Friday, October 28, 2022
organized religion1
The publishing industry of the world in the hands of a few through cartels and secret agreements seems bent upon pushing humanity into a one-world government founded not upon ascended master law but upon decadent philosophies of the laggards. Many are the couriers trained in Moscow who have gone forth in the name of religion, in the name of brotherhood, in the name of Christ to create an ecumenical attitude in the hearts of men. Concealing their real purpose of world control through a world council they espouse noble causes—but their motives are dark. -K-17, Pearl 13:24
You are the spiritual devotees who desire attunement with your higher Self–today, tomorrow and forever. You have left the beaten path of organized religion and launched out on your own. And yes, you are the ones who have known me down the corridors of the centuries.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 19:14
Therefore, beloved, without organized religion but solely upon the principle of the love-fire of the divine spark within the evolving soul may begin to equate with Elohim. And the sense of distance does portray to the soul that there is a path and an overcoming and a quest for the mastery of time and space and forces [that must be pursued] in order for the soul to reach that star. -Divine Director, Pearl 29:20
The power to preach is the power to reach the soul by sacred fire of Holy Spirit transferred by the Father within you unto the Son, thence to the Christ Self of the creature that the light of his own indwelling Christhood might descend to quicken his very own soul. This power to preach the Word of God ought to be sought and not shunned simply because some have misused it and organized religion to bind souls to themselves instead of to God.
Ecclesiastes was a preacher of righteousness and a caller of souls to reality as he went to and fro exposing the vanity of vanities of unreality. Go be! Go do thou likewise!
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:35
Whatever the attitudes which have divided men in the past these will continue to divide them until a higher state of attunement with God, Self and man is reached. As a caterpillar sheds its cocoon so must men leave behind outgrown encumbrances and divisive factors. It is not sufficient for a few good men to champion the causes of brotherhood, albeit heaven knows their energies are needed! The garlands of the spiritual principle of brotherhood must be cherished by all nations, by all people and actively honored by men of every organized religion. -Morya, Pearl 6:7
Know then that in the fullness of the joy of angels I come to gather my own unto the victory of life everlasting, to call you and to call you again to return to my heart and to see me as I truly am in the victory of the ascension–one who walks midst those who are of the light and does not necessarily enter those paths of organized religion and orthodoxy [whose hierarchs] have closed out my heart and my Teaching behind33 their33 garrisoned56 walls13 (=135=5 x search27) where they render themselves impervious to the cries of the people or to their proper role of challenging the evildoer. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 31:38
Now cometh salvation and strength and the glory of God into manifestation as the hearts of men, failing them for fear, seek to consult with one another and with heavenly emissaries concerning the reality of God. The waning interest in organized religion reported from some sources is but indicative of mortal weariness with platitudes, palliation and human dogma. The victory of God declares that the soul-hunger of man, the yearning, gnawing, burning search within his heart for reality shall, when men more fully recognize this need for fulfillment, bring the many upon the planet to a breathing awareness of the need to seek for a reality beyond dogma, form, creed or exclusive organization. -Mighty Victory, Pearl 9:4
Therefore perceive, blessed hearts, that to you some of the calamities that occur upon Earth are hardly real, while to others there is a great wallowing in death and mourning and human sympathy and horrors that are daily parading across the newspapers. Some find greater reality in unreality than they do in God even though they may be a part of some organized religion. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 25:9
Who is king in our society? Whoever has the most sex appeal and the most money–the rock stars, the celebrities, the jet set. Who do the people worship? Those who brazenly live for their basest desires and passions. The people are fascinated with them (in some cases, fascinated and repulsed simultaneously) and therefore they become tied to them. They are slaves to their lusts for money, power and sex even as they are enslaved to the gods themselves.
Other players in this warfare of the spirit are the false teachers and false teachings that come out of every organized religion today which are the perversion complete of the Great White Brotherhood’s true teachings on the sacred mysteries of Life. Every false religion, every phony theology, every belief system that intrudes itself between a man and his God, a soul and her Lord is a part of the warfare of the spirit.
-Messenger ecp, Pearl 33:7
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