Sunday, February 12, 2023
Meeting all requirements of the four archangels
let your light (i.e., your Christhood) shine, knowing that when you so let it shine “men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.”
Remember, beloved, it is not you that they hate: it is the light which you embody that they hate. Thus you can “rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”…
When you are burdened do not automatically jump to the conclusion that it is because you have done something wrong and that therefore the Christ in you is not shining. This may be true in some cases, but it is not always the case.
It is the lies and temptations of fallen angels that make you unsure of your stature before the living God. They know well your fragile moments, the difficult degrees of your astrology and they strike when you are at your weakest point, bringing down upon you your house of cards.
Everything you have built over a lifetime and more may crumble around you, beloved. But that is when you must remember that I have called you to walk the Earth as living Christs.
A Christ is one who is anointed of the light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. That anointing, beloved, you may receive at any time you qualify for it. That anointing may come to you as it came to me when I was embodied as David and was yet but a shepherd boy. Understand, beloved, that you must know the rules of the game and you must know and anticipate how fallen angels will lie in wait to catch you in the traps they have laid for you, doing what they always have done, doing what they will do to you again and again if you allow them to.
Your Father-Mother God has created Earth as a footstool kingdom, as a schoolroom, as a playground and as a place of karmic reckoning. Just as you know the rules of any sport or table game so you must know the rules of the path. And then when the way seems long and hard you will be able to say to yourself:
“This is an exam that I must pass–and pass through. This is something I must do. My God is with me. I AM untouched by the forces of Evil. I AM not moved. I will be who I AM. I will be in my right place. I will have my right livelihood and my right companions. And I will work diligently with all those who form the mandala of the Christed ones in the earth.”
Understand, beloved, that when persecution comes, it can feel so very personal. But, in fact, when you think about it, it is not personal. So don’t personalize persecution, even though the fallen ones would, if they could, personally direct it to all souls of light. I say, depersonalize it, beloved! And depersonalize them!
How beautiful it is that you can and do come together in love as brethren, loving one another, supporting one another, seeing through the ploys of the sinister force, bringing joy and encouragement to those who are bowed down and receiving the same when you are bowed down.
I come to tell you that you need not drink the cup of sorrows again and again. I drank it but once, beloved. You must do the same. Do not continually walk the via dolorosa. For, beloved, God has not desired to see you suffer but, alas, you have brought upon yourselves much suffering by your nonsurrender to the will of God.
• I drank the cup of the world’s sorrows that ye might know that your absolute freedom will come when you finally surrender to the will of God as I did in the Garden of Gethsemane. When you fully accomplish this surrender there will be no power out of death or hell that can take your life from you except the Father ordain it. So too there was no power out of death or hell that could take my life from me except the Father ordain it.
The sorrows of the world may endure, but your cup of sorrows shall pass if you transmute them by violet flame. You can endure unto the end of your karma as long as you know the scriptures and read them each day, as long as you ponder and put into practice the teachings of your ascended and unascended Gurus.
• Read the bound volumes of Pearls of Wisdom again and again so that you always have on the tip of your mind a teaching that enables you to deal with any problem that is set before you as one of life’s many challenges–and on the tip of your tongue a message for some poor traveler who is too weary to contemplate the mysteries of God.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 38:38
First we have indifferent—“neither good nor bad.” We’ve seen the popularization in society today even by established churches of the notion that good and evil are relative terms and the espousing of situation ethics. It’s also been in the schools—the teaching of secular25 humanism35. And that has evolved as a philosophy and a way of life for many people in this country. It is an extremely dangerous ideology.
The teaching of the hosts of the Lord and the coming of the great avatar of light, the teaching of betrayal and consequent warfare of his hosts against the evil ones was understood and propagated. The law of karma, the law of reincarnation and even the vision of the last days when evil and the Evil One would be vanquished—all of this went forth by the conversion of the king and queen and the reaching out of the faith to all subjects of the land.
Thus the tests were given by the archangels through my office unto these two chosen ones. Thereby passing the tests, they became blessed as secondary emissaries of Sanat Kumara. And therefore I the prophet and they holding the balance in the earth manifested a trinity of light and the figure-eight flow.
Realize the necessary ingredients for the propagation of the faith throughout the Earth.
The archangels send their messenger with a gift of prophecy that is the Word of Sanat Kumara to every culture and in every age. Thus the prophet comes forth with the vision, with the anointing and with sacred fire. But unless the prophet find the fertile field of hearts aflame and receptive the authority of the Word does not pass unto the people.
Therefore in this hour of the descent of the Lord Our Righteousness, the authority of God is passed from king and queen, from temporal crown unto the individual who does raise up the King of kings and Lord of lords within his heart.
Realize then that the governing authority of Earth has always been the authority for the people—this by divine decree and this by karmic law. And therefore those leaders whom the people deserved by their own karma have brought them either into alignment with the hosts of Ahura Mazda or into alignment with fallen ones. And alternating light and darkness, the people have been led to the holy mountain of God or to the very depths of astral despair.
Blessed hearts, the people of Earth have long been at the mercy of their rulers. But the hour is come of the mighty dispensation of the Word incarnating according to merit and according to grace.
Thus the seed of light-bearers is measured and it is weighed. Thus the prophet stands in the land—assembling his hosts, calling unto the children of light, searching out those who by their spiritual authority and integrity can stand for the people of the land and of the entire Earth.
You have seen how nation by nation the leaders of the Earth have turned aside the fulfillment of the message of prophecy and true religion of Sanat Kumara delivered by the Great White Brotherhood through the messengers. You have seen how the torch has been passed to those of light—those willing and able to assume responsibility for more than themselves or their families but for their entire communities and nations.
Thus the message “the government shall be upon his shoulder” is truly the announcement of the era when the shoulders of the individual Christ should bear the full burden of light of Sanat Kumara.
This gift of the teaching, coming by the Holy Spirit and sponsored by the seven archangels for the root races of Earth, reaches its culmination and climax in this era when the Divine Mother provides the essence of whitefire of Sanat Kumara that is for the synthesis of all religion and science. Thus the bringing together of those who are true and faithful, those who have the highest light, those who have served us in the past and who are reassembling in this hour.
O responsive hearts, realize that when the soul that you are submits to the authority of the King of kings and Lord of lords it is subject unto the authorities of Spirit and true authorities in matter. And thereby that soul one with the inner God becomes the spokesman of the people on Earth. And because they represent by hierarchy the souls of men and women they therefore become instruments for the multiplication of the light of Sanat Kumara, bypassing the fallen ones who have assumed the position of temporal power.
Realize that the coming of the avatar Jesus Christ was the sign of Sanat Kumara. He was foreordained King of kings and Lord of lords; and yet he would accept no temporal crown or kingdom, saying, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Thus he retained the spiritual authority of Almighty God and transferred to his apostles that same spiritual fire, sending them forth for conversion of temporal powers and those who sat as representatives of the people—the very people who had departed from the covenant of Almighty God to be under the prophets of Israel.
Blessed hearts, the chain of Hierarchy now is established through the Lord Our Righteousness. The hour has come when those who have usurped positions of spirituality as well as materiality must be set aside and indeed are set aside by the very presence of the archangels.
You therefore will see a great change taking place. You will see the elect of God coming into prominence in church and state—but most of all in the hearts of the people.
For those of you who have that fire, who contain that fire and would retain more of it, (you) can do so simply by accepting the fullness of the path and fullness of the mantle. Meeting all requirements of the four archangels (Michael, Raphael, Chamuel, Zadkiel)—pinning the four points of the compass and the base of the pyramid—you then will find yourself under the aegis of the Lord Sanat Kumara and wearing the mantle of our own authority.
-Zarathustra, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 1, 1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 34:13 …………..................................
mysteries of the biologic heart— Dr. Daniel Negase
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