Worlds have been turned by the fallen ones until they are in direct opposition to the original manifestation of the living Word. From out the heart of the Creator the Word is manifest, and that Word does now reestablish the inner blueprint of the will of God for everyone. Out of that will is born the wisdom to know the Self as God. And in knowing the Self as God is born the gift of love.
Therefore as we descend into the heart of the Earth--that is, as we accelerate our nonphysical matrix into the physical matrix the auric emanation of the planetary body quivers in the bow of the Great Archer. And there is a trembling as there is the inner adjustment. And there is a profound turning over of worlds as the pockets of consciousness are self-emptied by the living flame of love--of all that opposes this divinity manifest within you.
Realize that the opposition to the hierarchy of Scorpio--as blindness and absence of spiritual vision--is a self-centeredness that eclipses the light of the sun of the I AM Presence. Some are more aware of the self and all of its extremes or extremities than they are aware of the the I AM Presence. Therefore let the great sun of light descend. Let it expel from the ego-centered consciousness that lesser self that has assumed the seat of authority where only the Christ Self may dwell. In the fullness of joy let there be an elimination of the vagaries of alienation! For alienation is the original separation of man from God through fear, through doubt--fear in the existence of God leading to self-doubt and thereby doubt in his own existence.
The self-importance of the humanness must be revealed as that which does deter the soul from the grandeur and the nobility of true being. Perfect love then must be in the clear-seeing of the One Universal Self, at once in us all, there that point of light to be adored, to be expanded for the creation of worlds!...
How the apostle sent forth the warning! How the living Christ Jesus sent forth the warning!--that to be in the vanguard of light demands the joyous overcoming of the discipline of love. O courageous ones, I draw you now into the very heart of hearts of the secret rays. For this is where the love fire leads! -Elohim Heros and Amora: 1-1-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Friday, September 11, 2015
Thursday, September 10, 2015
photos; partial solar eclipse
-treetop bird this a.m. Shasta area
partial solar eclipse--79% eclipsed over Antarctica, while Cape Town S. Africa at 30% eclipse--a bit after sunrise September 13 in that part of world, which is 9-12-2015 at ~11:54 p.m. PDT. Sun makes an inconjunct (150 degrees) angle to Uranus.
The children of God are all too trusting, and theirs is often a misplaced trust given unto the ones who pose as angels of light. They see not beyond the mask of a performed pleasantness the treachery of armed hordes, so jealous of the bliss of the innocent children of God who have never lost their innermost intimate communion with the Lord Christ and his Holy Spirit.
Now we see coming over the hillsides of the world not the vision of the hosts of the Lord but of a plague of locusts. From the astral to the physical plane there mounts a tide of astral armies pitted against the Defender of the Faith, Archangel Michael. One by one the opponents of the seven archangels make their entrance upon the stage of life in the very hour when the Great Deliverer comes for the defense of the Woman and her seed.
That seed, as sons and daughters of God in embodiment, must realize that all and everything for which the hosts of Archangel Michael stand--goodwill and faith, God-government and the strength to be in God inviolate--is challenged by those who have already sworn their enmity not only with the World Mother but also with the Lord Christ to whom she gives birth and the legions of angels that form the retinue of protection to the children of God....
We see the standard-bearers of the age, such as Solzhenitsyn and other proponents of truth, mocked by those who have mocked the lightbearers since the very incarnation of the Word on Lemuria and Atlantis....
Thus the defense of justice and the standard of the Christ consciousness must be pursued on behalf of all, no matter what their position and irrespective of their alignment with cosmic law.
The fallen ones have projected their plan for terror, anarchy, and confusion in America based on doubt and fear and an overwhelming laxity in those necessary protective agencies--the armed forces, the police, the FBI, and the CIA. The protection of a nation, its people and its freedom must be entrusted to individuals who will bear the sacred trust with honor, dignity and love....
And what are these strategies (of anarchy)? From the perspective of an archangel they are very obvious:
To divide and conquer the children of light through rivalries of personality and the segmenting of the population along the line of relative truth and error and right- and left-wing positionings in politics, economics and matters of faith and morals; then to engender hostilities in the mass mind through anxiety and an amazing absence of the awareness of the presence of God in the very midst of the fast paces of modern life; then to generate, through pent-up emotions and commercialized violence, a frenzied fanaticism outcropping in international terrorism...or in the sudden crazed unleashing of subconscious hatred....
From the inner planes we the archangels see the danger and sound the warning. The strategy is one of anarchy....This philosophy, which has become dignified as a political theory declaring any form of government to be undesirable and unnecessary, comes sugarcoated with such euphemisms as “voluntary cooperation” and “the free association of individuals and groups.”
Thus to justify their relentless determination to destroy the order of hierarchy of Christ and his apostles and of an established path of initiation through levels of government spanning the Spirit/matter cosmos and entrusted to enlightened sons and daughters of God, the fallen ones use a principle of freedom and freewill to overthrow the very one, the Lord God Himself who is the giver of that gift of freedom and who through His only begotten Son, the Christ in all, instructs His offspring in the responsible use of the gift of freewill.
The counterpart of this strategy is to infiltrate the governments of the nations with irresponsible elements, the seed of the wicked themselves, and then to hold up the very corruption which their own members have created as the justifiable grounds for the overthrow of the entire system itself. -Archangel Gabriel: Pearls of Wisdom 21:51
At March 9, 2009, as sent out from the RTR, the 24 member Council of Elders of the Summit Lighthouse are comprised of these:
Sidney Bennett, Lois Drake, David Drye, Rose Gadigian, Kate Gordon, Hertha Lund, Tina Stori, David Kravitz, Neroli Duffy, Peter Duffy, Bonita Frazier, Carla Healy [but these are the chelas’ broad representatives??, not the Executive Board of 8!!], Timothy Kingston, Paul Kyei, Stephen Macchio, Frances MacPherson, Scott McBride, Kathleen Moorcroft, Julie Pollard, Eleanor Rosenzweig, Gilberto de los Santos, Jaspar Soni, Jon Springer, Gene Vosseler.
Now suppose it takes two-thirds of the 24 member Council of Elders--that would be 16 members–to remove by vote an Executive Board member. With 8 Executive Board members on the 24 member Council of Elders, this vote of 16 to remove looks like it would be up against a united block. Perhaps there is a reason why 8 serve on both of these RTR groups. Did you know that in the 1980s Morya directed Mother to create a broadly representative of chelas Council of Elders, yes, with Krister and Francis coordinating between that body and Mother? -r, mt. shasta
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
each victory is a liberation of your soul from a certain plane of consciousness
These tests he passed in the name of his love for Mother, Mother symbolized as Eve--I-Eva--Mother in the universal sense, Mother as a flame in his heart, Mother as the Word incarnate. It was indeed on behalf of one Eve and of many that the Lord came to face the very serpent of the Garden, and he faced that serpent again in the garden of Gethsemane.
And therefore to save that which was lost from the beginning unto the ending his cosmic purpose from out the Great Central Sun was to defeat the logic of the Fallen One, to set the example that you might understand this, beloved: that if the Fallen One may catch you in any of these lies or the ramifications thereof, if you may be tempted by devil reasoning, by human logic to stray from the one-pointedness of your path you will find that to consent to the statements of the fallen ones, to agree with them in their materialism will result for you in another round in entanglement with that state of consciousness....
I point this out to you so that you may realize that each victory is a liberation of your soul from a certain plane of consciousness in the lowlands of life. You cannot mount the mount of God's love, you cannot climb step by step the highest mountain of God's holiness unless with each step you have overcome the pull of Earth--the gravity, the thinning of the air and all of the challenges that are there. But most of all you must overcome planes of the human consciousness, planes of self-limitation, binding laws of mortality....
All the more why those betrayers--even of the Mother and my heart, even of the Messengers and the Teaching--take this hour and opportunity to attempt to strike a blow against the expansion that has become a mighty release of light, even a fireworks in spring as the aurora borealis does sing and the sky of the north awaits the coming of the children of the Sun. -Archeia Mary: 4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
...................................................... "Enemy of the State" movie (1998) in full length!
And therefore to save that which was lost from the beginning unto the ending his cosmic purpose from out the Great Central Sun was to defeat the logic of the Fallen One, to set the example that you might understand this, beloved: that if the Fallen One may catch you in any of these lies or the ramifications thereof, if you may be tempted by devil reasoning, by human logic to stray from the one-pointedness of your path you will find that to consent to the statements of the fallen ones, to agree with them in their materialism will result for you in another round in entanglement with that state of consciousness....
I point this out to you so that you may realize that each victory is a liberation of your soul from a certain plane of consciousness in the lowlands of life. You cannot mount the mount of God's love, you cannot climb step by step the highest mountain of God's holiness unless with each step you have overcome the pull of Earth--the gravity, the thinning of the air and all of the challenges that are there. But most of all you must overcome planes of the human consciousness, planes of self-limitation, binding laws of mortality....
All the more why those betrayers--even of the Mother and my heart, even of the Messengers and the Teaching--take this hour and opportunity to attempt to strike a blow against the expansion that has become a mighty release of light, even a fireworks in spring as the aurora borealis does sing and the sky of the north awaits the coming of the children of the Sun. -Archeia Mary: 4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
...................................................... "Enemy of the State" movie (1998) in full length!
Therefore in looking upon those who are apparently being manipulated by sinister strategies and forces and
180 . In the schools of the future the ways of spiritual growth will be taught by those who have gained full ascent. My chosen ones will bring my simple Word of what must be rendered to the great nation. And personal love, national love and universal love will offer praise and sacrifice to the Creator of Love. We send our help and blessing. -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1924
III, vi, 9. There is an old saying - "Be cautious of the crowd. " But there is another, equally old - "The crowd must be taught to work in Spirit." -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
104. There must be a cooperative, and the pupils must also be taught such cooperation. 166. The true fire-blossom is actual selflessness, however it must not only be evident in actions but must live in the consciousness. -Morya: Community 1926
85. Freedom is valuable for the guarding of personality, for the individualization of the attracted energies. But it is freedom, exactly, that becomes the most perverted conception . Life becomes filled with tyranny and slavery instead of freedom--precisely the qualities that exclude cooperation and respect for personality; -Morya: Heart 1932
Therefore in looking upon those who are apparently being manipulated by sinister strategies and forces [such as the representatives of this government who are simply moving as one mass as a herd of lemmings to their own self-destruction] could you not consider that they [might be] under a ray of the fallen ones? and due to the absence of the light [in their psyche] and their non-commitment to the light they be vulnerable to forces of evil far superior [in techniques of mind and genetic engineering and in their use of the black arts] to the levels [to which they themselves have attained in] their own involvements in the false hierarchy?
Inasmuch then as they are not keepers of the flame and therefore did not receive this increment of light [released at Shasta freedom 1975 conference from the Solar Logoi conveyed through the crown chakra in consonance to the Christ Self as a rod of illumination, an initiation given once in 10000 years], can you not realize that that which seems so obvious [to you who do have the rod of illumination] as the logic of the [global] situation is not theirs simply because not only do they not have the electrode of the Solar Logoi but they do not have an allegiance to the Mind of God? And [can you not realize that] therefore there is an attrition of the intellect of the Universal Mind which they once had but at this time no longer have a nucleus to retain? -Great Divine Director: 7-4-1988 at RTR, Montana, see
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
And from out the blessed body and blood--the light of Alpha and Omega--I give birth to a new soul, to worlds
Beloved ones, peace and love are presently evasive to humanity whose continuous generation of turbulence has delayed their perfection both personally and on a planetary scale. When these qualities reign in the heart the beauty of human teamwork in loving cooperation with God will make men their own architects in the golden age.....
You see, a heart is universally needed as a focus through which to channel energy to any body or group effort. This is true from the Great Central Sun down to the centrosome of a cell or the nucleus of an atom. -Kuthumi: Corona Class Lessons, #10
Realize then that there was a determination of Satan to place in Judas' heart the seed of betrayal. Blessed ones, this act of the fallen ones perpetrated against the light bearers must be understood. For you see, it is an implant in the very heart of hearts, in the very seat of consciousness where the conscious mind believes itself to be in full control. Judas perceived the thought of the Devil to be his own--justified it in that insomuch as the Lord would be betrayed by someone it did not matter if he himself would effect--and effectively bring about--that passing....
Therefore it was necessary though he (Jesus) had overcome prior to that incarnation to receive the enemy in the earth itself, to know him for what he was and is, to prove to all his brothers and sisters that you too can receive the mark of "100% perfect" in the challenge to your Godhead. And the challenge the fourth point is also the challenge to the Mother-flame. -Archeia Mary: 4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
You see, a heart is universally needed as a focus through which to channel energy to any body or group effort. This is true from the Great Central Sun down to the centrosome of a cell or the nucleus of an atom. -Kuthumi: Corona Class Lessons, #10
Realize then that there was a determination of Satan to place in Judas' heart the seed of betrayal. Blessed ones, this act of the fallen ones perpetrated against the light bearers must be understood. For you see, it is an implant in the very heart of hearts, in the very seat of consciousness where the conscious mind believes itself to be in full control. Judas perceived the thought of the Devil to be his own--justified it in that insomuch as the Lord would be betrayed by someone it did not matter if he himself would effect--and effectively bring about--that passing....
Therefore it was necessary though he (Jesus) had overcome prior to that incarnation to receive the enemy in the earth itself, to know him for what he was and is, to prove to all his brothers and sisters that you too can receive the mark of "100% perfect" in the challenge to your Godhead. And the challenge the fourth point is also the challenge to the Mother-flame. -Archeia Mary: 4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Each time you accomplish what you are about, your assignments and responsibilities, you are actively increasing the tremendous magnet of the Great White Brotherhood in the earth. This is God-reality. This is the means whereby you become more real day by day until one day you merge with the reality of your God-Presence in the ritual of the ascension.
There is a great magnitude of energy in the magnet of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, and you are a part of that magnet. You are cells and molecules in that magnet. -Daniel Rayborn: 4-14-1985 at RTR, Montana
I, Maitreya, am the holy grail. And from out the blessed body and blood--the light of Alpha and Omega--I give birth to a new soul, to worlds within worlds and to the coming of the sign of Aquarius....
The mystery fulfilled is in the opening of your eye--not to relative good and evil but by and by--to the revelation of the perfect Christ within you. By that perfect Christ, by that perfect light the co-measurement of the real and the unreal is clear. Then undaunted you move through the poisoned vapors of the black magician's lair....
The Mother I seek to ignite within you is the one who in Maitreya is Mother, one-on-one, ready to receive each blessed servant-son as he passes through the great initiation of the crucifixion....Fear not to gaze upon the Eye of God: it is the orifice of your own immaculate vision. Thus it is the key as you wander nation to nation bearing witness as Parsifal who having won the spear, emblem of understanding, emblem of an energy promised to come, went forth to meet every battle of the carnal mind. You will go forth, you will carry the understanding of a spear whose power shall one day be your own. Let God's all-seeing vision be the key to your safe return, for by the very nature of the initiation I must stand back and allow you to prove your strength, your worth, your ability to sustain light and hope and faith and charity....
And remember this: the LORD, He is judge, and you may not discern except by vibration as God discerns vibration....We have gone well beyond the seventy times seven. -Maitreya: 7-14-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Monday, September 7, 2015
Therefore what is the place of great encounters? It is a place where the secrets of God are locked in the atom.
Thus Christianity became a universal religion based on the ambitions of Rome and a Roman emperor. Some saw fit to raise high the banner of persecution to the extreme; when this no longer served their purposes they embraced Christianity and sealed within it the idolatrous cult that has been present ever since. Thus Christianity has descended as a Roman religion, not as a religion of Jesus. Therefore understand that when it suits the powers that be to create a universality of anything you will know it is not for the purpose to which you have decreed but to their own ends....
Word unity today is sponsored by the fallen angels in tremendous numbers that they might see to it that their who are the have-nots are provided for (And the have-nots are defined by the Darjeeling Council as those who have not the light, who are debtors to the cosmos and who only take and do not give.)...
Fear not, for the flowering of your tree is the fragrance of Lemurian gardens. -Morya: 10-14-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Nature is a great challenge. It defies entrance into its heart unless you come with a flaming spirit. In fact beloved ones, the effect of this land upon those who are not ready is a great densification of the human consciousness....They think to dominate others because they have not taken dominion over self. They meddle in the lives of our chelas when they ought to set their own house in order....
Therefore what is the place of great encounters? It is a place where the secrets of God are locked in the atom. It is a place where those who understand the meaning of the solar fire in the heart can accelerate to a greater extent if they have a will to do so than those encumbered by ten million auras interpenetrating and sending ten million different signals (in large cities)....
Well precious hearts, the place of great encounters is the place where you meet the mountain and conquer--else it will conquer you. These are the mountains. Like the rock of Christ one either places himself upon the rock to be broken by Christ, else in the hour of the judgment with the fallen ones cries out to the mountains to "fall upon us"....
We have built our retreats in the Himalayan fastnesses for the very reason that the mountains themselves are for the thinning of the chelas. And therefore you see, each one must find his niche....Each man must know himself and know his place of overcoming.....O blessed ones, just as soon as we pull together the mighty oar of the building we will accommodate more and more. -Morya: 8-25-1982 at RTR, Montana
"Sergius the Builder, 1925" by N. Roerich:
Word unity today is sponsored by the fallen angels in tremendous numbers that they might see to it that their who are the have-nots are provided for (And the have-nots are defined by the Darjeeling Council as those who have not the light, who are debtors to the cosmos and who only take and do not give.)...
Fear not, for the flowering of your tree is the fragrance of Lemurian gardens. -Morya: 10-14-1985 at Camelot, Los Angeles
Nature is a great challenge. It defies entrance into its heart unless you come with a flaming spirit. In fact beloved ones, the effect of this land upon those who are not ready is a great densification of the human consciousness....They think to dominate others because they have not taken dominion over self. They meddle in the lives of our chelas when they ought to set their own house in order....
Therefore what is the place of great encounters? It is a place where the secrets of God are locked in the atom. It is a place where those who understand the meaning of the solar fire in the heart can accelerate to a greater extent if they have a will to do so than those encumbered by ten million auras interpenetrating and sending ten million different signals (in large cities)....
Well precious hearts, the place of great encounters is the place where you meet the mountain and conquer--else it will conquer you. These are the mountains. Like the rock of Christ one either places himself upon the rock to be broken by Christ, else in the hour of the judgment with the fallen ones cries out to the mountains to "fall upon us"....
We have built our retreats in the Himalayan fastnesses for the very reason that the mountains themselves are for the thinning of the chelas. And therefore you see, each one must find his niche....Each man must know himself and know his place of overcoming.....O blessed ones, just as soon as we pull together the mighty oar of the building we will accommodate more and more. -Morya: 8-25-1982 at RTR, Montana
"Sergius the Builder, 1925" by N. Roerich:
Sunday, September 6, 2015
This is the freedom flame that liberates first and foremost the Word incarnate
(to Montessori International and Summit University students convened) There is only one person in the universe who can fail; it is you. There is only one person in the universe who can become the Christ; it is you.
(to Summit University students convened)
I AM that victory that binds the consciousness that would preempt the flame and the dictation and the release and the light of God! I AM the binding of that consciousness that has sought to control the Messenger of God for aeons upon aeons! I AM the rolling back and the overflowing by the fire of white in the very heart of the Messenger of all that encroaches upon that Office and will not allow it to therefore perform the work of the age! This is the freedom flame that liberates first and foremost the Word incarnate and the One Sent, that liberates the ascended masters to speak with their own chelas, that liberates their chelas to speak with them....
The spiritual foundation and the source of our movement is established in the Inner Retreat through the heart of Gautama Buddha. -Serapis Bey: 6-20-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
364. Following to the letter is dangerous; but is the consciousness ready to understand that creativeness has ever-expanding possibilities? -Morya: Agni Yoga 1929
Therefore let us bind the beast--the money beast whose number is 666 -Mother Mary: 5-15-1983 at Camelot via Messenger ECP
The Overcoming of Fear through Decrees by Lord Maitreya, 1965, dictated to Mark Prophet
The statement "Perfect love casts out fear" is true because it can be proven scientifically in demonstration of cosmic law....
Now most of you are familiar with the construction of a simple electromagnet. You know that an iron core is wrapped with coils of wire through which a current is passed....
It must be recognized that each time man's consciousness revolves the idea of apprehension, fear as an unknown quantity is thereby strengthened. For the magnetism of fear is directly related to the number of times that the idea of fear is wrapped around the core of being, just as each winding of the coil around the core of the electromagnet increases the number of turns through which the electric current then passes, thereby strengthening the power of the magnet
-Maitreya see:
The light which comes from each one's own lifestream--that glorious I AM Presence and the higher mental body, the light from the physical sun and the Great Central Sun, the light from the ascended masters and cosmic beings who minister to the people of Earth, the light from the seven Mighty Elohim who built the Earth, the light from the powers of nature and the forces of the elements upon the Earth and within it--only that light is the victory of Life! Only that light is authority on this planet!
-Mighty Victory: 12-25-1944 at Chicago via Messenger of the Brotherhood Edna Ballard
I think what we have with "666" is repetition/habit, following to the letter, and incompleteness/inconsistency to the wholeness/oneness. And this is why it is so common in mankind who have yet to learn the lessons of love.
The lessons of love include: love of others, as in due process of the law; love of the sages and saints, as in conserving holy orders; and love of one's own core reality, as in self-monitoring/self-correction. -r, mt. shasta
Saturday, September 5, 2015
do not be so quick to conclude that there will not be new and magnificent glories unveiled
And just because you think you have understood what is happening through this activity or that you know what are the Teachings, do not be so quick to conclude that there will not be new and magnificent glories unveiled--events which transcend all past events and the eventualities of karma being consumed, as you are required to give an extraordinary offering of self and of mercy to life.....
There are many souls to be contacted whom I contact now through the heart of the Mother. There is a mighty work of the ages to be performed, and there is a God to be born within you. Let us go to the Royal Teton!--and to the Royal Teton Ranch. Let us be there together. Let us aspire! Let us labor, let us love....Come with me; forget me not. -I AM Alpha [in the great silence]: 9-6-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles

-Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (Andrew Zarivny photo)
There are many souls to be contacted whom I contact now through the heart of the Mother. There is a mighty work of the ages to be performed, and there is a God to be born within you. Let us go to the Royal Teton!--and to the Royal Teton Ranch. Let us be there together. Let us aspire! Let us labor, let us love....Come with me; forget me not. -I AM Alpha [in the great silence]: 9-6-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles
12 years ago at Summit Lighthouse
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 7:02 PM
Subject: Petition from Moscow KOF
Petition of Keepers of the Flame in Moscow Study Group to Presidents,
Board of Directors and Council of Elders of the Summit Lighthouse and
Church Universal and Triumphant
We, the Keepers of the Flame in the Moscow Study Group express our protest against
the removal of the President and four members of the Moscow Study Group s Board:
Ketino Lutidze, Nina Korneeva, Margarita Djakina, Sergey Starikov and Stuart Montgomerie.
We protest against the succession of unproven and unfounded accusations against them
that followed their removal. We consider that these acts have contravened very important
divine principles of our organization freedom, openness, justice and democracy. We
who are the majority of Keepers of the Flame in Moscow, raise our voices to defend these
people and their work for our group and for the Masters.
We know these people well. We have seen the excellent fruits of their labors and consider
that the accusations against them are lies. In their communications to Russian Keepers
of the Flame, the Church leadership has poured out a flow of lie and calumny against our Board.
We do not want all that was built in Russia for many years by the hand of God,
to be destroyed. And we will hold fast to what we have received, we will protect and defend it,
including the Board of our group.
We will actively continue to fulfill our spiritual activities in our group!
We apply to the leadership of the Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant
and ask that you repair the mistakes, conduct an impartial investigation and reestablish
the Board of the Moscow Study Group in their positions.
October 4, 2003
The undersigned Moscow Study Group members: (deleted)
October 16, 2003
Dear Ketino, Margarita, Nina, Sergey, and Stuart,
This is to respond to your request for a meeting with the board of directors.
To review, the team from Montana came to Moscow to talk informally with you about concerns, both ours and yours. The opportunity to discuss concerns, however, was cut off by one person’s behavior at the meeting, and the support of that behavior by four other board members. Due to the extraordinary nature of the behavior and the unwillingness to discuss the serious issues being raised, an assessment was made that immediate action was required to protect the interests of the organization and its members. Management from Montana then made an operational decision to remove five members of the board. This decision was endorsed by the Board of Directors....
We are sending this letter to our Summit University Press Representative in Moscow, Benuard Krupnik, to translate into Russian and email to each of you directly both in Russian and in English. If individuals would like to respond, you are welcome to do so by email or telephone.
That was 12 years ago. Since then the RTR staff got rid of due process of the law formally from this organization, dumped some Elders calling for due process, replaced Presidents Drake and Gordon with McBride, and in March 2011 set up David Drye as "Spiritual Director", among their other moves. -R, Mt. Shasta, CA Life goes on.
Friday, September 4, 2015
eightfold way mandala
This is why Zoroastrianism and Mighty Zarathustra are placed on the eighth ray chakra, the secret chamber of the heart....In order to enter there you must first be able to stand in the 12-petaled heart chakra. -Messenger E C Prophet: 7-1-1992 at RTR, Montana
(Guru Ma may have been referring to the eightfold way mandala: in the northeast is placed Zoroastrianism--the quality is right concentration, the tone is ruby. In the east is placed Christianity--the quality is right views, the tone pink. In the north is placed Hinduism--the quality is right mindfulness, the tone yellow. In the southeast direction of the eightfold mandala of world religions (on the wheel of the eightfold path) is placed Taoism--the quality is right aspiration/right desire, the tone violet. At south is Islam--the quality is right livelihood, the tone purple & gold. At southwest is Judaism--the quality is right effort, the tone green. At west is Confucianism--the quality is right speech, the tone blue. At northwest is Buddhism--the quality is right action, the tone white. -R, Mt. Shasta)
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