Friday, May 27, 2022
keep on keeping on
There are final exams. Be always prepared, for you never know when this or that will creep in to take you from your seat quite suddenly. How else can we move forward with bands, legions, lightbearers who would accelerate?..All must be tested. The mettle must be tested to see if it is strong enough to hold for the next round of initiations. -Goddess of Light, Pearl 47:12
I have taken you round about through all of this that you might realize that festering in the fallen ones are the forcefield of these astral and mental viruses. Unless they be brought to the judgment, unless the calls be made for that lethal substance to be bound-- the very essence of death and hell itself--there will continue to be a contamination and a pollution of the stream of consciousness in the Earth, affecting those who are not nearly so dark but who have only small elements of darkness or carelessness or ignorance of the laws of God. -Archangel Gabriel and Hope, Pearl 24:9
Do not be set back by gross injustices practiced against you or any group of which you may be a member--racially or in religion, politically or in a stand for integrity in the defense of Life. Do not allow mounting astral waves of mankind’s returning misqualified energy which is always unjust to deter you from a strong sense of justice that shall prevail because men and women of the light will it so. Do not be overcome by injustice but overcome injustice with justice.
My prayer then is that wisdom amplified by these flame flowers, etheric flowers of light, golden light from the heart of the wisdom retreats, floral offerings from Gautama, Maitreya, Jesus, Kuthumi placed at the feet of the devotees of justice--our prayer that these flame flowers of wisdom shall be abundantly scattered across the face of the Earth that the people of America will have a renewed sense of divine justice and therefore challenge the fallen ones who have usurped the authority and light of the Supreme Court of this nation and consequently are usurping the light of the Constitution of the United States, the original covenant made by Saint Germain with lightbearers to protect them against the enemy within and without this nation. -Portia, Pearl 23:50
Now, the merciful ‘karmic deferment’ practiced at times by the Karmic Board has caused some recalcitrant individuals to take license for a continuation of their bad conduct. Beloved mankind! The mercy of the great law does not always bring immediately to the doorway of every man the full impetus of his wrong acts. A certain portion of most men's negative karma likewise is restrained or deferred by the hand of mercy from reacting fully upon them as a cumulative release. -Great Divine Director, Pearl 8:6
Yes, beloved, use that voice while you have it and do not withhold your disagreement with error or erroneous statements. Do not keep your peace when someone is uttering an untruth. Challenge it, beloved! ...
Beloved ones, I have defended you and rescued you from the jaws of darkness. I ask you now to return in kind the favor and to save others who will be lost without your intercession. -Divine Director, Pearl 37:29
And therefore you see, their rebellion is against Almighty God directly and against His Law. They camouflage rebellion in social causes, rebelling against this and that and this and that, against each other, against the church, against the state. But they are rebels to the core and you see, their rebellion is against the whitefire core of being. This energy shortly coming to the fore must be transmuted before it is precipitated, for its precipitation will cause further spiritual and material blindness and the coming to power of those individuals who are in no wise capable of running the affairs of state. -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:51
Never tire then in the work that is your dharma, your duty to be the wholeness of yourself. Never be frustrated that you are misunderstood or before your time in your understanding of the stars, universes, mountains and petals of a flower... I have indeed fought the good fight and I have won. -Nicholas Roerich, Pearl 33:44
O blessed hearts, it is the water of Life. It is the energy of God. It is the Sacred Spirit. And it does flow from this fount of my Being. And in this light ye are filled and the Grail sparkles with that light. And therefore the soul is raised up. And if it will give that necessary service and sacrifice, it will come into alignment with the Christ Self and therefore be unto all people that shepherd and that priest under the order of Aaron. -Lord Ling, Pearl 24:4
But He does not manifest to them in a tangible way simply because their faith has failed to provide the power to shatter veils of matter and to let them see what marvelous gifts Life has given. These stand before you now. These are light, truth and life.
For your progress in exalting faith, -Archeia Faith, Pearl 12:4
The vow is the set of the sail... You must recite your vows daily to review and remind yourselves that you have taken them... The vow that we take is a shield. It is a shield that protects us in the day of our karma....The locking of the vow seals us for the victory.. .The vow is taken that bodhisattva can strengthen his resolve and keep himself from giving up his intended goal.. .The reason for the vow is that it is ever-present reminder, the comfort, it is the law itself. I have made this vow, I have given my word to God, I will fulfill it by His Grace. Vows are not taken lightly, when we take them we should keep them. -"Phylos Lecture No 1, The Nature of the Vow" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Hail, legions of Venus! Come now! Rally round the Mother of the World. Rally around Her children! Let them be drawn up now into the levels of the etheric octave where the power, wisdom and love of the music of the spheres is able to transform worlds of the psyche, worlds in the inner earth.
Let music not be thought of as something that does not have ultimate power. The great symphonies, the works of Beethoven, Mahler and many others -- play these also perpetually in your homes, for they are upholding a certain level of vibration of molecules, of atoms and of the Earth. Know then that music is a mighty powerful force. And just because it is so, the fallen angels, as you know, have moved in everywhere to take from children and adults alike the original purity of the sound of the Om that originated in the Word in the Beginning, the sound of the Om that calls home to the Divine Mother all evolutions whose day and hour is come for their perfectionment.
I am Sanat Kumara. I have come and tarried long in Earth. I have returned to my home star and returned to Earth again. I will not be moved from this planetary home until every lightbearer is ascended in the light and free. Is this not the vow of the bodhisattva, beloved? Indeed it is. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 44:46
When the prophet bade the people to come to the fount and drink “without money and without price” he was speaking of the mighty ascension flame of his own God-free being, of Sanat Kumara who was upon him, even upon your own messenger Lanello. Blessed hearts, this raised-up sacred fire, this ascension flame flowing in your midst, is the Mother light. Therefore let there be the gathering of my children. Let them drink of this light! Dear hearts of light, you well know what is the path, what is the necessary discipline to receive the nectar of the inner chakra of the crown. Truly this nectar of light that comes forth descends because Mother-light is risen as the ascension flame within you. Truly this light, this nectar of the crown that is for the opening of the third eye, that is for the clearing of the way of the ascent of consciousness, cannot be bought. Now you have a greater light. Now you have a greater perception. And therefore I trust that you will also become infilled with your own Christ-potential to tear the veil from those sheep who are yet abiding at the level of devotee who yet stand beneath Almighty God and invoke his light. And yet for some, they invoke the light of the unknown God. And therefore they are tempted to go after those self-proclaimed gods that are loud in the marketplaces and that sell their wares as though they were a commodity to be bought with the very money of the land.
Beloved hearts, there is very little difference to the untrained eye of those initiators who claim to initiate the people in the third eye or in other chakras and the real transfer of light from Sanat Kumara. Without purging and cleansing of your own chakras you yourselves--without this training and this path and this teaching--would not necessarily discern the difference. Hearken unto this and remember! For there are many charlatans and many psychics in the world today who can perform these signs and wonders. And thereby they call upon the name of the Lord, yet the Lord is not nigh unto them! Thus the miracles of the representatives of God are for believers and they are not flaunted before the fallen ones. Thus you must be careful and judge righteous judgment when considering where is the flow of true light and where is its counterfeit. -Lord Ling, Pearl 24:4
And so we have established a base far from earth, beyond this solar system. Here we bind fallen angels, who have no right to corrupt the children of God or the civilizations of this world. Yes, for many the time is up. Nevertheless, it is the Law: we must have your calls daily if we are to cast out the fallen angels. And it can definitely happen if you call upon us with such fury and such determination that no devil will dare to cross your threshold.
Therefore, call to us, the Seven Archangels. Command us! Send us! For we can multiply ourselves millions of times. We can fill a cosmos with our Causal Bodies. Indeed, there is nothing that we, the Archangel and Archeia of the Seventh Ray, cannot do--likewise Elohim--likewise sons and daughters of God if they will only meditate upon their Great Causal Bodies and realize what a great multiplicity of suns they have within those Causal Bodies.
Blessed ones, the Archangels can and will do anything for you so long as it is within the framework of cosmic law. You, therefore, would be greatly remiss if you did not ask them! Command them! Direct them! Verily, do not let go of the hem of their garments until you have so moved them that they will go forth in answer to your call to bind this Evil!
Beloved ones, there is great God-Good in the earth, even as there are great souls in the earth. These are the stalwart ones who have vowed not to be moved from the God-center of the universe nor from the God-center of their hearts. Therefore, because you are on your way to your victory, we direct you to join together to defeat the evil forces; for they are cunning. Beware of them, because they have fooled you before, else you would not be in this room. On the contrary, you would be in the octaves of light but for the fallen angels who enticed you here and there and finally caused you to be cast out of Maitreya's Mystery School.
Yes, this is why we speak of Evil. It is because Evil incarnate has caused you to fail and to fall many times over. For you did not recognize these individuals as evil because they pretended to be your teachers and mentors, et cetera. -Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst, Pearl 40:33
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