Saturday, March 11, 2023
the judgment of those who hold their iron grip on the field of health and healing and wholeness
1) (In the early 1970s Elohim Peace dictated that once accepted into the heart this talisman of the Pavilion of Peace): becomes anchored there forever. And all you have to do when all around you is turbulent, when you are in distress and when you are in confusion is to visualize in miniature the Pavilion of Peace and call unto me and unto your individualized God Presence and say: ‘I need thee every hour, O Elohim of Peace and beloved mighty I AM Presence. Shew forth thy light!’ And with these words ‘Shew forth thy light!’ I will come again and create the vibratory action of my peace.”
2) (On October 11, 1973 in a dictation Elohim Peace and Aloha came to the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, having): walked across the sacred waters of Mu to release a mighty tide of Peace. The waves of God’s consciousness move through the sea, forming the undulations of the Spirit that mankind might know how energy comes from the heart of God as they contemplate the sea. Peace is the original power of the Godhead. The karma of mankind is projected upon the screen of consciousness...and we of Hierarchy can predict with certainty–given certain phases and aspects of human consciousness with its human astrological perversions–what will occur at a certain time and place. And thus before you have called I have answered....
At a certain point in our service we shall release the energy that shall reverse the tide of war, of the plots of war, the energies of war and the sense of struggle. Given the chemistry of the human consciousness. Some among mankind will violently resist the energy of Peace which it is our office to deliver to the planetary body. Mankind cannot resist the energy of God indefinitely. Thus to the proud wave of humanity’s self-centered consciousness the Deity exclaims: ‘Thus far and no farther! Reverse the course of human destiny until man is found in conformity with his divinity!’
We do not hesitate to raise the sword of Peace in defense of our peace. That sword is golden–golden liquid light shining in the sun of our Christ consciousness. It is a two-edged sword that defends the consciousness of the Christ....The brilliance of this sword as it reflects Christ-light is so great that all before whom it is held must capitulate to the energies of Peace. Thus we rotate the sword in an arc before you. As it passes before each one it has the action of dissolving energies opposing the light of Christhood….
(There are) identities from out the Great Central Sun, angels and cosmic beings who form a circle of Peace 1,000 miles around this fiery core of Peace which we have drawn with our sword. And as we hold the flaming sword of Peace in the center, 144,000 flaming ones of Peace hold the sword to deflect all that is anti-Peace, anti-Christ. And as I speak another ring forms 1,000 miles beyond the next ring to the center: these also stand holding the sword of Peace. And as I AM THAT I AM in the center of the mandala of Peace, cosmic beings form the third ring 1,000 miles beyond the last—golden swords are these–electrodes for the Central Sun of being.
As we take our leave of you...this focalpoint of Peace–the fiery core that we have drawn–will be placed upon the equator directly in alignment with the Retreat of the God and Goddess Meru. And the entire formation of beings with their swords shall move from east to west to encircle the Earth in this formation, in concentric rings of Peace. This is a part of the action of the flame of Peace that is the culmination of the 2,000-year reign of the Prince of Peace.
Therefore let the proclamation go forth that mankind shall either become one in our love, in our flaming presence of Peace else they shall not pass into the next cycle–the 2,000-year reign of Saint Germain and the flame of freedom. (Peace and Aloha then raised their hands) for this fiery release of the flame and the core of being.
3) (March 9, 1975 dictation of Elohim Peace, coming with a): “rod of sacred fire” the Elohim circled around the city of Los Angeles, marking “the place where freedom’s flame is released for the victory of life in the souls of all mankind. There is a replica of the New Jerusalem that is placed over the City of the Angels where the angels come and go at the four sides of the temple of being and at the twelve gates of the city, passing in and out as electrodes of the energies of God,...reinforcing Father/ Mother oneness of the Christic light.
(in) the victory of the risen Christ light must be reinforced....Line by line the matrix of victory must be reinforced, week by week by the power of the spoken Word, Hierarchy releases energies necessary for the sustainment of the balance of the planet and the people. (Elohim breathed forth) ribbons of peace,...steadying the Cosmic Egg, steadying the egg of the aura, sealing you in the action of whitefire core, of purple and of gold. As a branding iron, as a great disc of fire (the Great Central Sun Magnet descended upon Los Angeles): In a radius of fifty miles from the center of the city marked by the place where the roses bloom, so by the whitefire core of the spiraling of the center so there is marked the place of the freedom of the soul. (I release) dispensations of light for the purging of this city...of all activities of the night which belie the true image of the Christ in the seat of the soul, for the purification of the egg, the immaculate conception of the Cosmic Egg of the Divine Mother, for the purging of the seed of Alpha and all bearers of the sacred egg and the sacred seed....As the Magnet descends it marks the heart chalice of each one who is committed unto the flame by the action of the name of God, I AM THAT I AM....Let the sealing of the heart in the six-pointed star be for the image of the appearing of the Promised One, the culmination of that seed that is Christ the Lord.
4) In His name, I AM Maitreya glorying in the lilies of the field once again as my own disciples with me form endless fields of white lilies, bearing witness unto the Sun and the golden pathway and the love that is a bond of the ages that sees us through any condition or circumstance that we must bear, as though by our very teeth we should have to break the iron bands which would chain us or enslave us to a world system that is neither our own nor our home.
Blessed ones, the lilies are chains of light, one together as leaf to leaf the tips touch one another and the breezes blow. And though we reach, each one, for our separate star, we feel the closeness of Life pulsating within us and beneath the Earth where we share collectively in the mighty foundation of the Mother, in the mighty fire chakra of a planetary home. -Maitreya, Pearls of Wisdom 25:38b
5) This is why it is important to meet in your groups to exercise the power of the judgment of the Son of God and of the ruby ray angels and of Mother Mary, the judgment of those who hold their iron grip on the field of health and healing and wholeness and many other branches of science, beloved, and therefore do not allow those inventions to come forth for saving of energy [and] for dispersing of the pollution of the planet.
All of the inventions of Atlantis, beloved, are the inheritance of the people of this nation, for the United States of America is Atlantis come again. And yet we cannot continue to accelerate their release for the abuses of those sciences in man’s inhumanity to man. -Leto, Pearl 33:45
6) Godfré first met Daniel Rayborn in the summer of 1930 at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, after receiving a letter of introduction to him from Saint Germain. He wrote in The Magic Presence: “My impression of Rayborn was very pleasant, for his whole attitude was one of harmony and kindliness, and at the same time I felt that he was a man of strong character with a keen sense of honor. He had a finely shaped head, classic features, iron-gray hair, and clear piercing blue-gray eyes. He stood erect and was fully six feet two inches in height.”
The day after they met Godfré accompanied Daniel to his Diamond K Ranch in Wyoming, which was one of Daniel’s mining properties. When later visiting another of Daniel’s mining operations Godfré remarked that he had never seen so fine a camp of men. He wrote: “Everything possible had been done for their comfort and convenience....Everywhere it was plainly evident that Rayborn was much loved by his men. The entire atmosphere was one of harmonious cooperation, and there was a total absence of all coarse or undesirable elements.” -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearl 38:17a
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