The ages have not marred the power of Him who has said “I AM the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:18). Therefore be assured of a kindly response to those efforts which are made in hope, in faith and in charity, for the greater masters function in this domain….
The concept of the multiplication of cells points to the law of nature that provides for a continual addendum. This law which governs the reproduction of life after its kind doe not involve the physical body alone but the mind, the feelings and the memory as well as the pure Spirit of man. Coordination between the four lower bodies and the higher vehicles enables man first to control his environment and then to create—on condition that he can understand and not be hindered by the obvious illusions of the appearance world….The primary deterrents to precipitation (of the glory on high) should be recognized as (1) inharmony in the feeling world, (2) a sense of loneliness or abandonment, and (3) a sense of smallness or insecurity and doubt….
We would mention now some of the great and vital alchemical factors whose positive power should also be considered. Chief amongst this list is faith. This includes a belief in the whirling power that keeps the electron in vital motion revolving around their nucleonic centers. This power resembles a tightly compressed, almost omnipotent spring. It is central to every solar system and atom whose magnetic flux and emanation—while centered in its own nucleus—is able under cosmic Law to tie into limitless energy fields to produce whatsoever miraculous manifestation i the requirement of the moment….
Now we have all seen men who were remarkably successful in producing wrong action simply because they were convinced that their course was right even though they were actually wrong…. (This) is simply indicative of the cosmic need to protect the secrets of creation from the eyes of the curious and to guard the treasures of heaven through the systems of initiation evolved by the Brotherhood. For this very reason the fiat of God went forth: “Behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.” (Gen. 3:22-23)) And now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever, therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken
The inner necessity of the universe to protect its secrets from the profane can be seen in the activities of the luciferian hordes who from time to time during the long history of the planet have involved the sons of God in a misuse of the creative and sacred power of Life. This they have done through psychedelic perversions, dangerous drugs, their infectious spirit of rebellion against order which is heaven’s first law and the spread of chaos, often in the name of idealism. But this brand of idealism has always been based on intellectual pride; it is put forth as the counterplea of the carnal mind that competes with the divine mind, considering itself superior thereto.
-Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 13:9-10
But all should recognize that there is a difference between the elect and those who follow in blindness or stubbornness after their own ways….
How great is the value of the devotee in this age, of the man or woman who becomes a city set upon an hill that cannot be hid (Matt. 5:14). How beautiful are the feet of them which preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things (Rom. 10:15). How beautiful is the flower of unfolding, the flower of the elect, of those who rejoice even in the chastening of cosmic Law, whose will is ever centered on the plan that God has unfolded through the spiritual hierarchy.
-Jesus Christ: Pearls of Wisdom 13:20..........................................................................................................................................
Each day made better than the day before
Each day made brighter--Thy light I do adore
Sunlight beaming fills my soul with love
Sunshine streaming flowing from above--
Helios' light from God-domain frees my soul from error's pain
Vesta's shining Mother-heart shows each dawn as fresh new start
One day I'll be free/ Perfect love to be
Upward into light/ Spirals' perfect flight
Into God delight
-Noah at Yerevan
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