Monday, October 31, 2022
globalist agenda in plain words by Schwab's righthand man
Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man calls for “mass extinction event” to usher in Great Reset
Monday, October 31, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
(Natural News) Another leaked video has emerged to show that the World Economic Forum (WEF) led by the infamous globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab is planning to unleash mass genocide as the catalyst for its promised “Great Reset.”
Yuval Noah Harari, who is described as Schwab’s “right-hand man,” is on a promotional tour right now shilling a new book he allegedly wrote. That manuscript asks questions like: What do we need so many humans for?
Now that the globalists have attained near-total control over pretty much everything, they appear ready to cull the herd of human slaves. It began in this latest installment with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, followed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
There is also skyrocketing inflation, supply chain failures, food shortages, crop destruction and other economic instability – all things that are swirling into a perfect storm of global shock and awe.
Referring to non-globalists as “common people” who are fully disposable, Harari’s latest leaked statements reveal a profound attitude of self-perceived superiority and globalist supremacy.
Harari says the common folk below him are right to be fearful about the future because their lives could end at any moment. And it would not be any great loss, he says, because non-globalists are “redundant.”
“We just don’t need the vast majority of you,” says Israeli globalist
In a future run by “smart people,” Harari went on to state, common people will naturally face increased feelings of anxiety and fear about being left behind. And he is technically right: those who refuse to board the ark of Christ will, in fact, be left behind in Harari’s globalist dystopia.

As we previously reported, Harari, an Israeli historian and professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, openly admitted that he and the rest of his globalist cabal are unleashing transhumanism as their own personal “technological Noah’s Ark” – meaning they believe the lie that tampering with their DNA and genetic blueprints will somehow grant them eternal life while the rest of us are either eliminated or turned into their permanent slaves.
Talking about this kind of thing used to be scoffed at and labeled conspiracy theorism, but now we have the plan coming straight from the mouths of the globalist cabal itself – right out in the open with no shame.
Rockefeller Foundation official Alan Gregg is another outspoken globalist who recently declared that the world has cancer and that cancer is mankind – excluding himself, of course.
Prince Phillip, the late Queen Elizabeth’s husband, likewise believed that humanity is a cancer that he wished he could eradicate by dying and coming back to life as a killer virus.
The now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones revealed that the globalist plan for their envisioned “New World Order” involves reducing the current population of the world from roughly eight billion, the current number, to just 500 million.
Former President Bill Clinton, unbeknownst to many, signed a so-called “biodiversity” treat during his tenure that contains an explicitly stated goal of reducing the world’s population to one billion, at least as a start.
At the “grassroots” level, the globalists have done an exceptional job programming millions of Westerners into supporting mass genocide through abortion and even infanticide, the latter constituting the murder of a child after he or she has already left the womb.
I speak of all conspiracies of the conglomerate of the Dragon
I speak of all conspiracies of the conglomerate of the
Dragon upon Earth. I speak to you, beloved hearts, of each area of misuse of the life-force. We have listed them many times, but I consider the international drug trade to be the most heinous crime against the flaming youth of the planetary body and the lightbearers who have descended. Often their idealism makes them receptive to those cunning in the arts of argumentation, polemics. And therefore the serpent that was in the garden is come again and again to deceive the children of Eve. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:50
The cunning cruelty of the Chinese Communists from Mao to Hua Kuo-feng and Teng Hsiao-p’ing derives from their fallen masters. These astral overlords control the chessboards and their pawns in governments bond and free, their goal being always to extend the line of their territory to include more and more of the ground of the children of light, challenging their right to evolve in freedom upon that ground.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:3
The penalties for seizing the fruit of the vine before it is offered in grace from the hand of God are grave indeed. The expulsion from paradise was the sealing of the causal body from the access of fallen man and fallen woman. Their rebellion was against the Law of the Christ. Thus by9 wrong32 choice34 engineered59 in14 the15 cunning37 of12 serpentine53 mind22 (=287=7 x creations41) they cut themselves off from the Lord’s table and from the abundant gifts and graces that are the gnosis of the tree of knowledge. And lest their rebellion and their arrogance should cause them to put forth their hand and take also of the Tree of Life, partaking of the energies of the I AM THAT I AM and investing these in the creations of the wicked, the Lord God drove man and woman from the garden of paradise. -Archangel Urie, Pearl 18:45
We have asked the Karmic Board what can be done to meet the challenges of this division. Can we justify further vast expenditures of energy on behalf of those who have pocketed themselves within the cells of their own narrow beliefs and refused to heed aught else? For the record clearly shows that these accomplish little more than the branding of their neighbor as a heretic, in some cases attempting to prevent the publication of his material or his renting of halls for dissemination of truth, in other cases attacking him directly with cunning and slander. And this in the name of religion! -Maha Chohan, Pearl 9:33
My brothers and sisters—it cannot be overstated that peace and harmony are the key to your God-control whereby you gain entrĂ©e and take dominion in all octaves of natural life. Thus with all your heart still tempestuous emotions, cast anger, revenge and hatred into the sacred fire forever and wage the warfare of the Spirit against the ego with its pride, ambition and cunning. A word to the wise is sufficient unto the victory. -Kuthumi, Pearl 5:15
Therefore recognize your calling to walk in my footsteps regardless of false pastors and false prophets and false Christs who come. Beloved hearts, beware27 the15 cunning37 of12 the15 serpents!35 (=141) Beware the cunning, for though they may not proclaim themselves so much in words that they are the Savior, they22 do10 proclaim42 it11 by9 their33 stance17, by their33 political43 rallies31, by9 their33 promises42 (=335; 335+141=476=deceit
28 x week17) which they cannot keep. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 25:27
John the Baptist was confronted by the Pharisees and Sadducees who came in their cunning to be baptized of him. They desired the initiation of the light but would21 not13 give25 obedience44 to8 that13 light29 (=153=9 x God17). Lifetime after lifetime they had rebelled against the Law—they who had been cast out of heaven with Lucifer by Archangel Michael and the hosts of the Lord. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
Thus I unveil to you the real mission of the Savior, so truly stated by the apostles, for the redemption of twin flames who took up the path of the Tree of Life in the ancient Mystery School and were turned aside by9 the15 cunning37 of12 the15 serpent34 philosophy62 (=184=8 x fallen23) which was the philosophy of the fallen angels who were24 determined52 to8 subvert26 the15 light29 (=154=11 x fake14) [of twinflames] and misdirect the great gift of God [to all generations who would come after them].
-Maitreya, Pearl 27:47a
These are the cunning serpents of whom Jesus spoke when he said “Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The Lord’s admonishment is clear. If you would have the wisdom of these angels of the second ray who have fallen from their high estate into carnal mindedness, then you must have the dove of the Holy Ghost whose charity and enlightenment will keep you in line with the will of God and properly aligned with that mind of God which was in Christ Jesus. Only by the sponsorship of the indwelling Trinity can you be wise in the things of heaven and of earth and not13 fall13 into22 self-idolatry56 (=104=4 x not fall26) of this generation of serpents. They shall not pass! -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 22:46
globalist34 agenda23=57=hypocrisy57, Great Whore57.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
the rising stature of the unfolding soul
Pursue this course wisely and well then for the seraphic creation of God stands ready to become teachers of men and, as in our temple here at Luxor, the rising stature of the unfolding soul shall be made plain to you. You will commune with those higher intelligences and savants of God, servants of the divine will who ministered unto Christ and minister to you today in the only way that divine love can, by reflecting the radiance of the very fiery nature of God which overthrows all trifles, baubles, pettiness and confusion and brings in the stalwart nature of the divine symmetry. -Serapis Bey, Pearls of Wisdom 10:24
Beloved hearts, clay vessels may indeed be transmuted to become therefore new wineskins. But this requires fervor and a love whereto, I tell you, even you have not yet reached—a love that does value the worth of Life unseen, unknown anywhere on Earth enough to set aside pettiness and dwelling upon personal wants and desires inordinately and to the exclusion of Christ, my Son.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 29:76
The power of the Universal Mother carrying the circle and sword of blue flame that is released in this mantra is great indeed, capable of fulfilling every manifestation of the Mother East or West and capable of driving from you evil spirits that lurk, addictions, self-indulgences and all pettiness that snatch from you that precious love which comes so gently, so powerfully and yet is as fragile as crystal and can be broken and will be broken by forces of the night unless you keep the tryst with Astrea and Archangel Michael and Karttikeya, whom you know as Sanat Kumara. -Morya: Pearl 28:33
All who contemplate assisting us in the future and all who presently wish to assist in this project for the freedom of mankind should write to our headquarters office signifying their intent. Naturally decisions will be made in the case of conflicting possibilities, and the authority for these decisions must remain unchanged except by Summit staff or the Darjeeling Council. We strive to unify, to build in God’s name, to obtain victory for a planet! We have no need of human pettiness, only Christ charity without limit! -Morya, Pearl 4:40
Now, beloved chelas—those of you who today are endeavoring to follow the light and love for its own sake—will consciously divest yourselves of human purposes and will endeavor daily to lovingly cooperate with the admonishment of beloved Jesus, beloved John and all the great teachers of real truth all through the ages: “Love one another.” If suddenly there should occur an expansion of your consciousness so that you would be able to see as we do, the numbers of lifestreams in the world around you who are calling to Deity for help, you would quickly and clearly understand the great need of eliminating from your world all pettiness of human affairs—taking thought only of opportunities of the cosmic moment which is at hand to do your best. This “best” is to serve only the light which can and shall set all life here eternally free! -Hilarion, Pearl 2:1
Is this not worth giving up the pettiness of life, the smallness of life, the ups and downs of humor and consciousness—now one is angry, now one is unhappy—and all little things that really do not amount to anything? I ask you the question: would you not rather put all of your energy into being a visible Christ in the Earth than to waste your time in human pettiness and not to have shown that physical example? I ask you to remember these words. -Helios and Vesta, Pearl 45:25, given December 29, 1996 at RTR, MT
These people who were once industrious and filled with the divine spark
Anything is possible with God and nothing is impossible. What remains is for you to get this profound truth through your own head and simply to act upon it—to defy the forces of rote and mechanism and the desire of the mental body to not think. The carnal mind is an idolater and a slave and a tyrant, and therefore by these traits it snuffs out creativity. -Lanello, 29:11
You have heard of the erasing of the memory of the brain by the process of lobotomy. What have the fallen ones further determined to do?
To destroy within the very brain itself (the physical brain, the physical mechanism that is the instrument of the mind of God through the crown and third-eye chakra) the ability for it to hold and to make contact with the memory that is stored and locked in the seed of the soul.
They cannot destroy that nucleus of light except the individual surrender his soul unto the fallen ones by agreeing in the way with the Adversary through sympathy or rebellion. But as you see, many souls have not rebelled against God nor are they sympathetic to evil; therefore tampering with the soul will not work upon them. -Maitreya, 43:33, given
July 2, 1978 at Pasadena
Beloved hearts, the inner mechanism of the computer mind of the serpent consciousness is far more all-knowing than you realize. You must recognize that it has been the strategy of the fallen serpents for thousands of years to keep the children of the light from their own culture, from their own religion— to enslave them in the materialistic religion of the fallen ones, to enslave them and thereby have a continuous source of their light. For my light never ceases to flow through my own children and those who are tied to my heart by the blessed threefold flame. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 24:51
Blessed ones, all religions have fallen into decay when the ritual of the Word has become rote. Not only do you not exert a fire in delivering the Word by the power of the throat chakra but you fail to remember that a decree is given through seven chakras and that the fervor of the seven rays in you going forth can in fact be the instrument of the Elohim of God through you….
This century, begun so beautifully, [was] so immediately taken over by those forces of hell that came as the Bolsheviks. These [rebels against the Word], beloved ones, did go forth and therefore I made my appearance early that something might be done. But the “powers that be” [the original powers of death and hell] worked their schemes and the abdication of the destiny, [the] responsibility of America [to defend world and individual freedom], has been almost complete….
Blessed hearts, not all those who are without a threefold flame this day are the original creation of mechanization man. Many of these once had that same hope and fervor that you have. But, beloved ones, there does come a time in the life of a soul when she is trodden upon lifetime after lifetime by these monsters out of hell with none that come [to the rescue]–no hope, no awareness, no longer any memory or sense of Divine Reality. And then, beloved, when the individual does let go of life itself, there comes that moment of darkness when none can reach that one.
Blessed hearts, I am there when this does occur and yet I can do nothing….
But I tell you, beloved, those who are not the sons of God in the Earth who occupy bodies of men, these are such evil devils, I cannot even tell you, and their corruption has reached all the way to the levels of Protestantism and even our own church, the Roman Catholic Church. Blessed ones, realize that the infamy of their lust against little children, against babes, against every part of life and their desecration of me as I am in the body of all women of the world is beyond hell itself….
Billions of souls have been lost to World Communism by the betrayers in the United States government. Look at China herself and the Soviet Union. These could have been turned to [in the direction of] the free enterprise societies. These people who were once industrious and filled with the divine spark of the threefold flame, who had every opportunity and joy and determination to be the builders of the future have now gone down under a system whose very evil, beloved, does cause them to lose hope, to lose faith, to have crushed in them their own charity....
Yet in every nation there have been betrayers, and instead of condemning America and Americans, there should have been a forthright challenge made by the leaders of Europe to challenge and decry the betrayal of the freedom fighters [by the archdeceivers] worldwide. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 31:40
Realize this: that many pastors who are thus indoctrinated are not of an evil bent but have simply followed the party line they have been given and that has been carried on for generations. The proof is in the pudding. The proof is in the action. Where are the results? Where are the results? -Morya, Pearl 27:47
The unveiling of the Christmas surprise—
A fervent heart of freedom in disguise!
The one, he came telling the party line
But within, a shepherd of the sheep. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 25:3
Now, precious ones, there are many today in the world who actually seek the favoritism of mankind. And they hold with the opinions of the human, desiring them with great intensity. And there are some who would almost sell their soul for human opinions. But I hope here tonight that I have stirred you somewhat with a realization that the true secret of freedom lies in your favoritism with God! When you win the justice and respect of Almighty God by obedience to cosmic law you will receive such a limitless power as no one upon the planet could [otherwise] expect to surpass. -Saint Germain, Pearl 60:24,
given March 13, 1965 via Mark Prophet at Beacon’s Head, VA
Do you not think if there were favoritism [between a Master and his disciple] and if the Law would have allowed it, that I would have raised up Magda two thousand years ago and simply dissolved her karma and not required her, as God required it, to return for two thousand years? There is a mythology surrounding my person and that mythology must not creep into your theological awareness. You must understand that we all come under the Law. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 33:46
……………………………… The idea of a temperamental, vengeful or unjust God is abhorrent from the outset. The concept of an arbitrary Deity who would show favoritism is likewise distressing. Hence according to his awareness of the Deity, man himself becomes the arbiter of his destiny and, according to his uses of energy the harbinger of truth or error in his life. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 5:34
The reward of the Law to the faithful is an activity of the Law that is sometimes perceived as grace but is always an action of alchemy. Take, for instance, the fact that God gave to the four children knowledge and skill and all learning and wisdom and to Daniel the understanding in all visions and dreams. This is not favoritism, but unobstructed flow of the energies of the Christ mind through bodies that have been cleansed and purified through prayer and fasting, obedience to the Laws of God, self-sacrifice and surrender coupled with a daily striving to enter in -Maha Chohan, Pearl 16:19
Genetically their seed is sown among the tares. By willfulness, favoritism, desiring to be liked by these gods, mankind and even the sons of light have taken unto themselves certain genetic combinations that have given to them a propensity for pride and ambition which, beloved hearts, is indeed not their original portion but which must then be overcome by a conscious determination. It is as though the shoes were worn by a certain step or a certain leaning of the foot and now you would attempt to right it. But the shoes have been worn in the wrong way and so now it is difficult to correct the step. -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Pearl 29:18
Now, beloved ones, there is no permanent status of favoritism among chelas Simply because you have rendered a gigantic service for our Brotherhood does not secure to you the diamonds of glory forevermore. And therefore how dangerous is the path for the chela who is in effective service and who day by day mounts up as with eagle wings to per form those acts that generate light and love in our midst. For these are the very ones who can become complacent and in a moment of independence set aside so much good karma which they have accrued to their lifestream. -Morya, Pearl 49:17, given
January 1, 1978 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP
In the Father’s plan no favoritism is bestowed, no escape from responsibility is possible. Rather does His full measure of grace illumine and raise each successful aspirant into full-orbed Sunship, erasing every sorrow and shadow, each blight of recessed sin. -Kuthumi, Pearl 4:51
To Those Who Would Receive the Approbation of Life, Not the Condemnation of Death:
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” It is the light of the only begotten Christed one which is the salvation of souls unto life. Therefore I say: In the flame of the Cosmic Christ, abound in the love of the Logos and be fulfilled in that love!
You who have received the commandment of the Lord “Take dominion over the earth!”You must learn the meaning of the first commandment given to your souls in the moment of the descent from the white-fire core of Spirit into the planes of Matter. The quadrants of fire, air, water and earth which comprise the mandala of the material creation are symbolically referred to as “earth” in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. Out of the twinflames of the Divine Us the Lord God created male and female, the polarity of being who would ultimately go forth into duality as man and woman representing the Father-Mother God to the children of the One.
The purpose of the incarnation of the Logos, the purpose of sons and daughters of God being clothed upon with “coats of skins–the four lower bodies as vehicles for soul awareness–is to increase the consciousness of God and the body of God in matter as in Spirit, on earth as in heaven. To increase God-awareness in the souls abiding in time and space sons and daughters of God must initiate cycles of life, cycles of love, cycles of truth.
Sons and daughters of God were given the authority in the original creation to infuse matter with the Christ consciousness of eternal life. Initiation then is the responsibility which God has vested in those sons and daughters who respond to the Law of Life and to the duty to be the manifest perfection of that life in matter. The path of initiation is the path of the sons and daughters of God who see their reason for being as the sustainment of the flame of life for and on behalf of souls yet evolving toward the complete awareness of life as a manifest reality.
You look to Maitreya for initiation. I say, God looks to you to initiate the fire of freedom on Earth, to initiate the correct use of freewill and the correct implementation of His Laws. To initiate is to begin, to start, to set in motion, to introduce. For every gift that is received a gift must be given. If you would receive the gift of initiation from God, what gift will you give to Him in return? With what measure ye mete it shall be measured unto you again and again and again.
Therefore I say, set in motion the flow of mercy that you might receive mercy on the path. Give forgiveness and receive forgiveness and thereby the opportunity to be initiated in schools of the Great White Brotherhood will be yours. Instruct the little ones in the teachings of the Law and receive the instruction of Maitreya. Commence loving life free, and know the meaning of the love of God loving your soul, propelling your soul unto infinite spheres of love.
To chelas on the path I say, you have a need, a soul need, to endow life with purity. You have a need to enter microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds and to infuse those worlds with sacred fires of the heart–your heart, God’s heart, the heart of the Cosmic Christ. Be not a channel for psychic manipulators but be the “pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Be what you will! But whatever you elect to be, see to it that you have exercised your freewill without interference from the fallen ones and cult of the Liar set in motion as a direct challenge to the Mother and to the culture of the Mother.
Now by initiation cultivate light! Cultivate the flame of the heart so that you can start a new era of God-awareness of Life becoming life, not death. We must rescue souls, but we must also rescue the light of the Mother that is being desecrated in misuses of sacred fire. Be an initiator! Introduce the path of initiation to souls evolving on Terra. Call forth the seeds of the Cosmic Christ which the Lord God has implanted in the consciousness of His creation from the beginning. I say, let these seeds now germinate. Let them begin their cycling to the surface of consciousness, bringing forth the fruit of the Spirit in the planes of matter.
Let the seeds of the Cosmic Christ come forth in the spring! Let them ripen in the summer and let them be harvested in the autumn! Let them appear in the mental body, in the emotional body, and in the physical body of mankind. Let the consciousness of life be set in motion! I decree it and I am the fulfillment of the life of Jesus Christ, your own Christ Self. And with you one and all I declare the mantra of your freedom: “I AM–God in me is–the way, the truth and the life!”
In the fourth dissertation of our five-week seminar I set forth before the students the shocking revelation of manipulation and I selected one of your own authors to reveal to you the sordid facts of existence such as it is in the mass consciousness of Terra. Let none be afraid to examine the details of this exposure; for as you allow the faculties of your consciousness to penetrate the nightmare of sensuality in death and the death cult, you are the instrument for cosmic rays of the Cosmic Christ to penetrate to the depths of the astral, to rescue souls caught in the grips of gross manipulation.
Do not allow an aversion for evil to tempt you to turn your back on this rescue mission. As ugly as the nightmare is, it must be examined, dissected and destroyed by sacred fire of Christ-flame. Therefore I send forth chelas of Morya who would earn the right to be initiated in the immaculate conception of the Cosmic Virgin. Bring the fruits of victory to the Divine Mother! Be conquerors over hell and death with Christ the Lord, and pursue with all diligence the three d’s of your disciplined divinity.
In the mastery of the flame of harmony is the momentum of Almighty God to consume the depths of degradation, the abomination of desolation standing in the place where the flame of the Mother ought to be. By increasing the light of harmony you will begin the movement of life within your very being; you will initiate in your own microcosmic-macrocosmic field the flow of energy that is the life of Alpha and Omega.
By application to the science of the Word,
You can learn the sacred flow
Of the God I know.
You can feel this flow
Coursing through your chakras,
Coursing through your mind and heart,
Energizing, exalting,
Exhilarating in its renewal of life.
Legions of Maitreya,
Charge the courageous ones
With the flow of the Cosmic Christ
And let them be God-taught
As they make the demand upon life
For the love to serve and to win!
And life demands of them the conquest of all sin!
There is a price to be paid for initiation.
It is the saturation
Of the body of the Mother,
Of Mater spirals,
With the purifying fires of the Mother- flame.
Beyond the beyond,
The Mother is the initiator
Of sons and daughters of God
Moving in the wind and the fire
To the center of the Whole.
The Mother calls her children home!
Bring gifts of redemption and proof,
Proof of prevention
Of all the dark intentions
Of the fallen ones
Usurping the cosmo-conception
Of divinity in the purest dimension.
The Mother of the World sends forth
The call of Hierarchy.
The Mother of the World signals her children
To do battle with the fallen ones.
The Mother of the World demands
The offering on the altar of sacrifice
Of all sin and sensuality and vice.
The corrosion of the particles of Mater
Must be arrested
By sons and daughters of God
Who would initiate spirals of God-victory.
Let the clean-up committee,
The Mother’s favorites,
Now scrub clean
The pillars in the temple,
The stairway to the altar,
And the pews where hypocrites have sat
Scorning the Word,
Belying the truth that is written in every heart
Where truth would start
The spirals of God-victory,
The cycles of fiery destiny.
Hear this, hear this–
The mantra of the freeborn,
The salutation of the cosmic morn,
The consummation of all that mourn:
“Lo, I AM come to do Thy will, O God!”
Now let the Law of harmony
And the science of energy flow
Be fulfilled in the spoken Word of Maitreya
And of chelas on the path of initiation.
I am with you unto the involution of creation
Into transmutation of creative evolution.
-Maitreya, Pearl 18:53
this strange era
These tentacles of the dark octopus brought in a heavily karmic and mayic era with Ignatius Loyola, with the Inquisitio n, later with Rothschild and Illuminati in the 1700s in German y; Loyola and Busenbaum’s “When the end is legal, the means are legal”
(1650) prepared the way for Valdimir Ulanov, alias Lenin, and a sophisticated infrastructure of darkness referred to in Protocols of the Elders of Zion manifesto (circa 1901), widely woven via big finance and covert monopolization with gradual subversion of many if not all sectors of civilization following, from top-down in the main. This octopus is heavily astral, I think, right through the four planes of fire, air, water, earth—each plane of vibration misqualified, warped and subtlely interwoven, often psychologic, to mislead, sidetrack and fracture from real and wholistic life the unwary populations. A pseudo-identity, e.g. “Soviet people” or political party or Mafia affiliation is assigned or some t.v. or movie or sports idol- image becomes the identity-figure/model. Another identity model is of a science that is slanted and tied to materialism, the exponents of such apparent “scientific” training keying to build and be the technicians of the dominant, warped,often covert elite. It’s really a mess in alot of ways and little understood though occasionally exposed . A great revolution/transformation in real consciousness— but not in transhumanism or socialism or nazism or more monopolies and domination or favoritism—is essential and must gradually leaven the whole loaf. The individual must prove the life principle through himself in a steadfast and then longterm manner.
Now a pseudo-medical mandate to force compliance of populations is, at least in a land of liberty and constitutional order, impossible, especially so when the science is so little understood worldwide of what all this genetic modification and gene tampering is about. What I understand has happened is that Event 201 at NYC in Oct. 2019 via backing by WEF and Gates was to set the dictatorial gameplan in motion, to be the coordinating committee for this virus/vaccine/mandate game, basically rewire the world toward world dictatorship by an elite. Money is I think the main monopoly but it has also been a monopoly of organized/compromised religions, of organized/compromised governments, of big media, economies, institutions and scientific bodies more recently along with brazen and strident claims to Proclaim Our Course is Right, in other words a hardcore dictatorship by a self-empowered elite. We have seen this play out over the last 3 years since the world military games at Wuhan of Oct. 2019 and Event 201 at that very time. It is highly covert, highly coordinated, highly insidious and highly whitewashing—every step, every facet led subtlely mostly by Gates and WEF, with WHO as a smaller partner and the Communist bloc obscured. Truly the Klaus Schwab, rather Nazi-like factor that is deeply meshed with big pharma, world finance monopolists and interlocks with so many multinational corporations and governments and pseudo-health agencies are principal architects—what a mess of clever, vain mediocrity and nest of darkness. The US Supreme Court ruled against the Biden “medical” mandate this year and Biden simply shrugged it off as unimportant, in other words the US Constitutional system under the Biden/deep state regime that includes the billionaire wheeler-dealers, that traditional US system is being completely bypassed by the globalists who think somehow that they themselves are or represent a higher law for this planet. That is the game all right, except that even darker ones called Watchers (who fell from heaven long ago) are further hidden in the attempt to dominate the whole world to their satanism and their party-line country by country. -r., siskiyou county, ca
Friday, October 28, 2022
organized religion2
Now there are many in this day and age who from childhood on have developed a spirit of cynicism toward organized religion and even toward the idea of God. These souls are suspicious of everything and everyone connected with religion and they literally stew in the gall of their bitterness and their unawareness of the invisible world. Yet we come not to condemn any man but to assist all and to create the bond of “a new heaven and a new earth.” This can never be unless the fruit of the Spirit is allowed to ripen in the life of the individual. Therefore every true religion should seek to nourish and to expand the precious soul that must live for a time within the narrow room of self. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 12:51
But we cannot do the work that only you can do, and that is to bring in the new souls of light–to go after them, to love them, to pray for them, to use all calls that you have to cut them free! For they are pulled in many directions by relatives, by family, by spouses, by those who will not let them leave organized religion to go out into the desert as John the Baptist did, as I did as Hilarion, my final incarnation. For I, beloved, had to be in embodiment again after [my life as] Apostle Paul [in order] to balance fully my karma for the persecution of Christians. -Hilarion, Pearl 33:39
Therefore let us proclaim and let us take the inner vow that this teaching of resurrection will no longer be left upon dead altars with dead rituals and with darkness that has crept into organized religion in this world. But rather let the fetters of an untoward doctrine and dogma be removed—the fetters whereby those who ought to be recipients of that joint-heirship with Christ no longer have the opportunity to prove that resurrection. -Lanello, Pearl 55:7, Easter, March 26, 1978 at Camelot, L.A.
Why was the fire withdrawn [from the altars of organized religion]? Because the priests, rabbis, ministers did not offer an acceptable grail. It was not a question of discrimination. Nor do we have particular interest in being iconoclasts to tear down and destroy beliefs and belief systems, but rather we would divest people of a false doctrine because it is a deterrent to the presentation of the grail.
-Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Pearl 32:9
As a result of their deliberations Hierarchy has appointed a special branch of cosmic workers who have been delegated to serve the needs of this group. Therefore the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy “If these [referring to those who count themselves among the religious] will hold their peace, then the very stones [those who have not been moved by organized religion] will cry out.” It is our studied opinion that those whose minds are not clogged by an accumulation of mingled error and truth are often able to make greater progress in developing an awareness of God and serving with the ascended hosts than those who are in continual religious conflict within their own minds and with one another. Therefore you should witness in the days ahead the fulfillment of the prophecy: “...many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.” -Archangel Michael, Pearl 13:1
Among the snares laid by the wicked has been their embracing of organized religion. I do not say that a wealth of untold good is not brought forth through organization, even in the field of religion. But it is particularly insidious when one considers that these masqueraders, or wolves in sheep’s clothing, have infiltrated the very foundations of religious endeavors throughout the planet where they pretend to be purveyors of good but are15 in14 reality36 continually47 functioning60 on11 the15 side19 of12 discord36 and10 confusion44 (=319). Their33 purpose38 is10 clear21 to8 us4 but7 not13 always18 so7 to8 mankind30 (=197; 197+319=516=12 x 43=is10 clear21 to8 us4) who are held in the icy grip of the toiler. -Master Rakoczy, Pearls of Wisdom 8:17
organized54 religions54; other words at 54 include orthodoxy, compromise, pretentious, double-minded, peter duffy. that is via numerology: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.
organized religion1
The publishing industry of the world in the hands of a few through cartels and secret agreements seems bent upon pushing humanity into a one-world government founded not upon ascended master law but upon decadent philosophies of the laggards. Many are the couriers trained in Moscow who have gone forth in the name of religion, in the name of brotherhood, in the name of Christ to create an ecumenical attitude in the hearts of men. Concealing their real purpose of world control through a world council they espouse noble causes—but their motives are dark. -K-17, Pearl 13:24
You are the spiritual devotees who desire attunement with your higher Self–today, tomorrow and forever. You have left the beaten path of organized religion and launched out on your own. And yes, you are the ones who have known me down the corridors of the centuries.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 19:14
Therefore, beloved, without organized religion but solely upon the principle of the love-fire of the divine spark within the evolving soul may begin to equate with Elohim. And the sense of distance does portray to the soul that there is a path and an overcoming and a quest for the mastery of time and space and forces [that must be pursued] in order for the soul to reach that star. -Divine Director, Pearl 29:20
The power to preach is the power to reach the soul by sacred fire of Holy Spirit transferred by the Father within you unto the Son, thence to the Christ Self of the creature that the light of his own indwelling Christhood might descend to quicken his very own soul. This power to preach the Word of God ought to be sought and not shunned simply because some have misused it and organized religion to bind souls to themselves instead of to God.
Ecclesiastes was a preacher of righteousness and a caller of souls to reality as he went to and fro exposing the vanity of vanities of unreality. Go be! Go do thou likewise!
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:35
Whatever the attitudes which have divided men in the past these will continue to divide them until a higher state of attunement with God, Self and man is reached. As a caterpillar sheds its cocoon so must men leave behind outgrown encumbrances and divisive factors. It is not sufficient for a few good men to champion the causes of brotherhood, albeit heaven knows their energies are needed! The garlands of the spiritual principle of brotherhood must be cherished by all nations, by all people and actively honored by men of every organized religion. -Morya, Pearl 6:7
Know then that in the fullness of the joy of angels I come to gather my own unto the victory of life everlasting, to call you and to call you again to return to my heart and to see me as I truly am in the victory of the ascension–one who walks midst those who are of the light and does not necessarily enter those paths of organized religion and orthodoxy [whose hierarchs] have closed out my heart and my Teaching behind33 their33 garrisoned56 walls13 (=135=5 x search27) where they render themselves impervious to the cries of the people or to their proper role of challenging the evildoer. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 31:38
Now cometh salvation and strength and the glory of God into manifestation as the hearts of men, failing them for fear, seek to consult with one another and with heavenly emissaries concerning the reality of God. The waning interest in organized religion reported from some sources is but indicative of mortal weariness with platitudes, palliation and human dogma. The victory of God declares that the soul-hunger of man, the yearning, gnawing, burning search within his heart for reality shall, when men more fully recognize this need for fulfillment, bring the many upon the planet to a breathing awareness of the need to seek for a reality beyond dogma, form, creed or exclusive organization. -Mighty Victory, Pearl 9:4
Therefore perceive, blessed hearts, that to you some of the calamities that occur upon Earth are hardly real, while to others there is a great wallowing in death and mourning and human sympathy and horrors that are daily parading across the newspapers. Some find greater reality in unreality than they do in God even though they may be a part of some organized religion. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 25:9
Who is king in our society? Whoever has the most sex appeal and the most money–the rock stars, the celebrities, the jet set. Who do the people worship? Those who brazenly live for their basest desires and passions. The people are fascinated with them (in some cases, fascinated and repulsed simultaneously) and therefore they become tied to them. They are slaves to their lusts for money, power and sex even as they are enslaved to the gods themselves.
Other players in this warfare of the spirit are the false teachers and false teachings that come out of every organized religion today which are the perversion complete of the Great White Brotherhood’s true teachings on the sacred mysteries of Life. Every false religion, every phony theology, every belief system that intrudes itself between a man and his God, a soul and her Lord is a part of the warfare of the spirit.
-Messenger ecp, Pearl 33:7
investigating the word "stealth"
this force moves in a stealthy manner to trouble and vex the hearts
If clergy and laity of the orthodox movements of Christianity and other religious orders would wake up and recognize the power of right thought and right feeling to magnetize more of their kind and to galvanize right action, they could provide a sound basis for the power of right example in the world community. For as subtle and invisible as the stealthy vibrations or mortal wickedness and hatred that now radiate in the world are, the power of good would swallow up the power of darkness and light would be shed upon many of the problems now disturbing mankind if those to whom the masses look for leadership would take an uncompromising stand for righteousness.
We cannot see how the world situation can get better without first getting worse unless people will turn now and recognize that the Christ view, the divine view, is not a neat little package which they can tie and hold within a healthy and glowing sect. It is not possible to remain aloof to the problems of the world and to the divine plan for the planet while you are seeking to work out your own salvation. Personal salvation, blessed ones, is dual. It affords each individual a means of finding himself, but it also requires that in finding the self one possess understanding of the needs of others and give that assistance to life which wisdom would dictate. We do not say that everyone should become involved to the same degree in service to the planet; there are many offices that need filling, and there are many tasks that need doing. But there are some things that all should do and one of them is to exercise the power of right thought.
-Divine Director, Pearl 11:36
Blessed hearts, I perceive the greatest affliction of all on planet Earth as relentless hatred of the Christ that is harbored in the subconscious of those who have sworn enmity with God. Spilling over into the wells of the unwary, into pockets not filled with good fruit, we see then that this force moves in a stealthy manner to trouble and vex the hearts of God’s dear children.
Understand that the entry into the world of the individual of forces of death and last plagues and of war, pestilence and upheaval [i.e., the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] is through this force which comes by many names and means and in all sorts of Halloween masks and even at the New Year’s Eve ball. Precious hearts, the jesters themselves carry this force. For hatred becomes a mockery and then an envy and then a malice until, hardly able to contain itself, it erupts in acts of vengeance and violence. Dear ones, it even penetrates to little children through the misuse of sound, of art, of educational materials, of drama and entertainment pumped into the subconscious through the media. -Lanello, Pearls of Wisdom 28:4
“Stealth” which counts in numerology (a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.) to 22 can also be considered to span the range from 21.8 to 22.3 as well. The times are full of stealth; I put stealth as anchorpoint to a couple of phi or golden ratio series, namely these 2 here following.
at 22.30; 22.3 x 1.618=36.081; 58.38; 94.5; 13.78; 8.52; 5.26; adding words to this phi ratio series then, numerologically of that value: Ma5, mask(s)8.5; deals14; stealth22.3; reality36; muddled27 clique(s)31.4=58.4;94.5=distractors
47.25 x 2.
anchoring at 21.80; 21.8 x 1.618=35.08;13.3; 8.5; 4.8; 56.88; 91.9; adding words to this series then we have: Ma5; cask(s)8.5; go13.3; stealth22;
controls35; hypocrisy57 or Putin or Duffy clique57;
2 x speculations
here’s a very incomplete list for words counting to 37: ambitious, connive, perfect, correct, sympathy, Communist,
Kremlin, Rasputin, legality, cheery, sunshine,
another anchorpoint for golden ratio series:
computer39 mechanism40=79.
phi or golden ratio series anchored at 79 runs: 128; 79.00; 79/1.618
=48.826; 30.174; 18.65; 11.52;
7.1; adding numerologic words of each value we have: bask7;
handled30; lax security49; dark16 opportunity63
=79, or computer mechanism79; 128=4 x defiant32.
……Atlantis going down by Norman Thomas Miller..................…
Thursday, October 27, 2022
down from the cross
But man need not wait ages to receive the gifts of God; for he is assured, if he accepts the divine plan, that he may at any time climb into the lap of God-identity. There he will find at last the fulfillment of the dreams of his soul that for want of fulfillment have caused him from time to time to be bored with life. There he will remember no more those experiences that kept him bound upon the rocks and shoals of a mortal existence–one that for the most part proved to be a senseless, purposeless engagement of his precious energies, a waste of his brief opportunity in the crucible of time and space. -Archangel Chamuel, Pearl 14:48
The chastening of the Holy Spirit is the natural outgrowth of the conflict between man’s will and God’s will. How strange it is then that in their reactions to the love of His Spirit many have said “I want to be free!” Well, precious ones, while your own freewill is actually your passport to absolute freedom, once misused it is no longer an instrument of freedom but the tool of self-imposed bondage. The world is filled with diversions that are used to lure people from the path. Even devotees of the Spirit because of their misunderstandings of the Law have allowed themselves to become bored with religious things. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 13:33
I cannot then stress enough today when Christ-goodwill ought to be so adored, the great blessings that can be bestowed upon men who do not cry “I have nothing to do” but who affirm and declare “I have a great deal to do, and I will do it.” Can you imagine, blessed ones, that any number of our students at times become bored with existence itself simply because they do not have anything to do? -Morya, Pearl 8:47
Beloved ones of the planet Earth, as Saint Germain has so often told you, only by pursuing the way of your own divine Self can you ever find and know true peace. Myriad notions have entered and do enter men’s consciousness and as they follow each one to its ultimate end they find that it did not provide one iota of permanent happiness. Life can become a bottomless pit of seeking where lesser goals are sought and attained, sometimes to the soul’s own hurt. But by calling forth ideals of peace from the heart of the Prince of Peace and by calling for the rule of heaven’s Peace to hold sway over the entire Earth, man fulfills the larger goals of the great Divine Plan and satisfies thereby his daily requirements of ordered service, brotherly love and individual unfoldment.
The raging of heathen energies is always a vain thing and is related to factors of speculation and imagination. Long ago in Egypt when Joseph, the Son of Jacob, was a friend to the Pharaoh he was known as a dreamer of dreams and an interpreter of men’s dreams. (Gen. 41) There are many methods whereby men seek to probe the past and to understand the handwriting on the wall of the present in order to predict the future, but there is never any mere imagination or speculation about the one right divine way. Joseph, the beloved wearer of the coat of many colors, held his own attunement with God in such purity and peace that his works bore the fruit of spiritual blessing manifest within them.
In order to free the planet Earth which task seems Herculean at this hour it shall be necessary to enlist the aid of every one who has some concept of the mighty work before us and is willing to consecrate his being to the cause and service of the Divine Plan of establishing peace throughout the Earth. The high calling and prize preclude petty dissension!
We, ladies of heaven, have sent forth our energies through the Pearls of Wisdom because the feminine ray is coming to the fore as never before in order to establish the great permanent golden age. It shall swallow up the flood of negative energy which the Earth has cast off. And that which threatens to destroy the Christ image of the Son of God in order to enthrone the “abomination of desolation,” (the warlike image of destructive intent manifesting in human consciousness) shall be inundated by purifying waters of the mighty river of Life flowing freely from the heart of the Mother of the World. Those elements of human nature which oppose the appearing of the Christed plan are ever wolves in sheep’s clothing who would destroy the lambs of God while masquerading as defenders of their true Selfhood. Evil can never produce Good no matter what the disguise.
You want peace in your own world, dear hearts, and you want it so intensely for the world at large. You long to see it permanently established on Earth, yet you know that this can only be by the ascendancy of divine grace, enthroned in all. So long as the purposes of life are but the chemicalization of matter, employed as the enjoyment of misdirected energy, flowing forth in a destructive spiral, man cannot escape the silt of human vanity. When the mighty tides of heaven are enlisted in building divine character into the fabric of identity so that beauty, perfection, kindness, strength, peace, victory and love are made the cornerstones of right action in man and society the world cannot long remain in shadow. The Law of Life will roll forth new victories for all and peace must reign over the Earth, regardless of any statements any one may make or any concepts any man may hold to the contrary. Light shall ultimately triumph over darkness and in the end you may be certain that the Earth shall be set free to enjoy its promised, “Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men.” Delays are only the result of men’s foolishness and their fascination with curious affectations of human fancy.
Now then consider what it means to build a spiritual movement of great strength and far-reaching effect. Organization is necessary, but it must always be rounded upon those organized concepts of heaven, implemented by dedicated men and women whose every breath is pledged on behalf of the holy name of freedom. Such divine ideals infuse the hopes of men with a working structure and orderly plan of action, and thus peace is won through victorious efforts made by those who never stop to count the cost but just keep on giving of their own precious energies, even as the great Masters have done simply because right must continue onward in peaceful spirals of achievement.
Keep on building for peace and love, dear hearts. You go with God, and His hands are consecrated in your blessed hands. His heart beats the rhythm of ]ove through your own, and the streamers of light flashing forth from the Mother of the World and cosmic Mothers through the Summit Lighthouse beacon, are for the glorification of the Divine Plan. Of this you can be certain: all that remains unattained will be ultimately won step by step unto victory. The contests you win today while wrestling with your own visiting angels (Gen. 32:24-30) can only strengthen you for the greater prize We seek to award to all life in the dawn of individual, internatioal and planetary goodwill, the laurel wreath of the Christ.
T\-Goddess of Peace, Pearls of Wisdom 6:32
Of course God Himself would be extremely bored in such an exercise just as you would be bored. And the vibration of boredom causes the death of souls in a Communist or Socialist state because everything is done for them. It’s total boredom. What is there to live for? -Messenger ECP, Pearl 43:42
Now I have had some chelas in my classes for too long! They have taken the same class in the simple precepts of the will of God over and over again! And even they have become bored with hearing the same teaching. They are bored because they are not taking the teaching, infusing it with understanding by obedient love and going on to be in the class of Lanto. And therefore in Lanto’s class there are seats that are empty. In my class we have too many, and chelas a-Morya, re seated on the floor.
-Morrya, November 16, 1975 at Colorado Springs
For again and again they have allowed to slip through their fingers the sands of life. They seem empty and bored by all t manifestations of spirituality, whereas those of us who know and understand the fruits of the Spirit and the fruits of meditation will express to all of you that the beauty of our light can also become the beauty of your light as you enter into it. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:18
Hail, ascending ones!
Hail, initiates of sacred fire in the temple of Helios and Vesta! Hail, Keepers of the Flame!
I rejoice in your gift of the Mother-flame, and to be here this day is my great desire fulfilled. In my heart of sacred fire won’t you be seated.
I recall for you now precious moments in the memory of a hierarch of our retreat, precious moments which I have recalled to the Messenger this day: the moment when Jesus knelt before the hierophant and asked to be received in the very first steps of the Law when by the accord of his attainment he could have requested—and been granted immediately—the more advanced steps of adeptship.
Beloved ones, I place before you a new meaning and perception of this event. Because you have understood the law of cycles and the turning of the lines of the cosmic clock you have seen from the heart of Mother Mary how you pass through similar testings and opportunities in each twelve-year cycle as you make the rounds, like a planetary body, through these houses of the Sun—through these hierarchies and their temples of light.
Standing now in the temple of the hierarchy of Aries, standing therefore,under the sponsorship of Helios and Vesta in this light and house of the Sun, beloved hearts, I speak to you concerning the very first steps of your soul. For this is the house where you declare:
Lo, I AM the Son of God!
Lo, I AM the Word incarnate!
This day I AM begotten of the Most High!
It is the rehearsal of the origin in God in the Holy of Holies in the Great Central Sun. It is the reinitiation of your soul, the internalization of the divine Ego that displaces, step by step, that human ego. It is the replacement of carnal mind by Christ mind.
Therefore in taking the very next initiation that is due to you each one according to your entire evolution, you must go over with the fingers of the mind the very first lessons, the very first steps. And as you play these you will find a few phrases rusty that you must go over—a few notes missing, a few things forgotten.
This is the meaning of the taking of the first steps—not that Jesus had never taken them before, but that he wanted to take them again to be certain of the strength of his soul in all points of the Law, not wishing to assume a mastery not recently rehearsed. He knew what he must face. Wise the Son of God—placing himself first as the child, becoming the child again in preparation for that divine Sonship.
I therefore place before you the same reminder: This day thou art begotten of the Lord. This day, my beloved, go back to the first lessons. Mark your lessons, mark your books. They are not idols or statues on the shelf. They must be well-worn. And, beloved, let those marks indicate those points of the Law that have gone unpracticed and therefore unrealized.
Take stock this day in the causal body of the Mother and Lanello. In your heart of hearts admit the weaknesses. Write them down and take this year for the strengthening in those first steps. Do not continue to rehearse and play the melody you know so well.
We know the virtuoso. We know the accomplishments and self-mastery of our chelas. You will not fall by these, but you will be found wanting by the sin of omission. Do not think that the strengths will be tested in the hour of the coming of the Christ. It will be the weaknesses—and these are amplified by the sinister force.
You must know the wiles of the devil. If you have so much as a tiny mite of fear in the subconscious, they will play upon it, they will fan its fires, they will pry it open until you find yourselves quaking before something that is nothing! Thus the distortion in the time of victory, the distortion of evil and maya, blowing up the genie of the fallen one until his image fills the night and the sky, and you actually imagine that fallen one to be more powerful than God!
In all things thou shalt be tested, beloved hearts. It is so clear when you see the path of the avatars. The very day before an initiation is to come there will be the testing of pride or of ambition. And because they [the approaching ones] are ignorant of the path and these necessary initiations they succumb and lose the round in a moment—a temper lost and the eruption of the dweller—and they must wait again another round to receive that portion of the fruit of the Tree of Life that is meet for the next opportunity.
I AM Serapis Bey. In my retreat I keep careful files of every initiate on Earth who has declared himself to be on the path of the ascension in this life. I regret that all of you have not made this declaration before me and before your Mighty I AM Presence. For, beloved ones, if the Lord God deems it not meet for you to ascend in this life, it will not come to pass. Therefore fear not.
Those who succeed as [in the office of] the divine Helper of humanity are those who make themselves initiates and therefore have the greatest strength and highest offering. I tell you, there are those who are declared initiates who have been embodying for a thousand years without taking the ascension, and they have made mighty contributions to life. When you declare yourself a candidate your initiations accelerate. You have the highest calling and highest expectancy from our octave, and, as such, you are prepared to give the most.
Take heed then that your consideration that this life is not your lifetime for the ascension—and therefore you need not make it your goal—does not become in itself an excuse, a subtlety of the carnal mind to avoid my gaze, to avoid my retreat and those initiations which would give you the very power you seek to control conditions. But if you desire that power, you must first pass the initiation of power. A little power is given, and then we see what you make of it. Do you squander it? Are you now puffed up with pride as Napoleon was, thinking you can do anything with impunity? Many have failed the test of power.
Beloved ones, the hours move on. All who hear my voice and know my teaching through my own book, the Dossier on the Ascension, ought to realize that the statement by Jesus “Work while ye have the light” applies to you. You have no idea if you will have a sponsor in some future lifetime when you decide to take your ascension. You have no idea if the retreat or the Brotherhood or the dispensations will be available, if civilization itself will be such that you would even have the ability to find the Great White Brotherhood or any master.
This is an open door in the age. Wise are you who understand that self-mastery, won and gained and retained today, will stay with you as long as you determine to be in the matter spheres—and will be with you in the moment and hour when Sanat Kumara calls and when you must come—come up higher, for it is the mandate of your I AM Presence.
Once you have passed certain basic initiations you will understand well that whereof I speak. You will understand, beloved hearts, the surrender of thy will unto God’s will. Up and over the next mountain and the next you will have a far greater perspective of that which is needful today. And if you accept my call and my Word, you will realize at that point in the future how fortunate it was that you heeded my instruction. Thus the necessity for entering in to thy Godhood is a mighty necessity of the hour.
This my Word is the prologue to the message of Helios and Vesta to be given in the heart of the Inner Retreat. We have sent forth the call to the children of the Sun to be there. We have opened the channels of media to announce this conference. For we desire all to receive that direct and physical transfer through the Messenger of the initiation of Helios.
Let all hear my call and realize that this surely is a once-in-a-decade and once-in-a-century appearing of that Helios. His message is of great import to the Earth. And that message must remain a living message in living hearts full of the fire of the Godhead—full and determined to bear it and not allow the candle to go out, not allow the light of Helios to be dissipated.
Therefore I counsel the wise to be in good preparation, to realize the fruits of fasting and prayer and of strengthening and of spiritual exercise and being mindful of those first lessons of Luxor. This is the desiring of Saint Germain. For on the foundation of this path of initiation he also desires to give advanced teachings.
The entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood gives gratitude to the chelas of sacred fire this day for making possible the release of our teachings at the level they have been brought forth not only to the Messengers but especially to the Keepers of the Flame who have kept the flame of this teaching and therefore magnetized a greater teaching. Beloved hearts, the dispensation would be immediately withdrawn if there were not Keepers of the Flame to keep alive the message in their life and practice and example.
Thus understand clearly that advanced teachings lower a greater light of the Central Sun—not only a greater intensity but a more complex light. That light, as you know, can cause cataclysm or even insanity in individuals who reject it. That light comes for the rebirth, for Christhood and for the judgment. We will never send more light than that which can be held and balanced by our devotees. If you will hold the balance for the light, we shall release the teaching.
Let all the world know that the Messenger is alive and well and able to deliver that Word and that message. And we are on the very brink of a teaching that will transcend all that has ever come forth and that will make more clear and real the path to you and the path to many.
Thus, beloved hearts, I remind you as I have said before, there is no greater avocation or calling or profession than that of the career son and daughter of God. In the temple there is the need for candles lit. And in the world body there is the need for candles lit.
Now, beloved ones, I come with a message from the Lord Jesus Christ who does stand here this day. His message is a mighty outpouring of love—love from the heart of the eternal Christ. I give you a moment thereforeto attune your hearts to the heart of Jesus.
The blessed Savior, the living Christ, the ascended master Jesus does honor me, a Son of God, to release to you from the heart of Luxor, Retreat of the Ascension Flame, his announcement to you and to all.
The Living Christ Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross
This day the declaration does go forth from God the Father and God the Son that the living Christ Jesus is forevermore taken down from the cross and from the very image of the crucifixion. This day likewise, so reflected in the Earth, the Mother of the Flame is taken down from the cross, nevermore to undergo the crucifixion by the fallen ones or the wagging of their tongues or their reviling, “If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross and save thyself!”
Therefore unto those sons of heaven and sons in the Earth who, with the Mother, have offered themselves to be crucified, to be the gazingstock and the subject of the ridicule of the multitude and the condemnation of the Sanhedrin and all powers of Rome we say:
The Great White Brotherhood, by the hand of Almighty God, has taken this Church Universal and Triumphant, this Messenger, and these chelas down from the cross. And therefore the crucifix shall no longer be the sign upon this altar or any altar—nor shall it be worn, nor shall the image of Christ crucified anymore be the symbol of those who are the victors on the path of the Resurrection and the Life! [applause]
The blessed Son of God said, “Father, if Thou be willing, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not my will but Thine, be done.”
Unto the Messengers and unto the disciples who have been crucified lifetime after lifetime in a mockery of the real inner temple initiation of the fastening of the soul to the cross of God I say: This day thou art free to enter into the very tabernacle of God and into the temple of Luxor to undergo initiations of Almighty God and the Father and the Son before whom I humbly receive you to initiate your souls. No longer may the fallen ones in despite turn the crucifixion as a divine initiation to the mockery of souls, to the desecration of God incarnate.
Beloved ones, with great joy I have anticipated this hour, for ye have been willing, ye have borne—so the Mother has borne without complaint this mockery, this lying of the fallen ones, this murderous intent, this attempt to defame the life and presence of the Mother, this attempt to desecrate, therefore placing upon the Mother blame for all of their failures of initiations at the Court of Luxor. For they have passed neither the test of Maitreya nor of the Mother. And all that is left is outer darkness, and therefore they cry out “Crucify her! Crucify her!”
But, beloved ones, it shall come to pass that upon their own heads their judgments shall remain, and this company of lightbearers and the saints is lifted up above that level of darkness and mockery where the gates of hell cannot and shall not prevail against Church Universal and Triumphant, against the mystical body of God.
And therefore with great joy and victory in the hour of the cycles that have come I do now remove this crucifix from this altar. And I ask the daughters of the Mother to remove them from the side altars and to receive them.
Thus, beloved ones, a great burden is lifted from these altars. For beloved Alpha and Omega, the Father and the Son do not desire to behold Christ crucified, but him resurrected and ascended and free. And therefore in the initiations of life, this church and this body have undergone this particular station of the cross as the very testing of the soul in the humility to bear the same burden which he bore.
Now with full God-mastery I say to one and all: Come down from the cross, the cross inflicted by the world-mind and the cross inflicted by subconscious guilt. Take heed that the higher initiation of the cross of ruby ray is thine own. And in taking this path and this overcoming, beloved ones, you will be on the high road of initiation, bypassing that Golgotha.
In all points of the Law be faithful, and the tempter and the sinister force will not be able to touch thee or to place thee upon that human cross of condemnation, vilification and the death-wish.
Thus the implementation of this dispensation shall be unto those who make it their own not only by taking to themselves the mantle of the Messengers and the mantle of discipleship but also by perceiving that the proving of the prophecy—the proving of the initiation—is unto you! And if you let go of the hand of Christ or the hem of the garment of the Mother, you may find yourself in that vortex of fear and doubt as Peter did. And in that point of nonrecognition of the Godhead the Force will come and tempt you and try you and attempt to nail you upon the cross of sin.
If sin is not real—and the World Teachers have proclaimed it—therefore the crucifixion is not real either! Thus as you know it and live it and conquer the foes that themselves would nail you to that cross, you will also enter in to this dispensation which is unto the Messenger and the mystical body of God and the Church Universal and Triumphant. It is an initiation that must be upheld by the pillars of the church and ministering servants in consciousness that all children of the Sun may dance round the maypole of ascension’s fires and be free.
(Blessed ones, won’t you be seated.)
By the sword of Serapis Bey, by the sword of the Faithful and True, by the sword Excalibur, the sword of King Arthur and the sword of Launcelot I stand. For this sword as the power of the spoken Word out of the mouth of the Faithful and True, the two witnesses and the saints, becomes the very foundation for the dispensation which is now given and which could not be given until the hour of the crucifixion should be past.
I raise the chalice of the Holy Grail, crystal chalice of the soul of every Keeper of the Flame, to receive now the descending current of Alpha and Omega.
Note well at this hour and moment and this time that a thirty-three-year spiral of ascension’s flame is anchored in this body, in this church, in the mystical body of God on earth and in heaven. This thirty-three-year spiral is for the fulfillment of the flame of the ascension, its initiations unto all and the building of my house.
Thus saith the Lord: the building of the pyramid of this church and teaching that shall be and is unto the Aquarian age is established this day. It is a whitefire pillar of ascension flame—thirty-three turns in the spiral. It is a living flame within the living body of the Messenger It is the flame that is the whitefire core above and below of Alpha and Omega, of the two witnesses and all who serve that flame.
By that flame shall you discover the love of community, the building together, for this flame is God’s own skyscraper. It is the power of that tower and the rock, and it is the power that displaces Nimrod and his Tower of Babel, the entire Babylonian civilization, the Assyrian gods, the Cain civilization.
This flame is for the testing and trying of the nations, for the setting of the Christ standard of the culture of the Mother in every nation, for the reawakening of souls of light to their destiny on this path, to a new sense of honor and a new sense of what is the meaning of Christhood.
Beloved ones, our flame is real. It is for thy victory. It is a fountain from which ye can all drink—even here and now, because, my beloved, it is anchored in physical form.
As you serve you may call, spiral upon spiral, to make this thirty-three-tiered spiral your own. By initiation, by paying the price through balancing of karma and service you yourself—under the tutelage of Maitreya, the World Teachers, and our own retreat—may raise up that coil in place for the hour of your union with God.
You may imagine that you are building a staircase with Saint Joseph, the miraculous spiral staircase made without hands. Beloved ones, when the hour comes the soul, as the bride veiled in garments white, will ascend this spiral.
May you comprehend the meaning of the opportunity that does not occur in a vacuum but does occur because the Great White Brotherhood serves with the lightbearers of Earth, because one and the many stand together to implement that light.
For all you have accomplished, for each one’s own steadfastness, for each one not giving in to fear or doubt or the demons of the night that would take you far afield from your service, for each one’s determination to stand in the hour of the testing—this dispensation is come.
Many of you have thirty-three years to look forward to and more—some double, some little ones in a cradle, triple. Therefore can you not conceive that in all diligence of the Law it is entirely possible with this sponsorship and teaching and overwhelming intercession of heaven that you could raise up one spiral per year? [“Yes!”]
Why, beloved ones, this is the very present possibility. And for commeasurement I would tell you that many of you are able to earn it now and are doing so by your love, by your vowand by the impact of your service on millions. As millions view our Messenger on television, as other millions read the books and works and hear the preaching, as other millions feel the impact of the decrees the dispensation is that all who are blessed by your effort create a return to you of good karma, balanced karma, blessing and grace.
This is how the work of the Great White Brotherhood and community in this age enables the individual actually to take the ascension in a single lifetime of this dedication—not to say that those so aspiring have not already contributed many, many lifetimes, this one being the capstone on the pyramid.
But the capstone you must have, and you must place it there yourself. And, beloved ones, truly it is an emerald matrix. And you will understand the meaning of the initiation in our retreat that is given as I place in your hand that emerald-fire capstone that you yourself have created out of all of your service of all lifetimes, your devotion and your love. And you yourself will place that capstone in place.
Thus, beloved, the purpose to which we have come is fulfilled.
The blessings of Gautama Buddha, the blessings of the causal body of the Messengers, the blessing of Jesus be upon you.
Now,as you celebrate this day, your Mother with you, so also I prepare for your coming to Luxor to present yourselves as Jesus did—the supplicant to receive the very first initiations on the path. And El Morya will smile, and Saint Germain will wink and he will say “Morya, I think we have here soon-to-be avatars and saviors of the world. Let us help them more.”
God bless you, my own, my beloved. I AM always your attending Serapis.
Messenger’s Communion Blessing
Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, beloved Lord Maitreya, beloved Gautama Buddha, beloved Sanat Kumara, beloved Saint Germain and El Morya and Lanello and Godfre, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother we accept and rejoice that we are taken down from the cross, and we proceed together, O God, by Thy body and by Thy blood. It is by this sign that we conquer—the victory now of the Word incarnate within us.
So bless, O Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood—so bless, Maha Chohan, our own I AM Presence, Serapis, Jesus—this bread and this wine for the transfer this day of the increment of fire which each one has earned by grace and may go forth with on this Sunday, April 8, 1984, for the victory in life of the Buddha and the Mother.
We thank Thee, O God, for Thy power of the spoken Word which does result in immediate worldwide transmutation and does therefore consecrate this substance as holy.
To all who believe I say in Jesus’ name: Thy sins be forgiven thee that in the name of Jesus the world might know that the Son of God does indeed have the power to forgive sin. By the Holy Christ Self of each one, by Maitreya, the Great Initiator, I say: Go and sin no more!
In the service of the Lord God Almighty, O Lord, we partake of Thy body and Thy essence, for the living fire above to now be physically manifest in our temple. Add to the dimensions of the fire of the heart and the seven chakras as each one is able to receive it. In love with the honor of God, I AM that cosmic honor flame this day, I AM THAT I AM. I AM the Mother.
- Serapis Bey, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 8, 1984 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 27:29
I tell you, you will never be bored with heaven! For you will always find new wonders of creation revealed before the screen of your mind, until in the illustrious wonders of God you become possessors of the white stone of infinite power in which is written a new name which no man knoweth saving him that receiveth it
.-Maitreya, Pearl 27:12
The first comes from those chelas who apply for the dispensation of the setting aside of karma, enter the service of the Brotherhood, experience a certain lightness because of the setting aside of that karma, and by and by begin to complain or commiserate or even chastise those they work with or those who are over them. Or they become bored and they find welling up within themselves desires for greener pastures, more education, going here and going there. In sum various momentums set in with which they must deal that are of their own human creation, for the Great Law cannot set these aside. Nay, the chela must pursue his own self-mastery and in the process learn that keeping one’s word to the Brotherhood is fundamental to the trust of the Guru/chela relationship. -Lord and Lady Meru, Pearl 28:54
The temptation to feel bored with life, which sometimes seeks to ride in during meditation, is a sinister vibration calculated to destroy the concentration, devotionand profit of each meditative session with God. If one is to meditate upon God, how can one be bored with such a colossal idea as life which is God? Yet the carnal mind goes on to say that all of this “boredom” could be relieve
d by travel in search of God.
-Kuthumi, Pearl 11:22