when they were ancient. When one of his disciples wanted to put a ring on his finger the Teacher warned him against touching poison. A deadly poison was discovered concealed in the ring. And Apollonius added "Such poison is less deadly than the poison of the heart." ... Just as fire deposits a patina upon a vessel, so is the fire of thought irremovable when it saturates the surface of an object. Among purifiers eucalyptus is useful, for it contains much fire. All living fire is also useful. Much infection has been destroyed around bonfires. Fiery World 1933 ............. 374. True, even powerful arrows can be repelled by black fire when there is a coincidence of actions. Then it is better to wait or defend oneself. ........... 388. malice is not a human attribute, it is the lowest form of ignorance. Through malice man degrades himself to an animal state, with all its consequences. Malice like a red-hot iron burns away all accumulations. ............ 
426. The ability to draw a circle around the area covered by the dark and crawling ones can help in affirming one's dauntless outlook. One can stave off the approach of dark ones by repeating my name as a mantram. Thus we can understand why humanity is responsible for uttered words. If the utterance of a benign concept results in a calm state, the opposite will irritate, worry and demean that which exists. People saturate the world with the most malicious words; will not rivers of evil flow from them? One must have lost respect for human dignity not to acknowledge that the consequences of evil speech are terrible. It is said continuously that malevolence bears fruit after a century. The historian can verify the harvest from such black seeds. ............ 
452. The oppressive feeling from the black stars or the feeling of calmness from the blue ones is quite distinct. You also know that such sensations do not emanate from you but are received from space. The world of thought is the heritage of the future. ......... 
591. The dark forces try their utmost to prevent the manifestations of Benefaction. The self-will of people encourages various perversions. One should observe how at times benevolent thoughts flash out, to be extinguished as if by the pressure of a black hand. You were shown how even a powerful ray is subject to the schemes of dark ones. ... So many raging voices are shrieking from out of space, intent on hindering the course of the ship! Therefore the black eagle struggles with such fierceness, but out of the Dawn comes the White One, and with him the streams of Benefaction! ................... 
605. It is cause for rejoicing when Hierarchy is upheld by devotion. At present it is especially needed. If yesterday's confusion seemed enormous, what can one say of tomorrow's? I have already prepared you for the growth of Armageddon, and you know that the black wings of darkness will not withstand the fiery sword. Be not astonished - the Battle increases! .............. 620. blackest sorcery bent upon evil-- such conscious collaboration with dark forces is not less horrible than poison gases. It is incredible that men who consider themselves to be in the religion of Good perpetuate the most dreadful sorcery. ... crowds have been inveigled into mass magic. It is impermissible to allow such disintegration of the planet! It is impermissible to allow dark forces to succeed in annihilating all evolution. Sorcery is not permissible, being a pressure on space contrary to nature. -Fiery World 1933 ............ 
8. When whole continents are dying how are new abodes to be found without new energy? It is necessary to prepare spiritual consciousness for great earthly upheavals Fiery World 1934 ..................... 
13. One should observe not only ours but also the Black Brotherhood. It is erroneous to minimize the strength of dark forces. Very often their victory is due to such neglect. People very often say "They are not worth thinking about." But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against assassins of the spirit. One should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them. ...True, it is impossible to ever convince the dark ones, but one may paralyze them and considerably weaken them. Therefore, it is so important to oppose darkness actively. .......... 103. But during recent times one may see a revival of the most ancient services of darkness. Among them there are very harmful ones which can cause destruction by their very rhythm. The black lodges usually do not understand what cosmic harm they create. In their ignorance they think that they cause harm only in a desired direction, but in reality they touch whole strata of the atmosphere. ............... 
104. Black lodges must be destroyed very carefully. The fact is that they do not exist as oasis only but are infiltrated into apparently the most respectable circles. That is why it is difficult to eradicate evil. But people who consider themselves to be on the side of light do not give sufficient aid because they lack trust, not having developed it. One may name cases of direct betrayal which people regarded as trust, so confused are the concepts. ............. 
222. Verily there are many black stars. Each day only serves to complicate events. ............ 249. But, as everything which is forced, magic ends up in the darkest manifestations. The very boundary line between black and white magic becomes elusive in its intricacy. ...There is too much obsession on Earth. The sole path to jigher communion is through the heart. ............. 
306. The lower conjurations create utmost harm through mixture of the elements and invocation of portions of chaos.... extensive measures are needed in order to safeguard the planet which is sick enough as it is. Magic in general must be left alone. .............. 
307. Yet it is possible to weaken the harm of black magic to a considerable extent by conscious opposition to it. When one's heart transmits news about an attack, and the dark stars are revealed, one must calmly and fearlessly turn to Hierarchy. Many attacks are stopped immediately. But it would be a mistake to neglect the natural signs of the heart. ............. 
336. Darkness of thought leads to the most monstrous actions. A certain king ordered a sacred Image decorated with horns of diamonds in order to demonstrate the power of his arbitrary freewill. A certain madman adorned his boots with a sacred image, and to all appearances nothing happened, for he could not see the ensuing destruction in the subtle ream. He himself was convinced in his madness. ............ 423. Not by accident did the most savage sacrifices require blood as a means of excitement into intoxication. Likewise the black mass needs blood as a strong stimulation. For such purposes animals are used. -Fiery World 1934 ............... 56. No advancement is possible, no construction is possible, without the strongest expenditures of energies on the part of Hierarchy when the co-workers are clouded with personal feelings. The co-workers must remember the first law which affirms the first step - the expulsion of feelings of personal vengeance, for the feeling of revenge is a powerful manifestation of unscrupulousness of selfhood. For the sake of personal vengeance the co-worker may give up that of greatest value.... He who knows the meaning of karma can understand that a man takes revenge only on himself.,,, And a successful co-worker must not impose respect but must merit it. A king of the spirit must first of all reveal himself in a small circle of life. The growth of dimensions proceeds from within, and the spirit may bedeck itself with all the crowns of human glory and still remain a beggar. .......... 121. The vision of the black networks revealed all the blackness of the web which surrounds the planet. A whirlwind is being borne through space. ............. 122. The world is plunged into such a dark state that the supermundane spheres are being filled with stifling gases. Various indicated manifestations affirm how black threads envelop earthly spheres. It is proper to think and to prepare consciousness for manifestations of fiery shocks. .......... 
125. So many distortions, so many inaccuracies have been admitted into the Teachings. Verily each purification is great Service. Each striving to renew the truth as it has been given to humanity is fiery Service. The black threads seen represent not only the darkness of the earthly atmosphere but also that network which covers the human mind and heart. It is difficult to imagine how many minds have been clouded by various evil interpretations....Truth is revealed only to the open heart. ......... 
133. It is difficult even to imagine how infected the planet is! Not one law remains which has not been permeated by the poison of decomposition. Each higher manifestation has been so completely covered by black thought that purification of the earthly and supermundane strata is the most important task. ...The Fiery Spirit affirms the higher covenant. Its successors affirm the given Teaching. The chosen spirit clarifies the covenant handed down by the fiery Lawgiver. ... Therefore one who takes upon himself clarification of the Teaching carries a burden of humanity. ............... 
571. The black lodge has the sole aim of harming our works and disrupting the planet. People are usually enticed into the black lodge by promises of long life for great is the fear of death and also by promises of riches and of great power. ........... 
586. Never does an evil heart draw near the Fiery realm. Like a black stovelid stands a charred heart. Only malice burns up the life devoted to the ruin of others. -Fiery World 1935 .................. 
613. Black magic makes its nests with the people and also in governing circles. Let science look very deeply into such corrupting endeavors. -FieryWorld 1935 .................. 
26. It is precisely such (personal gain) people who, failing to find pieces of silver, become the most dreadful traitors. Thus neither the power of Grace nor Aum will affect or illumine them - the coal black heart remains black and is reduced to ashes. ............. 55. Let us guard against blood-red and black prayer. ............... 362.
Now let us observe if one of the two is a hypocrite or if they mutually distrust each other, the aura will be repulsive with black and gray spots. Moreover the two hypocrites will do mutual harm, and there will be no better hotbed for germination of their diseases. More than that, space will be infected from such a wrong employment of energy. -Aim 1936 ................ The most radiant faith becomes ineffective through a trickle of poison. -Brotherhood 1937 ................. 45:
Not one of the Teachers has ever proclaimed egotism and greed for mankind. It is not from light that such vipers are born. Black brotherhoods exist where the teaching of infamous processes of destruction, decay and disunity are propagated. ................... 78. The dark forces utilize most destructive means to pierce the earthly atmosphere and project deadly peril. They defy the laws of the iniverse and hope to attain their victory through confusion. They are not only dangerous adversaries but also unwise ones, for they have no thought for the planetary balance. ......... 78:
He who has seen the black projectiles, he who has heard the wailing in space, will not forget his duty to humanity. -Supermundane 1, 1938 ............ 427. Thought-waves like arrows pierce the mucous membranes; throat, ears, eyes and all other mucous tissues can be affected. There are times when thought-waves are even strengthened by mutual opposition. One cannot always see the explosions of black projectiles. Unearthly forces are active in them, but earthly thoughts treble their effect. -Morya: Supermundane 2, 1938 ....................