Friday, March 17, 2023
I give you the key to the word of Sumer—
I stand in the center of your being! I stand in the center of the Great Central Sun! And I shall stand in the center of the Lincoln Memorial on Wednesday of this week. I shall stand in your midst as you salute the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, the Spirit of freedom of mankind from every form of slavery and bondage! So I, Saint Germain, will lend my flame to the city of Washington for the restoration, purification and regeneration of the government of the United States of America! -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:45
So I am come, your Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame. So I am here! Are you ready, Keepers of the Flame?
[“Yes!” 35-sec. standing ovation]
So with Morya we march in July, the sign of the Mother for the freedom of her own to return to her heart. For I give you the key to the word of Sumer—only in the Divine Mother can freedom be found and retained.*
So, beloved, this movement is of the Divine Mother and not of any human. Our Spirit transcends the form and Messenger we use. Understand how God in you is greater than any one of us. So I am here and I stand by the grace of God and His Holy Spirit of freedom! I stand before this banner of freedom that still recalls the sign of the God-star Sirius and the power of Elohim in you to become that Word incarnate.
-Saint Germain, 7-4-1986 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 29:64 *in a document written by the Sumerian king Urakagina of Lagash (c. 2350 b.c.)aa; according to historian Samuel Kramer “his perennial and unrelenting struggle for freedom from tyranny and oppression.” The word for freedom in this ancient work is amargi, which means literally “return to the Mother.”
People who are born into abject poverty and the worst of circumstances often rise to become great leaders and shapers of the destinies of nations. Look at Abraham Lincoln--born to uneducated parents and raised in a log cabin in the backwoods of Kentucky. Frederick Douglas, the famous abolitionist leader, was born and raised as an African-American slave.
And did you know that the American inventor and technological genius Thomas Edison attended school for only three months of his life and was expelled by his schoolmaster as retarded? An intangible “something” exists that is higher than the body and higher than circumstance; it is the drive of the soul and spirit that gives character and impetus to an individual.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 41:54
Thousands of years ago mankind’s departure from cosmic law became so great that all light had gone out in Earth’s evolutions and cosmic councils decreed the dissolution of Earth. Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:9, 13, 22), volunteered to come from his home-star, Venus, to embody the threefold flame on behalf of the evolutions of Earth--who had willfully ignored and forgotten the God-flame within their hearts. One hundred and forty-four thousand souls from Venus volunteered to come with him to support his mission. They vowed to keep the flame with him until the children of God on Earth would respond and turn once again to serve their Mighty I AM Presence. -note to Pearl 44:37
I think it is high time that the patriots of freedom realize that men such as Abraham Lincoln are required today. I think that it is necessary that women realize that women like Florence Nightingale are needed today. These are people who will keep the vigil. These are people who (though they may at times be men and women of sorrow because they are yet wearing physical bodies and occasionally carry the sorrows of the world upon their shoulders) will realize that there is a supreme cosmic purpose which requires the action of divine patriotism to make this land of yours and mine God’s land.
Yes, indeed, God save the king. God save the queen. I tell you, blessed ones, this land belongs to the King and Queen of heaven. -Saint Germain, Pearl 58:11
Wise is that one whom we also adore, your own Abraham Lincoln. He loved the common folk because the Lord made so many of them. [Laughter] And so the Mother loves the many children—children who are common to the flame of God.
Children of the One, of the light of the Mother, come into the unity of the Sun. Fear not to give obedience, for obedience is a joy.
Would you receive an assignment this day? Would you have a task to perform, a request from the Mother? -Lanto, Pearl 62:40
I AM your defender of freedom for eternity!
Thus the testing of the path of initiation according to the conceptualization of life is ongoing. By this I mean that, from the hour of the first Declaration of Independence to this hour of the second, there has been the testing as your own President Lincoln said—testing whether that nation so conceived and so dedicated could long endure. Thus another war was fought for the initiation of that original divine matrix, even the immaculate conception of what that nation would be in the second century of her incorporation—her incorporealization—of the divine plan…. …
(Arcturus and Victoria:)
For the freedom of the light we are come—for the intensification of God-freedom, freedom of Christhood!
Inherent within the fires of freedom which we release now by the action of our God- flame is the binding of all anti-freedom forces!
Bind! them, O Elohim.
Bind! them as we call forth the entire complement of the holy seven.
Bind then the tyrants across the planetary body!
I AM THAT I AM. And I AM come for the binding of the synthetic self and all of its reinforcements in the demons and discarnates prowling the Earth, stalking the cities and penetrating the pure veils of light of our youth: you will no longer stay within the temple of the Christed ones!
Burn through, O legions of God! For we are come for the release of light that is ordained of Alpha and Omega. And we will not hold back, nor will we increase in this hour that which is not lawful.
For the light does prevail. And the light of the sail of the ship of Maitreya now becomes luminous and transparent as the rainbow light of mother-of-pearl! And the souls of God who look up do already see the coming of the great causal bodies of the sons of God who will, by the prophecy of the Lord, place their physical feet on Terra yet in this century. They will not be denied! We will it so! And we transfer our will lawfully to all who hear this Word who are determined to be the sponsors of life on Earth.
-Elohim Peace and Aloha, Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Pearl 25:14
And here you are, millions and millions of souls who know the truth. Your power has been divested from you. You have forgotten your Source. You have forgotten the name of God, I AM THAT I AM. You have forgotten that you are the Christ in action. You have forgotten what the power of God is! You have forgotten what His wisdom is, His promises, the covenant that He made with Abraham: “I will make thy seed as the sands, innumerable.”
This is the seed of the lightbearers who are destined to conquer the earth by the flame of Christ, by the flame of God-mastery. And in the process of conquering the self that they might become the servants of all they must defend, defend, I say, the bastions of freedom on every continent at the expense, yes, the expense of paltry pleasures, temporary illusions, temporary indulgences which Western society continues and continues to wallow in. -Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Pearl 44:38
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