Friday, July 29, 2022
loses thread of life, of contact
As we commune in this hour we share an ever-deepening love that knows no bounds. This love is for the healing of your four lower bodies of conscious and unconscious pain often stored in the memory and physical body for almost as long as the soul can remember.
We Chamuel and Charity and untold numbers of our angel bands bring the love of the third ray to your heart to annihilate the forces of anti-love. We come to purify a love that is not true because it is impure. Especially do we come to purge and purify a love that has been sullied in the desire body. Likewise we come to enfire and test the soul in preparation for the trial by fire that each soul must undergo ere she attain everlasting union with God. (We will take up this subject at another time.)
Divine love is the highest gift of God to His sons and daughters. But o how this love has been distorted! Therefore I bid you return to the love of Holy Spirit who embodies the third ray of the Trinity which is the ray of divine love. Now it is lawful for you to speak to the Holy Spirit, imploring Him that you might enter in to His heart forevermore. You may also command the Holy Spirit in this wise:
come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me!
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me!
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me!
For in that call to enlightenment you shall banish all ignorance. You shall neutralize the five spiritual poisons and the sixth by the wisdoms of the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Vajrasattva. Thus shall you seek and find the way of soul liberation by the following method:
by overcoming the poison of ignorance through Vairochana’s all-pervading wisdom of the dharmakaya;
by overcoming the poison of anger and hate and hate creation through Akshobhya’s mirrorlike wisdom;
by overcoming the poison of spiritual, intellectual and human pride through Ratnasambhava’s wisdom of equality;
by overcoming the poison of passions-—all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust--through Amitabha’s discriminating wisdom;
by overcoming the poison of envy and jealousy through Amoghasiddhi’s all-accomplishing wisdom, the wisdom of perfected action;
by overcoming the poison of non-Will and non-Being--fear, doubt and nonbelief in God, the Great Guru--through Vajrasattva’s wisdom of the diamond will of God.
If you aspire to enter the levels of initiation under the Five Dhyani Buddhas you must surrender to God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your might.
Many years ago the blessed Mother dictated to the Messenger the Fourteenth Rosary, entitled “The Mystery of Surrender.” It is a surrender to God, to His divine love and to His Law. It is a surrender to your Mighty I AM Presence and to your Holy Christ Self. And it is a surrender to the threefold flame that burns on the altar of the secret chamber of your heart.
I tell you, beloved, when it comes down to the soul’s surrender to God it is often the dividing51 of`12 the15 way13=91. As Jesus said “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 58:13
I am reminded of the first vow of holy angels sent by God to be teachers of His children newborn. I am reminded of other vows taken and also of other vows broken. For those holy Watchers who lost their first estate did so by the breaking of the trust of the Office of World Teacher. Therefore it remained for the Son of God to descend even to the lowly estate of the flesh there to redeem that which had been lost by the betrayal of those who were to be guardians of the flame of the I AM race. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:13
Blessed hearts, what of those who have been influenced by fallen ones and original Watchers? All those who have entertained anger against the Lord in any form or a sense of injustice toward the law of karma or the Law of Life—they too have sinned by their doubt, by their fear and by their entering into the records of death of these fallen ones.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 24:15
Blessed hearts, there comes a moment when straying too far from the point of Christ Selfhood the individual himself loses16 the thread29 of 12 life23 and of 12 contact22 (=114=Duffy clique57 x 2) and therefore slips as it were into a sea of oblivion. This as you know was done through an outrageous disobedience58
of fallen angels through their challenge40 (=98=7 x batty14) of the Godhead. The clenched fist, sign of world totalitarian movements, sign of aggression of peoples, binding of souls, suppressing of light and finally ultimate physical torture and cruelty, murder and death, bloodletting, et cetera—all of this20 began20 with24 infamy32 of those fallen angels, the Watchers34 themselves and the Nephilim50 (=180=10 x foul 18). -Pallas Athena, Pearls of Wisdom 32:1
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