Wednesday, May 25, 2022
into every heart rain must fall
Beloved hearts, love is able to quicken! Love is able to illumine! Love is able therefore to discriminate and to show you even the most clever games that lying ones play. Therefore understand they have pursued a deliberate adeptship in misqualification of the heart, where you pursue consciously a Christhood that must begin to be much more serious in your life.
-Lanello, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 1, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl
There are always some who will deny the Path, the teachings and the existence of the ascended masters, because they are clever enough to recognize that should they so embrace the path they will have to change their lives around completely. And they do not intend to be moved in this life. -Saint Germain, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 4, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:15
This Earth is a place varied, as you know, a crossroads. Many lifestreams gather here. Some come to exploit, some come to exalt. Some are selfless as they give their lives to a humanity that is downtrodden and without hope. Others pursue education. They do not include in this courses in selflessness, courses that will lead to the soul’s victory even through a life of joy in the service of the Lord.
I remind you that you can well conduct yourselves and have the best of both worlds. But you cannot have the best of the next world if your priority is here in these levels of materialism and non-caring.
The Lords of Karma are likewise concerned, as are other masters who have spoken to you, regarding the decline in the levels of integrity, values, honor, kindness—above all, compassion as the core of service. You have here the path that can lead all to fulfillment, joy, happiness and the ascension as well. As for those who do not see it that way there are millions upon millions, and they may tarry in the Earth until the Earth itself is no more. This is a great pity....
And if it is to not happen, then we must have those who are servants of God and servants of mercy and servants of justice come into these fields and see to it that both lawmakers and those of the Supreme Court and those of every town and city are changed in favor of mercy and constructive rehabilitation.
Life is worth something! And there are many on Earth today in positions of power who have no heart flame, who do not consider that most of the people on Earth have a life that is worth something. The absence of the value of human life is the crux of the concern of the Karmic Board. For where there is that absence of valuing ultimately human life there is everything from abortion to the injustice of sentencing.
There are many areas that must be looked into. So many of those who lead have hardness of heart. When it comes their turn and their life for ten thousand years of karma to descend upon them they will try cleverly to dodge that karma. But they shall not escape! They shall not escape. And they shall indeed know what it is like to be on the other side.
[9-second pause]
We the Lords of Karma depend on those who are on the spiritual path to so purify and accelerate their auras and consciousness that we may call to you at any time and your karmic entanglements will not be able to stop you from jumping in and serving where service is needed. When you have not balanced karma and, psychologically speaking, you have many human attachments then you are not free to move, to act, to be there where we need you. Attempt then to develop such a great heart of love that you may give that love to all who depend on you and ultimately to the world and yet not be dependent on others but know that some must come out from the crowd and be ready.
The Lords of Karma are concerned about gangs, gang warfare, political parties being overtaken by gangs, and an entirely new climate in the United States based on these individuals who move in packs and are determined to defy all that is holy and good in the founding principles of this nation. ...Those who have not extended divine justice or human justice must have the tables turned upon them.
I AM Pallas Athena and I have seen that the sword of truth, the sword of truth, beloved, is the means whereby civilization does continue. When you visit countries where there is no truth in speech, in commerce, in the marketplace, where everything that is spoken is spoken for convenience, is a lie, you have understood that it is no longer the cosmic honor flame that governs these societies. And therefore their civilizations, their nations cannot stand the test of truth....
Each quality of each of the (Karmic Board) members does draw us back to the founding principles of life. We must stand on those principles. And we must demand that souls who have strayed from them must pay their karma and return to the mandates of God set forth by the great Manus.
There is nothing left when the virtues of God are not extolled. ...And those who are the liar nations pretend to speak the truth. And those who are the truth nations will listen to them, and because they want to hear the truth they accept the lie as truth.
This has been going on in the East and the West for hundreds of years. It is time you realized that it is one of the techniques that have been taught for all time in warfare. You have read the book of Sun Tzu and you know exactly what is deceit in warfare.
There is deceit this day. There is deceit in the Congress of the United States and in the Office of the President, and the deceit has to do with the promise to the American people that they shall have a defense. And yet they shall not have that defense, for the United States has not seen fit to abrogate those treaties which have bound the United States to not have her own self-defense.
This is such a serious matter that it brings us to the very core and point of our message. By dynamic decree, by speaking out, by representing your state, your town, your government you must demand that the elements of this ABM Treaty are taken apart and that this United States shall have the maximum defense necessary in the case of any attempt by any foreign power to bring nuclear war or a first- strike attack upon this society.
This is still on the drawing boards of nations—make no mistake, beloved. And it is partner nations to the United States who have a greater opportunity to be rescued by the United States in such conditions than the people of the United States themselves, who do not have that defense.
Blessed ones, you can look throughout history. There have always been nations, races and peoples allied against one another. There has been war all the way back to Lemuria and Atlantis on every nation and on every soil. The Earth is blood-soaked. It is about to be chemical-soaked by these weapons of war that have grown and grown and grown.
I ask you then to remember that your original Saturday night services were based upon your decrees and calls for reversing the tide of the momentums of World Communism and world socialism and the engines of war building between the two power nations of the Earth. This matter is not done with. This is not the end of it. Even if there is a merging of space stations of the United States and Russia, yet these matters are not done with. Yet there are still powers, whether they be in the top nations of the world or whether they be in those of fanaticism and those who have a vengeance against the United States and are preparing to act when the time comes.
You cannot overlook this and consider that this planet is going to simply roll into a golden age. Whether or not and when that golden age comes you must understand: war must be banished from Earth. And since it is not being banished from Earth then every nation has a right to absolute protection and absolute survival and a plan for both.
And I am counting on Keepers of the Flame to see this, to understand this. And if you do not believe it and if you think this is right-wing rhetoric then think again. For it is not right-wing rhetoric—it is the truth at hand. And the government knows it and they are still dallying about, failing to abrogate that treaty which effectively will make the citizens of the United States of America the slaves of any powerful nation that should determine to launch a first- strike.
Furthermore, the Lords of Karma assess people from all walks of life, including those who are attending this conference. And we see, as is well known in the astrology of the United States, that people come under the delusions of Neptune. This Neptunian delusion, beloved, causes people to enter into denial, to not read about or work diligently about those areas in the social life of this nation and the world.
Therefore not to tackle the question of drugs, not to tackle education, not to go after the drug lords in South America and around the world—all of this is denial, wishful thinking as people enter into their so-called new age movements and are fascinated by this and that form of psychic involvement.
This Neptunian delusion, which is a national disease and has been since the founding of this nation, must be looked at squarely. There are levels upon levels upon levels of maya, and you must see that there is maya everywhere. And if you would see clearly and see spiritually you must have the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Pursue them and work for them. Otherwise this nation can easily be taken over one way or another whether it is by the destruction of entire generations through drugs or that which we have spoken of as war.
I ask you to pray for the members of this nation. And I ask you daily when you give your Astrea calls to always call for the clearing of the astrology of every man, woman and child in this nation, the astrology of Neptunian delusion so that they will have clear minds and clear seeing.
Never mind that they will see horrors. Never mind that they will see reality. It is time the entire nation woke up to reality. And this is one of the greatest burdens of the Lords of Karma because those who are Keepers of the Flame yet remain under that delusion in some cases.
We ask you to work on this and strictly direct your calls to Astrea to strip from you all wishful thinking, all unsound business practices, going here, going there, investing in this and that, not knowing how to handle your money and not asking experts to help you. You must be wise. You must realize that this war of light and darkness, of Armageddon, has yet to be fought and won by lightbearers in every nation. Therefore, see to it, for the Lords of Karma are concerned.
[20-second pause]
The rays of the Lords of Karma are intensifying. As we seven members and Vairochana come together we now direct the seven rays and the eighth ray into your chakras that the chakras might have balance, be spinning correctly and that you might open your eyes and have the strength to open your eyes to these challenges at hand. On the return current of each of these rays you may send petitions to the Lords of Karma, requests for grants that you might achieve some breakthrough along the lines that we have discussed.
The pale horse rides this day, beloved. The pale horse rides. The stench of death to come is already in the Earth, for the future can be read. It can also be smelled. You know that there is a death of the soul, a death of the spirit, a death of the mind and heart. But above all let conscience live as the inner voice of the inner man of the heart. And let that inner God Presence of Atman so sustain you that you will be the victor over death and hell.
[12-second pause]
... Do not allow the scum of the astral plane to surface and to bleed you of the earnings of your daily bread and of the wealth of nations.
Let hearts of courage consider that to deal with these matters will always require sacrifice. And there is danger. But then shall you bequeath this world to your children and leave them to tend it when it has grown to such proportions that organized crime cannot be touched?
I tell you, beloved, now is the time to deal with what is right in front of you. If you cannot go out and jump into the fray, then let your fiats rise to God each night. And call to K-17 and hosts of the Lord to go forth and do your bidding in these areas. And see how these individuals do not have the power that people think they have. They are empowered by demons who flee when they are about to be caught, and then they are as nothing, nothing but vegetables.
Yes, beloved. If you would bequeath the world to your posterity, listen to the words of the Lords of Karma. Believe us, for we warn you. You know all of the good that is in the Earth; it is not necessary to remind you. And we know of all the good that you have performed in magnificent service. Therefore we must point out that which you are not focusing on. So I have done this.
And I believe that you can add to this list so that major sections of specific matters may be looked into in detail.... Onward to the victory in every area of disgrace!
[34-second standing ovation]
-Pallas Athena, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl
To Those Who Maintain an Open Mind in the Spirit of Inquiry:
One can easily resolve the question “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” by asking “Which came first, God or man, Spirit or matter?” The answer may well provide additional insight into our subject—understanding yourself.
Man was created as a Spirit, and consciousness and intelligence are a necessary part of the spiritual being that man really is. However, consciousness which may be defined as God’s awareness of Himself not only functions in the domain of Spirit but also is able to project itself into the time-space continuum and thus to integrate the ever- changing world of the finite into the magnificent real world of the Infinite.
The sole purpose of life upon the schoolroom-planet Earth is to develop in man through consent by freewill those masterful cosmic qualities that are a part of the character and being of God. The eternal Spirit is all-goodness. Man is intended to become that goodness. Of necessity his intelligence has been limited both in ability and flexibility by his karmic pattern and by his response to opportunities of Life. His power likewise has been restrained until such a time as the character of the individual might be developed in its divine similitude, whereupon his acts would become wholly divine, hence worthy of divine power.
There is no competition in God. He delights in diversification of all creation provided that its pattern is after the true nature of divine being. The reason that pattern is all-important has to do with eternal life or a state of permanence in God. God does not wish to perpetuate evil or unhappiness, and certainly man should not desire to prolong his imperfection. Therefore the guardianship of the Eternal has placed necessary safeguards and restraints in the world of form, including the death of the physical body. This was done in order to prevent perpetuation of undesirable traits of mortal thought and feeling.
Let men understand that the abundant life must come into manifestation in the world of the individual as naturally as the opening of a flower once he has developed attunement with the mind of Christ. For the Christ acts as a mediator for him and imputes unto him that righteousness which is the Father’s will.
There are many weapons which the dark ones have employed to keep mankind from discovering the real Self. The most darkening of all is the screen of egoistic (self-centered) consciousness and that altogether human quality of pride which so readily saturates the being of man. Beloved ones, pride is so subtle that individuals often mistake it for spiritual zeal.
The great doer is always the Eternal One who employs the hands and feet of humanity as well as their consciousness, their mind and their will but never without the consent of the individual. It is his intent to turn over to the individual—just as soon as he has demonstrated his capacity and worth to receive it—the full employment of his God-given talents. The correct use of these talents is always under the direction of the genius which God has implanted within mortal consciousness. This genius is truly a manifestation of the infinite law that lives and moves in the finite world.
With all of their hearts men should guard their consciousness against the luciferian attitude of human pride. With few exceptions the people evolving upon this planet have lurking within their consciousness the quality of pride which shows its face when individuals allow themselves to become piqued over little things. The spiritually progressive lifestream who is willing to engage in a bit of introspection should note as an indication of personal pride the fact that he becomes annoyed or angry with others over trifles or unimportant matters that ought not to make any difference. One should learn balance and reasonability, giving unto others the same grace that one expects to receive.
Through inward delight in the law of God a man can reach the point where he is able to withstand the onslaught of excess emotionalism and hold himself in the balance of the universal light even when his sensitive nature causes him to feel the pain of anger or regret concerning the conduct of another. Self-control that is control of the emotions and feeling world is one of the keys to self-mastery which some of our disciples find difficult to employ.
... Above all, the self should remain poised yet not aloof or without compassion for the problems of others.
Training in sensitivity to Christ is advocated by the Brotherhood, but we would point out that involvement in psychic sensitizing and improper physical contact with others (which comes under the heading of “sensitivity training”) is a dangerous procedure which can very easily bring about the demise of needed individuality. Men need to preserve the individual self while they attain spiritual identification with the real Self. ...
It is necessary that effective God-control over the creation be maintained in the universe so that God can produce the reality of his kingdom everywhere. Where the Spirit is not present, where the Spirit is denied, where the Spirit is quenched there is no fount of reality that brings the buoyancy of inter-spiritual and inter-personal realizations to the consciousness. ...
Those who engage in so-called mental karate, those who seek to control or to hypnotize others often do not realize that they are functioning outside of the intent of the eternal Father.... Through discretion, Christ-discrimination and holy prayer men retain their divine dignity which does not preclude the possibility of the effervescing of the self in humor, truism and perpetual joyousness. Such dignity is never overcome by person, place, condition or thing.
... Through human cleverness and wit the kingdom of God has suffered violence, the world order has been tampered with and the forces of media have been used for purposes of negative control.
The key to the redemption of the social system lies in the victory of divine law in the being of individual man....
O wisdom’s star, continue to shine!
Graciously, I AM Lantom Pearls of Wisdom 12:29
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