Monday, February 13, 2023
roots of population reduction: Cairo 1994 meeting
Cairo 1994 was the third in a series of decennial international population conferences. The first International Conference on Population was held in 1974 at Budapest, and the second (under the enlarged banner of “Population and Development”) was convened in Mexico City in 1984. Planning for both of these meetings, within the UN bureaucracy and among the thousands of NGO activists who participate in UN-sponsored programs, was dominated by strident doomsayers and hard-core population controllers of the Garrett Hardin/Paul Ehrlich (“the battle to feed all humanity is over”) school. That people were essentially a problem, even a pollutant, rather than a resource; that social, political, economic and ecological catastrophe was right around the corner, unless drastic steps were taken to stabilize and then reverse world population trends- these were the themes, familiar to even the most casual student of the American anti-natalist lobby, that set the agenda for Budapest and Mexico City.…the collective craw of the population controllers at the UN and World Bank, and among such major activist NGOs as Planned Parenthood of America and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. For not only had they suffered an ideological and financial defeat at Mexico City, they also seemed to understand, however dimly, that they had suffered a moral drubbing as well. It seemed that many people-by their lights unenlightened, authoritarian, conservative, to be sure, but influential nonetheless-believed that the population controllers were not only wrong, they were bad. And since a powerful conviction of its inherent righteousness has been perhaps the chief psychological characteristic of the population control movement for well over a century, it was this moral rejection that cut most deeply and inflamed the controllers’ determination to “go beyond Mexico City” at the next decennial conference. …
Indeed, among all the twists and turns of Clinton Administration policy on issues both foreign and domestic, one constant has been an unyielding commitment to abortion-on- demand at home and massive efforts at “population control” abroad. On Clinton’s first day in office, which happened to coincide with the twentieth annual “March for Life” in Washington, he signed five executive orders widening the scope of federal involvement with, and funding of, elective abortion. Rigorous pro-Roe litmus tests were applied to all Clinton nominees to the federal judiciary; and few doubted that the Administration wished to see abortion included as a mandated “service” in any national health care reform…. In league with several Scandinavian and West European countries, UN and World Bank population technocrats, and feminist, anti-natalist, and environmentalist NGOs, the Clintonites sought to engineer a dramatic shift in the focus of the Cairo conference. The packaging (“Population and Development”) would remain, but the content would be dramatically altered-with the earth’s “carrying capacity,” “gender equality, equity, and empowerment of women,” and “reproductive rights” supplanting mere “population and development” as the issues of moment. Which amounted, in brief, to a brazen attempt to use international law and the leverage of Western foreign aid programs to establish the sexual revolution, as lived in Stockholm and Hollywood, as the model of humane culture for the twenty-first century.
… in April 1994 the third meeting of the Cairo conference preparatory committee (Prep- Com III) took place in New York. … The chairman of Prep-Com III, as he would be of the Cairo conference, was Dr. Fred Sai, usually introduced as the “representative of Ghana,” but in real life (so to speak), the president of the International Planned Parenthood Federation….
At the NY meeting:staff members of the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Rockefeller Foundation, two major funders of population control activism. Those who wished to challenge the regnant Clintonite orthodoxies were treated as mere irritants…. It was no surprise then that Prep-Com III produced a truly radical draft document for the Cairo conference, in which only six of 118 pages were devoted to the conference’s ostensible topic of “population and development,” with the bulk of the rest given over to proposals for a lifestyle revolution of awesome proportions….the draft document committed the international community to a massive increase in funding for population control activities, up from the current $6 billion to $17 billion by 2000. (The increase was to be paid for by increased American, Japanese and Scandinavian contributions to the UN Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] as well as by cutbacks in UN-sponsored education, health care, industrial development and disaster relief.)
Todd Callender at start of video says “DoD in cahoots with other militaries around the world” pulled this operation jab upon the unsuspecting world population
At 18:00 Callender says: “I know doctors who were on the Warp Speed team, they provided thousands of documents; there were 36 available medications, FDA-subscription-aprroved drugs, they showed efficacy to treat this disease, yet all of them were shut out.” …At 19:00 he says ”Look at the clinical trials, the animal studies—they all died. And then you have the 44,000 service members, the clinical trials…in early 2020 if not prior to that. And that information was being laundered.”
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