Monday, May 30, 2022
meal ticket 2
Blessed ones, the temple of the Mother that was once here and her shrine are nowhere apparent except if one consider the earmarks of the misuse and misqualification of the Divine Mother in these gambling houses, in these places where people come for sensual pleasure. For through the gambling entity and all else that ensues around it, controlled by the money beast and often by organized crime, there is the stealing of light of the base chakra and its channeling therefore into fallen ones of the Earth. For that which one surrenders to the money beast and gambling entity may not be returned to that individual, for it is lost….
Therefore, beloved, choose ye this day whether to enter the fiery coil of the ascension of the Divine Mother (and therefore to deprive those vultures of the astral plane of their booty, who wait to take your light) and thus to focus within your being a counterforce, of ascension’s rising flame that thereby the momentum of gambling may not spread further throughout the nations of Earth, fed and fueled by the money beast and the rationalization “Let us do evil that good may come; let us use the funds for state projects and education,” all feeding again and again upon the credulity, the wishful thinking that one can acquire attainment by Lady Luck–or whether to go the way of the squandering of the Divine Mother’s light and abundant life within you!…
Significant work at inner levels has preceded the coming of the Messenger by her calls and those of Keepers of the Flame, of our staff and those who are around the world. Therefore, beloved, one may see a waning of the power of the money beast, but those who are tied to that money beast on Wall Street may find themselves too late disentangled from its clutches. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 31:12
Some of you have heard of the arrest in New York of individuals who were ready to bomb the United Nations, the FBI building, the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Thus the people of New York and America must now face the point of vulnerability that comes when a nation does not cleave unto her God but is the slave of the money beast and of all manner of indulgences and inordinate desire. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 36:32
Now as never before does the violet flame go forth to give you opportunity for transmutation of greed, greed for material things and alliances based on that avarice that is part and parcel of the money beast….
You have been told before but I must say it again: the elements of sacrifice are the means to victory. Yes, it is the people who sacrifice while the fallen ones take from them their money, their livelihood, destroy their economy, destroy their banking houses, destroy their insurance companies and destroy their businesses.
Yes, beloved, and it is the people who carry the burden. This will only change when you are able to enter in to the lists of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray and understand the meaning of the legions of the Five Dhyani Buddhas and what action they may take to deliver this mighty people of a yoke of bondage, of financial servitude and of misuse of the money system itself.
-Omri-Tas, Pearl 35:84
The beast of gambling, beloved, is demoralizing. It sucks from the poor who have nothing. Gambling, beloved, is tied into suicide; the entities are very close to one another. Suicide is taking a chance—a chance that you may go to a good place, a chance that you may go to a bad place. Gambling is the same. You may win, you may lose but it is all a game of chance. You can see how suicide links up with gambling and then the money beast. And imagine how many children being born and growing up throughout this country will take gambling as a given, even as many of them have taken suicide as a given for the example of so many fallen angels who themselves committed suicide. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 46:32
Do you see what this then will mean to men who are presently engrossed in the building of monuments to their own personal egos and in the acquirement of money so that they may cause others to tremble because of their monetary power?
I tell you, blessed ones, for money’s sake and for the sake of filthy lucre some among the mankind of Earth will do almost anything, even [if it means] bringing about destruction and defeat of great nations. They will betray their countries. They will betray their homes and families. They will betray their own Divine Presence for the sake of money. I tell you, blessed ones, this is an action of the money beast, whose center—lying over Wall Street in New York City—has caused a manipulation of the stock markets, many times to the destruction of many individuals.
Blessed ones, do you realize what the action of man’s love of money has done to the cities of your own country? Do you realize how it has brought about not only places where individuals act in a manner most unbecoming to their own divinity but also where they deceive mankind and attempt to deceive the very deity within their own person?
-Saint Germain, Pearl 60:18
Understand that the control of the divine economy of Earth is the necessary control over all of those nations who are determined to spread World Communism around the world. It is the United States of America and Western nations who feed light, energy, money, armaments and technology to the beast, therefore empowering the beast to make war against the children of the light.…
Therefore, beloved ones, I point out to you that this sympathy must go,and [there must be] the binding of the dweller on the threshold of this nation of the entire conglomerate of the beast as well as the dragon—the beast of World Capitalism (that is, monopoly capitalism) and the dragon of the international bankers giving power to the beast of World Communism. This represents a conglomerate of many lifestreams who have entered into positions of immense power to control the flow of light of this nation which ought to go for education of all lightbearers of Earth as to their own interior light,their own Holy Christ Self and their own contact with Almighty God.
Therefore the entire planetary body hangs in the economic balance. Therefore let us bind the beast—the money beast whose number is 666—and let him be cast down and cast out! In order to accomplish this let lightbearers fast and pray that they be delivered from the records of their own subconscious of greed, of the love of money which is the root of all evil —and not money itself as the instrument of exchange.…
Realize then that the money beast itself is behind all war. And it is greed to increase money that causes Western nations to supply armaments and all manner of defensive as well as offensive weapons, mounting a huge spiral around the world.
It is the money beast that causes the feeding of technology, of grain, et cetera, et cetera, throughout the planetary body. And that greed has its origin in the fallen angels and Watchers themselves who long ago lusted after the light of the people of God. And this lusting after the light is the lusting after their abundance, their supply, their energy, their life-force and all of the seven chakras which are points of God’s consciousness.
Therefore lust and greed must be bound, and the planetary dweller on the threshold of the beast and the number and name of that beast! -Archeia Mary, Pearls of Wisdom 26:45
Realize that the money beast that stalks the Earth and the vibration of greed itself and ambitions to that power of this world are not entirely rooted out of individuals, especially those who have not conquered the desire body or carnal mind. The tentacles of the money beast are everywhere upon the planetary body. And the cult of success without God has even lured seekers away from the pure and perfect service and givingness of self as well as supply upon the altar of God.
Here upon the altar let us multiply the gifts of harvest, the fruits of thanksgiving! Let God be the sacred business of life. Let the altar be the place prepared for those gifts. Let us invest in the Lord and in His house and in the publishing of His Word. And let those who have been burned by the money beast be humble this day. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 23:49
Therefore you who hold concert with the powers of world communism and socialism and those who are part of the money beast worldwide and international bankers who keep afloat the sinking ship of world communism—you who call yourselves Christians, you are judged this day! I have no part with thee, for you do not represent me.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 25:27
Do you know, beloved–and you do not, therefore I shall tell you–that while you invoked the light here yesterday the call was made as it was destined to be made by the Messenger in that very hour. [Yes,] a million years ago it was destined that that call be made in that hour yesterday. And therefore the Messenger did [make the] call in the person and mantle of the Divine Mother that she does bear at inner levels, Kuan Yin and Mother Mary with her, [and she] did cry out to all lightbearers of the world (all of whom recognize her [as the Mother]), did implore every one of those lightbearers to let go of their cups of materialism, to let go of the money beast, to let go of this civilization and to come apart–imploring and giving call after call after call for all legions of the Divine Mother to cut them free.
And with all of this and these centuries of service of our bands, beloved hearts, at this crucial hour of the handwriting on the wall, how many (apart from the body of God already separated out) of those lightbearers on the entire planet do you think responded? I tell you, 5 percent [of the lightbearers on planet Earth] left their hold upon the money beast and heeded the call of the one whose face they have known forever! -Morya, Pearl 31:37
In these days and hours the civilization of materialism is driven by fallen ones who manipulate Wall Street and money marts by things that people ought not to dwell on. But rather they should dwell on the manger scene and center within the heartbeat of their Holy Christ Self.
-Jesus Christ, via Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on April 12, 1998 at Chicago, Pearl 41:20
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