Saturday, May 28, 2022
Easter 1980
Hail, children of the light, sons of God! Hail, threefold flames that ignite the fire of creation in all Earth in the hearts of my own! Ye are the salt of the Earth. But the salt that has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? Therefore if the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Light, my beloved, is the essential resource of life. Come down from the Father as the crystal clear stream of immortality, men have fashioned out of it their mortality—their sense of limitation and their correspondent limitations. Therefore if the essential light be compromised, where is that light but covered with a shroud of death?
For this cause I AM come into the world—to give birth once again to eternal life by rekindling the essential identity of every living soul. I take this Easter to call sinners to repentance worldwide, for the preaching from the pulpits is either an intense fear tactic of hellfire and damnation or it is the whitewashing by sympathetic magnetism of the misdeeds of my children. Therefore where are the prophets in the land and where are the preachers of righteousness who will deliver to my children that light in its original intensity—that sacred fire that is the salt that has remained pure, that light that has not been misqualified into darkness?
\ We are come—the saints in white, the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, beloved Mary, Saint Germain, beloved Magda. We stand to bear witness of the path of the ascension of which the resurrection spiral is the natural and essential fulfillment. And from that beginning unto that ending sacred fire must be nourished and tended, and the sheep of my flock must be led and God-taught in the way and truth and life of the light itself.
Ye are children of the light, therefore walk in the light. And do not consider that transgressions are overlooked because someone is a chosen one. My beloved, our devotion is to the very first principles of the essential ingredient of the spark of Life, and there is no compromise with compromise. There is no compromise of the eternal Law of Life. Yes, strait and narrow, strait and narrow is the way and the gate that leadeth to everlasting life.
Let those then who believe on the one sent understand the perpetual wave of light that comes as the mighty rhythm of cosmos to inundate the work of the hands. For by the labor of the hands is there the flow of the Holy Spirit and does that flow increase. By the labor of the hands is grace measured, whether the devotion of the heart be unto the Person of the Comforter or whether it be upon lesser conditions and circumstances.
Therefore within the community of the Holy Spirit, my beloved, sacred labor is accelerating sacred fire. It is not the projects which consume the man, it is the man who by sacred fire consumes the projects.
I wish to say therefore that the intensity of light begets the work that is ongoing—the work of the ages and the mighty cause of Life. And those who bear the light up the mountain are those who have the vision of those greater works which are done because ye believe in me —that I AM the living Christ, I AM the living Savior in the Earth because I dwell in the hearts of my true disciples.
Therefore I come and I admonish you to contemplate greater works, for by these the wave of light intensifies in Earth. And that sacred fire pulsating from the sacred heart of the Mother is a fire that impels you to precipitate the diamond of my heart for crystallization of the mist. For unless the mist be crystallized, wherefore shall a mighty work appear? And wherefore shall the words and works come for judgment? After all, life is not the idling of the motors of Beness.
Beloved hearts, let those who have light and life and knowledge of the sacred centers of being, let them spin the wheels of the chakras! Let them engage the gears of the chakras with gears of the mind of God! Let them accept the fiat to let that mind be in you which was also in me! After all these words read over and over again from carefully prepared Bibles, gilded edges and all that which goes with the preservation of the letter are no more alive than the pure in heart, are no more alive than the love brought to them by those who commune in love.
My beloved, take care that you do not mistake the recitation of the Word for the doing of the Word. A simple message of Eastertide, yet how many are resurrected with me this day? I tell you, all too few upon Earth. They are much more concerned with outer awareness and have not the essential meaning of the resurrection flame. They have abandoned the path of fasting and prayer. They have not understood the raising up of that light or what it can do to transform a civilization and a single heart aflame with love.
My beloved, the hour is urgent and the urgency is unto the quick and the dead. And the dead sense the urgency as they are in the consciousness of death. And therefore those leaders of the nations assemble, solemnly deliberating the fate of the planetary body and concluding that all is already lost and therefore they will make a pretense and a pretext to attempting to do something about the economy, something about war, something about Communism yet in their hearts they have not the ability nor the light nor the love to work a mighty change for God. For the work of their hands has never been blessed by the grace of God, for they never have consecrated that work unto the grace of the Almighty and therefore they are found wanting. Yet they prance about looking as though they were the wise ones when they have displaced the children of the light because the children of the light have allowed them to displace them, and therefore the Earth is in a sorry plight. And there are those who lean upon the hollow root, and the hollow root can provide nothing but a stream of air unqualified by sacred fire breath. Thus it is to the Holy Spirit that I direct your attention this hour.
This moment of the resurrection flame and its rising tide in Earth must not be after all a mighty wave and a river that is parted by individuals standing in the midst who are not moved by it, who do not receive it, who do not allow it to pass through them. But this mighty wave of light must then be for the quick who understand the urgency of the hour and are not in a state of anxiety.
Do not fear and tremble as devils who are brought to final judgment, but let the sons and daughters of God who recognize the appearing of Messiah come to the fore and realize that all is not lost. All indeed can be saved, but it must be saved by essential light of the native divinity of sons of God!
By the flame that I AM I charge you with my light and I challenge you to no longer be content to watch this stream of events and not to set yourselves up as that focal- point of that light of which I declared, “And I, if I be lifted up, shall draw all men unto me.” The drawing of souls of light unto the Lamb is the work of the ages—of Sanat Kumara, of most blessed and beloved Maitreya, my very own sponsor and Guru. It is the very light of Gautama.
O essential hearts beating with the heart of God, the very purity of your heartfire and your devotion to God is a sustaining principle in Earth, whereas all of those who gather together as those who are already the dead cannot, cannot contain the light—not to save their own souls and not to save the nations.
Therefore let us not lean upon the hollow root or the reed, but let us turn our attention to the fire of John the Baptist and see his prophecy of the coming of the fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit. Why do you think that I breathed upon them the Holy Ghost? Because without it there is no life. And in the absence of the Son of God incarnate to sustain life by the Guru/chela relationship, those disciples who are left must have the Holy Ghost. Therefore I said “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” For within that city the sustaining forcefield of my own lifestream would keep them until they might be filled with the fullness of descent of whitefire of my own being.
And therefore if you have not the Holy Ghost, God the Father and Son are not indwelling in you and the Spirit is not in you. And dare you say that you then are counted among the dead? Or dare you say that you are counted among the quick? Or are you somewhere between?
There is an urgency in seeking and finding the Lord Maha Chohan, and some of you do not sense that urgency as though somehow you were held in a cradle or a swaddling garment and all would be well if you just sort of move along with the crowd and follow a certain ritual. Well, the path is for striving and not for entertainment. The path is for a sacred ritual whereby the individual infuses a flame into the exercise of the Word. Those who do not engage their hearts into the service therefore cannot reap sacred fire of the heart of God.
Who do you think will win your ascension for you if you do not? By cosmic law I cannot. And if it were not so, I would have told you and long ago demonstrated for you the great drawing up of the saints into the ascension current. Therefore listen to me, my beloved.
You are preparing for the dark night of the soul and dark night of the spirit where your messengers have gone before you and saints have walked. This is the sustainment of the threefold flame and momentum of light within your temple in that hour when you must be tested to see whether or not you will turn away from all temptation and all temptation to do the anti-will of God and by the momentum of your own God-mastery and threefold flame so sustain the Principle and Person of the Trinity without reinforcement from heavenly octaves.
This surely is the necessary path and it will come to all. And in that hour you will not be able to call upon this or that friend or upon the Messengers. Not even the angels of heaven could intercede with me as I went through the dark night of the spirit upon that cross. Not until I had demonstrated that victory could they gather again and surround me with their healing love and their balm.
My beloved, there is a moment of aloneness when the soul must understand its salvation in God is directly dependent upon its own application of the Law. And this is the lie of fallen ones that they have put abroad in the land, convincing all of Christendom that the mere acceptance of my name is salvation. Truly it is the beginning of the path, but it is not the ending.
Therefore seek the fulfillment of the whole law. Seek the fulfillment of the Law, my beloved, I adjure you. For the understanding of what is coming upon Earth—what I have set forth and what has been written in scripture—must surely make you to understand that the need for survival and salvation must be placed squarely upon the shoulders of the individual soul’s application to the personal Christ within and to the mighty I AM Presence.
\ In each day\ therefore\ be satisfied when you have established the mighty current and flow between your heart and the heart of God by love and by devotion. Do not put your head to rest at night when you are in a state of disquietude, anxiety, when you are not conscious of the biding presence of God. You can establish that contact in a moment, a microsecond, or perhaps it will take longer if you have wandered farther from the center of your being during the day. Do not think that sleep will take from you the cares of life; sleep will only multiply and augment those cares, as you are not in God-control when you are absent from the body. This is a great travesty against the Godhead and ought not to be tolerated by disciples of the light.
There is a certain self-discipline on the path. And when you think that no one is looking or watching or telling you what to do you must not go into a passive state of simply allowing life or nature or circumstance to be the bulwark of your protection. There is no protection in matter. There is no protection outside of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore seek the Lord. For the Comforter is come, is among you even in this hour—the mighty Person of the Holy Ghost. And therefore that Person must be your companion until you are so prepared and cleansed that at any hour of day or night that Person of the Comforter may enter your temple, coming and going at will and finding habitation in earth.
Thus may the just be made pure by love. May they live by faith and hope and good works of charity’s love. Thus may your heart be perfected in love that the light of the eternal Savio\r may enter in, that the Guru may come and go and find that habitation. For he is most blest whose temple is prepared and the fitting habitation of the Holy Spirit and of the Guru. Therefore strive, for ye are temples designed to be the house of the Lord.
As I contemplate the sweet mystery of life, the mystery of love in all of its multiplication of inner radiance of the Father and Son I am mindful of the endearing relationships of my many incarnations—speaking first and foremost of Lord Maitreya and Gautama and of my Father, the Ancient of Days, speaking of my beloved and so many of you whom I have never forgotten who have stood by me in each of these successive incarnations leading to a greater and greater intensification of the spiral of victory.
I would commune with my friends. Therefore I have come to the place prepared—to Camelot my home, to a sanctuary openly, unabashedly consecrated to mysteries of the Holy Grail. I have come, for I have sponsored many knights of the flame and ladies ministering unto the heart of God. I have sponsored Arthur and Merlin, Launcelot, Guenevere and all who participated in that early manifestation whereby the consecration of life was unto my blessed Mother and to the mystery of the Christos unfolding the initiation of white light through the sacred cup.
Let the cup then be extended. From my heart I take the cup of the Last Supper and I give you to drink. So is the manifestation of that cup my gift of Life this Eastertide. I give to you the elixir of resurrection flame as I share with you my boundless joy in Life begetting victory unto victory.
The love that we have known and shared, the love of the hundred forty and four thousand and so many of the precious children of God forms a link passing through time and space unto eternity and unto the very Throne of Alpha and Omega. I am touched by your devotion and your service to my father Joseph, to my mother Mary and to all saints who have gone before. I bless you with the joy of white lilies abroad in the land. I bless you with joy of the cosmic cross of white fire. I take you by the hand and I lead you into paths of righteousness for the sake of the I AM THAT I AM and its manifest presence in the Christ within you.
O souls of my heart, souls of my heart, hear my call! Hear my call and enter into new life and acceleration of love. For our outpouring of resurrection flame in this hour is to counteract the darkness of the Dark Cycle moving onward then into the return of misqualified energies under the hierarchy of Sagittarius.
Beware then the momentums of anti-victory. Beware then of that which would turn against light anc lightbearer. All of this must be swallowed up in the essence of your own resurrection. And if you lift up the light of resurrection within you by Christ, so you will draw into that mighty spiral that darkness which will be translated into light and thereby seize from the toilers their very weapons which they would use against light. Seizing them, transmute them and let light go forth to consume their darkness—to check it, to challenge it, to bind them and to put down oppressors of my children in Earth.
O rising tide of resurrection’s glory, rising tide of resurrection’s glory, angels of light, angels of light and the ageless story of my victory, I come forth. I come forth in the name of God. And I sound the Word for the raising up of the rod, the rod of Jesse within you whereby resurrection spiral is become the manifest presence of your own Godhood, your own real Self.
Lo, I AM come! Lo, my Word is true! Lo, I have spoken it unto you! Lo, I seal you in fire of Holy Spirit! Seek the Person of the Holy Ghost. Seek the Lord within and come into newness of life. This is my admonishment and my Easter joy. Now, my children, come unto me that I may bless you and fill you with my light. By the hand of God I seal you as of old. I seal you for the hour of your overcoming of the last vestiges of sin and the sense of sin. I seal you for the hour when the tempter and toiler comes. I seal you for the hour of the moment of union. In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit let the threefold flame expand. In the name of the Mother, let the glorious light of the Cosmic Christ appear in the Manchild. -Jesus, Easter 1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 23:25
Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Do not whitewash the deeds of the seed of the Wicked One. Do not sympathize with the sorrows of Satan or his cohorts. But meditate upon the wondrous love of God and contemplate Jis Wisdom. Go to the altar and let God tell you through your Mighty I AM Presence what is truth, what is error, what is real, what is inreal. - Jesus Christ ,via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on October 8, 1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:38
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