Monday, May 30, 2022
meal ticket 1
Let all realize then that the children of light must be wiser than the children of mammon. Let all recognize that upon the Earth body this present hour there are children of light and children of mammon. I do not deny that some of the children of mammon have behaved as children of light and that some children of light have behaved as children of mammon. This does not prove that the Law is wrong. It simply proves the tenacity of the element of human discord, vanity and sin on the one hand, and the power of the Creator’s inherent goodness that seeks to raise all life on the other hand. It also proves that laggard qualities are contagious and that vigilance is required to hold an immaculate concept, regardless of what appearances may be involved. Certainly virtuous motherhood such as Mother Mary offered is yet the requirement of the hour! -Saint Germain 7:8
Humility and simplicity of nature has sometimes made men pawns for men wiser in the way of mammon and the manipulation of mental substance. “For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8). In the holy name of truth then we would set all such captives free—most especially those who desire to render a true service to the great ones in this day of great ecessity. If the harvest of God is to be gathered into the barns and storehouses of God, holy truth must be given rightful preeminence in all things; and those organizations and individuals who stand for righteousness and sincerity, whose every thought is one of dedication and freedom for mankind, must receive through the great thread of cosmic unity the fullest measure of acclamation—not for personality’s sake but for the sake of holy principles upon which they stand.
-Hilarion, 7:38
Accompanying physical wealth and the scientific blessings of the age has come a dialectical materialism, but behind that materialism there is a well-planned and clearly defined sinister activity whose goal is the enslavement of man. Because America is intended to be and is a land of such progress and true freedom, the spearhead of many of these attacks is directed against her and her people. To break down the image of the American people in the eyes of the world is the desire of
those who serve the god of mammon. Yet the responsibility of the American people to honor their opportunity and keep that image untarnished is very great!
-Saint Germain!
Pearl 8:38
We would develop in the initiate the realization of God-intent. It is not what man has intended but what God has intended that must be given preeminence. Notwithstanding, the accent in human affairs has been on human consciousness which, oddly enough, has expected and thus realized a sense of struggle. Yet because their attention is centered in the world the children of mammon are often wiser in their own generation than the children of light. They know where they are going, what their objectives are and how they will achieve.
-Kuthumi, Pearl 13:45
The lines of the swaddling garments of God are simple. Those who are always looking to others for psychic materializations and extraordinary powers, because they look to mammon rather than to God, will never find the real power of God manifesting in their own lives. -Maha Chohan, 14:47
The carnal mind is the manipulator of the mass energies of the mass consciousness. Since the carnal mind is in control of the world, the flesh and the devil, Jesus said to the children of light “Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations.” Thus the Lord showed the initiates of sacred fire that there was a time to challenge the carnal mind and a time to be wise in the ways of the world. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:38
Yes, beloved, can you really have God and Mammon or Christ and Antichrist?
I think you know the answer. [You cannot. But forsaking Mammon and Antichrist] is a small price to pay to walk the Earth as a shaft of light. But it is the ultimate price, for you not only have to set aside certain human-consciousness conditions but you must also know that some will be offended by the light and the Presence [and will rail against you].
-Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 35:66
This is cosmic law and it cannot be abrogated. Therefore I trust you will make your freewill choice and that your choice will be to run with the violet flame! For only thus can you solve the dichotomy of God and mammon. You see, the violet flame is both a plus and a minus. It is the wholeness of the t’ai chi. Whatever side of the violet flame you are on you are still centered in violet flame. So it is a win-win situation. -Saint Germain, Pearl 39:33
The sternness of the Maha Chohan is the sternness of the white flame of honor. If you would know what honor is, then apply to me and I will release the steely white light that will show you the shabbiness of some of your past deeds and past associations. And when you see that light and the angelic hosts who stand in the midst thereof, you will shun the past even as you will shun your own former self. And you will know that when faced with the choice to be disloyal to God or to man you will choose the latter and fear not the breaking of any agreements or contracts you have made in order to reinstate God and reinstate the covenant that He has made with you, with the people Israel. It is up to you to keep the covenant. Let all other human contracts then which interfere with the covenants of God be broken, for ye cannot serve God and mammon.
-Maha Chohan, Pearl 57:8
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