Thursday, March 16, 2023
to deliver them from toils of the spoilers and those who would subvert the universe
1) Information which I released to the Goddess of Liberty’s Freedom Class in Washington through beloved God Meru alerted many of the students to the existence of this plight, but I wish to repeat my admonishment here for all in the field in order to add the momentum of their loving attention to the needs of the hour. I prefer not to elaborate on this matter except to inform the students that a monstrous plot has already been hatched in Peking which is, of all dangers that have ever threatened mankind, the most insidious. Remember that world science has made possible the extending of destruction to far corners of the globe, and evil men bent on world domination through subversion of Self-dignity still live on Earth in positions of temporal power. The talks presently being held in Moscow are an outcropping of the infamous plot I refer to, and mankind would do well to heed my release by renewing their consecration as never before in the name of world mercy!
The secret service and all branches concerned with intelligence and safeguarding the free way of life would do well to take renewed interest in internal affairs in China and its role as a world power. Greater protective measures than have ever been taken before are in order and I hope for the sake of humanity that these will be called for diligently by every student until tangible evidence of their manifestation is demonstrated.
I am naturally interested in all peoples of the world, for all belong to the one sheepfold, but I am certain that racial and religious conflicts are not yet terminated. This has not occurred in part because there is yet too little religion — not because there is too much. Most of the world’s religions are wholly constructive and, if carried to the ultimate, the spirituality induced by their teachings would be found great enough to meet the needs of the hour and mankind would have no difficulty in approaching all the world’s problems with calmness and understanding.
-Kuan Yin, Pearls of Wisdom 6:28
2) When men behold God in all things and actually pass through the structure of form to contact the great spiritual light that pulsates in ethers behind form their joy begins to expand toward its fulness. The transcendental nature of God means that man the manifestation will never attain to realization of the Infinite and remain as man. The symbol of the serpent swallowing his tail, known to the ancients, indicates the cyclic nature of the universe and transcendentalism of being. It is a great pity then that mortal men do not recognize the power of faith to bear them up out of all depressive states and to obtain for them that regeneration of being which, buoyed up in cosmic understanding, becomes a mighty fount of divine knowledge, able to deliver them from the toils of the spoilers and those who would subvert the universe to their own purposes (simply because they do not understand it or because they have entered into a state of rebellion against the very Laws of God which do function in absolute fairness to all).
Now in the former case error is entered into in ignorance. Of these Jesus said “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). But those who revel while still knowing the Laws of God—though partially ignorant it is true—are known as black magicians or tools thereof. Some teachings under the guise of goodness would deny the existence of such as these, stating that positive qualities must be emphasized rather than negation. How well the archangels are aware of this lie of human creation, but we also know that in the realm of human domination “all is not well” and the causes and cores of mankind’s lack of well-being are known to us. I am certain that the students of light do not wish to become ostriches with their heads plunged into the sand but would rather do combat (as do we) with error in all of its many forms in order to clear the way for light of God to expand in every heart. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 7:39
3) The trends of human life have moved increasingly toward a gregariousness reminiscent of the days of ancient Babylon. These trends are understandable, when viewed as by-products of the scientific achievements of the age. For instance, advanced methods of communication have been employed to spread the message around the world that has involved men in a false sense of social reform as though the power of God himself were inadequate to bring the kingdom of God into manifestation upon earth.
Let past history speak, then, of the defections that have occurred in the true religion brought forth by the Lord Christ two thousand years ago. Because of the enlightenment which his ministry brought to the masses of the people, it became necessary, on numerous occasions, for the dark powers to invade the Church in order to remove and color vital points of doctrine upon which hinged the very survival of the nations; cloaked in righteousness, they came forth to set up the triggers of unrighteousness that would later affect millions.
Arming themselves with weapons to exploit every weakness in human nature, they took advantage of man’s trusting nature to the fullest. The treachery of dark ones is not only reprehensible but it is also inconceivable to the mind of the average individual. Because of the light of theSun that shines upon the just and the unjust and the hope that springs forth eternal in the human breast, we often find men and women to be naive when it comes to assessing the character of the enemies of righteousness. While they attribute a nonexistent virtue to those who are charged with subverting the entire human race they are willing to attribute the darkest deeds to those who are sworn to universal service in God’s name.
Such upside-down tendencies found in human nature have not only made people susceptible to the darkness that opaques progress in this age, but also they have permitted science free rein even to the point of shaping the moral code, and truth is denied access to the council chambers of the gods of this world. If we did not see the divine intent from inner levels and the large number of souls whose hearts are like glistening pearls, hopefully radiating the banner of the new age, we might stand aghast at the monstrous activities of dark ones and their methods of involving the earnest and sincere in their activities of worldly purpose.
Surely heaven has not wished upon men aught but the abundant life. Surely in purveying a gospel of social perfection men have not bequeathed happiness or eternal assurance to any; for the world reeks with turmoil both distant and near, and fear clouds many an honest heart. Deep within their hearts men and women know that something is wrong with the state of mortal life, that although God may be in His heaven, the world herself is not right.
The long procession of human history follows a line marked by swordplay, militarism and vicious maneuvering. Yet the honest of heart know that the time has not yet come, the juxtapositions of forces being what they are, that police forces and armies can be abolished, nor can national sovereignty be superseded by a world federation when all nations have not sworn to uphold freedom. We avow that there is a slip ‘twixt the cup and lip, that injustices creep among the children of men everywhere; but no nation has a premium on injustice nor can anyone keep the peace without paying an honorable price. In heaven’s name, freedom is freedom only so long as men are vigilant; but bondage is inevitable when the powers that enslave the human mind and person go unchallenged. -Saint Germain, Pearl 12:18
4) Your own Holy Christ Self and your beloved God Presence are eager to have you become the master of your own world that you might be able to see just what is acting there when vicious forces, whether of your own or of another’s creation, seek to subvert the levels of spiritually progressive happiness that you desire to manifest.
The course of the highest love as it meanders through the personal labyrinth where self-identification has created its own canyon walls is naturally restrained to conform to the confinements of the self. Yet it must be borne in mind that the highest power is the highest power, the highest love is the highest love and it is able to overflow the banks of self-imposed limitation and to inundate the soul with the purifying energies of the Holy Spirit.
The tendency of people to identify with the lowest common denominator of human behavioral patterns, whether their own worst deeds or another’s, is contrary to divine principle. Therefore to dare and to do must still be the fervent cry of the man of the Spirit who would advance over all obstacles including his own self-woven shrouds of negation. Once and for all the soul cries out “I want to be free!” But with each new challenge it seems to be confronted with an impenetrable door whose mysterious face will not yield to the hungry and thirsty traveler. -Lanto, P earls of Wisdom 12:35
5) In the macrocosmic-microcosmic interchange, in the great flow of life, of delight, of boundless joy, man senses the unity of all that lives; and he recognizes that his role as a receiver of benefits from the universe entails the necessary conveyance of benefits from his own creative consciousness back into the universe. There is joy in the construction of the temple of life, for templed order and templed service create in the individual a sense of building when all around him there is a tearing down of values, morals and faith. But in the temple he finds his constructive role midst the roles of destructivity men have elected for themselves.
Many say “Let us destruct that we may construct.” Let them remember that before they can construct wisely and rightly all destructive tendencies must be removed from their consciousness; for creative38 law9 as2 it11 expands29 the15 reality36 of12 God17 into22 the15 framework47 of12 natural24 order33 automatically45 wipes27 out11 their33 imperfect51 images27 (=511=7 x nature framework73)
There is no need to hold in consciousness a destructive sense or even a sense of condemnation. Beloved Jesus said “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.” The secret of the Tree of Life is to be found, but the seeker must first surrender his personal sense, his sense of separation from God and from life so that universal consciousness can flow into him. Thus the breath of the Great Alchemist shall become his own.
It is not then the personal “I” that doeth the work, but the Father in me that worketh hitherto, and I work. The Father that worketh hitherto is the creative effort of the universe that enhances the vision of life’s perfection for an onward-moving humanity. The “I” that works is the conscious individuality yoked with the I AM Presence of universal reality. It is the son working with the All-Father to produce in and for every man the summation of the glory we knew together before the world was.
If imperfect manifestations defraud the functions of cosmic law, then let it also be remembered that Spirit enhances the quality of life. Through the beautiful bonus of man’s acceptance of reality and the flow of life he becomes wholly identified with the formless Spirit. He is then able in form manifestation to create a relative perfection as Above, so below.
As the great Master admonished his disciples, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect,” so we would disabuse the minds of would-be alchemists of the idea that form cannot be perfected within a relative framework.
While we acknowledge that according to the patterns of evolution forms and ideas do transcend themselves in life’s great cosmic ongoing, we also see that within a transcendental universe scientists have been able to perfect their methods and inventions through historical epochs. Thus the dispensations of science have been ordained in the hopes that in relieving mankind of their drudgery, they would use their free time and energy to develop Christ consciousness that overshadows and transcends mortal mind and being of man.
The Great White Brotherhood is aware of how destructive trends in music and art can exert enormous influence on young minds. Many of the youth of today have no standard by which to judge that which is fed to them simply because from early years they have been enmeshed in a web of darkness which seems to them to be a creation of light.
It becomes difficult then to extend the wings of the Spirit to these young souls, for human intellect inciting their rebellious egos has convinced them that free-form and absence of all restrictions is the means through which they will achieve self-realization.
Nothing could be further from the truth, for self-discipline is the requirement of the hour. But these untamed souls would not surrender their human will for anything or anyone, and so it is easy for the prince of darkness to find disciples from among those who have been subverted from their earliest years.
The highest alchemy is precipitation of Christ consciousness, and all to whom the breath of life has been given have a solemn obligation to pass on precepts of holy wisdom before passing the torch of responsibility to the next generation. -Saint Germain, Pearl 13:16
6) Beloved hearts, this call will set in motion the decrees of the Lords of Karma for the result in the fullness of time of the removal of these fallen ones from this system of worlds as they will stand judgment before the Four and Twenty Elders at the Court of Sacred Fire. You have a right to bring to court in heaven as on earth those who have wronged your lifestream, those who have been engaged in practices of injustice by the usurpation of your light, your identity, your supply, your energy. And so, beloved ones, all is submitted to the will of God, and God is the eternal judge; but by your fiat you therefore compel those who trample upon your blessed consciousness to give accounting of their works which are done in darkness to subvert the union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Now I desire with the deep desiring of my heart to seal you each one, and therefore as I touch your forehead I will also touch the forehead of your twin flame. And in some cases the twinflame is a cosmic being of light who hovers above you sustaining the polarity and the flow of contact; in other cases the babe in arm, the soul evolving, and a few whose twinflames are yet lost in the ways of death and darkness. -Lady Venus, Pearl 21:25
7) And therefore the vigil is twofold—like a two-edged sword. And you will realize that if you elect to accept this calling, you will be reinforced by Great Teams of Conquerors who have heard the prayers of the righteous concerning war, nuclear war and the subversion of entire nations by fallen ones.
Those who have prayed concerning cataclysm and concerning the coming of the kingdom of God upon Earth, however fragmented their understanding—their hearts have longed for deliverance and have prayed long for that very salvation through the blessed heart of Mary. And therefore we see the necessity of certain individuals who have the enlightenment to realize that when they are together—such as you are—as a company of light, as oneness heart-to-heart there is far more that can be gained than when you are separated in time and space and therefore even prevented from merging with one another by the deadly manifestations of imperfections. -Oromasis and Diana, Pearl 24:49
8) Beloved ones, the programming of the people of this planet, the programming of Earth is not only to suppress the individual cognition by wisdom’s flame of the heart of the perception that I AM Christ, but it is to monitor all lifewaves and to discover who is Melchizedek as soon as he should appear—who is Abraham, who is the one who will upset the applecart of their entire Edenic-mirage of temptation and betrayal and subversion of all branches of human divine learning.
Beloved ones, I went from the crèche carrying in my heart the great burnishment of the soul who was and is and shall be forevermore the One Sent as the Christ light of the ages. Blessed hearts, so I bore it to the land whence I had come. And so I bore it in subsequent incarnations some Christian and some not. But in each lifetime, though perceiving him as Moslem or Hindu or Buddhist or as Christian, I would yet have the veil bestowed upon me of those traditions, of the limitations to that Christhood which would be attempted to be imposed upon me by the sovereigns and priests and orders of the day who would say “This you may believe of him, this you may not believe. This is correct, this is incorrect.”
-Morya, Pearl 28:51
9) The fallen ones who went out in defiance from the very throne of Alpha and Omega came to the Earth. They gave to the children of men the secrets of God, whereby the children of men began to practice their manipulations and their sorceries on elemental life, their imprisonment of elemental life and their creations, horrendous creations that were a desecration of God.
You see, in their vengeance against God, the fallen ones said “We will whisper the mysteries into the ears of mortals and mortals will then abuse the mysteries. They will sin against God and then they will bear the karma of that sin”-- always calculating to have another bear the burden of their disobedience. And so the children of men gathered in their covens, in their rituals in imitation of the great solar rings and the great rituals of mighty seraphim.
Therefore God withdrew from the Earth and I withdrew from Eden and from giving the mysteries lest they be passed on to those who had not commitment of the inner flame. But the pulsation and transfer of the mind of God have never been withdrawn from the son and daughter of God. It has been spoken in a whisper in the secret chamber of the heart, and only souls who entered that secret chamber in meditation received the holy oil of initiation and of inner teaching.
The fallen ones sought to subvert the very mystery of creation itself by their insubordination, but God knew from the beginning that He had not entrusted His ultimate secrets unto those who might yet turn against the light. Thus you come to understand why the mysteries we deliver are kernels of light that must be warmed by an accelerated devotion to the threefold flame so that the shell of the kernel might be broken and the soul eat of the meat of the Word contained within. -Lord Maitreya, Pearl 43:38
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