Monday, February 13, 2023
the inherent power of unity originally bestowed upon all life on Earth
And I say that, beloved, somewhat mournfully, for the I AM Movement has not carried the power and decree momentum that you have generated.
And therefore we two stand on this platform this day in profound gratitude to both of your Messengers. And you should also be grateful that they have brought to you this mighty acceleration of the Word and that you have accepted it despite the criticism, even of I AM students, that your decrees are too fast and therefore psychic. I say, they are not! And you are quivering the very earth body with those decrees.
Thus, beloved, as we are grateful for the Messengers, may your gratitude also be expressed by your own acceptance of this calling to support them and to support your activity, your Church and your future.
We bid you our love with all of our hearts. And we come with legions that God has assigned to us for our service and we add them to your own. May you be free forever and forever! And may you one day stand with us ascended in the light and free and look back upon this occasion and this decade and see it as your finest hour and your moment of victory when you did not flinch, you did not faint but you did what was required and more to be sure, to be sure, to be sure that you were not outsmarted by the sons of Belial and fallen ones.
I bid you our love and our victory! [57-second standing ovation]
-Godfre and Lotu on July 7, 1990 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 33:30
Formidable though the dissenting forces may appear, the inherent power of unity originally bestowed upon all life on Earth is far greater. To this unity let all aspire by casting out every fear! The education of men to this truth requires unfoldment in individual character. For the factor of matriculation governing the acquiring of knowledge can be compared to a tiny stream which seeps gently between the grains of sand on the streambed: part is absorbed and retained while minute trickles pass onward to feed the subterranean streams of consciousness. Yet the very slowness of the process unduly perpetuates human hardships for as long as men remain satisfied with a few drops of reality they delay the manifestation of the fullness of God’s glory within them and within civilization.
The Law governing compensation and justice from a cosmic standpoint has been little understood in either the Occident or the Orient; thus reactionary57 forces30 which33 mold17 and10 shape22 the15 Earth’s26 present34 synthetic42 society33 have9 continued42 (=370=10 x pitiless37) their33 attempt23 to8 cloud19 the15 real18 issues20 and10 poison34 the15 minds22 of12 men14 with24 fear21 (=288=dark/false16 x path18). Like herds of ostriches men fear to gaze directly at the miracle of the Sun of truth. For this reason as a group men do not seem to recognize the role they play in weaving the strands of their own destiny!
Reembodiment is understood in part and denied by those whose dogma denies it and whose senses reel at the infinite possibilities inherent within its concepts. Yet, again and again people meet those they have known in the past with whom they have debts and credits which remain to be balanced according to divine justice, and in these encounters there is a mutual realization of some old familiarity. Sometimes feuds are reopened based on a vengeance which was not satisfied. These blessed people do not see that they are “beating their heads against a stonewall,” for justice never permits anyone to harm another with impunity! Let the Law of pure love wipe out all such matters and set the Earth free from the shame of perpetual discord! Serve the Ancient of Days and emulate the wiser love of the Elder who maketh all happiness to glow anew in the renewing of ancient covenants of love and truth and in erasing that which never should have been.
Shed outworn concepts which perpetuate inharmony. Take delight in bathing in the fires of purification and of spiritual regeneration and thus wash out and transmute every stain. I think of a purifying stream where the soul, weary of the world, can come to enter the mighty tide of freedom forever. If all would enter this stream it would soon overflow its banks and become a healing fountain to the Earth! With their senses absorbed in the drama of the mundane men unfortunately sit in the seat of the scornful watching the world go by. These like to think their own allotted span goes on forever without any need to apply to Life for purification, illumination and transformation. Schools teaching worldly sciences are honored by mankind, yet the knowledge they teach serves them for but a portion of their days. Far too many schools teaching higher Laws of Life are unappreciated.
Beloved ones, it is high time that the sincere students take these matters seriously. If you truly want to magnify God, become activated by the fiery principle which will rouse you to give your time, energy and devotion to these sacred causes. They have set us free and will one day do the same for all on Earth if you will only demand action and then follow through to the victory of the Law of the flame.
From the standpoint of comfortability alone, dear ladies and gentlemen, your mind and feeling worlds will be happier when harmonies of heaven are operating within you because you consciously invoked and commanded that they do so! Although the Holy Christ-flame in every heart is kept perfectly balanced in love, wisdom and power, this flame can be invited to expand its influence into the mind, feelings and affairs of everyone who will make the call and then abide in full faith that the right results will be forthcoming. The answer does not come through vacillating human will; it is a tangible intelligent flame operating in cosmic frequencies and visible to those whose spiritual sensitivities are awakened. The charge of that flame can easily enter into every cell of the body and deposit the perfect amount of prana which it needs to counterbalance all disease! This flame can be called into action in mind to heal conditions of inharmony and discord and promote greater realization of the equanimity of the Christ within!
My purpose in directing these words to students of the sacred fire is to prepare each one for the wonderful steps now being taken to expand the light in all who will recognize that regardless of either advancement or lack of progress, God the pillar of flaming action can instantaneously supply man’s every need, placing everyone who desires to serve in the vanguard of truth that they may be instruments in freeing the world from all that binds. Such servants with the Christ Universal constitute a true spiritual peace corp to bring tranquility to a troubled world and elevate civilization toward the zenith of its maturity which can make all war and inharmony cease, through obedient action to the loving voice of the Eternal Flame as it speaks to every heart: BE FREE, BE FREE, BE FREE !
I abide in the heart of the sacred flame within, -ZARATHUSTRA, Pearl 5:36
It is the will of your beloved Jesus and the will of your beloved Saint Germain, it is the will of beloved Mother Mary, of the angelic hosts, of your beloved El Morya, Djwal Kul and all who have to do with the release of sacred fire to mankind to intensify in this coming year of crisis a fiery action of the expanded Christ consciousness for all.
It is not enough to leave mankind to bask (so to speak) in the flame of self-effort, but we must somehow manage to convey more of the fire of heaven through to the individual’s consciousness so that inspiration will come forth as a well within the fount of individual identity. To that end we provide herewith a prayer charged with our radiance and for the purpose of accomplishment in God’s name:
O mighty threefold flame of life, Thou gift of God that is so pure, Take all my thoughts and energy and ever make them all secure.
The bond of brotherhood and understanding fair,
Send forth unto my soul the gift of holy prayer, Send forth the gift of holy prayer.
Communications strands pf love. how they e’re woo by heaven’s Law
A tender blessing for the good that shatters human pall.
No bondage holds me back,
I AM Love’s Law fulfilled
Supplying every lack, I AM the Law of Love fulfilled.
Until they all unite in love
to serve that purpose from above that comes to Earth at any hour, responding to the call of power.
I thank Thee and I accept this done right now with full power, I AM this done right now with full power, amen.
-Zarathustra, Pearl 8:50
Do you understand the difference between the people of the United States of America and of all other lands? This people consecrated by Saint Germain and Jesus Christ have therefore been given that initiation of the threefold flame of the heart by the Goddess of Liberty.
And you will find, no matter what the exception to the rule you may observe, that collectively as a people the charity of the heart of the American people and ability to forgive and forget is greater than that of any other nation. And therefore they are least beset by the burden of forcefields of black magicians manipulating the nation and the undergirdings of the psyche.
Beloved ones, you can always think of exceptions, but remember there is no nation that is free of intermingling of the seed of the tares among the wheat. I speak of the wheat in this nation. It is a developed wheat, a developed seed of Christ because of intercession of the Great White Brotherhood. When you travel abroad you will see the absence of this, and especially you will discover their non-forgiveness of America herself.
Beloved hearts, there are people who have a national consciousness of hatred of America that has been programmed and indoctrinated in them but only because of their vulnerability. Their vulnerability not to forgive this nation for whatever wrongs committed, real or imagined, must therefore be exposed. And the vulnerability of an individual to fail to forgive another is the vulnerability of the absence of forgiveness of oneself or even the recognition of the necessity to confess before the living Christ, the Holy Christ Self and to ask for forgiveness.
The people then who are convinced that they are right, who do not know Christ the Mediator, whose pride exceeds all desiring for grace have thus not understood that the threading of the eye of the needle of the soul unto Cosmic Christ consciousness is in the act of forgiveness.
O blessed hearts, it may be difficult for you to understand vengeance that is held in the hearts, generation after generation, by some of the peoples of the Middle East who will destroy the third and fourth generation for crimes committed fifty years ago or a century ago. Yet they still seek to kill those who are of this or that tribe or family.
Now understand that this has caused division in all the nations of Earth—within the nations and in their ability to unite to stand for principles of Christ.
If ever then there is an initiative in this nation to stand for the people of Poland or to stand for the people of Korea or of Taiwan or for the oppressed, you will find that the children of light who desire to stand for freedom nation by nation are overcome by fallen ones in leadership positions who refuse in any way to compromise the business-as-usual concept of the economy and international trade for a principle that must be fought for and won for the protection of life.
The answer lies as always with the individual. This is the message of every avatar, that has been proclaimed by that one and then disseminated by those who have come afterward with a great desire for the preservation of the teaching. You are counted among those who have served together with the Messengers to hold fast the pure principles of truth. And you have been taught the lessons, whether or not you have ultimately learned them, that the only truth that will ever survive is the truth that is internalized in the heart and soul and mind and being of that one individual.
As great revolutionaries single-minded in heart and purpose have turned the tides of nations, as communities have held the light in the darkest hours of Earth, so in this moment know that the Great White Brotherhood yet looks to this community to hold back the tide of laggard evolutions before the incoming light of each one’s Christed presence that shall shine as the Sun, become the Central Sun Magnet focus in Earth and truly hold the balance against that karma which is returning
-Zarathustra, Pearl 28:47
Light in the heart of the world, I greet thee from the plane of immaculate fire!
I AM Zarathustra. You have called my name out of the heart of Ahura Mazda.
I AM come to deliver sacred fire of the Sun behind the Sun to raise you up and to establish in you the original teaching of Ahura Mazda, Sanat Kumara, delivered long ago in the land of ancient Persia unto me and unto the king and queen who received the conversion of archangels and of sacred fire and of holy angels by the descent of light. Thus by their lifestreams’ acceptance of my prophecy there came to pass the multiplication of the bread of Life from the heart of Sanat Kumara whose messenger I was, whose messenger I remain.
I AM the light descending! And I AM pressing that light into the very forcefield of its original descent. For we who serve him are determined that light shall prevail and that the judgment shall descend in Iran, in the Mideast and throughout the Earth.
For the great teaching of Sanat Kumara was the name I AM THAT I AM and the understanding of the affirmation of his individuality: I AM THAT I AM Ahura Mazda.
I AM a light kindling a light within you!
The teaching of the hosts of the Lord and the coming of the great avatar of light, the teaching of betrayal and consequent warfare of his hosts against the evil ones, was understood and propagated. The law of karma, the law of reincarnation and even the vision of the last days when evil and the Evil One would be vanquished—all of this went forth by the conversion of the king and queen and the reaching out of the faith to all of the subjects of the land.
Thus the tests were given by the archangels through my office unto these two chosen ones. Thereby passing the tests they became blessed as secondary emissaries of Sanat Kumara. And therefore I the prophet and they holding the balance in the Earth manifested a trinity of light and the figure-eight flow.
Realize the necessary ingredients for the propagation of the faith throughout the Earth.
The archangels send their messenger with a gift of prophecy that is the Word of Sanat Kumara to every culture and in every age. Thus the prophet comes forth with the vision, with anointing and with sacred fire. But unless the prophet find the fertile field of hearts aflame and receptive the authority of the Word does not pass unto the people.
Therefore in this hour of the descent of the Lord Our Righteousness the authority of God is passed from king and queen, from temporal crown, unto the individual who does raise up the King of kings and Lord of lords within his heart.
Realize then that the governing authority of earth has always been the authority for the people—this by divine decree and this by karmic law. And therefore those leaders whom the people deserved by their own karma have brought them either into alignment with the hosts of Ahura Mazda or into alignment with the fallen ones. And alternating light and darkness, the people have been led to the holy mountain of God or to the very depths of astral despair.
Blessed hearts, the people of Earth have long been at the mercy of their rulers. But the hour is come of the mighty dispensation of the Word incarnating according to merit and according to grace.
Thus the seed of lightbearers is measured and it is weighed. Thus, the prophet stands in the land—assembling his hosts, calling unto the children of light, searching out those who by their spiritual authority and integrity can stand for the people of the land and of the entire Earth.
You have seen how nation by nation the leaders of the Earth have turned aside the fulfillment of the message of prophecy and true religion of Sanat Kumara delivered by the Great White Brotherhood through the messengers. You have seen how the torch has been passed to those of light—those willing and able to assume the responsibility for more than themselves or their families but for their entire communities and nations.
Thus the message “the government shall be upon his shoulder” is truly the announcement of the era when the shoulders of the individual Christ should bear the full burden of light of Sanat Kumara. This gift of the teaching, coming by the Holy Spirit and sponsored by the seven archangels for the root races of Earth, reaches its culmination and climax in this era when the Divine Mother provides the essence of whitefire of Sanat Kumara that is for the synthesis of all religion and science. Thus the bringing together of those who are true and faithful, those who have the highest light, those who have served us in the past and who are reassembling in this hour.
O responsive hearts, realize that when the soul that you are submits to the authority of the King of kings and Lord of lords, it is subject unto the authorities of Spirit and the true authorities in matter. And thereby that soul one with the inner God becomes the spokesman of the people on Earth. And because they represent by hierarchy the souls of men and women they therefore become the instruments for the multiplication of the light of Sanat Kumara, bypassing the fallen ones who have assumed the position of temporal power.
Realize that the coming of the avatar Jesus Christ was the sign of Sanat Kumara. He was foreordained King of kings and Lord of lords; and yet he would accept no temporal crown or kingdom, saying, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Thus he retained the spiritual authority of Almighty God and transferred to his apostles that same spiritual fire, sending them forth for the conversion of temporal powers and those who sat as representatives of the people—the very people who had departed from the covenant of Almighty God to be under the prophets of Israel.
Blessed hearts, the chain of Hierarchy now is established through the Lord Our Righteousness. The hour has come when those who have usurped the positions of spirituality as well as materiality must be set aside and indeed are set aside by the very presence of the archangels.
You therefore will see a great change taking place. You will see the elect of God coming into prominence in church and state—but most of all, in the hearts of the people. -Zarathustra, Pearls of Wisdom 24:13
Understand this which we tell. We are in the hour of maximum opportunity and givingness and the flowing forth of light for the expansion of the flame. For we the hosts of Light desire to see what will happen on planet Earth if the lightbearers have the wind of the Great White Brotherhood in their sails—those that already have the mighty action of sacred fire with them—if these lightbearers that have that action will sustain it and will go forth almost unimpeded to reach all other lightbearers.
We desire to see what will happen when evolutions of Earth themselves are stripped of demons and discarnates and the burdens upon them, when the Liar and lie is exposed, when they are free to embrace the light. We desire to see what will happen when, given freewill, maximum opportunity for right choice is placed before the children of light.
We desire to see what will happen, beloved ones, when the last trump shall sound and death and hell are cast into the Lake of Fire and there is a binding of these fallen ones and their individual influence is removed and humanity therefore must choose whether to go on in their ancient traditions of darkness or to choose the light of the Great White Brotherhood and go on in the new cycle of the new day.
Beloved ones, even if every last seed of the Wicked One should be judged upon planet Earth, still there would be the choice of evolutions who have observed them whether to move on in the light or whether to set up once again the civilization of fallen ones.
Thus many choices will be made by millions and millions of lifestreams in the decades ahead, and we will see what is the outcome. And we will know whether the experiment of the hosts of Light has been God-victorious, else we shall bow to freewill of those who have chosen not to be. And in that hour therefore one shall see the Holy City and the evolutions of light in that etheric capsule which is indeed the entire etheric shell of planet Earth.
Understand that it is indeed a new day. Much darkness is behind you. The majority of darkness is behind you. And therefore it is well to acquaint consciousness and to adjust the mind to just what is the increased potential of the heart and soul and all of your being, just what is your capability and your ability to deliver this message and this light to the world.
Beloved hearts, I, Zarathustra, have spoken unto you out of the sacred fires of Helios and Vesta. May you understand and appreciate the words I have spoken and the light that is come unto you. May you see that the implementation of light is up to you.
We trust in freedom’s name. We trust in freedom’s flame. -Zarathustra, Pearl 28:48
I come to you in this hour, beloved, as the sponsor of winter quarter Summit University 1986 with Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus. We transition now at the point of the nexus, continuing our fiery vigil with the students called to spring quarter 1986.
Thus, beloved, you have kept the vigil of sacred fire for the holy purpose and guardian action of the shrine of cosmic freedom on Earth—for this is indeed what we who are of the seventh ray and servants of the sacred fire on all rays call this mission, this Holy Grail, this Camelot. Thus the focus of cosmic freedom on Earth is tended and must be tended perpetually by guardian spirits, angels and sons and daughters of God in embodiment.
Beloved ones, those who are servants of sacred fire who have come through all the world’s religions and the inner path of mysticism which the sacred fire does teach understand the calling of the flame of freedom and understand, beloved, that the call to action is never more impelling than when that sacred fire and that freedom is at its moment of maximum peril midst a lifewave, an evolution and a planetary system.
Beloved of light, summoned then to defend freedom of religion in America, you have come for the very real, the very acceptable purpose of first consecrating that flame of Liberty, divine Liberty within your own hearts. For you have been taught at inner levels, even as you have known from the beginning in your descent from the heart of Helios and Vesta, that you were born of fire, that your destiny is the sacred fire, that your calling to be in embodiment on this Earth is to expand that flame of God-freedom that begets individuality—the freedom to be, to know, to become, to understand the fullness of that which is God, the Almighty One where I AM THAT I AM.
Therefore you have known of the hour of the coming of the lightbearers of freedom. For in each two-thousand-year dispensation under one of the seven rays there are individuals serving on all of those seven rays. But parenthetically and fully they are wrapped in the flame of that dispensation—the first ray bringing the first dispensation, the second bringing the second dispensation, and so on.
Thus, beloved, priests and priestesses of sacred fire serving midst these evolutions have tended the seventh ray and altars of freedom where the highest freedom is the ritual of order in divine service—in the realm of both church and state—always tending the flame of the heart that freedom might live and be the joy, the nitiative, the impulse and impetus of every endeavor and action.
The flame of freedom as the light of Omega that complements Alpha is that charge that brings to the first-ray determination and the inner blueprint a momentum, a rhythm, a thrust of three-quarter time of the heart that brings all together in a fiery vortex who are a part of the mandala of action.
And the action of which you are a part, O priests and priestesses and freedom fighters of the ages, is this Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, called thus by beloved Pallas Athena, patroness of all lovers of freedom in all ages.
Beloved ones, therefore understand—for you have asked and I answer—why you have been called to Summit University in these quarters of our sponsorship. It is to this end, beloved, that you restore ancient fires upon the altar of your own being, for a number of reasons. Some of you have held positions of priest and priestess, as on Lemuria and Atlantis you tended the altars of the Divine Father, the eternal Logos and the Divine Mother. Beloved ones, to restore the ancient memory, to teach you how to draw down from your own causal body the attainment that has not been exercised by you perhaps for thousands of years—this has been our purpose. It is for the gathering of those who once knew the Ancient of Days as Ahura Mazda, as Sanat Kumara, as the Holy One of God, the great Guru, the sponsor of Life and Light in the name I AM THAT I AM.
Let the name Yahweh be known! And let the personification of this Holy One of God in every culture and religion be recognized as the one and the same, the sponsor of your lifewaves and your evolution.
Thus I AM Zarathustra. And I was sponsored by him long ago in the land of Persia to bring once again to knowledge of the sons and daughters of God the awareness of the great Hierarchy of Light, the Great White Brotherhood, the hosts of archangels who surely did come to the king and queen as proof that I was indeed the messenger of the light. The messenger of the light, I say! First and foremost, be the messenger of the light and learn to define what is the light on the seven rays of God. -Zarathustra, Pearl 29:41
Ho, legions of light! I AM Zarathustra! I command you in the name Melchizedek, descend into this holy place sanctified by holy ones of God, as Above, so below.
I mark the sign of the cross of whitefire in the air and seraphim of God instantly form this cross. It is a bond and a bridge twixt octaves of light and Earth. Now may you know, O beloved here below, how you are the beloved of God.
It is the Four and Twenty Elders who have sent me unto you. Therefore I am grateful once again to be in physical manifestation through the Messenger for the duration of my delivery of the word of the Elders unto you.
Blessed hearts of light, for all who have kept the vigil of the Friday night service in the living flame of Serapis Bey and have kept that flame I say, to you belongs the glory and honor of God within you whereby you have opened the door to our descent this night. And thus for this reason you could receive two from amongst the hierarchies of the fourthray of sacred fire. Thus, beloved, when we take the cumulative momentum of all voices raised throughout Earth during this Ascension Service we see that this momentum is a sound foundation which has gone forth and [been] multiplied by the legions of light truly to clear the astral bodies of the lightbearers of the world and to make some dent in the astral body of the planet.
Blessed hearts, it is scientific. And miracles are the mathematics whereby the Solar Logoi, when the fiery students below reach a critical mass of that momentum, may enter in to multiply a thousand times ten thousandfold the efforts of Keepers of the Flame.
I reveal the alchemy to you that you might understand that it need not necessarily be the Messenger who does call you. Let Keepers of the Flame of their own spontaneity determine then that they shall give as fire for fire again and again these Friday nights so that there can be evermore sacred-fire flames descending.
Beloved ones, by your allegiance to this light, by your determination, you have accomplished much for El Morya and for the Hierarchy of Light. Thus the Four and Twenty Elders have determined that the most beneficial blessing to Earth might be the release of sacred fire as intense flame, white as lotus-white, descending in various places on the Earth to utterly consume pockets of darkness on the astral plane and the physical.
Blessed ones, I shall not tell you how many flames will descend this night for your input at these services. But I will tell you that if you could see them all at once, you would see them as fiery lotus blossoms, even as fiery magnolia, in an endless field, so numerous are these flames. Thus during my dictation seraphim of God and legions of Zarathustra shall release them, and there shall be such a fiery burning out of these pockets of density as to allow them to become a vacuum and you to fill them again and again [with light by your exercise of the science of the spoken Word] as the days of this vigil unfold.
Thus you see, beloved, we anticipate in many places more than an ordinary blessing to earth for the victory of souls of lightbearers and for a certain consuming of planetary karma and the momentums triggered by the astrology that has been shown to you. This then is the telling of what some and the few, by way of percentages of Earth’s population, can accomplish by concerted effort. But more than [the] effort and more than the decree, beloved, it is the profound desiring of your souls to come up higher, the true imploring, the waging of the good fight and the winning over many lesser conditions [that is laudable].
When we look upon the good that has been brought forth we may bless and heal and give glory to God and to His holiness in manifestation in man and in woman. We choose therefore in this hour to amplify this good that you might behold that light of your causal bodies that does increase and has increased proportionately to your input; and the collective body of this Community has also increased [(may you behold it)], thus adding to the mystical body of God a purity, a clarity that is appreciated by all others who have not yet entered this path yet whose eyes and souls and hearts are pure enough to recognize that purity and to desire it also, to be washed clean by it.
O holy waterfall of light and tumbling sacred fire of the fourth ray, let them know the showering of this light! For they have prepared their four lower bodies. Let all in this company worldwide who have prepared know the shower of Purity’s fire of the fourth ray in this moment. Thus do you receive that which is cool and comforting and [necessary and earned and] not another drop.
Thus be blessed, for there does come an hour of the reward that those who have earned the reward, those who have passed their tests concluding each year at summer solstice, might know that for effort [expended] the increase is always meted out by the great Law. Thus it is necessary [to labor and] to wait and to know that the reward will surely come. And if it come not yet, therefore continue; for God would shake the bower of His Tree when the full fruit is ripened that you might gather and place in your causal body the full harvest of a cycle of good works. -Zarathustra, Pearl 32:34
You have been pursuing the fire and fiery ones for aeons upon aeons. Now you know so much about the flame. You know the workings of the violet flame. You know the Dhyani Buddhas and that they do deliver the flames of the five secret rays. Yes, beloved, the flame, its coloration, its vibration, the level that it is native to—all these things you have become sensitized to and you are becoming more sensitive to daily.
You understand the harmonies of the flames, the rays of the flames, their acceleration and how they bless the body and body cells, and this (which you know at inner levels and somewhat on the outer far more than many upon Earth) does make you candidates to come to my retreat, to come to that place prepared that is a mighty retreat that is a replica of the secret chamber of the heart, your very own heart.
I look forward to welcoming you there, beloved ones, yet I have not released the whereabouts of this retreat, nor shall I. For when you make attunement with your own heart, beloved ones, and when you are in that heart as the devotee of the God within your heart, then so know and so understand: you shall not be able to avoid reaching that retreat of mine that is the [replica of the] secret chamber of the heart. Thus I will tell you one thing. It is deep within the mountains. But which mountains, beloved, you will have to discover for yourselves.
Now I come for the preparation of your beings to be o so sensitized to the Maha Chohan, to the Holy Spirit, to many who are unknown to you who are in higher octaves as buddhas and bodhisattvas. They have not come, beloved, because you have not yet mastered even the threefold flame of your heart and uses of sacred fire. For that fire can work much good but it can also be misused for ill.
Therefore you may enter the path of initiation with me, and that path will involve your willingness and ability to be trusted with the flame and entrusted with it. So, beloved, it is the greatest element of all. And without it no other elements would have integration, for the fire is the nucleus of all life in all octaves and the very center of a cosmos.
Thus I am speaking to you as you are being gently warmed by the angels of fire who come with me and by tfiery salamanders. And therefore though it may be cool you may begin to feel a warmth that is comfortable. But by and by it will not be comfortable, beloved ones, for I bring you a heat that you can stand and withstand whereby you can be purged within the pores and cells and molecules of being.
This then is an offering that can be given. For listen to the silence! Listen to the love! Listen to your heartbeats one—one with the Central Sun, one in desiring to love and be loved and once and for all to end the separation between yourselves and God.
O such a holy place! O such a cradle, as we call it, for the coming together of souls who can “rub souls” with one another and therefore polish one another’s auras and also know the meaning of the oneness of God in so many manifestations.
I AM THAT I AM. I AM in the heart of the flame. Ho! I AM Zarathustra and I choose to come gently in this moment, gently intensifying. Thus I am causing fiery salamanders to intensify the pressure: first of the light, then of the warmth, then of the fire itself. Thus, beloved, I give what Alpha and Omega have called me to give. For they have prepared you, even as the preceding ones have prepared your auras, to assimilate absolutely the most fire that can possibly be given and received. Thus for the moment be still and contemplate the rainbow flames all about you. [20-second pause]
Your body elemental is enjoying a fire bath. The body elementals love the fire bath of multicolored flames. They delight in this! They are scientists beyond your ken, beloved. They know the science of the body, they know what the flames heal and how to apply them. They not only enjoy the bath but are busy directing specific rays of the flames into specific needs of the body. They produce a well-beingness and a relaxation. They produce the harmony of the spheres.
And now the flame forms the cosmic egg around you, an ovoid of light. You can sustain the pattern of the flames, beloved, and magnetize them to yourself at will by using the mantra I have given you to the Mighty Threefold Flame of Life. This mantra, beloved, will call my Electronic Presence around you. It is not short because through your giving of the mantra, whilst you are giving it, I am realigning your chakras, assisting you to balance the threefold flame at all costs and to bring God-control to every aspect of your life.
Thus some mantras work well as a line or two of affirmation. But when I wish to activate in you the spirals of the rainbow rays of God then I must have this mantra. And while you give it, beloved, I can sustain the Presence. Thus if it become a perpetual mantra in your heart, see where the increase of fire will bring you—closer to all of my chelas at inner levels and on the outer, closer indeed to members of the priesthood of beloved Melchizedek. Thus the mighty threefold flame of Life is the gift of God so pure!
Into the flame now comes your own beloved seraphim, the same, the very one who was with you in the hour of your birth in the Great Central Sun. Beloved ones, this seraphim has an attachment to you and to your twinflame and desires to bring you together. This seraphim has an attachment to bringing your body and mind and soul into the health of God, the health enjoyed by seraphim.
I would suggest you woo your seraphim and woo him to your side that he may not return to the Central Sun except according to regular rotations and cyclings and recyclings of the seraphim from the Great Central Sun to the outer rings they form in the outermost universes [and back again].
So, beloved, seraphim are personally devoted, as they should be, to whomever God appoints them. Inasmuch as the seraphim, as you have been told, are great healers they use these rainbow rays now for that healing purpose. -Zarathustra, Pearl 35:36 ………………………….....................
I, Zarathustra, release into the Earth the fire of God for consuming by whitefire of all that can be consumed.
There is a clearing of the etheric octave which shall be reflected in the Earth. There is a clearing in the mental belt and astral plane. For that clearing by fire, by crystal ray, by rods of blue and white, by all actions described this day you, beloved, must work in the earth plane. You must clean up that plane. But bear witness with me now that by the fire of Zarathustra you shall have a greater ability to clean up the planet for the actions of those who have come.
We have come in great silence, for our work is precision. We have come in joy, in concentration and through the all-seeing Eye of God. We are preparing the planetary home for the future. We are grateful you have your feet planted in the Earth, that you are in the Earth and therefore your cells, your bodies, electrodes.
Now this fire is released. It is cool and white and it is fiery hot. This shall continue also for many months. So call upon the fourth ray of Serapis Bey and use that fire. Apply it to the raising of [sacred fire from the] base-of-the-spine chakra. Let the light raise upon the altar of being. [7-second pause]
By the fire of my hands I bless you and I regulate your bodies, for you are in the very midst of this action. Yet fear not, for this is the activity of God unto all who have served Him through all ages with not even a complaint or a cry. I make the sign of the cross of whitefire and I seal you.
These dictations are unusual, for we deal with all elements and elemental beings. We thank you for your kind attention, for your understanding of the inner work that must precede the golden age. We bless you for your presence, for we have used all of yourselves—causal body, Christ Self, I AM Presence, four lower bodies and all momentums of great good. So it is a boon, for you have assisted cosmic beings in a cosmic action for planet Earth.
On behalf of all I bow to th e light within you.[35-second standing ovation]
-Zarathustra, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 1, 1995 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana, Pearls of Wisdom 47:11
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