Thursday, July 28, 2022
here and now
Early church councils set back Chistian faith more than a thousand years by deleting karma and reincarnation from their state-snctioned and sanitized religion after throwing whomever to the lions. Duffy26 clique31=57 is a similar retrograde57 to life. The main word here in my view is orthodxy54, it is also conventional 54 or conventional formulae, as Morya used in Leaves of Morya’s Garden 1925. Formulae37 takes us to 91 when added to 54. 91 is by numerology count: a) carnal mind calcination, b) overcoming of fear, and c) spiritual director—all 91. But notice d) peter28+ duffy26+neroli37=91.
It is less important the who but the theme or WHAT and the idea therein or the WHY. This is the crucial level, the essence. Now whether or not the Duffys knew they were off the beam fairly often, they persisted to challenge the paradigm of the Summit Lighthouse, its core design and integrity. That is, self-justification and self-rationalization of Duffy clique acts like retrograde or counterforce or antagonist like “Dice King” in ancient India; the latter does come along to challenge the overarching theme in the initiatic land. Of course central banking, and the aim of it, is core challenge to Saint Germain’s cause. It also could be called “sand 11+ dollar26= god17 which totals 54. It is conjured up, it is not the principle of Hierarchy at all. That is the important perception to get. Central banking is highly monopolistic but so is tyranny. Tyrant26 could be Putin26 or Loyola26 or Duffy or Neroli37 Duffy26=63 who is ”A House Divided”63 like Jefferson Davis63 in the time of Lincoln. Her psychology shows in her astrology, natal 6-30-1954, Perth, revealing the Sun at one-eighth of circle to Pluto in Leo. This aspect reinforced pride and ambitious37 and essentially converged with darken26 Duffy26 conceal26
hide26 subvert26
Neroli37 Duffy26=63, therefore 31.5 x 2. The word defiant at 32. Deify counts to 31. Now looking at Neroli further, she followed Cleirbaut37. Krister37 was an earlier episode; after Neroli rising high, (Kate) Gordon37 became prominent, then by and by Peter Duffy54. Duffy at 26 is resonant to secure at 26 numerologically. This is important as post-Mother’s retirement phase had secure/insecure modality, with insecure at 40 pairing to secure. Naturally a more iconclast-like (with Mother) cycle would calm down to a more secure type of pattern in mortal tradition. Now orthodoxy and compromise, both at 54 along with peter duffy and self-deceived and pretentious, is one kind of secure, but these are not deeply secure. The US Constitution was designed to endure, to retain flexibiity, to afford dynamic and decisiveness. The Summit is a further step in the direction of evolution heralded by US Constitution which includes the Bill of Rights and its small matter but still valid of due process of the law. But Duffy clique57 (26+31) had other tendencies, priorities.
So I did this research; many have wondered about the Summit. I have pursued this examination, I have taken an independent course. I did not join staff. I am not a professional dissenter but probably toward iconoclast or philosopher/psychologist. I can follow threads though mankind is complex, unpredictable by nature. Post-2000, RTR, many retiring from staff. Someone must awaken to the theoretic and real guiding principles of the Summit that are not trivial, do not just come and go on a surface level. The vital evergreen tree has roots. So it is in this case, though Mark and Elizabeth embodied in many many places over a long long period. But the I AM Activity anchored something very fundamental. One could say that the anchor-stone or keystone of Christ that builders rejected so often historically did mostly endure and carry into the Summit, the US Constitution being the main vehicle for that reality, no small matter. Saint Germain is not the Dice King; the Dice King of Inida epic represents a challenge to the divine design. sand 11 dollar26 god17=54 (Mammon and central banking) is pie-in-the-sky finance, the type of mock security that is generated through conventional formulae, orthodoxy, mind-control, manipulation, monopoly and bribes, favoritism. It is important to understand the context of the Summit when covert takeover63 operations are in full tilt nationally and internationally. It is important to understand divide and conquer, A House Divided63— these are not passing trivia at all, these are absolutely essential elements in a dynamic and troubled world. We could not make it blindly or by gueesswork; an ascended master activity must Know, Dare, Do and Be Silent. Complex in many ways, but study is very very crucial. Then underlying themes emerge. Not the surface level but more at cause at roots.
Another mode for the Summit (besides the Duffy clique covert entrenchment) is the one Mother recommended in June 1997: a less top-down organizational model, rather decentralized, as the internet itself tends to be. The question arises—can the Masters advance a program that is simultaneously secure and iconoclastic amid a dying world system? And the answer is, well, it probably has to occur to bring in Aquarius which is quite unconventional in spirit.
(Duffy clique57), said Saint Germain, and also you must self-correct. There you go. That allows one to have stability through Saturn principle and much innovative, experimental through Uranian principle. So the architecture of a program is very crucial. Creativity does matter in such a period of hard testing for America.
“The Spirit of
unity and oneness comes from the power ray,” Saint Germain did state. Note that Serapis stated “vainglorious37 apostles26 of orthodoxy54,” perhaps in Pearl 12:15. The aim of the dark forces, stated Godfre, is to delay the spread of the Teachings worldwide, perhaps for centuries. To sidetrack the Summit into a veiled orthodoxy at hq for decades would be very costly and has been so, I say. If it matters not at all to you that Kutumi’s deep exposure of Ignatius Loyola and Lenin in Pearls 19:13-15 have been kept deleted from since 2003, then Nada in Pearl 4:6 will do for you hic et ninc:
“We do not intend to submit to human nonsense.”
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