Sunday, July 31, 2022
The coercions of the world
The coercions of the world have exactly the power humanity gives to them. Is it not written in sacred scriptures that God will suffer man to be tempted above that he is able but will with every temptation also make a way of escape?
-Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 13:27
Many give praise when they feel the Spirit of the Lord. But when they depart from the temple their hearts26 are once again cold16 (=42). For they22 do10 not13 keep17 the15 flame19 (=96=2 x
hard-hearts48) that is the gift of the altar— even the flame of the Ark of the Covenant that has been with the people of Israel (of all that is real) and with the seed of Christ from everlasting to everlasting….
and in the path it is necessary that when the fire come to increase it also try the work which is the fruit of your life—the actions and deeds and words themselves…..
Nevertheless you can see that in the war of Armageddon and the warfare for souls of light if a soul be lost because it fall 13 down20 and worship45 Moloch30 of12 fallen23 angels22
(=155=5 x deify31)—their gods, their ways, their perversions, their drugs—unless the Good Shepherd in embodiment shall go off and find that one and seize that one and deliver it from that hellfire, then the soul may be lost and suffer the same fate that is reserved for the Devil and his angels….
Be sealed in the mercy and compassion of Life and spread this balm to all.
I am with you in Christ until the victory of the sacred fire breath in you is complete.
-Maha Chohan, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on March 27, 1983 at Camelot Los Angeles,
Pearls of Wisdom 26:37b
Saturday, July 30, 2022
nonsense, according to ascended masters
O yes,” you say, “while the consciousness of victory is buoyantly, joyously buoying me up, I am able to do all of that.” Well, let me tell you something tonight: When you understand that the God-power of victory is literally alive within you, when you keep that consciousness enshrined as though it were an icon upon the wall of your being it will transform you! But when you let slip from your consciousness all of these things because the bugaboo of human nonsense stands there and says: “O you’re a terrible person; you are an egotistical person; you are a person of darkness and deceit; you have this fault and you have that fault”—so long as you accept that you probably will. -Victory, Pearl 19:46
Myriad diversifications, like glittering pieces of glass strewn in random fashion upon a game board litter the world with confusion. The kaleidoscope of human nonsense, rearing its head from human slime, dares to poke fun at those towering manifestations of cosmos to whom is accorded the direction of mortal affairs from inner levels. -Maitreya, Pearl 14:13
Let us then during the present lovely outpouring of nature’s glories turn our attention away from human nonsense and undertake the clarification of many wonderful ideas concerning the Great White Brotherhood, which ought to be better understood by mankind so that greater cooperation with the current divine tide and directed plans of the ascended masters is forthcoming from all of those students who in their professed love for us and the light of God should realize that our plans are not only most practical but urgent for the protection and upliftment of Earth as well as the evolving of high spiritual civilization which must accompany the release of greater numbers of the blessed incoming children of the seventh root race. -Morya, Pearl 4:23
This is a step-up in evolution for all souls who will fully and finally cast into sacred fire their ancient momentums of criticism, condemnation and judgment, gossip and all manner of human nonsense. -Morya, Pearl 39:36
Great is the compassion of God. And the fashion of His light is manifesting in the cells of men’s bodies and in the cells of their brains when those brains are cleansed by the power of the descending light of God from all manifestation of mortal thought and feeling. When the cells of the brain are cleansed the dura mater and pia mater do not manifest the thickness and density induced by accumulation of nicotine and other substances deposited as impurities upon the brain of man. [Because of these impurities] the great rippling power of regeneration cannot spread and manifest in the continents of the mind but is dammed up and the flow controlled by the activity of human nonsense. -Saint Germain, Pearl 60:27
“I cannot pour out of my Spirit,” saith the Lord, “into a leaky vessel.” Simply remember that, beloved. If you are a leaky vessel, opening up yourself to all kinds of nonsense, then it is the nonsense that will occupy you. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 37:38
numerology to your door.
Mataji18, Lakshmi, Maximus, Durge28; Maitreya38; accelerat
ors48. All for 1,1 for all =58, Kuan Shih Yin58,
winged lion58; Kuthumi Lal Singh68.
“You16 must 10 self-15
41 and self-15 correct
37.” 16+10+
37=134= 2 x 67.
end14 justifies
37 means
as Ignatius Loyola63
(Catholic feastday of “Saint” Ignatius Loyola on July 31) did state in his book.
high32 office 35=67.
Great Whore57, Saint Germain57, Duffy clique57.
Nephilim50 + Watchers34=84=3 x 28.
21+ nonsense33=54=compromise, pretentious, orthodoxy, self-deceived, censorship (each one).
a=1, b=2, j=1, etc.
insane, darken, betray, Putin, conceal, hide, tricks (each one) 26 in14 high32 place19=91=
carnal mind47
47 + director
47=peter28 +neroli
37+ duffy26.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Watchers fallen extraterrestials
Therefore on the first of the secret rays you have walked now these ten months since the changing of the cycles. Blessed ones, understand that this is for your ultimate protection, and we have explained to you that the initiations of the five secret rays which have succeeded those of the seven are most difficult. For here is the place of the violation of the heart. Here are the rings of light that surround the heart and are closest to the I AM Presence, and it is these five secret rays which the fallen ones and Watchers have violated to the utter destruction of planetary bodies. -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 31:4
You can see how there has been a change in the nation since the departure from the gold standard. You can see the change in the nation when the power to determine the course of finance is taken away from the people of the descent of the I AM and put into the hands of those who have made themselves the Watchers of this evolution. But they are not Watchers in the divine sense. They do not come in the tradition of Cyclopea or the Great Silent Watchers, but they are the point of Antichrist of the entire hierarchy of God and of the all-seeing Eye. -Queen of Light, Pearl 25:43
Every false guru would tempt you to take and eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that you might become wise as the Watchers who defected from the service of the Great Silent Watchers. No longer do they watch and wait to vest ascended master youth with living truth. Instead they watch and prey as vultures upon their prey, seeking what souls they may devour by the hour, by the hour. These vultures, fallen ones of Victory’s band, will go by the way in a dark and dreary land. -Sanat Kumara,
Pearl 22:28
You see, my beloved who see, the first three root races kept the Edenic Covenant, gained their individuality in the God-flame and returned to my throne with no loss of light, no fall from grace, no deceleration of life-force. And now coming from far-flung worlds of their cosmic service by recent dispensation, they have joined the Cosmic Christs and Great Silent Watchers who have gathered at the twelve portals of Earth to restore the Lord’s Community of the Holy Spirit. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:2
loses thread of life, of contact
As we commune in this hour we share an ever-deepening love that knows no bounds. This love is for the healing of your four lower bodies of conscious and unconscious pain often stored in the memory and physical body for almost as long as the soul can remember.
We Chamuel and Charity and untold numbers of our angel bands bring the love of the third ray to your heart to annihilate the forces of anti-love. We come to purify a love that is not true because it is impure. Especially do we come to purge and purify a love that has been sullied in the desire body. Likewise we come to enfire and test the soul in preparation for the trial by fire that each soul must undergo ere she attain everlasting union with God. (We will take up this subject at another time.)
Divine love is the highest gift of God to His sons and daughters. But o how this love has been distorted! Therefore I bid you return to the love of Holy Spirit who embodies the third ray of the Trinity which is the ray of divine love. Now it is lawful for you to speak to the Holy Spirit, imploring Him that you might enter in to His heart forevermore. You may also command the Holy Spirit in this wise:
come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me!
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me!
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me!
For in that call to enlightenment you shall banish all ignorance. You shall neutralize the five spiritual poisons and the sixth by the wisdoms of the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Vajrasattva. Thus shall you seek and find the way of soul liberation by the following method:
by overcoming the poison of ignorance through Vairochana’s all-pervading wisdom of the dharmakaya;
by overcoming the poison of anger and hate and hate creation through Akshobhya’s mirrorlike wisdom;
by overcoming the poison of spiritual, intellectual and human pride through Ratnasambhava’s wisdom of equality;
by overcoming the poison of passions-—all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust--through Amitabha’s discriminating wisdom;
by overcoming the poison of envy and jealousy through Amoghasiddhi’s all-accomplishing wisdom, the wisdom of perfected action;
by overcoming the poison of non-Will and non-Being--fear, doubt and nonbelief in God, the Great Guru--through Vajrasattva’s wisdom of the diamond will of God.
If you aspire to enter the levels of initiation under the Five Dhyani Buddhas you must surrender to God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your might.
Many years ago the blessed Mother dictated to the Messenger the Fourteenth Rosary, entitled “The Mystery of Surrender.” It is a surrender to God, to His divine love and to His Law. It is a surrender to your Mighty I AM Presence and to your Holy Christ Self. And it is a surrender to the threefold flame that burns on the altar of the secret chamber of your heart.
I tell you, beloved, when it comes down to the soul’s surrender to God it is often the dividing51 of`12 the15 way13=91. As Jesus said “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 58:13
I am reminded of the first vow of holy angels sent by God to be teachers of His children newborn. I am reminded of other vows taken and also of other vows broken. For those holy Watchers who lost their first estate did so by the breaking of the trust of the Office of World Teacher. Therefore it remained for the Son of God to descend even to the lowly estate of the flesh there to redeem that which had been lost by the betrayal of those who were to be guardians of the flame of the I AM race. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:13
Blessed hearts, what of those who have been influenced by fallen ones and original Watchers? All those who have entertained anger against the Lord in any form or a sense of injustice toward the law of karma or the Law of Life—they too have sinned by their doubt, by their fear and by their entering into the records of death of these fallen ones.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 24:15
Blessed hearts, there comes a moment when straying too far from the point of Christ Selfhood the individual himself loses16 the thread29 of 12 life23 and of 12 contact22 (=114=Duffy clique57 x 2) and therefore slips as it were into a sea of oblivion. This as you know was done through an outrageous disobedience58
of fallen angels through their challenge40 (=98=7 x batty14) of the Godhead. The clenched fist, sign of world totalitarian movements, sign of aggression of peoples, binding of souls, suppressing of light and finally ultimate physical torture and cruelty, murder and death, bloodletting, et cetera—all of this20 began20 with24 infamy32 of those fallen angels, the Watchers34 themselves and the Nephilim50 (=180=10 x foul 18). -Pallas Athena, Pearls of Wisdom 32:1
Hail, sons and daughters of living love! I AM the consummation of the love of twinflames of a cosmos and of cosmos as twinflames.1
The wings of the great eagle, the cloven tongues of fire in the dove of the Spirit, Father-Mother God—this is the sign of victory. For love is the victory of every hour, and every hour is a song from Alpha to Omega, from Omega to Alpha. Every hour is the dance of Shiva as Shiva brings forth the creation of love from out of the shakti of love. So the movement and the rhythm of a cosmos is your very own love that is the love of God.
Love comes with a mounting and with a fury and with the wind and wave and lightning and storm. Love comes with the first sound of birds at dawn and first light that whispers of eternity and of the eternal Son of love within the heart.
I AM Chamuel and Charity in the whitefire core of being. I AM with Alpha and Omega. I AM in you the fullness of twinflames of love. And I AM come to manifest the polarity of thy self with thy Self.
Now the energy of the soul is transferred from soul- center of the archangel and archeia of the love ray. Now let every soul begin to turn as the turning of a white Sun. And let the turning of the Sun of the soul be for the vortex, fiery vortex, for the drawing in of the light of love which I project from the soul of Mother to the soul of children of the Father.
Let souls now begin to turn as the coming of the Logos of love. Let this central Sun of love be in you a whirling fire, all-consuming, now guarded by angelic bands, seraphim and cherubim who are on hand—north and south, east and west, to thy right and to thy left, above and below—for the guarding of the whirlwind action of Holy Spirit. For we come for the freeing of the soul of the disciple, of sacred center of the soul in America and of America and Earth.
Let the souls of Earth’s evolutions receive through you now that whirling action of sacred fire, the consuming of all that is less than God-desire. Let the whirling of the Sun of being be as the adornment of the bride, for the soul is the bride of Christ. Let veil upon veil of the seven veils of purity now be wrapped around each soul as the soul returns to the immaculate conception of being in the heart of God.
I am the consuming within the soul of all lust that is the anti-trust of cosmic love. Let it go now into the flame! Let all inordinate desire pass into the flame! And let your desiring be to desire God and only God and only the love of God now welling up in you as the great wave, the cosmic wave, twin waves of love released now for the clearing—the clearing of the subconscious mind, the clearing of the pathway for the soul to rise and to rise and to rise.
I command you now, O souls of the living God, souls who have gone out of the way into all manner of deviation of sacred-fire principle of life, return to the heart! And kneel before the judgment seat of your own Christ Self. Kneel before the altar of the heart, I say! Be released from your soul chakra! Rise over the pathway of the Mother! And fear not to enter the judgment hall that is the Temple Beautiful.
Come now into the cathedral of your own heart where you will be alone with your God and with your Christ. Now kneel before the altar, O souls who have gone out of the way. Kneel before the altar of love, I say, and confess your sins to your own Christ Self within your heart.
Go now! Go to be relieved of all records that have piled up layer upon layer to torment you in the night and to be the opening for dark spirits of temptation and of diversion and of condemnation.
I stand the angel with flaming sword. I AM the flaming sword! I AM keeping the way of the Tree of Life within you that is the I AM THAT I AM. I stand guard at the portal of the temple of the heart.
Fear not to enter, for no other will enter but only thy God, only thy Self. Enter in through the door of the Christ! Enter in through the door of the heart! And find thy life again this day!
I would come into the temple to guard the door of the heart and to clear the temple by fire of exorcism which I now release! Bind the demons and devils within! Bind the serpents that have made their habitation in the temple of living love! They may not pass into the sacred forcefield of thy sacred Self.
I AM Chamuel and Charity. I AM the keeper of the way of life, and only life may enter. By freewill then declare the rejection of the fallen one! Let it be expelled in the name of Christ! Let it be expelled in the name of the Law of the buddhas, bodhisattvas and manvantaras of the aeons and aeons of God’s appearing in the cyclings of His manifestation. Let the specters of doubt and fear flee the coming of sacred fires of love. For only love, only love is the dissolving of aught but love. Only love is the dissolving now of spirits that mutter and peep, that cry out the name of Jesus or Gautama. For they fear the day of the judgment and their return to the flame to be canceled out, to be dissolved, to be no more.
Let God’s energy rule. I command it in the name of the fire of the Great Central Sun! Now let the Great Central Sun energies flow! Roll now! Roll now! Roll now! [5-second pause]
Let the dark ones depart! Go! Go in the name of the Christ! Go in the name of the Christ! Go in the name of the Christ!
And let light flow. Let light fill the temple of being! Let light fill the temple of Self!
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men and women of goodwill. Let goodwill now concentrate, accelerate. Let souls within the Temple Beautiful rise from before the altar of the Christ. And let them now see and be the manifestation and fullness of the only begotten of God. For in the confession of your sin is the fount of forgiveness. And in the fount of forgiveness is your installation as a joint-heir with the Cosmic Christ. Lo, for this cause I AM come—for the alignment of self with the Self.
Now, soul who art aligned with the living Christ of thy God, stand to behold the victory of the Great Central Sun and see within thy heart the polarity of thy being. Wherever thou art, O soul, complement of soul, now let the Alpha and Omega of whitefire core of being and of cosmos begin the reconnection of the polarity of twinflames, as Above, so below. And let the polarity of twinflames be the white light of purity, of the new adornment with sacred garment of life of every living creature.
I AM filled. I AM filled. I AM filled with the light of God.
So the arcing of the covenant of twinflames is established as a giant signal across the worlds. So when you are in Christ you are one with the twinflame. When you are out of alignment with Christ you are one only with the carnal mind and have no right to the relationship with twinflame. For the flame is God and only God, and only God can be reunited with God.
Therefore seek not the reunion but the purging of self and the soul’s uniting with the Christ. And then let the mighty flow of Elohim and archangels be the great sweeping aside of all that is less than the great manifestation of that cosmic caress of God, God—God the Beloved in the Beloved, God the Beloved in the Beloved! All else is sacrilege but the worship of God the Beloved in the Beloved. Let all else cease. And let thy meditations upon love be upon the whitefire core of Alpha and Omega.
I AM Chamuel and Charity. I AM now the manifestation of the coming of the judgment of Earth by the action of the flame of Almighty God that is the action of love. I AM the sweeping aside of all misuses of sacred fire. I AM that judgment now!
Let the cycling of the Great Central Sun of love come forth. And let all sons and daughters of God who are gathered here be now the manifestation of the holding of the balance. Let it be the holding of the balance now as we cycle into Earth a cosmic action of love more than the world could contain without the devotees of the Mother throughout Earth who at inner levels now are one in uplifting the great chalice to receive now fires of love.
Let these fires come forth! Let them saturate the chakras, the four lower bodies of all who are in the intensification of love fires, in only love, in the cathedral of Gabriel and Hope, in the whitefire core of buddha and the Mother.
I AM the action of cosmic love. I AM the joy of cosmic love. I AM the judgment of that love descending now into the whitefire core of being!
Purusha. Purusha. Purusha. Purusha. Purusha. Purusha.
Let love intensify through the centers of awareness. Let love intensify. Let the balance fourfold of cherubim and seraphim as a cosmic cross of love be upon each one. Let it be upon each one. Let it be for the alignment of the cosmic Sun within the four quadrants of being. Let the vehicles be aligned. Let threefold flame come into balance. Let the fire of love transcend itself. Let the fire of love transcend old manifestation. Let the full power and action of the law of love be upon this manifestation.
I demand absolute stillness! I demand absolute concentration! I demand elimination of all interference with this release of cosmic energy! I command atoms to be still! I command feelings to be still! I command thoughts to be still!
Let the great light of love of creation command the respect of every electron within the temple of being. For I AM the fullness of Almighty God in the manifestation of cosmic love! I have descended into your midst for translation of these temples, and I AM in the midst of that manifestation for an action God-willed in wisdom and in love!
I rebuke all darkness! I bind all darkness! I bind all discarnates! And the fire of love goes forth from my heart, from my hand! It touches every one! And through you it is translated to every lifestream on Earth. And by the drop of love, the increment of sacred fire each one receives that portion of the judgment that is meted out this day as the stripping of error and its removal and the replacement with truth.
Let the hand of the Great Surgeon be upon all life. And let all life be still to receive the transfer and to adjust to the new energy of new age. Let all who are coming into the new age be infired with love. Let love be transformation! Let love be chastisement! Let love be eternal strength!
[6-second pause]
Be still!
Light into the heart! Light into the soul! Light into the crown!
Blaze forth! Blaze forth the Trinity! Blaze forth!
As the lightning, descend, descend, descend that souls might ascend, ascend, ascend in the light of Mother this day!
[6-second pause]
For the evolution of the Great Central Sun, for the evolution of Elohim, for the evolution of the Great Silent Watcher I AM come. For the evolution of sons and daughters of God I AM come.
I AM come to release the light of love from whitefire core of Terra. Let it be released! And let this moment mark the turning, the turning, the turning of a galaxy of love centered in the heart of Earth congruent with all life, each starry body congruent now with each sun-center of threefold flame as the Word incarnate. And all life as evolution upon Earth becomes a mighty galaxy of whirling stars revolving about the center of being. This is the movement of worlds of consciousness and souls into the whitefire core, into the flame of the ascension.
I hurl now the great sphere of love, and I generate a cycle of initiation of love for the new age on Earth. This is the release of a mighty light of love going forth now from the very center of the I AM Presence of each one. It is the release of cycling into the flames etheric, mental, emotional and physical, sweeping through the Mater cycle.
Let change come forth as the alchemy of love. And let only love remain within the devotees as harmony of the Law. Let all give their life to harmony. Let the surrender be to harmony. Let harmony come, let harmony come, let harmony come through obedience to the law of inner will. Let harmony come as the defense of love. Let harmony come as the defense of your life. Let harmony come as swallowing up of all discord that is death.
I AM the law of love in harmony with the great Self which I AM, which you are. There is only one Self.
Now great Self of all, intensify the fires of love through the seven centers of the Mother. Seal the energy of love in each one and let it be for the whirling and spinning and the movement of each sacred center—seven centers filled with love.
So carry our message of love to the world. So it is love! So it is life! So it is light! So it is done!
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1977 at Pasadena
Pearl 40:3
The Judgment Call They Shall Not Pass!
by Jesus Christ
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ: They shall not pass!
They shall not pass! They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of white fire it shall be:
that all that is directed against the Christ within me, within the holy innocents, within our beloved Messengers,
within every son and daughter of God by the Nephilim gods, their genetic engineering, population control and contrived wars slaughtering the sons of God and children of the light on the battlefields of life
is now turned back
by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
by the authority of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by the authority of Saint Germain!
I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple and I declare in the fullness of
the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
that those who then practice the black arts against the children of the light, namely the entire interplanetary conspiracy of fallen angels and their mechanization man are now bound by the hosts of the Lord,
do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ within me, within Jesus
and within every ascended master, do now receive then the full return—
multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ— of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced since the very incarnation of the Word!
Lo, I AM a Son of God! Lo, I AM a flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the Rock of the living Word and I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God: they shall not pass!
They shall not pass! They shall not pass!
Elohim. Elohim. Elohim.
...To surrender or not to surrender: whichever you decide it will be the dividing of the way between the real and the unreal. There are many defiant ones who move about the Earth a law unto themselves. They are not about to bend the knee, confess the living Christ or embrace the living God. They preen their feathers and strut about, all the while exulting in their sense of superiority.
These creatures are of the earth, earthy. They shall never bear the image of the Lord from heaven. Their end is in sight. You see them everywhere as they descend the left-handed path degree by subtle degree, for they have sworn enmity against the God of very Gods who lives not in them but in the hearts of His sons and daughters.
The act of surrender to God is a sign of humility and obedience. In this surrender you are making a statement to God that you have the deep desire to return to the original blueprint, etched upon your etheric body out of which He created you in the beginning.
When you cleanse your etheric body with white fire of God and scrub it with the scrubbing action of violet flame by and by you will see the crystal reality that outlines the blueprint of your inner being. Knowing this truth you will see how far you have departed from that original blueprint and you will say to yourself “No wonder I have problems! Why, my heart and my chakras are simply not in alignment with my original blueprint!” This self-knowledge is the beginning of the soul’s homeward trek to God.
The individual’s state of consciousness determines how much light he can store in the etheric body without compromising that light. It also determines how much negative (or positive) karma he is carrying in the etheric body as well as in the three lower bodies. Of late some of you have been rudely awakened by your Inner Teacher to the realization that your etheric body is polluted due to the density of your human consciousness. And so as you yawn and open your eyes you are jolted into reality. It is suddenly clear that you must scour that body until it is clean—clean as a whistle. This spiritual cleansing which you accomplish by applying Saint Germain’s violet flame to your present circumstances may take place in a matter of months or years. It all depends on the weight of your karma and on how enthusiastic you are about balancing it as soon as possible so that your soul may be liberated from the wheel of rebirth. By saturating your etheric body with violet flame you can clear the negative records that have lodged there for aeons.
It is essential that you give your dynamic decrees for soul purification to Elohim Purity and Astrea, Archangel Gabriel and Hope, Serapis Bey, Holy Justinius and his legions of seraphim, all of whom serve on the fourth ray, the white ray.
This do faithfully and I assure you that you will attain a considerable level of God-mastery and, in maintaining that God-mastery move swiftly to a higher spiritual consciousness.
Now then let us reestablish the perfect pattern of the soul--that the heavenly patterns might become the earthly patterns. And so it is possible that your heavenly patterns, recorded in etheric body, may reflect the perfection of God in the physical body. To attain to this state--as Above, so below--is most fortuitous, for it signals not only your soul’s ascent to God but also that you are approaching your soul’s final journey on Earth.
And behold! the Self-mastery you attain on Earth is reflected in the heavens where angels read and record the valor of your soul--and all the while a part of yourself is fully engaged in the challenges of earthly life.
Of the four lower bodies, the etheric body is the most permanent, spanning as it does the octaves of the heaven-world as well as those of the lower earth planes. Moreover the etheric body is the body you wear at night during soul travel. Clad in full armor you wage war against the fallen angels as you rescue souls who are caught in lower astral planes with no means of escape.
And so I ask you to give dynamic violet-flame decrees morning, noon and night for that action will bring you into alignment with Saint Germain and the Holy Spirit. Out of your profound love for the ascended masters I, Chamuel, will multiply the action of your violet-flame decrees in all your chakras so long as you sustain your pledge of service to the legions of the seventh ray and my bands.
The action of violet flame is instantaneous. Moreover it enhances the alchemy of the blue, the yellow and the pink plumes of threefold flame. By blending violet flame with these plumes not only will you bring a balancing action to your life but you will also bring surcease from pain to many souls. You will bring understanding and compassion--not to the dozens or the hundreds but to thousands and millions.
Take your training seriously! And I direct my remarks to the youth of the world who are entering the work force: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
When John the Baptist saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism he said unto them “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance....”So may you lay upon the altar of Saint Germain fruits meet for repentance.
Whatever is your greatest talent execute it well. Be my representatives in the universities of the world. For not only have I chosen you but I have also chosen the babes in arms and those who are in the womb who will one day supersede you on the path of life.
Yes, I have chosen you, for I AM the deliverer of love! I AM also the Archangel of the judgment of fallen angels who fell on the third ray by their compromise of that very path of divine love.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 58:13
We come to illustrate a planetary need and also to illustrate that those entrusted with the torch of freedom to a dying world, even your representatives in this government, do not have the solution to the South American question or to “the Castro connection.” We would call it “the dilemma of the Watchers and their godless creation.” But the people in general, not aware of the cause behind the effect, seem to name the enemy by the uniform or doctrinal position of that one. -Elohim Purity and Astrea, Pearl 25:12
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Watchers exposed
Remember that fallen ones lie in wait, even as Silent Watchers, an order of the angels of God, keep their watch and wait.
What are the Silent Watchers watching and waiting for?
They are watching over you and they are waiting for you to rise to the level of the all-seeing Eye of God. They are there to shield the mind and all-seeing Eye of God within you. They are there to comfort you, to warn you and to lead you in the paths of righteousness.
So know that holy angels of God of immense power are at hand. Call upon them to defend your right to be the Son of God and to receive the divine Manchild in the lotus of your heart.
Remember I have come as an example. The blessed Joseph has come as an example. The Lord Christ has come as an example. Therefore, mothers, fathers and children, take note that we did come. We did come to you, beloved, that you might know the way to live, the way to forgive, the way to give and give again. We have come to teach you the way of alertness and how to respond instantly when the angel of the Lord warns you of danger at hand. Thus my Joseph took Jesus and me to Egypt in haste there to remain till Herod should pass.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 37:46
Surely then all that I have written of the judgment of the Watchers must come to pass. Let my knowledgeable ones, well-taught by the Messengers, understand the directing of sacred fire and legions of Astrea into the Earth for the uprooting of the roots of wickedness and karma of these fallen ones as they are bound and taken from the screen of life and, following transition, clearly removed from the astral plane and from the planet. -Archangel Uriel, Pearl 30:9
There are others waiting in the sidelines because they sense, as it were, the marching of the angels, and there are those who are always there to watch the parade. These are the ones who have not the commitment of the flame—neither the responsibility of the sons and daughters of God nor the quickening of the lively stones. But they are the ones who watch; hence they are called the Watchers. And they watch while lightbearers garner the light for the victory. They would seize the light in the hour of the victory. -14 Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, Pearls of Wisdom 63:4
And yet the Watchers compromised that victory in the greatest compromise seen in these two thousand years as Churchill and Stalin and Roosevelt made their pact and gave away a land and a people whose victory had been won. And this too was the influence of fallen ones at inner levels. But you see, all three of these were Watchers themselves.
-Mighty Victory, Pearls of Wisdom 26:26
here and now
Early church councils set back Chistian faith more than a thousand years by deleting karma and reincarnation from their state-snctioned and sanitized religion after throwing whomever to the lions. Duffy26 clique31=57 is a similar retrograde57 to life. The main word here in my view is orthodxy54, it is also conventional 54 or conventional formulae, as Morya used in Leaves of Morya’s Garden 1925. Formulae37 takes us to 91 when added to 54. 91 is by numerology count: a) carnal mind calcination, b) overcoming of fear, and c) spiritual director—all 91. But notice d) peter28+ duffy26+neroli37=91.
It is less important the who but the theme or WHAT and the idea therein or the WHY. This is the crucial level, the essence. Now whether or not the Duffys knew they were off the beam fairly often, they persisted to challenge the paradigm of the Summit Lighthouse, its core design and integrity. That is, self-justification and self-rationalization of Duffy clique acts like retrograde or counterforce or antagonist like “Dice King” in ancient India; the latter does come along to challenge the overarching theme in the initiatic land. Of course central banking, and the aim of it, is core challenge to Saint Germain’s cause. It also could be called “sand 11+ dollar26= god17 which totals 54. It is conjured up, it is not the principle of Hierarchy at all. That is the important perception to get. Central banking is highly monopolistic but so is tyranny. Tyrant26 could be Putin26 or Loyola26 or Duffy or Neroli37 Duffy26=63 who is ”A House Divided”63 like Jefferson Davis63 in the time of Lincoln. Her psychology shows in her astrology, natal 6-30-1954, Perth, revealing the Sun at one-eighth of circle to Pluto in Leo. This aspect reinforced pride and ambitious37 and essentially converged with darken26 Duffy26 conceal26
hide26 subvert26
Neroli37 Duffy26=63, therefore 31.5 x 2. The word defiant at 32. Deify counts to 31. Now looking at Neroli further, she followed Cleirbaut37. Krister37 was an earlier episode; after Neroli rising high, (Kate) Gordon37 became prominent, then by and by Peter Duffy54. Duffy at 26 is resonant to secure at 26 numerologically. This is important as post-Mother’s retirement phase had secure/insecure modality, with insecure at 40 pairing to secure. Naturally a more iconclast-like (with Mother) cycle would calm down to a more secure type of pattern in mortal tradition. Now orthodoxy and compromise, both at 54 along with peter duffy and self-deceived and pretentious, is one kind of secure, but these are not deeply secure. The US Constitution was designed to endure, to retain flexibiity, to afford dynamic and decisiveness. The Summit is a further step in the direction of evolution heralded by US Constitution which includes the Bill of Rights and its small matter but still valid of due process of the law. But Duffy clique57 (26+31) had other tendencies, priorities.
So I did this research; many have wondered about the Summit. I have pursued this examination, I have taken an independent course. I did not join staff. I am not a professional dissenter but probably toward iconoclast or philosopher/psychologist. I can follow threads though mankind is complex, unpredictable by nature. Post-2000, RTR, many retiring from staff. Someone must awaken to the theoretic and real guiding principles of the Summit that are not trivial, do not just come and go on a surface level. The vital evergreen tree has roots. So it is in this case, though Mark and Elizabeth embodied in many many places over a long long period. But the I AM Activity anchored something very fundamental. One could say that the anchor-stone or keystone of Christ that builders rejected so often historically did mostly endure and carry into the Summit, the US Constitution being the main vehicle for that reality, no small matter. Saint Germain is not the Dice King; the Dice King of Inida epic represents a challenge to the divine design. sand 11 dollar26 god17=54 (Mammon and central banking) is pie-in-the-sky finance, the type of mock security that is generated through conventional formulae, orthodoxy, mind-control, manipulation, monopoly and bribes, favoritism. It is important to understand the context of the Summit when covert takeover63 operations are in full tilt nationally and internationally. It is important to understand divide and conquer, A House Divided63— these are not passing trivia at all, these are absolutely essential elements in a dynamic and troubled world. We could not make it blindly or by gueesswork; an ascended master activity must Know, Dare, Do and Be Silent. Complex in many ways, but study is very very crucial. Then underlying themes emerge. Not the surface level but more at cause at roots.
Another mode for the Summit (besides the Duffy clique covert entrenchment) is the one Mother recommended in June 1997: a less top-down organizational model, rather decentralized, as the internet itself tends to be. The question arises—can the Masters advance a program that is simultaneously secure and iconoclastic amid a dying world system? And the answer is, well, it probably has to occur to bring in Aquarius which is quite unconventional in spirit.
(Duffy clique57), said Saint Germain, and also you must self-correct. There you go. That allows one to have stability through Saturn principle and much innovative, experimental through Uranian principle. So the architecture of a program is very crucial. Creativity does matter in such a period of hard testing for America.
“The Spirit of
unity and oneness comes from the power ray,” Saint Germain did state. Note that Serapis stated “vainglorious37 apostles26 of orthodoxy54,” perhaps in Pearl 12:15. The aim of the dark forces, stated Godfre, is to delay the spread of the Teachings worldwide, perhaps for centuries. To sidetrack the Summit into a veiled orthodoxy at hq for decades would be very costly and has been so, I say. If it matters not at all to you that Kutumi’s deep exposure of Ignatius Loyola and Lenin in Pearls 19:13-15 have been kept deleted from since 2003, then Nada in Pearl 4:6 will do for you hic et ninc:
“We do not intend to submit to human nonsense.”
I have set watchmen upon thy walls
I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, And give him no rest till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. The Lord hath sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Surely I will no more give thy corn to be meat for thine enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine, for the which thou hast laboured: But they that have gathered it shall eat it and praise the Lord; and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness. Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people. Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken. “Friends of the Community” A Reading from Maitreya The community, being a fellowship first of all, sets as a condition for entrance two conscious decisions: labor without limit and acceptance of tasks without rejection. It is possible to eliminate faint-heartedness by means of a two-fold organization. As a result of unlimited labor there may be a broadening of consciousness. But many people, not bad otherwise, do not envision the results, being frightened by incessant labor and enormous tasks. And yet they have accepted basically the idea of the community. It would be harmful to include these yet weak people in the community; but in order not to extinguish their striving one should not cast them out. For this it is useful to have a second organization—friends of the community. Herein without forsaking the customary order of life these newcomers can become more deeply conscious of the community. Such a two-fold organization permits the preservation of a far more concentrated sincerity in the work. If however a formal entrance into the community itself be allowed, one will be obliged periodically to eject the unfit ones. In other words the community will cease to exist altogether. It will be simply an institution under a false label beside which the Sanhedrin of the Pharisees would be a highly righteous establishment. Friends of the community provide the possibility of having a reservoir without danger of betraying the bases of the Teaching. Friends of the community do not conceal their weaknesses, and this gives the possibility of successfully strengthening them. Indeed We use the word “friends” because for the Occident this term is more understandable. Among Ourselves We call them disciples of a certain degree, but the West poorly contains Our concept of discipleship. Therefore let us keep to the better-known designation—friends of the community. It is absurd for the West not to accept Our simple propositions, fortified by long experience. Our Communities are old! Have not the best people understood community, not proposing any other form? From the community to far-off worlds! ......................... ............. So shall it be that Christ shall descend into your temple with such fanfare. For all the heavenly hosts do gather on the day when, as Above so below, the will of God does fulfill all things in you and you fulfill all things in the will of God; and therefore Christ is come to reign forever and forever in the temple of the living God that you have consecrated totally unto him. I AM Jesus. I AM the one who was and is and yet shall be in your life. You have known me always, as I have known you. Therefore come into my sacred heart this day, for I would take you to my heart and deliver you from the burdens of death and hell. (Now then, be seated in the lotus of the cosmic heart.) You have welcomed me as Brother. Some have called to me as Lord and Savior. I am grateful for your true acceptance in the most profound reaches of your being of my lifestream, for thereby I may serve you this day and unto your victory. I too have heard all the words that have been spoken [at this conference] and the admonishments. But I have desired with a profound desiring of my heart to be able to give you a gift of myself this day though it may not have been earned. Therefore I have appealed to my Father-Mother God to allow me to bear the karma of this gift should you misuse it. Beloved ones, I have asked for another opportunity to save your souls, even when some of you would not be saved and have forgotten to make the call for [your] salvation from the very dregs of your own human consciousness, multiplied as they are by the forces from beneath. Therefore, beloved, you have been told of the testing within the pyramid at the two-thirds level. You have been told of the initiation of the heart. I, Jesus, have come to you as your true Friend and Comforter. Do you suffer burdens of soul and separation from life because you have not known a true friend or a true Comforter or because you are smarting from the wounds inflicted by those who have been the enemy or the betrayer? I bid you receive me now as friend and let my friendship be to you the healing of all that has not met your expectations. I come to you as Comforter. Be comforted, then! For you see, I can fill all vacancies and the hollowness and hollowed-outness. I can fill the body temple with our love. Now you must decide if you would have me as your friend and as your Comforter; for the decision involves, beloved, your commitment, your desire to let go of all other hurts, [all negative] encounters [of this world] that have become excuses not to embrace your own Holy Christ Self. I come as someone you know or ought to know from your readings and prayers. I come as someone who extends beyond all time and space, offering indeed my hand of friendship. Do you understand my point, beloved? I will make it very clear: If you can so receive me, then the very process of receiving me will involve the letting go of all other persons, considerations and experiences that have led to disappointment and sorrow and vacancy, disillusionment, cynicism, despair. You have been as Diogenes with his lantern, seeking an honest man, seeking an honest friend but always seeking someone to adorn the needs of the lesser self, someone to comfort the human. These you have called friend and comforter until the day when they did turn and rend you. Such is the carnal mind. Do not be so dismayed or hurt. Dogs bark and lions roar and leopards have their spots. Therefore know the characteristics of that with which you deal and know that until the individual attains union with God there is that potential for carnal-mindedness and potential to be used against the aspiring lightbearer. Thus I tell you, ere you can receive me in the offering of myself, you must desire to have the kind of friend that I am, the kind of Comforter that I am. If you are ready for such a friendship and such a Comfort, then, beloved, you need not go back to revolving the old records that keep you bound to the world of nothing and the not-Self, that keep you from the marriage to the Bridegroom. And so, beloved, you will come to the place–indeed you must if you would accept my gift–of no longer desiring this type of satisfaction but truly desiring the God-satisfaction of the true path and the true friend and the true Comforter. Your own willingness to accept me or lack of it will reveal to you just how much you are attached or unattached to all that has gone before. Now then I offer you my friendship and the presence of my Comfort to this end, [that I may] give you the gift that can be received only from friend and Comforter. The gift, beloved, is a magnificent portion of resurrection’s flame that I desire to place in your heart this day that you may bank the fires of the heart with this sacred fire of resurrection’s flame and use it to balance and expand that threefold flame and use it to increase the Christ heart flame unto the day and hour of your testing at the two-thirds level of the pyramid, which is the point where the resurrection flame does burn. But the resurrection flame, beloved, is a manifestation of the threefold flame that has begun to rotate and to turn. The resurrection flame is an accelerated version of the rainbow flame of God. The resurrection flame is a mother-of-pearl radiance. And so you see, in order to have it, in order to meet the initiation of that level you must have balanced your threefold flame; for there cannot be rotation of the flame when [the three plumes] are unequal. Thus you see the dilemma that I have perceived regarding your soul’s meeting of the tests that are down the path and down the dates from this moment. How can you pass the test of the two-thirds level [of the pyramid] if you have not balanced a threefold flame and thereby established within yourself a co-measurement of resurrection’s fire? It is not possible, beloved. And though you serve and work and meditate and invoke light for this purpose, the balancing of the threefold flame does also involve the balancing of karma that has caused it to be out of kilter. You cannot suddenly raise up the blue plume in proper proportion to the other two if you have not balanced the karma of the abuse of power and of the will of God and if you have not understood the causes of your misuse of the first ray. And you can only gain an understanding of those causes if you will pursue the study of your psychology. Therefore in addition to the courses already set forth for the summer and the fall we must emphasize the study of one’s psyche or soul, in ever-increasing depths of intensity. Therefore let those come to Summit University who are fed up with schisms and wish to cut right through and reach that point of Christ realization. Seeing the causes, beloved, is most of the victory. [First is] seeing the causes. Second is the desiring to be rid of them and their effects. And third is the will, the absolute God-will in you that says “I will do it! And I will do it now! For nothing is impossible to me in God.” Thus I am truly sent. And for thousands of years I have been sent as Savior. Now you may understand the meaning of Savior and go and do likewise and also be Savior, as God would use you as savior unto many souls. When you recognize the dilemma of a loved one and the place where that loved one needs to be in consciousness to fulfill his duty to the law of his God Presence, and yet that one, though sincere, is not able and is overcome by his own depressions and despair, and you see that the heart chakra is not cleared and the flame is not balanced, you will have the desire that I have which is to bear some burden of the karma of that one, to impart the resurrection flame and to be willing to stand before God and say “I will sponsor that one as Guru for chela. And therefore I know that it is I who will pay the price if the gift is misappropriated.” This is the meaning of the Guru-chela relationship. May you indeed “love one another as I have loved you.” Study the equation, beloved. The disciple cannot rise in the disciple’s present state, yet the disciple must rise if there is to be salvation. Enter the Savior who does say “I will make up the difference. And I will pray fervently [for that one] and stand for that one to reach for that difference even when that one does not contain the ability in the present moment to do so.” The very gift itself imparts the ability to fulfill the dharma of the moment. And therefore the Guru must believe in the chela, that if the chela had this much more of divine substance and energy and quickening, that chela would rise, would respond to the gift, would maintain a consciousness of gratitude even when ingratitude of the past has not been transmuted. Do you understand, beloved, why it is love and love alone that will sustain this relationship and the path itself? For if the chela be not able, then that which will make the difference in the chela’s striving will be the chela’s absolute love for the Guru. This love becomes an adoration. For, beloved, in the Guru the chela sees the Savior and knows that without that Guru he cannot move forward. It is as though he were locked in the box of his own thinking and feeling world, had lost the key and were about to perish! Enter the Christ. Beloved, called by God to be a Savior unto all, I cannot leave that calling. I know this is the finish of this age of Pisces and it is an hour when the vast majority of the population of the planet must receive their full karma. But I have asked for and received this opportunity to assist you, by asking that I might help those who are students of the ascended masters on the path, who could hear my message, who could know of my offering of friendship and Comfort and of the gift of a portion of resurrection’s flame. [These] could then decide consciously whether or not to receive it honorably with fervent hope and faith, with fervent charity toward me and all, with determined effort to use the gift, even if one has not earned that gift nor quite attained the mastery to uphold it. Yes, beloved, I would do this. And know that I do it not alone for you but, in doing it for you, I do it for the entire planetary home. For if this divine experiment should succeed mightily, you can understand how there might be thousands, counting all those who receive the Pearls of Wisdom who should accept the proffered gift and ever thereafter be those who carry and multiply the resurrection flame. And [they would be those] who multiply by that resurrection flame their own threefold flame [in order] to intensify and balance their gifts and graces and the light of God with the intent to glorify our Father-Mother light, with the intent to “feed my sheep.” Thus I have defined for you the purpose of the gift. [It is] to assist you to rise, as I rose even from the place where I was entombed, that you might rise in stature before God in glorifying Him, letting all see your works and words and know that they truly shine as from the kingdom of God, remembering also that the gift is not unto the [human] self but a boost that the soul who is disciple might become apostle and shepherd. There are many sheep this day whose souls are worthy yet who cannot receive me in this my offering. But as you do receive me, they shall one day receive it through you even as you pursue the meditations of El Morya’s Ashram. As you direct that light, God shall direct it to them. They shall be raised up, they shall be quickened and nothing shall stand between them and this path and this Teaching! They shall reach out and my angels shall deliver them. And they shall come into consonance with this harmony of those whom I have drawn from all races and kindreds and peoples, all nations of the Earth. I have heard the call of the Lords of Karma. I have heard them in their “desperation.” I have sat in the Darjeeling Council meetings. I have heard Saint Germain and Portia. Beloved ones, every Master and Cosmic Being has an offering of the heart, but I am the one whom God sent in the role of Savior. And those who would reach Maitreya, as you know, must come through my heart. It is a principle, beloved, of humility. I do not desire that this be the Law, yet it is the Law; and therefore I desire the Law, if you understand what I mean. And so as I have looked at many servants of God in the heaven world and beyond I have said “Truly I am the only one who can offer the gift that is the necessary gift, the practical gift, the gift that will work!” Therefore I have chosen to believe you in your prayers and your promises and your vows despite the karmic record. I, Jesus, your friend and Brother, I who occupy the office of Savior unto you until you can fully merge with the Christ that is your true real Self and ultimate Savior, I have come, beloved. And I have come that you might understand (for the Law requires that I say it) that if you forget the gift or neglect it or return to the ways of the misuses of the heart, I, Jesus, will pay the price; for I must bear that karma. In so doing, beloved, I will be deprived of helping others of the little ones who are yet the shorn lambs. For you, beloved, are not shorn lambs. You have somewhat the garment of your Christ Self which you have woven with violet flame and sacred fire. Though [the garment be] not complete, you may yet stand in the presence of these dictations without harm, which in itself is many steps in the right direction. This then, beloved, is my message today. I desire not to speak further to you. I would rather see you receive me in meditation and spoken word and in a rejoicing in my heart with yours and in a rejoicing in resurrection’s flame. I only ask, beloved, that you will take this offering and remember that the Church that I have founded with Lord Gautama, the Church Universal and Triumphant, needs the offering of your heart, needs the offering to sustain its continuity. May this resurrection flame also provide you with the means to give what is necessary to the work of the Church in this hour. I am now in this moment withdrawing into the secret chamber of your heart. I shall abide there tending the threefold flame with your Christ Self, regulating and balancing this release of resurrection’s flame which shall now be your portion if you accept it. And if you decide not to accept it, you may surely honorably decline. Thus, beloved, the Spirit of the Resurrection from the Great Central Sun, Uriel and Aurora, Gabriel and Hope, angels of the resurrection come nigh. And as they come nigh I desire that you should recite an Ashram ritual that you might retain this mode of communion with my heart, as I am in your heart. I truly am Jesus, your friend and Brother, your Comforter, your healer, your Savior and your Lord if ye would confess me before God and man. -Jesus Christ via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 8, 1990 at RTR, Park County, Montana Pearl 33:33
angel of cosmic cross of whitefire
-Angel of Cosmic Cross of Whitefire, Pearls of Wisdom 23:21 Hail, ye sons of
light, hosts of the Lord—we are one! I AM the Angel of the Cosmic Cross of
Whitefire and our legions are numberless numbers who minister unto the sons and
daughters of God in the hour of the crucifixion. Therefore we are come.
Therefore we are one in the Universal Logos. And therefore we rejoice, coming
into the Earth in the hour of the Second Advent, in the hour of Messiah born in
the heart of God’s own children and in the hour of the Cosmic Christ appearing
as THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Therefore because he is come into Earth, into the
temple of the one hundred forty and four thousand there is the Lamb on Mount
Sion. And the Lamb who stands in the Earth is in the very center of the I AM God
Presence. And therefore all who are the mighty tributaries of the Lamb as the
wife of the Lamb, all whose souls are redeemed from among men, all who are the
hundred and forty-four thousand are positioned in Earth as the manifestation of
the living Word. Therefore at this Eastertide we begin the mighty cycle from out
the heart of Alpha and Omega whereby the cosmic cross of whitefire and the
events of the fourteen stations of the cross and of the light of the hour of
fusion of these sons of God in the nexus of the cross is come. With the coming
of the Second Advent it is those who are redeemed from among men who present the
manifestation of the living Christ and living Savior. Therefore in this hour it
is not one cross upon a hill but one hundred and forty and four thousand cosmic
crosses of whitefire implanted in Earth as the markers of life, eternal life,
unto the sons and daughters of God. And therefore by Cosmic Christ command it is
the opportunity for these elect of God to rise and to enter into fullness of the
initiations of the Lord Jesus Christ—because the Lamb is come, because the Lamb
is on Mount Sion, because Lord Sanat Kumara is with the Lamb and in the Lamb.
And therefore the Ancient of Days spans the octaves of Spirit and matter, and
heaven is in the heart of earth and the heart of earth is in the heaven. Lo, we
are summoned by the Cosmic Christ. Lo, we are summoned by Gautama, by Sanat
Kumara, by angels of the ruby ray, by Lord Maitreya, Lord Jesus Christ and by
the hundred and forty and four thousand Christs of those who are the elect of
God. And we are summoned by the Lamb, and the Lamb is in the throne of the
cosmic threefold flame. O light of far-off worlds, the dark star is illumined by
the coming of the sons of God. O ye sons of God, O ye saints of the Most High,
lo I AM THAT I AM. By the whitefire cross ye are marked with transcendent light
of God. And therefore come into the union of the Lamb, come into the union of
the Word and see how the very power of the light of crucifixion in ye all is now
manifest for the consuming of the anti-light and anti-Christ in the earth. And
lo, ye are witness to all of the children of God who will follow you up the
mountain and up the spiral of the Great Pyramid that truly the path of
initiation and light of ruby ray is come—truly, truly the God of very gods opens
the mighty door for these initiations into the fullness of Sonship. Therefore
not since the hour of the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ have we entered
Earth’s domain to deliver unto the sons of God the fullness of this initiation.
O beloved hearts of sacred fire, understand then that the intensity of the
cosmic cross of whitefire in Earth is now mounting as millions of angels, tier
upon tier of angels, spiral into Earth. And the positioning of these cosmic
crosses is for the turning of the tide. It is for the turning of the tide in the
Dark Cycle that has reached the line. O Lord God Almighty, let these fiery
crosses now descend into the very physical octave, into the very spectrum of the
whitefire core of the atom of being. And let there flow now through the hearts
of the sons of God for whom these crosses are destined whitefire of the Logos,
whitefire of Alpha and Omega, white fire of the Word of God. Lo, the elect of
God may now summon our legions of light until the hour of the fullness of their
own victory. Therefore hasten ye, hasten ye, O sons of man, hasten ye to the
fullness of the initiation of the four cosmic forces—the Lion, the Calf, the Man
and the flying Eagle. O mighty light of God, hasten and accelerate the light of
the sons of God in the Earth. Lo, we are come. Lo, we are come for preparation
of your soul in the consummate union with your own Christ Self—to then be
delivered, to be betrayed, and to be brought to the judgment of this world
whereby the release of light from thine own heart as the mighty heart of God
will go out into the world and will nullify and neutralize and consume to the
very core those fallen ones and their arrogant manifestation against the light
of God that never fails. Lo, the light of the Great Central Sun magnet goes
forth. Lo, we are that light. Lo, we are the witnesses in the heart of the Sun
of the majesty of the cosmic cross of whitefire. I bid you therefore seal in
your heart, seal upon your altar the cosmic cross of whitefire as the image and
focus of your own momentum of God-determination to be counted among the
firstfruits of the Lamb and unto God and unto the mighty threefold flame of
Life. Beloved hosts of the Lord, come now unto all who are gathered. Come now
unto the original elect of God who came with the Ancient of Days. For we are
come, for we are here, for we initiate the spiral that now passes through the
hearts of those who are the chosen ones. Lo, the Lamb is on Mount Sion. Lo, the
fulfillment of the Word is nigh. Lo, the legions of angels bow before the Son of
God whose hour is come. Father, the hour is come; glorify thy sons that thy sons
may glorify Thee in the very heart of the Earth, in the very heart of the
darkened star. Lo, the redemption of the Ancient of Days by their manifestation
is nigh. Lo, we come to amplify the path of the cross, the path of sacred heart.
Lo, we are come to multiply by the power of the one hundred and forty and four
thousand the original God-victory of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lo, we
are come! Lo, it is the edict of the Lord! Lo, it is the light of ruby ray! Lo,
it is the Word that goeth forth from out the Great Central Sun! And that Word of
God and that path and that overcoming victory shall not be turned back.
Therefore every son of God who does hear my word by the power of the light and
sound ray, whose hour is come, now does bend the knee and confirm in his heart
the fullness of the manifest light, the fullness of the manifest perfection. Now
is the hour of the coming of the Holy Ghost. Now is the coming of the hour of
the Mother ministering unto her hundred and forty and four thousand sons of
light. Now is the hour of the fullness of the Father in the Son. Lo, I come with
the seven archangels for the annunciation of the hour of the integration of the
lightbearer in the Earth, in the eighth ray, in the cosmic cross of white fire.
Therefore let there be the connecting points of light of the cosmic cross. Let
it be drawn then as the mighty forcefield of the figure-eight flow. And lo, the
cosmic cross of whitefire is superimposed in the mighty figure-eight flow of
your own mighty I AM Presence and God-Self, the beloved Christed One, the
beloved soul. And there is a whirling action of sacred fire. There is a rising
of the mighty current of Mother- flame. There is a rising of the mighty current
of the ascension flame from the base unto the crown, from the whitefire core of
your mighty I AM Presence unto your very heart. And lo, sacred fire does flow.
And lo, I AM THAT I AM. Therefore I bid you stand making the affirmation and
confirmation of the cosmic cross. I desire that you shall now extend your arms
and visualize yourselves as standing pillars of fire in the earth, as the very
presence of the cosmic cross of whitefire that is sealed in your very heart in
this hour for the very reason that you have partaken in this service of light.
And that replica of the cosmic cross of whitefire that is placed in your heart
is the marker on the hillside of Earth that God is come into Earth, that a
Christ is born, and that this is the day of the appearing of the sons of God and
that you may be the elect of God to join the hundred and forty and four thousand
if you are not counted among the original to come into alignment and to be also
counted in the initiation of the crucifixion. Therefore the Word is gone forth.
Therefore I AM Alpha and Omega. Therefore I AM Alpha and Omega. Therefore I AM
Alpha and Omega. O light of infinite fire, Elohim, release now whitefire of the
heart of the Earth for the changing of the worlds, for the consuming of
darkness, for consuming of that segment of death and hell which can be consumed
in this hour because of the increased light that is manifest now in the heart of
this Messenger who stands upon this platform as the representative in Earth of
Sanat Kumara and whose heart opens and expands for the delivery of that fire
from out of the whitefire core of the Earth. Therefore the Mother-flame goeth
forth. Therefore the ascension flame goeth forth. It is the kindling light. It
is the initiatix light. It comes now into your own heart. It comes with a mighty
release, a fervent release of sacred fire. And there is a bursting of that flame
within you. And therefore the Lord God Almighty and THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS
so empowers you to take up your cross. Beloved hearts of sacred fire, take up
that cross of cosmic white fire daily. Come and follow the Lamb on Mount Sion.
Follow the Lord Jesus Christ whose mighty Electronic Presence, congruent now
with the
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
angelofcosmic cross of whitefire
Hail, ye sons of light, hosts of the Lord—we are one!
I AM the Angel of the Cosmic Cross of Whitefire and our legions are numberless numbers who minister unto the sons and daughters of God in the hour of the crucifixion.
Therefore we are come. Therefore we are one in the Universal Logos. And therefore we rejoice, coming into the Earth in the hour of the Second Advent, in the hour of Messiah born in the heart of God’s own children and in the hour of the Cosmic Christ appearing as THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Therefore because he is come into Earth, into the temple of the one hundred forty and four thousand there is the Lamb on Mount Sion. And the Lamb who stands in the Earth is in the very center of the I AM God Presence. And therefore all who are the mighty tributaries of the Lamb as the wife of the Lamb, all whose souls are redeemed from among men, all who are the hundred and forty-four thousand are positioned in Earth as the manifestation of the living Word.
Therefore at this Eastertide we begin the mighty cycle from out the heart of Alpha and Omega whereby the cosmic cross of whitefire and the events of the fourteen stations of the cross and of the light of the hour of fusion of these sons of God in the nexus of the cross is come. With the coming of the Second Advent it is those who are redeemed from among men who present the manifestation of the living Christ and living Savior.
Therefore in this hour it is not one cross upon a hill but one hundred and forty and four thousand cosmic crosses of whitefire implanted in Earth as the markers of life, eternal life, unto the sons and daughters of God. And therefore by Cosmic Christ command it is the opportunity for these elect of God to rise and to enter into fullness of the initiations of the Lord Jesus Christ—because the Lamb is come, because the Lamb is on Mount Sion, because Lord Sanat Kumara is with the Lamb and in the Lamb. And therefore the Ancient of Days spans the octaves of Spirit and matter, and heaven is in the heart of earth and the heart of earth is in the heaven.
Lo, we are summoned by the Cosmic Christ. Lo, we are summoned by Gautama, by Sanat Kumara, by angels of the ruby ray, by Lord Maitreya, Lord Jesus Christ and by the hundred and forty and four thousand Christs of those who are the elect of God. And we are summoned by the Lamb, and the Lamb is in the throne of the cosmic threefold flame.
O light of far-off worlds, the dark star is illumined by the coming of the sons of God. O ye sons of God, O ye saints of the Most High, lo I AM THAT I AM. By the whitefire cross ye are marked with transcendent light of God. And therefore come into the union of the Lamb, come into the union of the Word and see how the very power of the light of crucifixion in ye all is now manifest for the consuming of the anti-light and anti-Christ in the earth.
And lo, ye are witness to all of the children of God who will follow you up the mountain and up the spiral of the Great Pyramid that truly the path of initiation and light of ruby ray is come—truly, truly the God of very gods opens the mighty door for these initiations into the fullness of Sonship. Therefore not since the hour of the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ have we entered
Earth’s domain to deliver unto the sons of God the fullness of this initiation.
O beloved hearts of sacred fire, understand then that the intensity of the cosmic cross of whitefire in Earth is now mounting as millions of angels, tier upon tier of angels, spiral into Earth. And the positioning of these cosmic crosses is for the turning of the tide. It is for the turning of the tide in the Dark Cycle that has reached the line.
O Lord God Almighty, let these fiery crosses now descend into the very physical octave, into the very spectrum of the whitefire core of the atom of being. And let there flow now through the hearts of the sons of God for whom these crosses are destined whitefire of the Logos, whitefire of Alpha and Omega, white fire of the Word of God.
Lo, the elect of God may now summon our legions of light until the hour of the fullness of their own victory. Therefore hasten ye, hasten ye, O sons of man, hasten ye to the fullness of the initiation of the four cosmic forces—the Lion, the Calf, the Man and the flying Eagle. O mighty light of God, hasten and accelerate the light of the sons of God in the Earth.
Lo, we are come. Lo, we are come for preparation of your soul in the consummate union with your own Christ Self—to then be delivered, to be betrayed, and to be brought to the judgment of this world whereby the release of light from thine own heart as the mighty heart of God will go out into the world and will nullify and neutralize and consume to the very core those fallen ones and their arrogant manifestation against the light of God that never fails.
Lo, the light of the Great Central Sun magnet goes forth. Lo, we are that light. Lo, we are the witnesses in the heart of the Sun of the majesty of the cosmic cross of whitefire. I bid you therefore seal in your heart, seal upon your altar the cosmic cross of whitefire as the image and focus of your own momentum of God-determination to be counted among the firstfruits of the Lamb and unto God and unto the mighty threefold flame of Life.
Beloved hosts of the Lord, come now unto all who are gathered. Come now unto the original elect of God who came with the Ancient of Days. For we are come, for we are here, for we initiate the spiral that now passes through the hearts of those who are the chosen ones.
Lo, the Lamb is on Mount Sion. Lo, the fulfillment of the Word is nigh. Lo, the legions of angels bow before the Son of God whose hour is come. Father, the hour is come; glorify thy sons that thy sons may glorify Thee in the very heart of the Earth, in the very heart of the darkened star. Lo, the redemption of the Ancient of Days by their manifestation is nigh.
Lo, we come to amplify the path of the cross, the path of sacred heart. Lo, we are come to multiply by the power of the one hundred and forty and four thousand the original God-victory of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Lo, we are come! Lo, it is the edict of the Lord! Lo, it is the light of ruby ray! Lo, it is the Word that goeth forth from out the Great Central Sun! And that Word of God and that path and that overcoming victory shall not be turned back. Therefore every son of God who does hear my word by the power of the light and sound ray, whose hour is come, now does bend the knee and confirm in his heart the fullness of the manifest light, the fullness of the manifest perfection.
Now is the hour of the coming of the Holy Ghost. Now is the coming of the hour of the Mother ministering unto her hundred and forty and four thousand sons of light. Now is the hour of the fullness of the Father in the Son.
Lo, I come with the seven archangels for the annunciation of the hour of the integration of the lightbearer in the Earth, in the eighth ray, in the cosmic cross of white fire.
Therefore let there be the connecting points of light of the cosmic cross. Let it be drawn then as the mighty forcefield of the figure-eight flow. And lo, the cosmic cross of whitefire is superimposed in the mighty figure-eight flow of your own mighty I AM Presence and God-Self, the beloved Christed One, the beloved soul. And there is a whirling action of sacred fire. There is a rising of the mighty current of Mother- flame. There is a rising of the mighty current of the ascension flame from the base unto the crown, from the whitefire core of your mighty I AM Presence unto your very heart.
And lo, sacred fire does flow. And lo, I AM THAT I AM.
Therefore I bid you stand making the affirmation and confirmation of the cosmic cross. I desire that you shall now extend your arms and visualize yourselves as standing pillars of fire in the earth, as the very presence of the cosmic cross of whitefire that is sealed in your very heart in this hour for the very reason that you have partaken in this service of light.
And that replica of the cosmic cross of whitefire that is placed in your heart is the marker on the hillside of Earth that God is come into Earth, that a Christ is born, and that this is the day of the appearing of the sons of God and that you may be the elect of God to join the hundred and forty and four thousand if you are not counted among the original to come into alignment and to be also counted in the initiation of the crucifixion.
Therefore the Word is gone forth. Therefore I AM Alpha and Omega. Therefore I AM Alpha and Omega. Therefore I AM Alpha and Omega.
O light of infinite fire, Elohim, release now whitefire of the heart of the Earth for the changing of the worlds, for the consuming of darkness, for consuming of that segment of death and hell which can be consumed in this hour because of the increased light that is manifest now in the heart of this Messenger who stands upon this platform as the representative in Earth of Sanat Kumara and whose heart opens and expands for the delivery of that fire from out of the whitefire core of the Earth.
Therefore the Mother-flame goeth forth. Therefore the ascension flame goeth forth. It is the kindling light. It is the initiatix light. It comes now into your own heart. It comes with a mighty release, a fervent release of sacred fire. And there is a bursting of that flame within you. And therefore the Lord God Almighty and THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS so empowers you to take up your cross.
Beloved hearts of sacred fire, take up that cross of cosmic white fire daily. Come and follow the Lamb on Mount Sion. Follow the Lord Jesus Christ whose mighty Electronic Presence, congruent now with the