Monday, October 31, 2022
I speak of all conspiracies of the conglomerate of the Dragon
I speak of all conspiracies of the conglomerate of the
Dragon upon Earth. I speak to you, beloved hearts, of each area of misuse of the life-force. We have listed them many times, but I consider the international drug trade to be the most heinous crime against the flaming youth of the planetary body and the lightbearers who have descended. Often their idealism makes them receptive to those cunning in the arts of argumentation, polemics. And therefore the serpent that was in the garden is come again and again to deceive the children of Eve. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:50
The cunning cruelty of the Chinese Communists from Mao to Hua Kuo-feng and Teng Hsiao-p’ing derives from their fallen masters. These astral overlords control the chessboards and their pawns in governments bond and free, their goal being always to extend the line of their territory to include more and more of the ground of the children of light, challenging their right to evolve in freedom upon that ground.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:3
The penalties for seizing the fruit of the vine before it is offered in grace from the hand of God are grave indeed. The expulsion from paradise was the sealing of the causal body from the access of fallen man and fallen woman. Their rebellion was against the Law of the Christ. Thus by9 wrong32 choice34 engineered59 in14 the15 cunning37 of12 serpentine53 mind22 (=287=7 x creations41) they cut themselves off from the Lord’s table and from the abundant gifts and graces that are the gnosis of the tree of knowledge. And lest their rebellion and their arrogance should cause them to put forth their hand and take also of the Tree of Life, partaking of the energies of the I AM THAT I AM and investing these in the creations of the wicked, the Lord God drove man and woman from the garden of paradise. -Archangel Urie, Pearl 18:45
We have asked the Karmic Board what can be done to meet the challenges of this division. Can we justify further vast expenditures of energy on behalf of those who have pocketed themselves within the cells of their own narrow beliefs and refused to heed aught else? For the record clearly shows that these accomplish little more than the branding of their neighbor as a heretic, in some cases attempting to prevent the publication of his material or his renting of halls for dissemination of truth, in other cases attacking him directly with cunning and slander. And this in the name of religion! -Maha Chohan, Pearl 9:33
My brothers and sisters—it cannot be overstated that peace and harmony are the key to your God-control whereby you gain entrĂ©e and take dominion in all octaves of natural life. Thus with all your heart still tempestuous emotions, cast anger, revenge and hatred into the sacred fire forever and wage the warfare of the Spirit against the ego with its pride, ambition and cunning. A word to the wise is sufficient unto the victory. -Kuthumi, Pearl 5:15
Therefore recognize your calling to walk in my footsteps regardless of false pastors and false prophets and false Christs who come. Beloved hearts, beware27 the15 cunning37 of12 the15 serpents!35 (=141) Beware the cunning, for though they may not proclaim themselves so much in words that they are the Savior, they22 do10 proclaim42 it11 by9 their33 stance17, by their33 political43 rallies31, by9 their33 promises42 (=335; 335+141=476=deceit
28 x week17) which they cannot keep. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 25:27
John the Baptist was confronted by the Pharisees and Sadducees who came in their cunning to be baptized of him. They desired the initiation of the light but would21 not13 give25 obedience44 to8 that13 light29 (=153=9 x God17). Lifetime after lifetime they had rebelled against the Law—they who had been cast out of heaven with Lucifer by Archangel Michael and the hosts of the Lord. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
Thus I unveil to you the real mission of the Savior, so truly stated by the apostles, for the redemption of twin flames who took up the path of the Tree of Life in the ancient Mystery School and were turned aside by9 the15 cunning37 of12 the15 serpent34 philosophy62 (=184=8 x fallen23) which was the philosophy of the fallen angels who were24 determined52 to8 subvert26 the15 light29 (=154=11 x fake14) [of twinflames] and misdirect the great gift of God [to all generations who would come after them].
-Maitreya, Pearl 27:47a
These are the cunning serpents of whom Jesus spoke when he said “Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The Lord’s admonishment is clear. If you would have the wisdom of these angels of the second ray who have fallen from their high estate into carnal mindedness, then you must have the dove of the Holy Ghost whose charity and enlightenment will keep you in line with the will of God and properly aligned with that mind of God which was in Christ Jesus. Only by the sponsorship of the indwelling Trinity can you be wise in the things of heaven and of earth and not13 fall13 into22 self-idolatry56 (=104=4 x not fall26) of this generation of serpents. They shall not pass! -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 22:46
globalist34 agenda23=57=hypocrisy57, Great Whore57.
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