Sunday, October 30, 2022
These people who were once industrious and filled with the divine spark
Anything is possible with God and nothing is impossible. What remains is for you to get this profound truth through your own head and simply to act upon it—to defy the forces of rote and mechanism and the desire of the mental body to not think. The carnal mind is an idolater and a slave and a tyrant, and therefore by these traits it snuffs out creativity. -Lanello, 29:11
You have heard of the erasing of the memory of the brain by the process of lobotomy. What have the fallen ones further determined to do?
To destroy within the very brain itself (the physical brain, the physical mechanism that is the instrument of the mind of God through the crown and third-eye chakra) the ability for it to hold and to make contact with the memory that is stored and locked in the seed of the soul.
They cannot destroy that nucleus of light except the individual surrender his soul unto the fallen ones by agreeing in the way with the Adversary through sympathy or rebellion. But as you see, many souls have not rebelled against God nor are they sympathetic to evil; therefore tampering with the soul will not work upon them. -Maitreya, 43:33, given
July 2, 1978 at Pasadena
Beloved hearts, the inner mechanism of the computer mind of the serpent consciousness is far more all-knowing than you realize. You must recognize that it has been the strategy of the fallen serpents for thousands of years to keep the children of the light from their own culture, from their own religion— to enslave them in the materialistic religion of the fallen ones, to enslave them and thereby have a continuous source of their light. For my light never ceases to flow through my own children and those who are tied to my heart by the blessed threefold flame. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 24:51
Blessed ones, all religions have fallen into decay when the ritual of the Word has become rote. Not only do you not exert a fire in delivering the Word by the power of the throat chakra but you fail to remember that a decree is given through seven chakras and that the fervor of the seven rays in you going forth can in fact be the instrument of the Elohim of God through you….
This century, begun so beautifully, [was] so immediately taken over by those forces of hell that came as the Bolsheviks. These [rebels against the Word], beloved ones, did go forth and therefore I made my appearance early that something might be done. But the “powers that be” [the original powers of death and hell] worked their schemes and the abdication of the destiny, [the] responsibility of America [to defend world and individual freedom], has been almost complete….
Blessed hearts, not all those who are without a threefold flame this day are the original creation of mechanization man. Many of these once had that same hope and fervor that you have. But, beloved ones, there does come a time in the life of a soul when she is trodden upon lifetime after lifetime by these monsters out of hell with none that come [to the rescue]–no hope, no awareness, no longer any memory or sense of Divine Reality. And then, beloved, when the individual does let go of life itself, there comes that moment of darkness when none can reach that one.
Blessed hearts, I am there when this does occur and yet I can do nothing….
But I tell you, beloved, those who are not the sons of God in the Earth who occupy bodies of men, these are such evil devils, I cannot even tell you, and their corruption has reached all the way to the levels of Protestantism and even our own church, the Roman Catholic Church. Blessed ones, realize that the infamy of their lust against little children, against babes, against every part of life and their desecration of me as I am in the body of all women of the world is beyond hell itself….
Billions of souls have been lost to World Communism by the betrayers in the United States government. Look at China herself and the Soviet Union. These could have been turned to [in the direction of] the free enterprise societies. These people who were once industrious and filled with the divine spark of the threefold flame, who had every opportunity and joy and determination to be the builders of the future have now gone down under a system whose very evil, beloved, does cause them to lose hope, to lose faith, to have crushed in them their own charity....
Yet in every nation there have been betrayers, and instead of condemning America and Americans, there should have been a forthright challenge made by the leaders of Europe to challenge and decry the betrayal of the freedom fighters [by the archdeceivers] worldwide. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 31:40
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