Thursday, March 16, 2023
even to subvert the morality of self-honesty
1) I make a plea then this day for the great blessings of pure truth. The world is filled with subtlety and deceit and often the consciousness of man crawls upon its belly and by sinuous and devious ways seeks even to subvert the morality of self-honesty and self-appraisal. None should search themselves for the purpose of condemnation, but all should be willing to acknowledge streaks of discord that have discolored their worlds.
You can be ever mindful of the oft-told master tale concerning the young disciple who was admonished on the subject of the coming into his mind of wrong thoughts and his dwelling upon them. His teacher counseled him in these words: “You cannot always prevent a bird from alighting upon your head, but you need not let him build a nest in your hair.”
The great tragedy of life when it is carelessly lived is that men are prone to accept a subtle statement calculated to spread doubt, discord or negative reflection upon another. Thus do untruths, calumny and viciousness spread among men and nations, disturbing the balance of harmony and causing many sleepless nights. -Pallas Athena, Pearls of Wisdom 9:25
2) Saint Paul referred to those who become hypercritical of individuals and organizations dedicated to the beautiful purposes of God, saying “There are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake.” Let the students of light understand then that unfortunate though it may be there are those who move among the brethren professing that they come in the name of God who participate in evil rituals of gossip and slander and thereby tie themselves at inner levels to forces not of the light. A word of explanation is due from our level to those sincere students who desire to know the truth about the deceivers.
It was recorded by John in the Book of Revelation, “The accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night.” This passage refers to those fallen angels who were cast out of heaven and, for reasons best known to the Lords of Karma, were sent into embodiment to balance their karma among the very ones upon Earth they had sought to overcome from their astral vantage. “Clouds they are without water,” noted Saint Jude, “wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.” The presence of individuals upon the planetary body who espouse the cause of darkness should therefore come as no surprise to students of light. Let them be wary then of such as these; and let them see to it that they never underestimate the evil intent of these wolves in sheep’s clothing! -Divine Director, Pearl 14:35
3) We saw then in the last days of Atlantis how the children of light, the very cream of that civilization, were drawn off as by the Pied Piper of Hamelin into a byway and how they too had their drugs, which they have brought back in this culture in these days of Earth. And we see how they have also returned with their false teachings which even after the Flood, spread to India and to the East, contaminating the very essence of the light that had come down from Lemuria as the tradition of the ancient ones and the Ancient of Days. Thus in the East and West there is an overlay and a residue of those fallen ones who came to subvert the souls of light.
Now in the turning of the cycles over these twelve thousand years after line upon line of the secrets of God have been measured in the great pyramid of life, we who were present upon Atlantis survey again—from inner retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, from the tending of the altar and fire upon the altar—we survey the land and scene and world, and we see how similar are these last days and how they are prophetic of a confrontation of light and darkness which must ultimately come when mankind insist upon misusing sacred fires. And that which is done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops. And that practice of meditation which has been taught to the children of light which is not in keeping with the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood, it shall be exposed.
-Rose of Light, Pearl 58:15, Tvia Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on February 20, 1977 in Pasadena
.......................................................4) Thus I unveil to you the real mission of the Savior so truly stated by the apostles for the redemption of twinflames who took up the path of the Tree of Life in the ancient mystery school and were turned aside by the cunning of serpent philosophy, which was the philosophy of fallen angels who were24 determined52 to8 subvert26 the15 light29 [of12 twinflames41] and10 misdirect46 the15 great24 gift24 of12 God17 (=355=5 x cunning serpent71) [to all generations who would come after them].
The blame of course is not upon those two (Adam, Eve) or any in particular, for we ascribe no blame but only the new cycle of opportunity once again to take up the flame of Alpha and Omega, twinflames of the One. Nary a soul gathered here [nor any] on Earth this day has not in some form, mostly unbeknownst to him, succumbed to some subtlety of the lie of Serpent. Thus all are in the process of either going forth from the ancient mystery school or returning thereto.
Which direction are you walking in, beloved? In this hour of course you have come to my heart. And I take the opportunity by the lodestone of my heart to realign you with the polestar of your own being and thus nevermore to go out in fancy or fantasy of those dark ones with their histrionics and madness and flattery and pleasantries and endless chatter. -Lord Maitreya, Pearl 27:47a
5)there is a terrific turmoil and a tumult. There is therefore war in this plane of the mind.
Therefore let all true sons of light heed my warning: this is the arousing of the serpent, even the sleeping serpent who has long been left in the mental plane to subvert youth who remain subverted throughout a lifetime for want of the true Shepherd.
See then the purpose of the Shepherd’s crook. It is to draw up the light from the base unto the crown, to draw it inward into the inner mind and to seal the third eye. Thus by the sealing of the Christ there is within that spinal altar the power of God.
Take heed, ye legions of the Cosmic Christ! For by his leave I summon you. And in the name of Archangel Michael we do descend to every layer of perversion of the mind of God.
Let therefore the trumpets blow! O seven angels, let the trumpets blow! For there is a suffusing light in these chakras and Earth has come to the hour when the trumpet judgments must descend not only to the level of the mental plane but to the seat-of-the-soul chakra, which is nevertheless governed therefore by the air and mind of God, of Holy Spirit. Beloved of the living Word, let sacred fire know the response. -Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 30:40
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6) Beloved of my heart, therefore they22 rest17 in14 mediocrity58 (=111). And they are lulled to sleep by gospel songs when people are dying and children are violated and the minds of the youth are not crystal clear and an entire nation, from its military complex to advanced technology to every system is compromised by the use of drugs and alcohol and clouding of minds with nicotine.
Are15 these21 such15 old13 subjects?18 (=72) And do you characterize me and my Messenger now as being the oldtime Christian’s stumping? Well, I tell you, beloved hearts, these things may be old but7 they22 have18 never28 been17 finished47=139; 139+72
+111=322; they22 have18 never28 been17 put12 to8 the15 torch28=
148; 148+322 (=470=10 x finished47)
And so it continues, and people preach and sing of the coming kingdom and my descent. Wherefore have they prepared me room, beloved?
You16 can9 no11 longer35 rest17 easy14, for21 I9 come18 to8 disturb30 you16 this20 day!12 (=236=4 x supercilious59) I come in the very midst of your celebration and I say: your cup of joy may be full—now I give to you my cup of sorrow. For I am indeed sorrowful in this hour at the miscarriage of my message and [that there are] so few who have the courage or even slightest desire to challenge the entire momentum of world ignorance as to the reason for my coming.
Beloved, I will press in upon you. I will come after you! I will not leave you alone until you tarry in my heart and become that instrument for me who is sharper than the two-edged sword and incisive and will not fear to become that fool for Christ—will not fear to go forth and give life and live to make men truly free from all brainwashing and burdens that are upon them by a system that is the same as it was on Atlantis and Lemuria in the last days, the same as it was in Rome. -Jesus Christ, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, March 30, 1986 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 29:43
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