Friday, October 28, 2022
investigating the word "stealth"
this force moves in a stealthy manner to trouble and vex the hearts
If clergy and laity of the orthodox movements of Christianity and other religious orders would wake up and recognize the power of right thought and right feeling to magnetize more of their kind and to galvanize right action, they could provide a sound basis for the power of right example in the world community. For as subtle and invisible as the stealthy vibrations or mortal wickedness and hatred that now radiate in the world are, the power of good would swallow up the power of darkness and light would be shed upon many of the problems now disturbing mankind if those to whom the masses look for leadership would take an uncompromising stand for righteousness.
We cannot see how the world situation can get better without first getting worse unless people will turn now and recognize that the Christ view, the divine view, is not a neat little package which they can tie and hold within a healthy and glowing sect. It is not possible to remain aloof to the problems of the world and to the divine plan for the planet while you are seeking to work out your own salvation. Personal salvation, blessed ones, is dual. It affords each individual a means of finding himself, but it also requires that in finding the self one possess understanding of the needs of others and give that assistance to life which wisdom would dictate. We do not say that everyone should become involved to the same degree in service to the planet; there are many offices that need filling, and there are many tasks that need doing. But there are some things that all should do and one of them is to exercise the power of right thought.
-Divine Director, Pearl 11:36
Blessed hearts, I perceive the greatest affliction of all on planet Earth as relentless hatred of the Christ that is harbored in the subconscious of those who have sworn enmity with God. Spilling over into the wells of the unwary, into pockets not filled with good fruit, we see then that this force moves in a stealthy manner to trouble and vex the hearts of God’s dear children.
Understand that the entry into the world of the individual of forces of death and last plagues and of war, pestilence and upheaval [i.e., the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] is through this force which comes by many names and means and in all sorts of Halloween masks and even at the New Year’s Eve ball. Precious hearts, the jesters themselves carry this force. For hatred becomes a mockery and then an envy and then a malice until, hardly able to contain itself, it erupts in acts of vengeance and violence. Dear ones, it even penetrates to little children through the misuse of sound, of art, of educational materials, of drama and entertainment pumped into the subconscious through the media. -Lanello, Pearls of Wisdom 28:4
“Stealth” which counts in numerology (a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.) to 22 can also be considered to span the range from 21.8 to 22.3 as well. The times are full of stealth; I put stealth as anchorpoint to a couple of phi or golden ratio series, namely these 2 here following.
at 22.30; 22.3 x 1.618=36.081; 58.38; 94.5; 13.78; 8.52; 5.26; adding words to this phi ratio series then, numerologically of that value: Ma5, mask(s)8.5; deals14; stealth22.3; reality36; muddled27 clique(s)31.4=58.4;94.5=distractors
47.25 x 2.
anchoring at 21.80; 21.8 x 1.618=35.08;13.3; 8.5; 4.8; 56.88; 91.9; adding words to this series then we have: Ma5; cask(s)8.5; go13.3; stealth22;
controls35; hypocrisy57 or Putin or Duffy clique57;
2 x speculations
here’s a very incomplete list for words counting to 37: ambitious, connive, perfect, correct, sympathy, Communist,
Kremlin, Rasputin, legality, cheery, sunshine,
another anchorpoint for golden ratio series:
computer39 mechanism40=79.
phi or golden ratio series anchored at 79 runs: 128; 79.00; 79/1.618
=48.826; 30.174; 18.65; 11.52;
7.1; adding numerologic words of each value we have: bask7;
handled30; lax security49; dark16 opportunity63
=79, or computer mechanism79; 128=4 x defiant32.
……Atlantis going down by Norman Thomas Miller..................…
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