Saturday, July 30, 2022
nonsense, according to ascended masters
O yes,” you say, “while the consciousness of victory is buoyantly, joyously buoying me up, I am able to do all of that.” Well, let me tell you something tonight: When you understand that the God-power of victory is literally alive within you, when you keep that consciousness enshrined as though it were an icon upon the wall of your being it will transform you! But when you let slip from your consciousness all of these things because the bugaboo of human nonsense stands there and says: “O you’re a terrible person; you are an egotistical person; you are a person of darkness and deceit; you have this fault and you have that fault”—so long as you accept that you probably will. -Victory, Pearl 19:46
Myriad diversifications, like glittering pieces of glass strewn in random fashion upon a game board litter the world with confusion. The kaleidoscope of human nonsense, rearing its head from human slime, dares to poke fun at those towering manifestations of cosmos to whom is accorded the direction of mortal affairs from inner levels. -Maitreya, Pearl 14:13
Let us then during the present lovely outpouring of nature’s glories turn our attention away from human nonsense and undertake the clarification of many wonderful ideas concerning the Great White Brotherhood, which ought to be better understood by mankind so that greater cooperation with the current divine tide and directed plans of the ascended masters is forthcoming from all of those students who in their professed love for us and the light of God should realize that our plans are not only most practical but urgent for the protection and upliftment of Earth as well as the evolving of high spiritual civilization which must accompany the release of greater numbers of the blessed incoming children of the seventh root race. -Morya, Pearl 4:23
This is a step-up in evolution for all souls who will fully and finally cast into sacred fire their ancient momentums of criticism, condemnation and judgment, gossip and all manner of human nonsense. -Morya, Pearl 39:36
Great is the compassion of God. And the fashion of His light is manifesting in the cells of men’s bodies and in the cells of their brains when those brains are cleansed by the power of the descending light of God from all manifestation of mortal thought and feeling. When the cells of the brain are cleansed the dura mater and pia mater do not manifest the thickness and density induced by accumulation of nicotine and other substances deposited as impurities upon the brain of man. [Because of these impurities] the great rippling power of regeneration cannot spread and manifest in the continents of the mind but is dammed up and the flow controlled by the activity of human nonsense. -Saint Germain, Pearl 60:27
“I cannot pour out of my Spirit,” saith the Lord, “into a leaky vessel.” Simply remember that, beloved. If you are a leaky vessel, opening up yourself to all kinds of nonsense, then it is the nonsense that will occupy you. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 37:38
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