-1) 2-27-18 Then (Valentine's day afternoon north of Miami) a sound like gunfire ripped through the air. That was her first thought-- it sounded like gunfire, not firecrackers. And it was close. Taylor was in one of 11 classrooms on the first floor of the freshman building.
It couldn’t be an actual shooting. In the announcements that morning the school had reminded teachers not to let their students out during the first and last 10 minutes of the day when there might be a Code Red drill that would intentionally feel real.
Drill or not, the class--about 29 students--stood up and hid, some behind the teacher’s desk, others lined up against the back wall. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article202442664.html
‘We were lying in that classroom crying while we knew people outside were dying’ : Connor Dietrich yesterday. https://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/florida-massacre-never-miss-telling-your-kids-you-love-them/news-story/f38eb97acd4379f66211ec50788445e7
zer0000) [14:10:10] CONNOR DIETRICH, SURVIVED SHOOTING AT MARJORY DOUGLAS HIGH SCHOOL: I mean, it's really hard. ...
BALDWIN: How did you know there was a he? So you heard shots?
DIETRICH: Yes we did, the shots.
BALDWIN: And did you think instantly oh, my God, those are gun shots or did you think it was balloons popping as one student told me? And how would you even know what it would sound like? DIETRICH: I thought it was a drill because they told us you will have police officers who are going to be firing blanks like scare us, get us like, you know, trained for this. So no one took it seriously until I heard like screaming, the worst screaming you will ever hear. It was awful like major heart stop beating and --.
BALDWIN: That's when you knew?
DIETRICH: Yes. It hit me really hard at that time. Everyone in the hallway was crying. We finally got a teacher to let us into a room. http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1802/15/cnr.05.html
DIETRICH: Yes we did, the shots.
BALDWIN: And did you think instantly oh, my God, those are gun shots or did you think it was balloons popping as one student told me? And how would you even know what it would sound like? DIETRICH: I thought it was a drill because they told us you will have police officers who are going to be firing blanks like scare us, get us like, you know, trained for this. So no one took it seriously until I heard like screaming, the worst screaming you will ever hear. It was awful like major heart stop beating and --.
BALDWIN: That's when you knew?
DIETRICH: Yes. It hit me really hard at that time. Everyone in the hallway was crying. We finally got a teacher to let us into a room. http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1802/15/cnr.05.html
1) Earlier that day at a staff meeting, teachers had been told there would soon be a “code red” or “lockdown” drill — in which teachers and students practice their response to an immediate threat — but they hadn’t been told the date.
Rospierski was sitting at his desk around 2:25 p.m. when the fire alarm rang. His students filed out of their third-floor classroom and made their way toward the stairs. Then Rospierski heard the sound of gunfire. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article200190199.html
2) 2-26-18 “I assumed that it was a code red drill because they had told us earlier in the day that they were going to be having a code red drill,” the teacher explained. “I assumed it was blanks.” That’s when Rospierski acted quickly to get as many students as he could to go back into the rooms while the shooter continued his rampage at the east end of the hallway. https://www.intellihub.com/parkland-teacher-code-red-drill-blanks/
3) 2-23-18 Just a month earlier, teachers had been trained for an emergency situation. Melissa remembers being told there would be a Code Red, or active shooter, drill, and that it would feel real. This must be it, she thought. http://www.tampabay.com/news/She-s-taught-at-the-Parkland-high-school-for-14-years-Can-she-go-back-_165770289
4) 2-15-18 So when Hogg heard a “pop” while sitting in an AP environmental science class around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, he told his teacher it sounded strangely like a gunshot. But there had been a fire drill that very morning and talk of a “Code Red” exercise to prepare for an active shooter. This must just be a surprise drill, he reasoned. http://time.com/5161034/florida-school-shooting-survivor/
Remember the Boston Marathon Bombing. That day the Boston newspaper had announced that there would be a bombing drill at the end of the race, and in videos of the event an announcement of a drill is made at the scene just prior to the explosion, which the announcement says will not be a real bomb. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2018/02/26/shooting-marjory-stoneman-douglas-high-school-parkland-florida/