Tuesday, February 14, 2023
who is intimidated
Beloved ones, it is only a [matter] of coming to grips with a sense of co-measurement of how much light you must have in your aura, how much of the Great Central Sun Magnet in your heart, how much light you must carry [in your chakras] so7 that13 you16 are15 not13 the15 one16 who19 is10 intimidated54 (=178) but7 it11 is10 the15 fallen23 one16=82; 82+ 178=260=10 x Duffy, Putin26) as well as all powers of hell behind him, [who is intimidated. The fallen ones] are intimidated by the presence of the Christ, but they have their bag of tricks to put their own weakness back upon the lightbearer. Jesus Christ, Pearl 32:65
There is no need to wait. For after all God is the doer and He is the karma-free being in your midst—free of desire except that which is lawful to be justice in action everywhere, worlds without end. That is your true God- consciousness! Act upon it! Do not be intimidated by your own momentums of the past—of yesterday or an hour ago. -Portia, Pearl 23:50
Therefore to withdraw weapons from the Afghans who have so intimidated the Soviets, to withdraw those Stinger rockets in this hour and to leave a vacuum, an absence of self-defense, is once again to invite the bear into their haven. Understand, hearts of light, that to leave that moment of interval between the dark and daylight unattended is surely the betrayal once again of the lightbearers of the Earth. -El Morya, Pearl 31:42
Those who practice endeavors of darkness and do the work of satanic powers upon the planet will one day come to naught. Their efforts will be rendered a zero, and all their investiture of energy in negation (because negation is nothing) will vanish away and be no more. Yet during the time that humanity and these beings coexist upon the planetary body there is the15 ever-present57 threat27 that13 individuals52 will20 submit21 or15 be7 intimidated54 by9 a1 sense17 of12 oppression56 (=376=
8 x cunningly47). -Lady Master Venus, Pearl 44:9
The fallen ones cannot bear that the children of God should learn that they truly are His instruments, that they have no need of interference from fallen angels, that they22 need19 not13 be7 intimidated54 or15 think26 that13 these21 fallen23 ones17 are15 indispensable57 to8 their33 freedom39 (=372=12 x
coerce31), to their endeavors, to their development of soul and mind and heart. -Divine Director, Pearl 48:41
One of the oldest tricks utilized by the sinister force is the projection of feeling of compulsion to finalize one’s thinking and actions. Many individuals feel intimidated to accept an idea immediately or to reject it, as the case may be, and many times individuals are catapulted into situations not to their liking simply because they have felt compelled to act. Precious ones, sometimes an idea cannot be digested all at once, for everyone has a different system and may require either more time or more discriminating study. You do not need to accept any thought that is not compatible with your own capacity. Nor should you feel pressured into suddenly changing your chartered course of action because someone flashes a meteoric… -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:16
We call directly to the heart of Omega! We ask You and all your representatives to send forth the light of the diamond of the Divine Mother, to send forth that light to rescue Terra this day. And we10 demand23 that13 that13 core23, that13 nucleus23 of12 darkness28 be7 consumed31, be7 encircled46 by9 Astrea19, be7 seized32 by9 the15 Great24 Central28 Sun9 Magnet24
(=414=love18 x Logos23),
be seized by Alpha and Omega. We demand that you go to the cause and core of evil this day, that the astral, mental, etheric and physical bodies of mankind and of Terra be cleaned up to clear the way for the coming of the Christed ones, clear the way for the coming of the teachings of the ascended masters.
I stand on Terra this day and I 9 refuse29 to8 be7 intimidated54 by9 the15 fallen23 ones17 (=171=3 x Duffy clique57 or Putin clique57 or Great Whore57), their witchcraft and their black magic! I demand that they be exposed and bound. I demand that they be dealt with this day. I refuse to be separated from the children of light. I demand the hosts of light come down to Earth this day and clear that path through the astral, mental, etheric and physical planes to the lightbearers. I demand they be put in contact with me this day and with the teachings of the ascended masters. I demand that all that stands between them and their God, their I AM Presence be cleared by the hosts of light.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 20:46
Progress and creative effort are needed, for the world must lift itself up by its own bootstraps. Providence has provided countless measures of assistance, and we wish to make them available without strain by a natural spiritual buoyancy that will enable people to grasp the God-consciousness that overcomes the world, that refuses to be intimidated by outer conditions and that recognizes the power of Victory and his legions, of the Christ consciousness, of the Mother of the World and of the heavenly hosts to vindicate the faith that Almighty God has had in embodied mankind and to restore them to their Edenic state of deathless immortality -Goddess of Liberty, Pearls of Wisdo 12:2
The15 Brotherhood65 at3 Luxor27 will20 not13 be7 intimidated54 by9 Serpent34 and10 his18 seed15 abroad23 in14 the15 land13 (=345=15 x Logos23) who would make war with the remnant of the Christed ones. Rather do we accelerate the power of the Word, the spoken and printed Word—rather do we amplify light in the hearts of all. -Serapis Bey, Pearls of Wisdom 23:4
For we invert those three sixes and we call them the power of the nine-times-nine-times-nine as the expanded and multiplied threefold flame in the heart of the Messenger and chelas. And therefore by the power of the nine of the Great White Brotherhood the forces of light move in to defeat that beast and that Fallen One and the very number of the man that is a curse upon the Christ-potential of every child of God. It is the number of the carnal mind expanded and multiplied by the fallen ones to become the entire momentum of planetary Serpent. It is the number of the man of sin. -Saint Germain, Pearl 23:46
Therefore you see that it is to the advantage of those who have erected the Cain civilization, the cult of death, even the cult of the Serpent itself to keep the children of light in those situations of family and relatives and communities and established churches where truly the light of the entire church may be one or two
lightbearers so intimidated and so enslaved by the fallen ones. When these ones walk out the door and breathe the breath of freedom and are liberated by the new teaching and by the Word of God literally those churches and temples collapse. For the light was never in those wolves in sheep’s clothing that set themselves before the people, but [the light was] always in the most holy, holy innocents in their midst. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 24:51
He did not want this to escape you. Nor did he desire you to forget that he that is in you—namely the Christus—is greater in power than all of these! And I tell you, those Nephilim gods with all of their technological wizardry, all of their science and all their powers in space have more than once intimidated the children of the light.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 24:18
Beloved ones, you can realize that13 all7 that13 he13 has10 done20 (=76), which is considered genius in the Soviet world, is10 the15 work22 of12 the15 giant24 computer39 that13 is10 behind33 him21=214; 214 + 76 (=290=10 x clever29). You can see that the sons of God on Earth in general have not mounted to the level of the mind of God to encompass that much world organization. Well, beloved hearts, that mind which was in Christ Jesus which is yet in our Messengers is totally available to you to organize a mass movement of lightbearers far superior to the Castro machine, far superior to the KGB and entire Soviet complex at the international level!
Do not allow yourself to in any way be intimidated upon the knowledge of the vastness of the lie! And do not become the worshipers60 of12 those22 who19 ensoul23 it11 (=147=7 x evil21)! Above the plane of their vibration, I tell you, there is the level of the mind of Christ, your own infinite mind, your own inner being who declares unto you hour by hour: Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh to you. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearl 25:13
numerology: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.) intimidated54, compromise, double-minde54d, orthopdoxy54, pretentious54, peter duffy54.
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