Sunday, March 12, 2023
Iremain in the integrity of the cosmic honor flame and fear not to speak out
[using numerology here, a=1, b-2, c-3, j-1, etc.]
1) Inasmuch as truth is one in those realms of light to which we are accustomed, the recall or memory processes do not err. Therefore the15 oneness28 and10 invariability70 of12 truth24 remain33 the15 same11 (=218) yesterday and today and forever. This20 is10 the15 state12 of12 Christ32 mind22 (=123) which33 is10 solely25 under26 the15 power32 of12 God17 (=170; 170+218+123 =511=7 x 73, invariable48 nature25=73) and is never controlled by unbridled habits of human mind.
Humanly developed habits, non-reflective of divine habits and habitats of Be-ness, are a mischievous assembly of pernicious practices transmitted from man to man by contagion of devilish concepts and fallen examples. There are many good habits which should be further developed and retained. Good habits are conducive to amplifying the power of higher octaves and harnessing the light of higher dimensions to do the bidding of the seeker for the Christ consciousness here below in the physical plane.
The very process of breathing is itself a habit resulting from inward impulse and will to live. This involuntary process functions automatically twenty-four hours a day serving to fan the flame of life within each lifestream. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 5:46
2) Long ago Jesus said “If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” As man measures his own rate of progress by human standards he often finds himself the victim of pernicious habits of darkness. Sometimes he believes that these habits cannot be changed. In the name of freedom, beloved ones, what hope is there for the world if man cannot till the garden of his own heart, his own opportunity, his own environment!
Spiritual fruit is the natural manifestation of that cosmic authority which was bestowed upon man in the beginning. Man was given the fiat to take dominion over his own world, yet he has allowed his authority to lapse. He has failed again and again to uphold the banner of his personal freedom. And because he has permitted the banner to be dragged in the dust or because someone else has lowered the standards of life, he has often taken excuse and allowed his own standards to fall to the ground. -Saint Germain, Pearl 14:6
3) Men must understand that the greatness of God and potential of Christ- accomplishment lie within themselves. They must see how cleverly the lie was woven by those ancient traditionalists who, in denying to mankind their God-ordained right to manifest their divine inheritance, created and labored the fatal view that I, in the person of Jesus, am the only door to salvation. This pernicious doctrine has replaced the teaching I gave to the disciples that the Christ, the I AM of every man, is the open door which no man can shut.
The only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, is the Christ Spirit that before Abraham was–I AM. Let men realize that the door of the I AM is a universal Presence, that the door of the all-pervading Spirit whom I revealed as Father is the Father of every man, that the light is the light of every man, revealed in the Gospel of John in written form but first revealed in the Presence of every man that openeth his eyes.
Some have feared this to be the saying of Antichrist. Let not your hearts be troubled but be comforted in the truth that I bring. I AM the living Christ who dwelleth in you all, even as the Father dwelleth in me and I in Him. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 14:11
4) Let enlightenment be souls that are free, souls winning God-mastery. Let enlightenment be the mark of those who love and keep on loving still in14 the15 face15 of12 adversity42 and10 every30 thrust25 of12 tyrant’s27 will20 (=212=4 x loving still53). Let enlightenment be love that consumes the dragon in his lair whose rushing, crystal stream flowing on to roaring waterfall of light drowns out the screaming and screeching of the denizens of night. Let enlightenment be God-government, God-vision and God-victory for a planet and a people. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 18:17
5) I return to the flame of Peace, the fiery core of peace that is yet locked in the place of the Sun. When you have shown yourself worthy of the initiations of the fires of Peace I will come forth from the sphere of your own place of the Sun and I will be unto you Mother of waters of peace flowing for the fiats of Peace, my beloved, in the science of the spoken Word.
Peace in the silence—and when you break your silence let it be a clap [Messenger claps hands] of thunder! Let it be a clap of thunder! and thunder and lightning for the coming of the notable day of the Lord. -Elohim Peace and Aloha, Pearls of Wisdom 21:16
6) Thus we summon our watchmen on the wall of life and our Keepers of the Flame of the cities to assist elemental life who have vowed to swallow up the flood of pornography, psychic predictions, and those pernicious prognostications of the men and women of the press concerning the sons and daughters of God.
With the swift and sudden lightning of the mind of God let this world weight of anti-light be pierced and penetrated to its core! Let it be encircled by beloved Astrea’s legions wielding their circles and swords of blue flame! And let entire segments of the astral plane be broken up and brought in blue spheres by mighty Hercules and the Great Teams of Conquerors to the God-star! there to be cast into the Lake of Sacred Fire for timely transmutation.
You must understand, beloved of God, that astral discarnates and demons not only attack the lightbearers but also protect the betrayers of the Mother-flame. Therefore we send forth the call to arms of light who uphold the torch to give their dynamic decrees for withdrawal from the seed of the wicked of their misuses of the Holy Spirit. For all aggressive malintent against the purposes of the Great White Brotherhood is still the open door for destructivity and the death wish against our best servants and neophytes who are entering into the joy of the Lord Sanat Kumara.
-Nada. Pearl 23;6
7) Blessed hearts, the15 days13 of12 sorrowfulness60, self-pity40, sympathy37 of12 fallen23 ones17 are15 ended23 (=267=3 x sympathy of fallen ones89). You who know this and act upon it become the fiery vortex of the judgment.-Saint Germain, Pearl 23:48
8) Nevertheless those who do this shall return to balance every jot and tittle of their karma. The great Law requires it, and let none think that they can escape; for it is not the intent of karmic law to permit them to escape until they have paid every last farthing of that which they have imposed upon the youth of America and the world by creating those vicious and pernicious habits which distort the consciousness and warp the power of the great God-flame in its action through the forcefield of mankind.
Ladies and gentlemen, I speak this to you forthrightly in order to assist the great forces of light upon the planetary body. There are many nefarious activities whereby the golden flame of illumination is rendered inefficient in the human brain consciousness by reason of that smog which is created in the atmosphere of the planet through all distortions in the burning of energy in chemicals today upon the planet.
When mankind understand the proper use of atomic energy and they apply themselves to the heart of God with a greater diligence they will be able to terminate all of the action of smoke and that discord which is released as a cloud of unknowing upon the planetary body, releasing density in place of light and causing untold misery to millions of mankind. -Archangel Jophiel, Pearl 25:46
9) Beloved ones, I point out to you one of the most13 pernicious57 errors39 of12 orthodoxy54 this20 day12 (=207=9 x blackness23), and it is the lie that Jesus is the only Son of God, and furthermore that Jesus came into embodiment in the full mastery of Christhood and did not himself have to follow the path and realize his own inner God-potential before beginning his mission.
These things are plain in scripture, but the scriptures have been read and reread so many times that the true intent is no longer heard by the soul. The layers of misinterpretation and then the removal of the very keys themselves have given to Christianity today a watered-down religion that does not have the fervor or fire to meet the challengers of civilization—whether it be in World Communism or in pornography or all manner of perversion or immorality that does steal the light of the soul. -El Morya, Pearl 27:47
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10) Beloved ones, I now speak to you concerning another area of misqualified energy in your auras that must also be dealt with. Though you may have heard these teachings before, beloved ones, I am speaking them under this new dispensation of sacred fire. Understand that those subjects that we have called to your attention before become highly pertinent in this hour because of the new light that has descended that must challenge the old ways and quicken souls to a new experience and a higher domain.
We10 speak16 then20 of12 that13 second24 most13 pernicious57 affliction50 of12 human21 consciousness49=297, which33 is10 anxiety35, fear21, doubt17, hesitation48 [and]10 absence22 of12 will20=228; 228 + 297 (=525=fear21 x nature25) or determination or conviction or drive [to do what is needed to rise to the occasion, to respond to crisis. This essential will to be and to do] is set back by the very anxiety, fear and doubt that begets confusion. Those of you who understand the cosmic clock of the Sun realize I am speaking of [karmic and psychological] conditions that gather and form islands of darkness on the two and six o’clock lines of your electronic belt, thereby perverting the water of life and the flow of that living water.
Beloved ones, these foes of your domain must be conquered. It has been said before but I say it with finality, we will use those who determine to do so and we cannot longer use those who do not. -Helios, Pearl 27:48b
11) Understand therefore their determination to nullify and preempt the light of the ruby ray. But they shall not pass—they have not passed! And for the implementation of God’s holy will in this hour you must remain33 in14 the15 integrity55 of12 the15 cosmic26 honor34 flame19 and10 fear21 not13 to8 speak16 out11 (=312=aum8 x strength39, or guard24 x tell13) in denunciation of fallen ones and their33 pernicious57 ways14 (=104=4 x ditch26) purveying a culture of death through rock and drugs.
In the name of the living God I say to you: when23 they22 and10 their33 ways14 are15 welcomed35 in14 churches38 of12 the15 world27 and10 are15 participated59 in14 by9 those22 of12 the15 faithful3 (=464=8 x Cosmic Christ58) it11 is10 high32 time20 to8 take10 your25 stand13 (=130=test10 x way13) and be worthy of the ridicule of the earth and the praise of the Almighty. -Maitreya, Pearl 28:41
12) Let them give accounting in this hour! Let them tremble before the Lord God! For the ruby ray has gone forth from this heart, from the heart of the Sun, and they are bound! And therefore their initiation of the ruby ray is the judgment even as the initiation of the ruby ray of the lightbearers is for the raising up of the seed of Sanat Kumara unto the path of the ascension.
So they have had a year to come into alignment with Helios and Vesta, to surrender their pernicious ways and their vicious consciousness, and they have not. They have only increased, taking the light and using it against the lightbearers themselves.
Therefore they shall not pass! Therefore they shall not stand! Therefore the ruby ray is come as Lord Shiva, the destroyer in the Earth of those who destroy the Earth! And they are self-consumed therefore by their own destructivity. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearls of Wisdom 28:39
13) You are washed clean but not all. You are prepared but not in every respect. Therefore the empowerment comes [to you] even as the withdrawal of the power of my flame [from the altar of the Holy Grail] does come.
Beloved, it is a time and an hour when you must reach for the highest calling—when you may look then squarely at your25 denials28 and10 repetitious58 and10 pernicious57 betrayals31 of12 your25 own16 Holy24 Christ32 Self15 (=343=7x natural heart49) and you may determine this day to live unto the fullness of the voice of the heart.
I AM the voice of the heart unto you, beloved. I AM the living Presence of the heart of God with you. To deny the voice of the heart is to deny me. To deny the joy of the heart, the givingness thereof, the love and word and wisdom of the heart, beloved—it is to deny Life itself. -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 29:71
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