Friday, March 17, 2023
Speaking of divine mysteries and holy wisdom
1a) One cannot miss the evidence that shows up again and again. In the USA there are many monopolies which go back to at least Atlantis, then Babylon and Assyria with their power elites and emphasis on materialism, then to Rome, then to the monopoly set up by Henry 8th of Church of England, himself and his heirs at the head.
Before the US Constitution was signed by 3/4 of the colonial reps the Church of England in the colony of Virginia had a monopoloy; Jefferson and Madison sought its overthrow by vote of the people of Virginia and won in this campaign. The US Constitution gained its 3/4 ratification only upon the promise of a Bill of Rights amending it which occurred in 1791.
Beyond religious monopoly typified by the Sanhedrin Council who condemned Jesus at their 4 a.m. trial, the Rothschild family set up in Europe a plan of covert coordination based upon Rothschild founder covertly sending his 5 sons to the 5 prominent European finance centers by 1800. The USA got the same treatment via Jekyll Island cabal of 1910 which featured Sen. Nelson Aldrich (R-RI) being the spearpoint to Congress and the cabal making sure they got a President they could control on that central bank bill under the cover of “financial reform to limit Wall Street insiders.” By then the major media was fairly monopolized, so the political parties “might need to follow suit”, also high-ups of the intell agencies; finally the medical establishment and big pharma and then big tech who meet with big media annually at Sun Valley, Idaho. So there is another force besides forthrightness/decency and check-and-balance at work.
The revolution in higher consciousness comes from Athena, July 1976 at Washington, D.C. via the Messenger for Hierarchy. We cannot have two opposing gameplans, one based upon a group at RTR from year 2000 and one focused by Athena. Athena got authorization for her plan but the RTR group just rammed theirs through as far as they could, A dispensation of 33 years will run out by and by, but the gameplan of July 1976 dealtwith our service to life for the next 100 years. Mark and Elizabeth, anointed Messengers to carry the Word, had to pass many challenges in order to release the 1976 gameplan, many steps indeed, and fortunately a Colorado Springs retreat and the spiritual realm could play their part. Now we have in this same activity, Summit Lighthouse, a somewhat contrasting scenario. Dualities are involved in something like monopoly but that is not what the unified realm is about. Yet Mater/matter is “a place” where both unified and duality exist. I would not say co-exist though, it is closer to the Einstein energy/mass equation, yet no doubt runs deeper than that, but that is a key anyway. (continued below)
2) Speaking of divine mysteries and holy wisdom it is difficult for mankind to realize that greater wisdom by far than was possessed by Einstein is present in a sunbeam. Many ask for great expansion of their light and wisdom beyond the offering we are currently giving or have given.
The meaning of “a little child shall lead them” and “except ye become as a little child, ye shall in no wise [with no wisdom] enter in” completely escapes them. They ask to sit at the Master’s feet although they have passed by the wisdom he has already given them and they continue today to live in human shadow. They quarrel at trifles when Life (as God) cries out to end discord, and crisis looms ominously all over the planet. Yet the solution is simple!
As children some of them sang sweetly, “Jesus wants me for a sunbeam to shine for him each day.” They knew more the meaning then than now, for their immature gleanings remain unappropriated, unused, unapplied and sometimes completely forgotten. -Kuthumi, Pearl 3:16
3) It is dangerous when two cycles that portend war coincide, especially when nuclear proliferation is accelerating and when so many Russian leaders are trying to restore Russia to the “good old days” before the breakup of the Soviet empire. But still more ominous is the fact that there are other powerful cycles between 1998 and 2001 that portend war, even a world war.
In the past the transit of Uranus in Aquarius has also coincided with great scientific discoveries and technological progress. Einstein, for example, formulated his general theory of relativity during such a transit. Today we are on the verge of making another great technological leap.
Imagine a world without television or computers, a world in which man had never traveled to the moon or launched a satellite, a world where man had not split the atom or unlocked the DNA code, a world without the Internet!
These scientific and technological advances have taken place during the last complete revolution of Uranus. It is from this base of knowledge that we will launch the next revolution in science—in microelectronics and microbiology, in computer science, information science, military science and communications technology. -Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 39:6
4) Let’s take a look at the question of abortion from a purely humanistic standpoint. If you take the view that man doesn’t have a divine spark—he’s of the race of Homo sapiens, one among other species—surely we would have to consider that if we were to eliminate any segment of humanity or a single human being, we would be eliminating a link in the genetic chain.
This chain could ultimately bring forth a Beethoven, a Dostoevsky, an Einstein, an Abraham Lincoln, a Jesus Christ—the geniuses that have enabled the human race to leap forward scientifically, culturally and spiritually. And what about the common everyday people? They are the carriers of the genes of genius that shall one day appear.
But we believe that we are more than human. We believe that we have a divine spark given to us by our Father-Mother God. We believe that we are sons and daughters of Elohim. Mother Mary settled the question with her statement of October 26, 1990. She said:
No matter what the argument, no matter what the evidence, life begins at conception. And I speak of the conception of the soul in the heart of the Great Central Sun, of you and your twinflame in the beginning. Life on Earth likewise begins at conception, and even at that moment does the Spirit begin to weave itself as part of the fabric, even the warp and woof of that body. Therefore, beloved, woman has a right to bring forth that which is conceived by love and in love by God. May you know, beloved, that this issue that has become such a controversy in this nation may be dispensed with by the very simple teaching: abortion in the physical sense is also abortion in the spiritual sense. And to abort the divine plan of a life, whether physically or spiritually, is a sin against the Holy Ghost. -Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet on 3-30-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 41:55
1b) The mass-energy equivalence equation is concise, although the term “speed of light squared” would be smiled at by advanced beings because though one can say “light travels”, one caa also say “light exists throughout a la meme fois.” Worlds cohere, adhere; why? Is truth coherent, adherent?
5) The Great White Brotherhood in its role of establishing inner and outer focuses of light to assist the planetary evolution is the organization of the ascended masters whereby divine love, wisdom and power flow forth to Earth to assist it in rising from its prone position. Each time we establish an outer school or focus the15 councils33 of12 the15 ungodly35 almost17 immediately53 set8 about14 to8 see11 how19 they22 can9 degrade35 its image and destroy34 (=350=test10 x degrade35) its12 coherence49, unity26 and10 effectiveness57 (=154=tests11 x joy14). To do this they utilize every means, including the release by counterfeit organizations of false statements in the masters’ names.
Is heaven divided? I think not! Would Morya advocate that his blessed chelas should cut themselves asunder from the reality of our releases? I think not. Yet some would lead others to believe so. We are all one and seek to draw forth unity among all our genuine groups. Those who practice deceit have18 no11 scruples32 (=iron grip61)—remember that, blessed people. But their tools are often unwitting and think they do God service by denying our best representatives. If you cannot learn by knowing the Lord’s voice for yourself, then the hard way will have to be your teacher, and I think many will lose much of the divine potential. -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:21
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