Sunday, March 12, 2023
tyrant ego so consumed of itself that it consumes all in its wake
Jesus said “I can of mine own self do nothing; but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”
Understand that the inner fires banked within yourself by the fire of the Holy Spirit can be expanded by your own desire to be God’s will in action. Understand that these fires will act as a divine magnet to increase the flow of perfection into your aura and thence into the world. Understand that you must therefore wax enthusiastic about daily expanding your light through your meditations upon the Holy Spirit….
Do not be deceived. The light is yours to behold. The light is yours to be; claim it. identify with it and regardless of whether or not men may mock simplicity, be determined in your childlike efforts to mature in God.
One day the Divine Manchild will come to you, and the aura of the living Christ will be yours to behold and to be. To follow him in the regeneration is to follow him in the Sun-tides of the light that he was, that he is, that he ever shall be. You cannot cast yourself upon the rock and not be broken. But this is preferable to having the rock fall upon you and grind you to powder….
We await the redemption of the world and we need in our Brotherhood those who, while having fallen in error, can simply trust and place their hand in ours as in the hand of God. For then the shuttle of the highest cosmic workers can move to and fro, from above to below to carry greater instruction to the race of men, to the fountain of the individual life where the shield of the aura is esteemed for the wonder God has made it. -Kuthumi, Pearls of Wisdom 14:27
2) You must realize that the programmed mental body is a tyrant, is a hard taskmaster, holding down the soul that would breathe the air of freedom. This is why you are here, this is why I am here, this is why the avatars have come—to break that hold of a mental body reinforced by the computers of the fallen angels who have determined to make the soul prisoner of the mind of the person.
As soon as you were taught by your mother, by your father, by the Messengers the true teachings of the path you were liberated from this programmed entity, this mental body! The fallen ones no longer had any hold over you, and therefore they had to resort to chicanery, trick! They would come to fool you with their entities and demons. And they would fool you through your own desire body. For when you desire that which ought not to be then you see, you fall into the mudhole and it is difficult to get out.
Have you ever seen a hippopotamus waddle out of a mudhole? Well, that is how some of you look coming out of your own mudholes. Perish the thought, for that is the electronic belt with all of its convulsive and repulsive thought forms.
You are the living Christ. I come to show you how the living teaching, spoken to the waking consciousness and the conscious mind illumined by Christ, changes the whole world, the whole world of your being! Therefore without the teacher, without the teaching there cannot be healing, there cannot be the return to one’s true Self. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:48
3) Realize then that it is not that I would woo you to India—though you are most welcome to retrace the steps of my son Nicholas Roerich—but that I would place a magnet within your heart to magnetize your own momentums when your lives have crisscrossed with the avatars, when you have even known me in my own incarnation before the coming of Christ.
Thus you have served, thus you have known. Let not the passage of centuries or a Western culture bereft of these memories take from you the momentum of the building of your own inner awareness….
Blessed hearts, I need not remind you that in the course of history it is mass hysteria that has led people to surrender their freedoms to a fascist state, to a tyrant, to a Caesar. They can in a moment be led by the Pied Pipers who are the false gurus to8 give25 up10 all7 (=50) that they have gained in the name of peace, in the name of protection that is then guaranteed by the new leader. Mass7 hysteria42 is10 the15 enemy26 of12 righteousness62 and10 enemy26 of12 the15 path18 that13 must10 be7 marched34 up10 the15 mountain35 (=429=13 x inner33).
Beloved hearts, could you believe that through fear of the new age and new-age teachings there could be enacted laws abridging the rights of individuals to free use of private property or even to the ownership thereof? Remember that outside these United States there are many countries today that would not allow free and open practice even of this religion. And it would be denied not on the basis of a thorough examination of individuals or of their tenets but on the basis of this mass hysteria. It is indeed the hysteria of the Serpent and their seed—their hysteria that all the ground that they have gained and their very control of the planetary body is about to be seized. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 24:51
4) Let your love be that love which enhances this union for every part of life. In this then fulfill my presence, fulfill my ascension on Earth. In this know me as I AM.
I speak to you in the softness of my speaking within your heart. I speak to you in the tenderness of the Beloved that you might realize through all the process of the purging that there is the most tender love between thyself and myself.
This knowing, this remembering each time you replay this dictation will enable you to conquer that fear of terror of tyrant who is in fact thy own synthetic self—the synthetic self, the Antichrist that must be bound by you and you alone.
You will do so because I await thee, my love.
You must realize that the programmed mental body is a tyrant, is a hard taskmaster holding down the soul that would breathe the air of freedom. This is why you are here, this is why I am here, this is why the avatars have come—to break that13 hold21 of12 a1 mental20 body19 reinforced61 by9 computers40 of12 fallen23 angels22 (=243=9 x 27) who have determined to make the soul prisoner of the mind of the person.Thus every marriage in this Church Universal and Triumphant is the dedication of lifestreams to their perpetual ascension in the light, the ongoing spirals of eternity. It is a foundation which can become the means of liberation and ought never to be the enslavement of one partner by the other to human will or to the tyrant of the dweller on the threshold. Beware therefore the desecration of the holy vow by any and all inharmony and a failure to submit every disagreement to the point of the eternal Logos.
Thus understand, O soul—each individual one as Keeper of the Flame worldwide, as you are the bearer of the lamp of Omega unto your God, your Mighty I AM Presence—that the circle of union is drawn around about you, and you are intended each one to be a living candle containing the fullness of both. In that circle of oneness no chela may defile the Christ, the I AM THAT I AM, the Person of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit or the Mother with impunity. For each time that golden light of divine harmony is violated by inner discord therefore at that moment one is no longer a focus on Earth of the candlelight of Alpha and Omega. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 25:36
5) Once again we turn to you for the ordering, organization, hands, hearts, [and] the great team that can make this effort God-victorious for you, for me and bring the return to this Earth of a golden-age civilization by the preeminence of violet flame, [of] violet flame servants, [of] violet flame masters such as [you] yourselves [are] becoming and manifesting even now. To all of you we say that our end is the saturation of Earth in violet flame for the balancing of karma, for freedom to every nation and for liberation of the soul to challenge the tyrant fearlessly.
Beloved ones, with so much love, with so much oneness of heart I seal you now in today’s victory and tomorrow’s fruition of that victory!
In the name of Mother Mary are we not blessed? [“Yes!”] -Omri-Tas, Pearls of Wisdom 27:50a
6) In order for a civilization to sustain itself–yea, to transcend itself–it must be able to transmit its ideals and principles to the next generation.
We have seen how far America has strayed from our Founding Fathers’ blueprint for religious freedom. A primary reason her freedoms are being eroded one by one is that her people have lost their spine, their backbone and their fervor for the Spirit of Liberty. In this century we have seen a five-pronged attack on our youth which has blunted the ability of generations to defend freedom. This attack, supported by the media and educational system, comes through drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sugar and rock music.
If current trends continue, the next generation may not even be capable of bearing the flame of freedom in America. God forbid!…
If we don’t rescue our youth from the five-pronged attack of the fallen angels and if we don’t stop aborting the lightbearers who should be bringing in the new age–1.6 million souls a year in America, 22 million since Roe v. Wade–we’re going to lose the greatest nation on Earth and God’s divine plan for us for a golden age of Aquarius….
Is not our children’s education, how they’re able to read and write and how they’re able to organize and analyze information and how they’re able to think and reason creatively, logically and independently going to determine whether they choose to bring in a golden age or move in the downward spiral of Socialist, Communist state control of our lives?
It makes all the difference and it has everything to do with what America’s future will be!…
We can give our children all things, but if we do not begin at the beginning with a spiritual defense and a physical defense, then all of our efforts will have been in vain (at least in this round) and all else we have given them will count for naught–except that by experience the soul will have increased in wisdom and in the practicality of self-mastery and in stature before God. This learning the soul may take to other planes or planets in life’s continuing journey, but the most important lesson of all–to put self-defense before all else–will have come too little, too late for this generation. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 32:27
7) Now then comes the intensification as cycles turn and the warmth of this new love does become a penetrating heat. This penetrating love of the Cosmic Christ I incarnate is the singular essence that is able to dissolve seeds and layers of that which is anti the Christ, consuming then anxiety and fear, absence of self-worth (a most dangerous and degrading state), self-condemnation, abuse of power, the tyrant ego so consumed of itself that it consumes all in its wake and yet is asleep and knows not that it is tyrant (also a most dangerous state).
Let the soul remain through all of this as the little child. Continue your visualization as you hold my hand as a little four-year-old in the budding of life, in the carefree sense of absolute trust in the boundaries of the Father-Mother God bidding one to explore one’s native universe.
Thus I continue to send forth this ruby ray. It is the blood of Christ sheathed in whitefire, my body. I am contacting your heart, beloved, for one reason alone: that I love you. I love you. I love you. And I am that love that can melt with a fervent heat centuries of stone-hardness, of recalcitrance, hardness of heart, the unmerciful heart. O let it melt, beloved! Let go of the defenses! Retain the dependency upon myself as Savior. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 34:41
8) We need to call upon the all-seeing Eye of God to show the people of the world what our leaders are doing and what is really going on.
When the news is managed by governments, as it always is and has been, the people do not have the truth….In 1990 we imported over 200 million pairs of shoes manufactured in China. This was made possible in part because George Bush renewed China’s most-favored-nation status. That’s how George Bush repays the Chinese government for the massacre in Tiananmen Square. He gives them American jobs! -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 34:63
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