Thursday, March 16, 2023
to anoint one and some among you with the light of Buddha and my path
Unto the light of my Lord Sanat Kumara who would instruct us in the person of Brahma, I AM come—now manifest as devotee of his flame in the person of the Son. Thus he the Father, I the Son come in this hour of visitation to anoint one and some among you with the light of Buddha and my path.
Thus you have heard the reading of the successive levels of responsibility that are required of those who are the heir to the throne of grace. Thus on the path of Christhood one must of necessity choose then to enter into the heirship of God and thus assume many responsibilities in life. Why, the very sign of the rulership of kingdoms is the sign of the one becoming Buddha.
Shirk not then the hour of thy responsibility to be the high steward as I was. And realize that it is given to those to rule who have raised up the threefold flame of Shamballa. Shamballa is born in you because you bear the Banner of Shamballa through the highways of East and West.
Look now far and wide! Look to the four quarters of the Earth! Look to the call of the Lord for leaders in the low and high places of men. Without the threefold flame of Christed one they do not arrive at the mark. They do not come to their own heart! They have no standard whereby the course of civilization might continue mounting by upward spiral of golden light.
Blessed hearts, for every empty throne where the leaderless masses move to and fro, as though by waves of the sea, there is one who has said: “I will not assume the responsibility of the Christ nor the Buddha-to-be. I will go my way. I will live my life as I see fit. I will not respond to the call of the Cosmic Virgin or the Mother to be that victory where I AM—the victory of love. But I will yet wait another day. I will yet wait until the coming of May.”
But, precious hearts, you may find, as others have found, that the Buddha does not wait when impelled by the flower of the heart.
I say, let the flower unfold! Let thy people know that someone is home in the very home of light to give comfort, wisdom, guidance, passageway through trial—by law, by virtue, by good fruit. For every trial there must be a shepherd with a shepherd’s crook raising high the light of purity and crystal ray.
Be thou the one anointed, O Christ of all! Anoint the soul to prepare as bride. For the Living One, Brahma, is come!—my Lord, Sanat Kumara. Do you see his face in the face of your own beloved I AM Presence? Blessed heart, he is the one who does embody the light of the great geyond of the I AM that is I AM.
When you so love that mighty Presence as though your heart would fairly burst know that I have come to be the mediator of hearts and that the Magnet of the Central Sun is formed by thy own heartfire. Thou below with God above and I in the center of this Buddhic flow—thus know the truest love of thy heart found in the beloved Presence.
This beloved Presence can come to Earth in the person of the One Sent. Believest thou this?—that Lord Maitreya can anoint, that souls of light may bear the robes of Christhood, that you might be to others one anointed of the fires of Brahma, of Vishnu or of Shiva or the blessed Mother.
This is Wesak when I come exhibiting to all disciples of the Eightfold Path who have understood truly the Four Noble Truths. This is the hour of my coming when we enter the sphere of light and all things—past, present and future—become the hallowed radiance of thy heart if thou wilt allow it.
The first and the last Buddhas of this court—Godfre and Lanello—here in the United States of this America are messengers of the Eightfold Path and how it is to be lived with the responsibility of the high steward of the path of Christhood unto all pilgrims of sacred fire.
Note well the lifetimes of these messengers of Brahma, of Sanat Kumara. Note well their conquering! Note well their building! For we go to the focus of Shamballa. We go to the Inner Retreat. We go with bodhisattvas and wise virgins bearing Mother-light. We go with those who understand the building of the nucleus of a civilization yet to be God-mastery of the Lord Christ.
O thou Universal Christ, spread out as a canopy covering over souls afire with love!
O Christed ones, let the mastery of the God-flame be the rebuke to every foul odor emanating from untransmuted desire that does beget suffering! Let us extinguish inordinate desire, even the inordinate desire to be free from suffering. For suffering for a little while for Christ’s sake is the burning of stubble of residual desire.
Realize then that I speak to you as I would speak in this hour of your responsibility to develop out of threefold flame of Christ and Buddha virtues for the path—sacred labor, soul refinement, acceleration of the handiwork of God, capability in just stewardship—all the while remembering what is the correct inner response to light of Mother, to Guru, to light of Mother as that Mother-light is the balance in far-off worlds even in the Pleiades, of the sevenfold path of the raising up of the Buddha within you.
Note the great fear and trembling that comes upon the one who is greeted for the very first time by Brahma, Sanat Kumara. The Eternal Youth standing before you, beloved, may come in guise not recognized. But yet the fear, the fear of the true disciple is always: can I truly fulfill this calling that is upon me? Can I take the next step? Am I worthy of the love of Maitreya? Can I awaken to the fullness of that which my Lord demands that I might send it into the Earth, into the four quadrants of the Mother and see there born four manifestations of Christhood for the healing of nations?
From Shamballa I cast out a line. It is firm, it is strong. I cast it out that it might be seized by the one who knows that his time is come to be the Buddha in the way! Hesitate not, my beloved. For as it is written, it cannot wait seven years or six or five or four or three or two or one. But I will wait as in the waiting of the seven days of the creation and the recreation of thyself, for the Word of precious, powerful will that says: “I will! I will go forth bearing the Banner of the World Mother and Maitreya. I will go to the Inner Retreat. I will build a City Foursquare. And I will do it in thy name, Lord Gautama. And I will do it by thy flame of Shamballa.”
O thrust thy will as Morya would thrust—and Lanello! O thrust thy will for a holy purpose, precious heart of fire.
Purity’s light be upon thee. And consider also, O beloved, in looking unto the long past as I have looked that each blessed footstep taken in right direction—in a higher direction!—compelling all who follow thee to follow thee again whithersoever thou goest, does impel an entire evolution, its whitefire core, vestal virgins, brides unto the Lamb, graduates of mystery school, bodhisattvas of three-and-thirty levels of devotees, and Brahmins who are Brahmins because they love the Lord Brahma and have internalized the I AM Presence.
All rise higher, mounting this resurrection flame. All rise higher, coming to that place where—through homelessness and prayer and fasting, by exercise of the Word there comes the hour when foul odor, as electronic-belt substance untransmuted, is passed through violet flame. And in the next level, yet even in this life, there is the rulership and reigning and Eightfold Path and quality of flame of desirelessness that contains all God-desire under the twelve initiations of Helios and Vesta.
Blessed hearts, these paths of overcoming that in the past have taken many incarnations are for the election of thy soul, are for the election of thy life and can be realized in years and decades which are before thee as the road rises before thee to the Inner Retreat.
See the turning in the highway of life, each turn a mark of initiation. And as there pass the valleys and hills reaching for Shamballa in the West know that all that is gained must be gained by cosmic flow, by initiation, by Guru, the beloved, by right arm of Padma Sambhava, by right heart of the Buddha-to-be so inclined.
I am grateful for thy love, O blessed one. Thy lovefire heart reaching to my heart is truly the arcing that Maitreya’s mystery school might be again established both within and without. For there are levels we have not taught, initiations not yet brought. There is a cup of wine we would share and the bread of life not yet broken in your midst.
Provide the Buddha with the space
And initiations of the Mother will come—
Will come at thy welcome, at thy heart
As the timeline unfolds.
For the Mother’s heart released to you in the cycles of time
May be received by you in the cycles of space.
And therefore with the Buddha and Mother,
You will earn great grace
For this life and the life to come.
Look now then upon the poetry of life and realize,
Though you follow these twin hearts of Buddha and Mother,
That as you engage your heart,
One moment you also become Mother
That you might adore the Buddha
And in another you become the Buddha
That you might adore the Mother.
For who is worthy to adore the Mother
Save the Buddha of thy heart?
And who—who, pray tell—is worthy to adore the Buddha
Save the Mother of thy heart?
Thus accelerate!
Let tender violets be at her feet.
And let the daisies that bow
Before the coming of Buddha
Proclaim also the winds—
Winds of the Holy Spirit that move
Through the mountain ranges of East and West.
Felt by the God and Goddess Meru and Himalaya and the Great Divine Director, these winds of Holy Spirit are for the drawing home of the homeless ones—homeless not because they have entered a path of renunciation but because the world itself has renounced and denounced them. Let the homeless wanderers of Spirit find home in the heart of the Mother and Buddha!
Dear hearts of living fire, as dewdrops sparkling, glistening on the roses blooming at Camelot—each one of you a tear of the Mother’s eye, a drop in the cosmic ocean of the Buddha, each drop a crystal of diamond, the sparkle that will surely attract the children of the Mother to the heart of the Buddha.
O blessed ones, I AM in the great, great silence of your own God- flame. I come forth from nirvana to speak through your own Christ Self to your soul. To each one of you I give the key to the mystery of love as the path itself unfolds. For the path that mounts to the summit of life must be a path that increases, ever increases with God’s love for one another.
Now understand the mounting to the heart of Brahma.
It is by a fuller, fresher sense of love.
Understand the mounting to the heart of Vishnu
By love’s own secret sacred fire!
O blest wisdom, O love of wisdom, O love of the will of God,
O love of love for love’s very own sake,
Approach now the heart of Manu, Lawgiver, Shiva, Mother.
O mounting path, ascending/descending light,
Enter now the heart of Mother by love.
I announce to you in this hour the mounting initiations given to each one of you. Pursue the path with diligent love. Recognize the need to enter this love in order to rise to higher consciousness of your own Lanello and Godfre and saints of the Most High God. What does keep thee from the unfoldment of the flower of the heart? It is the giving of my love unto the four quadrants of Earth. Let us see it start as the spinning of a new world and a new life!—as spheres coming forth out of whitefire of being.
Blessed ones, I have heard all of the teaching of the Mother to you in these precious hours of her communion with your souls in the week that has passed and the many weeks. And I must say to you that the perfection of thy heart—meeting all of these requirements, understanding all of these teachings must now be by the path of perfect love.
May we not then seal all teaching with that sign of love? And may you not go apart for these symbolical four months, as in the four planes of thy being, to meditate in the four levels of awareness how thou might in the fullness of joy increase the love of the Father, the love of the Son, the love of the Holy Spirit and the love of the one beloved Mother?
Dear hearts, we would push the spiral of this community! We would impel you! Respond to chastening by obedience. Come surefooted, bow and arrow in hand. Reach the mark of the ascended hosts by fiery love!
Know that all things can be resolved in love. And your own self-discipline will not be so hard when you respond with love. Why, you can even reach the heart of a Cosmic Christ, your twinflame, the avatar aborning, the child happy in the fields of life with a new love that is purity’s flower.
I am most concerned with the conditions of life on Earth in this hour of Wesak. I have reviewed them all. I have seen the attempts on the life of a Pope and a President. I have seen hunger and famine. I have seen the brink of war in nations! I have seen chicanery among the governments. And I have seen manipulation of the economies. But I bring you a message of perfect love. For in the striving for perfect love you see there is the healing of world conditions.
Mothers of the flame, now receive Buddhic-light. Fathers of the flame, now receive Mother-light. O blessed child of all of our hearts’ longing to see Earth free, receive the light of thy Father and thy Mother and be thou made whole.
I anchor a light in Kuan Yin’s retreat. I anchor a light in Eriel’s retreat. I anchor a light, lo, here and there in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. And in these retreats in definite order I place fourteen initiations for the path of Christhood by the Buddha.
“What?” you say. “The path of Christhood by the Buddha?”
“Indeed!” I say.
It is the hour of thy becoming all that is true. And Morya has room for thee yet in Darjeeling to receive the bluest fire of diamond- heart and Excalibur as thou art prepared to wield it, to be it, for the community of saints.
You will find your way on the etheric plane to these fourteen retreats—beginning of course in Darjeeling, ending then at Peking with Kuan Yin—and thereby understanding the fourteen stations of the way of the Buddha. And, my beloved, the way of the Buddha is the way to the Mother’s heart.
O precious life that flows, intensify, intensify, intensify! For I wrap the Earth in my swaddling garment and my aura—as Omega, as Alpha.
I seal the Earth, evolutions all, and the call of the disciple who would be free—free to love me as I AM, free to be who I AM, free to receive the Mother in the light of Brahma.
Sanat Kumara, appear to these thine own as thou didst appear to me so long, very long ago. O Eternal Youth, resolve in each one the decision to be the Christ.
O Lamb of God, receive thine own. O blessed soul, rise in resurrection’s spire to be sealed in the heart of life as God, as Mother.
Tremble not
For it is the flow of our love that sustains thee always.
I write my signature of love within thy heart, O blessed one.
Messenger’s benediction:
Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, thou Buddha of our hearts, in the name of our beloved Mighty I AM Presence we salute thee in this festival of light and wisdom and power and thy perfect love to us.
Help us now, help each one to bear the mantle of responsibility in our respective offices of keeping the flame of life for this blessed Earth and her evolutions in the four quadrants of being within and without the temples of life.
O Lord, keep us in thy perfect peace in the flame of Shamballa.
Steer our course aright. Seal us in the light of Godfre and Lanello. Raise up the mighty rod and scepter of power. And bear with us thy shepherd’s crook that we might lead thy sheep into the sheepfold of thy heart.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; in the name of the blessed Mother, amen.
-Gautama Buddha, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot on May 20, 1981, Pearls of Wisdom 24:28
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