Friday, July 29, 2022
Hail, sons and daughters of living love! I AM the consummation of the love of twinflames of a cosmos and of cosmos as twinflames.1
The wings of the great eagle, the cloven tongues of fire in the dove of the Spirit, Father-Mother God—this is the sign of victory. For love is the victory of every hour, and every hour is a song from Alpha to Omega, from Omega to Alpha. Every hour is the dance of Shiva as Shiva brings forth the creation of love from out of the shakti of love. So the movement and the rhythm of a cosmos is your very own love that is the love of God.
Love comes with a mounting and with a fury and with the wind and wave and lightning and storm. Love comes with the first sound of birds at dawn and first light that whispers of eternity and of the eternal Son of love within the heart.
I AM Chamuel and Charity in the whitefire core of being. I AM with Alpha and Omega. I AM in you the fullness of twinflames of love. And I AM come to manifest the polarity of thy self with thy Self.
Now the energy of the soul is transferred from soul- center of the archangel and archeia of the love ray. Now let every soul begin to turn as the turning of a white Sun. And let the turning of the Sun of the soul be for the vortex, fiery vortex, for the drawing in of the light of love which I project from the soul of Mother to the soul of children of the Father.
Let souls now begin to turn as the coming of the Logos of love. Let this central Sun of love be in you a whirling fire, all-consuming, now guarded by angelic bands, seraphim and cherubim who are on hand—north and south, east and west, to thy right and to thy left, above and below—for the guarding of the whirlwind action of Holy Spirit. For we come for the freeing of the soul of the disciple, of sacred center of the soul in America and of America and Earth.
Let the souls of Earth’s evolutions receive through you now that whirling action of sacred fire, the consuming of all that is less than God-desire. Let the whirling of the Sun of being be as the adornment of the bride, for the soul is the bride of Christ. Let veil upon veil of the seven veils of purity now be wrapped around each soul as the soul returns to the immaculate conception of being in the heart of God.
I am the consuming within the soul of all lust that is the anti-trust of cosmic love. Let it go now into the flame! Let all inordinate desire pass into the flame! And let your desiring be to desire God and only God and only the love of God now welling up in you as the great wave, the cosmic wave, twin waves of love released now for the clearing—the clearing of the subconscious mind, the clearing of the pathway for the soul to rise and to rise and to rise.
I command you now, O souls of the living God, souls who have gone out of the way into all manner of deviation of sacred-fire principle of life, return to the heart! And kneel before the judgment seat of your own Christ Self. Kneel before the altar of the heart, I say! Be released from your soul chakra! Rise over the pathway of the Mother! And fear not to enter the judgment hall that is the Temple Beautiful.
Come now into the cathedral of your own heart where you will be alone with your God and with your Christ. Now kneel before the altar, O souls who have gone out of the way. Kneel before the altar of love, I say, and confess your sins to your own Christ Self within your heart.
Go now! Go to be relieved of all records that have piled up layer upon layer to torment you in the night and to be the opening for dark spirits of temptation and of diversion and of condemnation.
I stand the angel with flaming sword. I AM the flaming sword! I AM keeping the way of the Tree of Life within you that is the I AM THAT I AM. I stand guard at the portal of the temple of the heart.
Fear not to enter, for no other will enter but only thy God, only thy Self. Enter in through the door of the Christ! Enter in through the door of the heart! And find thy life again this day!
I would come into the temple to guard the door of the heart and to clear the temple by fire of exorcism which I now release! Bind the demons and devils within! Bind the serpents that have made their habitation in the temple of living love! They may not pass into the sacred forcefield of thy sacred Self.
I AM Chamuel and Charity. I AM the keeper of the way of life, and only life may enter. By freewill then declare the rejection of the fallen one! Let it be expelled in the name of Christ! Let it be expelled in the name of the Law of the buddhas, bodhisattvas and manvantaras of the aeons and aeons of God’s appearing in the cyclings of His manifestation. Let the specters of doubt and fear flee the coming of sacred fires of love. For only love, only love is the dissolving of aught but love. Only love is the dissolving now of spirits that mutter and peep, that cry out the name of Jesus or Gautama. For they fear the day of the judgment and their return to the flame to be canceled out, to be dissolved, to be no more.
Let God’s energy rule. I command it in the name of the fire of the Great Central Sun! Now let the Great Central Sun energies flow! Roll now! Roll now! Roll now! [5-second pause]
Let the dark ones depart! Go! Go in the name of the Christ! Go in the name of the Christ! Go in the name of the Christ!
And let light flow. Let light fill the temple of being! Let light fill the temple of Self!
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men and women of goodwill. Let goodwill now concentrate, accelerate. Let souls within the Temple Beautiful rise from before the altar of the Christ. And let them now see and be the manifestation and fullness of the only begotten of God. For in the confession of your sin is the fount of forgiveness. And in the fount of forgiveness is your installation as a joint-heir with the Cosmic Christ. Lo, for this cause I AM come—for the alignment of self with the Self.
Now, soul who art aligned with the living Christ of thy God, stand to behold the victory of the Great Central Sun and see within thy heart the polarity of thy being. Wherever thou art, O soul, complement of soul, now let the Alpha and Omega of whitefire core of being and of cosmos begin the reconnection of the polarity of twinflames, as Above, so below. And let the polarity of twinflames be the white light of purity, of the new adornment with sacred garment of life of every living creature.
I AM filled. I AM filled. I AM filled with the light of God.
So the arcing of the covenant of twinflames is established as a giant signal across the worlds. So when you are in Christ you are one with the twinflame. When you are out of alignment with Christ you are one only with the carnal mind and have no right to the relationship with twinflame. For the flame is God and only God, and only God can be reunited with God.
Therefore seek not the reunion but the purging of self and the soul’s uniting with the Christ. And then let the mighty flow of Elohim and archangels be the great sweeping aside of all that is less than the great manifestation of that cosmic caress of God, God—God the Beloved in the Beloved, God the Beloved in the Beloved! All else is sacrilege but the worship of God the Beloved in the Beloved. Let all else cease. And let thy meditations upon love be upon the whitefire core of Alpha and Omega.
I AM Chamuel and Charity. I AM now the manifestation of the coming of the judgment of Earth by the action of the flame of Almighty God that is the action of love. I AM the sweeping aside of all misuses of sacred fire. I AM that judgment now!
Let the cycling of the Great Central Sun of love come forth. And let all sons and daughters of God who are gathered here be now the manifestation of the holding of the balance. Let it be the holding of the balance now as we cycle into Earth a cosmic action of love more than the world could contain without the devotees of the Mother throughout Earth who at inner levels now are one in uplifting the great chalice to receive now fires of love.
Let these fires come forth! Let them saturate the chakras, the four lower bodies of all who are in the intensification of love fires, in only love, in the cathedral of Gabriel and Hope, in the whitefire core of buddha and the Mother.
I AM the action of cosmic love. I AM the joy of cosmic love. I AM the judgment of that love descending now into the whitefire core of being!
Purusha. Purusha. Purusha. Purusha. Purusha. Purusha.
Let love intensify through the centers of awareness. Let love intensify. Let the balance fourfold of cherubim and seraphim as a cosmic cross of love be upon each one. Let it be upon each one. Let it be for the alignment of the cosmic Sun within the four quadrants of being. Let the vehicles be aligned. Let threefold flame come into balance. Let the fire of love transcend itself. Let the fire of love transcend old manifestation. Let the full power and action of the law of love be upon this manifestation.
I demand absolute stillness! I demand absolute concentration! I demand elimination of all interference with this release of cosmic energy! I command atoms to be still! I command feelings to be still! I command thoughts to be still!
Let the great light of love of creation command the respect of every electron within the temple of being. For I AM the fullness of Almighty God in the manifestation of cosmic love! I have descended into your midst for translation of these temples, and I AM in the midst of that manifestation for an action God-willed in wisdom and in love!
I rebuke all darkness! I bind all darkness! I bind all discarnates! And the fire of love goes forth from my heart, from my hand! It touches every one! And through you it is translated to every lifestream on Earth. And by the drop of love, the increment of sacred fire each one receives that portion of the judgment that is meted out this day as the stripping of error and its removal and the replacement with truth.
Let the hand of the Great Surgeon be upon all life. And let all life be still to receive the transfer and to adjust to the new energy of new age. Let all who are coming into the new age be infired with love. Let love be transformation! Let love be chastisement! Let love be eternal strength!
[6-second pause]
Be still!
Light into the heart! Light into the soul! Light into the crown!
Blaze forth! Blaze forth the Trinity! Blaze forth!
As the lightning, descend, descend, descend that souls might ascend, ascend, ascend in the light of Mother this day!
[6-second pause]
For the evolution of the Great Central Sun, for the evolution of Elohim, for the evolution of the Great Silent Watcher I AM come. For the evolution of sons and daughters of God I AM come.
I AM come to release the light of love from whitefire core of Terra. Let it be released! And let this moment mark the turning, the turning, the turning of a galaxy of love centered in the heart of Earth congruent with all life, each starry body congruent now with each sun-center of threefold flame as the Word incarnate. And all life as evolution upon Earth becomes a mighty galaxy of whirling stars revolving about the center of being. This is the movement of worlds of consciousness and souls into the whitefire core, into the flame of the ascension.
I hurl now the great sphere of love, and I generate a cycle of initiation of love for the new age on Earth. This is the release of a mighty light of love going forth now from the very center of the I AM Presence of each one. It is the release of cycling into the flames etheric, mental, emotional and physical, sweeping through the Mater cycle.
Let change come forth as the alchemy of love. And let only love remain within the devotees as harmony of the Law. Let all give their life to harmony. Let the surrender be to harmony. Let harmony come, let harmony come, let harmony come through obedience to the law of inner will. Let harmony come as the defense of love. Let harmony come as the defense of your life. Let harmony come as swallowing up of all discord that is death.
I AM the law of love in harmony with the great Self which I AM, which you are. There is only one Self.
Now great Self of all, intensify the fires of love through the seven centers of the Mother. Seal the energy of love in each one and let it be for the whirling and spinning and the movement of each sacred center—seven centers filled with love.
So carry our message of love to the world. So it is love! So it is life! So it is light! So it is done!
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1977 at Pasadena
Pearl 40:3
The Judgment Call They Shall Not Pass!
by Jesus Christ
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM
I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ: They shall not pass!
They shall not pass! They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of white fire it shall be:
that all that is directed against the Christ within me, within the holy innocents, within our beloved Messengers,
within every son and daughter of God by the Nephilim gods, their genetic engineering, population control and contrived wars slaughtering the sons of God and children of the light on the battlefields of life
is now turned back
by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
by the authority of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, by the authority of Saint Germain!
I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple and I declare in the fullness of
the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood:
that those who then practice the black arts against the children of the light, namely the entire interplanetary conspiracy of fallen angels and their mechanization man are now bound by the hosts of the Lord,
do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ within me, within Jesus
and within every ascended master, do now receive then the full return—
multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ— of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced since the very incarnation of the Word!
Lo, I AM a Son of God! Lo, I AM a flame of God!
Lo, I stand upon the Rock of the living Word and I declare with Jesus, the living Son of God: they shall not pass!
They shall not pass! They shall not pass!
Elohim. Elohim. Elohim.
...To surrender or not to surrender: whichever you decide it will be the dividing of the way between the real and the unreal. There are many defiant ones who move about the Earth a law unto themselves. They are not about to bend the knee, confess the living Christ or embrace the living God. They preen their feathers and strut about, all the while exulting in their sense of superiority.
These creatures are of the earth, earthy. They shall never bear the image of the Lord from heaven. Their end is in sight. You see them everywhere as they descend the left-handed path degree by subtle degree, for they have sworn enmity against the God of very Gods who lives not in them but in the hearts of His sons and daughters.
The act of surrender to God is a sign of humility and obedience. In this surrender you are making a statement to God that you have the deep desire to return to the original blueprint, etched upon your etheric body out of which He created you in the beginning.
When you cleanse your etheric body with white fire of God and scrub it with the scrubbing action of violet flame by and by you will see the crystal reality that outlines the blueprint of your inner being. Knowing this truth you will see how far you have departed from that original blueprint and you will say to yourself “No wonder I have problems! Why, my heart and my chakras are simply not in alignment with my original blueprint!” This self-knowledge is the beginning of the soul’s homeward trek to God.
The individual’s state of consciousness determines how much light he can store in the etheric body without compromising that light. It also determines how much negative (or positive) karma he is carrying in the etheric body as well as in the three lower bodies. Of late some of you have been rudely awakened by your Inner Teacher to the realization that your etheric body is polluted due to the density of your human consciousness. And so as you yawn and open your eyes you are jolted into reality. It is suddenly clear that you must scour that body until it is clean—clean as a whistle. This spiritual cleansing which you accomplish by applying Saint Germain’s violet flame to your present circumstances may take place in a matter of months or years. It all depends on the weight of your karma and on how enthusiastic you are about balancing it as soon as possible so that your soul may be liberated from the wheel of rebirth. By saturating your etheric body with violet flame you can clear the negative records that have lodged there for aeons.
It is essential that you give your dynamic decrees for soul purification to Elohim Purity and Astrea, Archangel Gabriel and Hope, Serapis Bey, Holy Justinius and his legions of seraphim, all of whom serve on the fourth ray, the white ray.
This do faithfully and I assure you that you will attain a considerable level of God-mastery and, in maintaining that God-mastery move swiftly to a higher spiritual consciousness.
Now then let us reestablish the perfect pattern of the soul--that the heavenly patterns might become the earthly patterns. And so it is possible that your heavenly patterns, recorded in etheric body, may reflect the perfection of God in the physical body. To attain to this state--as Above, so below--is most fortuitous, for it signals not only your soul’s ascent to God but also that you are approaching your soul’s final journey on Earth.
And behold! the Self-mastery you attain on Earth is reflected in the heavens where angels read and record the valor of your soul--and all the while a part of yourself is fully engaged in the challenges of earthly life.
Of the four lower bodies, the etheric body is the most permanent, spanning as it does the octaves of the heaven-world as well as those of the lower earth planes. Moreover the etheric body is the body you wear at night during soul travel. Clad in full armor you wage war against the fallen angels as you rescue souls who are caught in lower astral planes with no means of escape.
And so I ask you to give dynamic violet-flame decrees morning, noon and night for that action will bring you into alignment with Saint Germain and the Holy Spirit. Out of your profound love for the ascended masters I, Chamuel, will multiply the action of your violet-flame decrees in all your chakras so long as you sustain your pledge of service to the legions of the seventh ray and my bands.
The action of violet flame is instantaneous. Moreover it enhances the alchemy of the blue, the yellow and the pink plumes of threefold flame. By blending violet flame with these plumes not only will you bring a balancing action to your life but you will also bring surcease from pain to many souls. You will bring understanding and compassion--not to the dozens or the hundreds but to thousands and millions.
Take your training seriously! And I direct my remarks to the youth of the world who are entering the work force: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
When John the Baptist saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism he said unto them “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance....”So may you lay upon the altar of Saint Germain fruits meet for repentance.
Whatever is your greatest talent execute it well. Be my representatives in the universities of the world. For not only have I chosen you but I have also chosen the babes in arms and those who are in the womb who will one day supersede you on the path of life.
Yes, I have chosen you, for I AM the deliverer of love! I AM also the Archangel of the judgment of fallen angels who fell on the third ray by their compromise of that very path of divine love.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 58:13
We come to illustrate a planetary need and also to illustrate that those entrusted with the torch of freedom to a dying world, even your representatives in this government, do not have the solution to the South American question or to “the Castro connection.” We would call it “the dilemma of the Watchers and their godless creation.” But the people in general, not aware of the cause behind the effect, seem to name the enemy by the uniform or doctrinal position of that one. -Elohim Purity and Astrea, Pearl 25:12
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