Saturday, February 18, 2023
Just as Antichrist attempts to usurp the throne of the living Christ
They are the archdeceivers of mankind. They would take over the person and personality of the ascended masters and the real Gurus. Setting themselves up as gurus they sit in the lotus posture smoking the peace pipe with the false hierarchy, dispensing drugs along with demons and even training their disciples in the manipulation of sexual energies for heightened sensual gratification. In their all-consuming lust for power they teach “the way to God” through sexual perversion, abuses of the body, and desecration of the Mother. And the light they steal from those they ensnare is used to satisfy their mad cravings and to control vast segments of the population through witchcraft, variance and mortal cursings.
Others are in the business of training channels and psychic healers. They know not the difference between spiritual and psychic energies–the pure and impure stream. Thus the gullible they make channels for energies of the pit, for diabolical murmurings of familiar spirits and of “wizards that peep and that mutter.” The false hierarchies and fallen ones come in many guises, seeking to impress an infant humanity with their sleight of hand, trance and telepathy, their flying saucers and other trappings.
-Morya, Pearl 18:16
Unfortunately those pseudo-spiritual scientists who invade the lower astral real for the extension of their schemes–for they have neither attainment nor self-discipline that is required to function in higher planes–are often content with making what is termed evolutionary astral progress instead of moving steadily forward, from glory to glory, through the initiations of Hierarchy. In their mad craze for personal grandeur, phenomena and power over others they fail to apprehend life’s opportunity and the fiery destiny of man. They do not understand the fact that the days can and should be shortened, and not prolonged, by deliberate stewardship of the sons of God working in harmony with His holy purposes on the path of self-mastery prescribed by the Great White Brotherhood. -Hilarion, Pearl 14:37
Mankind judge one another harshly. Our judgments must be based on the mercy of the Law. And when we see those in embodiment, even the hardened criminal on death row, our prayer to God is “O Lord God, as long as You will sustain life in this form and consciousness we will offer the opportunity of overcoming and the flame of hope for the bursting of Christ consciousness.”
And so, long after doctors and scientists and case- workers have given up on many who walk the Earth this day the Lords of Karma yet come with that ray of opportunity. The balance is very delicate, for often these are the most rebellious in incarnation and they have forsaken the way and rebelled against the Law of Hierarchy for many incarnations. Yet why, o why are they given life if not to overcome?
Therefore when you consider your descent into the astral plane see how you can be of service among those—whether in society or apart from society in institutions—who need a love that is a fire, an all-consuming fire that on contact will burn away the sheath of rebellion and schism and splits of the four lower bodies that cause them to rave and to carry on as though they were not a part of this evolution. -Portia, Pearl 63:33, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 17, 1976 at Los Angeles
Originally the guardianship of the Law (of Moses) was held as an office in Hierarchy by the Chasidim, veritable saints who were called by the Lord to keep the flame of the prophets among the true disciples of the Law. These disciples were among those who felt within their very souls the calling of Messiah and returned to Jerusalem after their captivity in Babylon.
The Pharisees, persecutors of Jesus Christ, were the children of those who had murdered the prophets. They even built the sepulchres of the prophets, thereby witnessing their approval of the deeds of their fathers.
From time to time by the wisdom of His Word God had sent them prophets and apostles filled with the Holy Ghost, veritable evangels of the Lord’s hosts, rebuking them as did Zechariah with the full authority of the seven archangels: “Why transgress ye the commandments of the Lord that ye cannot prosper? Because ye have forsaken the Lord, He hath also forsaken you.” -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:7
It would be well then if the student body would understand the meaning of the vision of John the Beloved upon the Isle of Patmos—most specifically those parts pertaining to Babylon and the fall thereof. Never before in recorded history of the current age of man has the world population possessed so much outer abundance and so rich a trading in that abundance. Only the planetary archives from unrecorded times could indicate approximate periods of worldly prosperity upon Earth. -Saint Germain, Pearl 8:38
Just as Antichrist attempts to usurp the throne of the living Christ in the seat of God-government in this and many nations, so it is the Great Whore that usurps the position of the Divine Mother. Now this day she is dethroned, and the legions of our angels and legions of Archangel Michael‘s band have seized those cohorts of the fallen ones, those who actually caused what has been known as the fall of Eve and the descent of energies of the feminine ray. Now let them rise through the Mother! Now let those energies be restored to the children of light as the lost inheritance usurped by those whose perversion of the Divine Mother is known Babylon the Great.
Behold, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and the hosts of the Lord come forth with the defenders of light and the great teams of conquerors and legions of angels from the God- star Sirius. And there is a cordon of lightbearers defending the Divine Mother and Mother- flame within each and every one of you and all who serve that flame with utter humility, devotion and purity. -Elohim Purity and Astrea, Pearl 58:16, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 25, 1975 at La Jolla, California, Pearl 58:16
The pouring-out of the vial of mankind’s misuses of the light of the sixth ray must precede the judgment of the Great Whore, that perversion of the feminine ray that sitteth upon many waters. And in her fornication she has perverted the sacred Mother flow of the whitefire core in Mater. And this flow of the great river Euphrates was for the nourishment of the body of God upon earth who formed the Church of our Lord. And yet that Church is become as Babylon the Great, the apostate Church that “is become the habitation of devils and hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
And I am the angel who talked with John. And I showed him that woman sitting “upon the scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns,” that woman “arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.” And John saw the name written upon her forehead: “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” And he saw “the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” And I told him that the waters which he saw where the whore sitteth, even the waters of the great river, are the peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues who gave their energies to Babylon the Great.
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 18:45
The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, that was the first year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon; the which Jeremiah the prophet spake unto all the people of Judah, and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying:
From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even unto this day, that is the three and twentieth year, the Word of the Lord hath come unto me, and I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking; but ye have not hearkened.
And the Lord hath sent unto you all His servants the prophets, rising early and sending them; but ye have not hearkened nor inclined your ear to hear.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:39
The king cried aloud to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers. And the king spake and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever shall read this writing, and shew me the interpretation thereof shall be clothed with scarlet and have a chain of gold about his neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.
Then was Daniel brought in before the king. And the king said to Daniel. I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee.
And now the wise men, the astrologers, have been brought in before me that they should read this writing and make known unto me the interpretation thereof: but they could not show the interpretaion of the thing.
Ho, ho, come forth and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord, the Almighty One: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.
Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.
For thus saith the Lord of hosts, Sanat Kumara; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.
For, behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me.
Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord.
And many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee.
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 35:49, amid 7 Holy Kumaras of Venus
I have stood in the atmosphere of Earth, high over the city of Babylon. I was present when the great love ray of God descended over the Tower of Babel to cause confusion of speech to enter into the hearts of those who were there present, to divide them and separate them from one another because of the manifestation of wickedness.
I beheld how the great love/wisdom of God scattered men that they should not continue to learn wickedness from one another but that rather in their scattering they should find more opportunity to commune in the quiet places of the world, finding solace in the inner radiance of their being.
Beloved ones, countless dawns have I beheld. But the dawn over the Tower of Babel, the day of the confusion of speech, was a memorable one in the chronicles of Earth. It was a memorable one even to the heart of an archangel.
Many are the mysteries which mankind have faced. And some of the mysteries seem almost ponderous to the heart of an archangel. -Archangel Chamuel, Pearl 25:47
Hail, legions of light! I salute the lightbearers of the Word, worlds without end!
I AM Uriel Archangel, and my legions descend with the flurry of the wind into your very midst!
I AM come at the behest of the living Savior Jesus Christ whose flame of peace I serve and whose very mantra I AM the incarnation of. For lo, he said in my name “I came not to send peace but a sword.”
How then shall the nations understand the Prince of Peace who comes with armies of light and comes with a sword?
Well, understand or not, the Laws of God are written. And I pronounce them in your midst that the very sacred fire itself might burn through to the very core of your own God-reality. And the sheaths of loss of memory are consumed in the flaming presence of our bands, for you have placed yourselves freely in our midst!
Therefore we come. We come. For I AM the angel of the judgment of the nations. And I AM come to declare to you this day that the Word has gone forth and the Watchers have declared their intransigence. And so they are set, one against the other—Argentina and Britain, the Soviet Union against the people of light worldwide, the Afghans and those in the Middle East who set themselves one against the other and will stop at nothing—no thing to defend their cause!
These are they who would plunge Earth into chaos and old night, into anarchy and into war! And I tell you, the judgment of the nations is upon you. And you ought to recognize it and be prepared and understand that the untimely weather is also the fulfillment of the word of the judgment of the messengers of God that abortion and the abortionist are judged!
And that nation and that people who will tolerate the murder of the Almighty in His own—that nation shall suffer cataclysm. And who will say where it shall manifest, whether in a spring blizzard or in the economy or in households where brother is set against brother and there is the divisive force because the karma of their own hatred of the Christ has descended in their midst.
And therefore you see the nations angry and you see argumentation and you see arrogance at the root of enmity. And you see the pride of fallen ones as they will not say die but rather take with them an entire evolution of light!
I sound the warning and I tell you there will be collapse of certain systems of the economy and monetary systems of the Earth! I tell you there will be that collapse. And you will wander in the streets wondering where you will derive your next sustenance if you do not find yourselves prepared.
I come with this warning and this statement, even at the very astonishment (if there could be) of the Messenger—though the Messenger is in my heart and has learned of these things with the very presence of Enoch in the planes of heaven where I have also shown the Messengers and lightbearers upon this planetary body those things which should shortly come to pass.
Therefore you have secured yourselves for this conference across the face of the Earth, keeping the flame of the resurrection—keeping that flame therefore for the victory of Life where you are. You have become the stalk of the lily. And therefore so be it.
Let there be the girding up of lightbearers and let them understand that the generation of the wicked must pass! It shall pass because, with all of the preaching of the Word, they yet mock my ministers of the Holy Spirit. They mock my shepherds of the flock who rebuke them for their pornography, for their violence, for their misuse of the light of Alpha and Omega and their exposure of sacred fire of man and woman, publicly and on television, and their violation of the little children!
This generation shall not stand but it shall pass! And I tell you, it is so.
And you must understand the judgment is of the soul. And you must realize that there is the mist and there is the crystal; and so long as there is the holding back of the judgment of God in the level of the mist then there is time and yet time. But when there is the crystallization of the judgment, lo, beware of the prophecy and let not your flight be in winter.
Take care then that you see to the saving of your souls and your families and of your integrity and of this body of God who shall preserve the Word and teaching!
I speak to you then as the prophets spoke of old in my name. For I delivered unto them the judgment of Israel and of Judah and of the destruction of the temple. I was there with Gabriel and with Michael and with the hosts of the Lord, for the seven archangels are the instrumentation of the karma of the nations.
Therefore when they cry “Peace! Peace!” and there is no peace—beware! And when they declare their safety in their systems and in their banking-houses—beware! And when they declare their safety in all outer things and take counsel together—beware! For the Lord shall break them in pieces! He shall hold them in derision.
For the Son of man is come with healing in his wings. And you will see that Son of man and you will see the transparency of light. And you will see the passageway twixt heaven and earth and the descending angels and the LordGod in the Person of His Son. And you will understand the meaning of the descent of the Shekinah glory!
I, Uriel, have spoken to you this day and I speak and I still speak! And therefore you will not turn back this judgment by wishful thinking.
Therefore align yourself and become the ensign, become the root of Jesse, and assemble yourselves. For the highway of God is provided unto the remnant. Therefore there is a way out. And the way out is the mighty River of Life descending from your own Mighty I AM Presence!
And you have been shown the physical retreat. You have been shown the spiritual retreat. Therefore consider in all seriousness what then ought to be the business of the sons of God in this hour—a working together with a mighty heave for the victory, that out of the union there might go forth once again in the future those manifestations of God and His Christ through the shepherds of my sheep.
Blessed hearts of light, deal justly with the Lord’s judgment and seek to align thyself with it.
Beloved hearts of light, you cannot argue with the Red Sea—not with its parting and not with its swallowing up of the hosts of fallen ones. You cannot turn back the tide that God has ordained.
Therefore understand the mighty tide of Life! Understand therefore that there must come an end to the defiance of the Almighty!
And the defiant ones tremble in this hour. For the ray of the Holy Spirit that I deliver is worldwide. And there is a trembling in their very boots, in their very roots, in the very core of their being! For they know that the seven archangels are real and that they cannot pass through us or around us or under or over us. For we are the Lord’s instruments—and we have been here for tens of thousands, of hundreds of thousands, of millions of years.
We are the servants of the Most High God. And therefore we declare the judgment of civilization itself and of the Cain civilization that has not glorified God but that has taken its glory unto the men of science, unto those who are erudite in the ways of the world. And the glory is still unto the Pharisees! still unto the Sadducees! still unto the one Caiaphas who has declared it is expedient that one man should die for the people.
So they have declared it! So let it be upon their own heads!
Therefore the blood of the prophets and of tanointed ones is required of Caiaphas and of his seed and Herod and his seed unto this very generation. Therefore the Word does go forth.
See then when there is the tumbling of the structures of these fallen ones that you are not standing beneath!
Precious hearts, you may take me literally, you may take me allegorically, you may take me symbolically. Take me any way you want me or don’t take me at all! But I AM speaking on the Lord’s day and I AM speaking on the very special day when the crosscurrents of the Earth and of the signs in the heavens and of the signs of karma do convene.
Therefore understand that out of the heart of the Guru are all cycles of the planetary body. And Sanat Kumara does stand forth and he does proclaim the victory of the light and the lightbearer as it is promised—the drawing together of the remnant.
And therefore let there no more be warfare between Ephraim and Judah! And let there be the resolution! For the seed of light of the twelve sons must come into the one point where the I AM race does gather. And it is upon this continent—and it is not in any nation called Israel this day or in the Middle East where the laggard generations have gathered for their final war of Gog and Magog!
Let those forces gather—but gather ye not and support neither the right nor the left but walk in the way of the Branch. Walk in the way of the righteous Branch and do not allow yourself to be drawn into the conflict of these fallen ones as they rival with one another in their blindness for the conquest of the world!
And I tell you, the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, and all they that dwell therein! And these fallen ones will not have this Earth or any star or any mansion or any universe, for they are already consigned to their own nothingness, which they themselves have created as their own habitation. In all of their wealth they are filthy. They have no habitation in the Most High God.
Let them have their palaces on eEarth! Let them have their rockets and their armies! Have none of it, beloved hearts, for there is given unto you the Person of Christ, who is all and everything and salvation and victory and peace! And there shall come a rest unto the people of God. For all things have been foretold, and the prophecy is written.
Read and run! For Life is on the march. And ere Life shall reign triumphant on Earth death itself—death as an entire consciousness of an entire generation—must be, will be swallowed up!
And this is the meaning of Eastertide. And it shall come to pass because Jesus Christ is crucified, is resurrected, is ascended and does reign forevermore on earth and in heaven because you live to be his instruments!
Because you live to be his instruments he does reign on earth!
Proclaim it! Let justice reign! For the LordGod will not spare the wicked but slay them in their violation of the little child, of the innocent heart and of the soul who is ready to enter in.
The Lord will not hold them guiltless and He does not withhold His wrath this day! Therefore the Earth trembles. And the children of the light know whereof they have come, wherefore they go into the heart of the Lord.
My angels will not leave thee. Hearken to their advice and counsel and long not nor lust after the cities of the Earth and their pleasure and their cult and their softness and their offering! Hearken not after these things! Daughter of Zion, son of the Most High, hear the call and let them go! For these refinements are for those who have not the kingdom of God within.
Lo! that Christ, that kingdom, that consciousness, is within you.
I, Uriel, speak to your heart, to you who have lived forever in the bosom of Abraham. I say: Heed! my Word and act, walk, deliver Life as sons of the Most High.
I charge you: look not back but look to the mountain.
For in the mountain they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord! For the Earth shall be covered with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. -Archangel Uriel, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 8, 1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:23
Eternal Father, I AM come in this hour to deliver the Woman and her seed. Eternal Father, I AM Michael Archangel crowned by Thy holy hand, now endowed with Thy vigil of sacred fire.
O Father, I, Michael, now bend the knee before Thy throne of grace for the magnitude of Thy glory and Thy wonder and Thy deliverance to the people of Earth and all spheres. I lay my sword before Thy altar, O Father, in gratitude sublime, in joy supreme, for Thou hast truly bound the enemy and raised up Thy living Son.
Heavenly Father, receive these legions of angels who accompany me in this hour at the side of the Woman and her seed. O God, receive now in the name of Holy Virgin Thy faithful and true witnesses, Thy devotees of the will of God in Earth. I bear them to Thy throne.
Thus O God, bless us and cleanse us from the battle that we might renew thy courses, that we might perpetually bend the knee and receive the inflamed wonder of Thy holy will. Remove from us, O Father, the burden of the past and renew in us Thy light for the new day. In reverence of the Holy Mother we bow to Thy light. Send us then upon the new mission of glory, even the mission of the Everlasting Gospel.
Hail! chelas of sacred fire. Hail! seraphim of God and all lovers of Christ throughout all eternity. I AM Archangel Michael, and I have descended from the Central Sun as with the speed of light to be with you in person in the very flesh of the Messenger and in the very blood of thyself if thou will it so—if thou wilt give to an archangel room.
Lo, I come. I come swiftly in pinions of light not only to enfold you but to dwell with you in the temple of the Most High God made without hands, which He hath builded as your true individuality in God. Therefore as in heaven so on earth I AM Archangel Michael, servant of the holy will of God, servant of His people. And my legions of angels adore the crystal light, as Above so below, cherishing the honor you accord them of joining in the service of the praise of God and binding of the enemy.
Blessed ones, I ask you to stand in this hour for the honor of God. This day the honor of God is redeemed. This day and in this hour, O blessed ones, I come having defended therefore the daughter of Zion, the Community of the Holy Spirit and the mystical body of God in all ages.
Therefore speaking now with the message of the Court of Sacred Fire, the God-star Sirius, speaking in the name of the Four and Twenty Elders, I announce to you, O children of the Sun, the day of days. Thus in this very hour the Judgment—the final judgment and second death—has come of that one you have known as Peshu Alga. [applause]
Thus the Keeper of the Scrolls has read these weeks record by record of the infamy of that fallen one in the trial at the Court of Sacred Fire—that one who himself moved to tempt Lucifer away from the service of light, that one who forever swore vengeance upon Almighty God because of the death of his only son, failing to apprehend eternal life and the reappearance of the son. Thus his sworn enmity was one of the turning points (if not the turning point) in the rebellion of those fallen angels who have also followed him to the Court of Sacred Fire.
Blessed hearts, this hour of the trial of that fallen one and passing from earthly life has been noted by yourselves as being causative of conditions of upheaval and even danger and death to the children of light—as in the case of certain calamities East and West. Understand, beloved ones, that in the wake of the removal of the roots of evil and pride from Earth there are those yet committed to darkness who remain and who, in their fear and ongoing vengeance, move to take therefore the holy innocents and to wreak havoc here and there among the nations.
Thus wisely the Darjeeling Council Master has called you to gather for the holding of light in the five secret rays. Thus, beloved ones, keep the flame and continue to tarry. For the Messenger as instrument, yourselves as instrument, the community as instrument of the judgments of God as so ordained does require then the vigilance of the armor of light and of peace and of freedom. Let the science of the spoken Word be offered liberally and with joy and acclaim for the expansion of the Universal Christ in all people and planetary homes.
Beloved ones, this judgment, long attended, has far-reaching ramifications across the galaxies. And in this very hour, beloved, there is a liberation and a freedom not known before to many of your own brothers and sisters who happen to be what seems to be so very far, far away. All of the matter cosmos is the womb of the Mother, and within that womb souls of light are being formed and re-formed in the universal image of the eternal Krishna.
O Christ, O Anointed One, O light of the Sun, liberate these children from their fascination with fallen angels in every level and plane of consciousness.
O Surya, send thy legions of the Sun! Now demagnetize from all evolutions of light and those who have yet to espouse the light the image, rebellion, logic, carnality of this serpent and fallen one! And bind—Surya, legions of God by the command of the archangel—bind now the very cause and core of those who have moved in anger. Let the core of anger and its seed planted in the subconscious of the people by these nefarious ones be seized by the light of sacred fire, by the power of Elohim and Astrea!
Beloved hosts of the Lord, so too take the image and replica reproduced again and again of the rebellion of Peshu Alga. Take it now, O Cosmic Christ, in answer to the call of my humble heart. Take it then from all who are fruits of the Holy Spirit, from all who are the children of the Sun. Let them be delivered in this hour of these genetic implants moving to deter the divine image from descending.
Seraphim of God, stand with them. Consume the cause and core of malignancies of the spirit, soul, body and mind afflicting the lightbearers of Earth.
For this is a day of cosmic celebration and burst of joy unto the Lord Christ in every heart! It is the hour of rejoicing for the binding of the old witch and witchcraft—of the old dragon and tempter and seed of Satan. This is the hour and day when thelight going forth from the heart of Helios unto Vesta in this abode does truly win for God many souls lost—lost because they had lost their moorings in God, lost because they followed the maya and magnetism and bravado of these fallen ones.
We have reached therefore the high point of darkness, and darkness now must recede. And now you will have the momentum of the victory of our God, the victory of our bands and the removal of darkness as impetus to thrust ho, to move forward, to act for the light and for the home, and to clear the way for many beings of light to descend to Earth through the portals of birth.
It is an hour for cosmic change if you will have it. But I must tell you truly in the honor of God, as in all time and space, the Law does require the spoken Word, the mantra, the call to me and the call to God in order for light to enter in. For you see, God has given to you absolute freewill in the physical octave. If you desire change, you must call upon the Lord, your Mighty I AM Presence, and call for the reinforcement of us as agents of light and of the Father-Son-Holy Spirit-mother complement of the Godhead.
This is the City Foursquare, and I, Archangel Michael, stand in the center thereof, raising also the right hand of the Woman and therefore declaring to you her instrumentation in the standing guard—the standing guard, lo, these tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years against the fallen ones. They know their hour has come. And the vigil of Mary multiplied many times over in yourselves has taken place. Thus, they could not pass, they shall not pass, and not one of these little ones is lost save the single son of perdition. <6>
The Tutoring of the Angels Who Strayed from Their First Love
Beloved hosts of Light, I call now for the tutoring with the intensity of the Cosmic Christ of all angels who wandered and strayed from their first love. I call for the message of the Cosmic Christ to go forth with the magnanimity and the intensity and the joyousness of God to clearly reveal, to clear and clearify the auras of all angels, all sons and daughters of God and children of the light who have followed now these falling stars as they have appeared on the screen of life to tempt them away by their excessive noise, their excessive misuse of rhythm, their personality-cult consciousness.
Follow them not, O children of the Sun! There is no good fruit that can come forth from involvement in the culture of drugs and rock music. Both then represent the consuming and burning up of Kundalini-fire, the lowering of that life-force unto utter destruction of the Deathless Solar Body and the wedding garment and even the violation of the chakras.
Beloved ones, those who follow those falling stars, those rock and drug stars, are following a train of death that leads to the very depths of hell. Go not! Follow them not! As I have preached to you from the beginning so I preach to you in the ending: It is not a matter of your freewill. It is a matter of ultimate danger to your souls!
Beloved ones, you have heard of the scriptural reference to the castaway. It is possible to lose the soul fabric, to lose Self-consciousness and to become a castaway, empty and void. If you do not believe me, look into the faces of those who are addicted and filled with this darkness, and you will understand what it means to be stripped of the wedding garment that is the etheric garment of God that seals you in the upward movement and momentum of the rising Mother- flame within you and draws you back to the very heart of God.
Blessed ones, therefore let us move for the protection of light on Earth and for the finishing of that which has begun in this hour in the final judgment of Peshu Alga. Henceforth you may know me as the angel who flies in heaven with the Everlasting Gospel, preaching that gospel to the men of Earth. And you may know that the archangels follow suit. And you also being angels who have come to Earth to teach mankind must also follow.
This Everlasting Gospel is the published Word and Work of the Lord in this activity. You have only to pick up any of the teachings to find the thread. And begin at the beginning with the rereading of the book Climb the Highest Mountain.
The highest mountain of your divinity is your crown chakra. Go then! Go to the Royal Teton Retreat! Go then to the Himalayas! Go to the highest mountain, Mount Everest, and find the rest and peace of the Buddha, the eye of the Mother. Find the strength and find the perception that directs the ray of God into the core nest of seed of Serpent still carrying on their habit pattern of destructivity midst the children of the Sun.
I bring then to your attention what I have taught unto the Mother that you might mark that cross of whitefire foursquare in the heart of the city and see the quadrants of the cosmic clock of your own psychology and patterns of the nations unfold. I demand therefore invocation for the protection of the nations. I demand, first and foremost, that such intense and precise and incisive calls be given for the defense of the I AM race in every nation, for the defense of America as that nation that does yet guard the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and its teaching, and for the defense of India as the counterpart if her people will it so—to once again take up the mantle and Banner of Maitreya and of Sanat Kumara and to leave off from their fascination with World Communism.
Beloved hearts of light, let the divine polarity be reestablished from Mount Meru to Mount Himalaya. Let therefore your calls be for the defense of the physical nation America, the physical bodies of her people from all that which is poisonous and causative of death. Let there be the protection of the moral fiber of the soul, the spirituality, the mind, the desire body. Thus cover all planes and see to it that the people of God who must deliver Earth are themselves brought into alignment with the inner holy will by calls to me.
I would not be displeased nor would I consider it an excessive sacrifice for you to maintain the perpetual vigil of calls to me and to my bands. For I can assure you that every problem that besets the nation—including the teetering and tottering of the economy and banking systems, for they are invaded by false gods—each and every problem that is faced can be resolved by the most intensive calls to our legions.
By the grace of Almighty God I AM the captain of the Lord’s hosts. And therefore all archangels and seraphim of God and hosts of light ministering in these systems do answer to my command. When you give me the authority to act, the mighty Christ mind, which we have called the computer of the mind of God, does designate millions and millions of angels to go forth on that particular problem worldwide! Let us have a tremendous victory in this conference, knowing that our legions are ready to soar, ready to move because the sons of God have decreed it, are decreeing it and shall decree it until the golden age is physically manifest.
Therefore, beloved ones, as you know, this Peshu Alga, being not a native of this planet, did also descend via spacecraft and has been known as the first of the triad central—Anu, Enki and Enlil. Understand therefore that these fallen ones in their spacecraft, who are not benign, who have come to lead the children astray and to program mankind genetically to obedience to them must also be judged and bound. And therefore the remnant who would take their revenge because of the loss of one of their leaders must come under the dominance of the hosts of the Lord ere they go forth seeking whom they may devour before their time is up.
Thus it is a point of interval, it is a point of victory and it is an hour when the more light you send forth the more you can expect the reversing of that light in what we have called lashback as the fallen ones refuse to accept their judgment. And thus the waves of light, you see, must roll twenty-four hours a day. The rolling forth of the light and the light itself will greet then the darkness that they attempt to turn upon you. Let there not be a vacuum therefore in the decree sessions once you have begun this rolling momentum. For I tell you, in this hour it is the momentum which is unleashed for the ultimate victory over that death and hell of consciousness on Earth.
Beloved ones, remember the etheric quadrant. Remember the black magicians; they misuse that quadrant and that body. And they misuse sacred fire to imprison elemental life, causing accidents, calamities, fires and promoting acts of terrorism—also the misuse of the fire of the Mother.
Then, beloved hearts, move with intense calls in the defense of America, from the etheric octave to the mental as you call for the purging of false teachings in every field of endeavor—false teachings especially in the field of God-government and religion which turn the people against the central course of their divine destiny. Thus the false gurus, false prophets, false teachers—these must be exposed by enlightenment, by true illumination of Jophiel who comes with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, who comes with the Christed ones, who comes to tutor your hearts, who comes to deliver reality and an understanding of that illumination which shall be the opening of the crown chakra within you!
I tell you, it is so! I tell you, you are on the verge of the breakthrough that you have been striving for. And this is the hour to reach now high to the highest sail of the mast of the ship of Lord Maitreya and to understand the meaning of that ship and its movement across the sea of Earth.
We come therefore to save those who are on land and sea, who are attacked therefore in the astral plane and physical plane. Therefore watch then and keep the faith and let no ungodly thing invade the mind, the universal consciousness of the mind of God upon this planet.
Let the right standard of the Universal Christ be raised up within you, within this community. Let the standard-bearers be none other than yourselves as you go forth preaching that Everlasting Gospel because you are ignited at the altar of the Mother. You have received the sacred fire. Your body does glow on Earth as the candle in the night. And soon there will be no more night! For Earth shall be filled with the glory of God and His knowledge as the waters cover the sea of the astral plane and the River of Life does inundate that astral plane and death and hell have no power. And the Lord shall have them in derision! And you shall laugh and the nations shall laugh and there shall be a peal of joy and victory throughout all evolutions of Earth in the coming dawn of the new age!
O beloved hearts, intensify now, for know that truly all is the counting and all counts for the victory. Therefore let the protection be of the emotional bodies of students, the desire body of Earth, from all that assails that body visually through the eye vision and through the third eye.
Understand the bombardment of all people through the media, through the ear and eye, through sound, through messages, through brainwashing. And let there be clearing of desire by the pure understanding of the image of God. And let all those denizens of the astral plane who promote drugs and rock this day and who pervert the life-force of the Mother in all manner of perversion and abuse of children—let them be bound! We shall bind them in answer to your call.
We are ready! We are ready to charge in Victory’s name. We are ready to go forth. And you must understand that the tide has turned; yet you are the living tide and you must move with it even as you direct it.
Let us understand that the toppling of those governments conducted by fallen angels and Nephilim [space] gods is about to occur. Let us understand the judgment that is necessary of the international capitalist/communist conspiracy, those who control it to their ends through power and monied interests. Beloved ones, these are they who confute the reign of Christ in the physical octave. Thus the physical octave must be conquered, and it begins with the action of the abundant life.
Beloved ones, physically you must take a stand and bind darkness. And we shall bind it, for it is our job and our calling and our assignment, and you are our sons and daughters.
Sons and daughters of the Most High, we bow before the light of God within you! We bow before the image of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit and Mother within you. We fear not to bow before the creation of Elohim, for we know that the creation of Elohim is Elohim in manifestation. And therefore we have not the pride nor ambition of those who have fallen [to desire] to exceed your light but only to enhance it that you might become as we are: servant-sons of God—free, immortal!—touching the crown of reality forever.
Let us then while we are here in this hour of victory contemplate the message of blessed Mother Mary. Let us contemplate her call for the keeping of the flame of the Inner Retreat and the covenant of God and so great a salvation and dispensation of the Western Shamballa.
I will send you! I will defend you! I will cut you free, blessed hearts, if you call to me. I came to Boston in 1961 to fetch the Messenger that she might be here and with you in this hour of victory. As I proclaimed to her and “the people of Boston” (by way of saying “the people of the crown chakra”) that I would protect and guard, that I would cut free and defend in the hour of transition, so I make that offer to you in this hour.
I can assure you that the call to this Messenger to come apart and to leave the planes of the world was just as difficult an experience for her, if not more so, as that which may occur to you when you are called. If you would step up in a new initiation in life, you must be ready to forsake the past—and sometimes it is a painful parting. After all, beloved ones, you cannot continue round and round in a revolving door! If you have made a commitment to go forward, then you must get off the revolving door of your human creation and revolving of the past and the hundred and one things you might be doing instead of the one-pointedness of becoming a chela of sacred fire.
Thus I came. I cut her free. She responded. And because of that response and obedience you have this day a Summit Lighthouse, you have a Church Universal and Triumphant, you have a songbook in your hand, you have a decree book—you have the wherewithal to know who you are in God and to act upon it! I only say this to demonstrate the worth of the commitment of one son of God in embodiment that you might understand that truly the divine prophecies are fulfilled before your eyes as, you see, twinflames are destined to become even the gods of solar systems.
Now does it not begin when you create a nucleus of sacred fire and ring upon ring of the mandala of light gathers until you find that you have not only created a focus of light but you have created a solar system itself composed of planetary bodies who are the sons and daughters of God? Each one of you is a center of a sun within this Sun. Each one of you can become a star like Sirius of the very first magnitude.
Understand the meaning of your I AM Presence. Understand the meaning of the tide that must be taken. Understand the meaning of the offer of an archangel who has done battle with the fallen ones directly and who, with the legions of light, has defeated that great dragon [in heaven, as he must now be defeated on earth and in the hearts of men]. Understand the meaning of my presence. Establish your commeasurement with Infinity and where you want to be one hundred years from now (not tomorrow or next week or next year) and then make your decisions aright. Heaven has truly offered and given of itself.
Now, beloved ones, change is the alchemy of this conference and this new year—the alchemy of violet flame. If you desire to be a new creature in Christ, then you must forsake the old creature. You cannot have both. You cannot become the new creature and carry the old image on your back. We take no monkeys into our chambers; and the old image is the monkey mind and monkey imitator who can never integrate with the Word because the vessel is not adequate, the chalice cannot prevail.
Thus I ask you to symbolically take a step forward where you are, even in place, to sense the dropping from behind you of the old self, to sense that there are cosmic moments, there are moments of destiny, even as I had my moment of destiny to choose to move on in a most painful parting that I myself had to undergo—the parting from one who determined to follow that Lucifer, the fallen angel. And therefore I had to stand alone and move on and forsake that one.
Blessed ones, I know the meaning of sacrifice and I know the meaning of victory. I know the meaning of surrender to God’s will and I know the meaning of His Presence with me. I know the meaning of His love and I know that He does supply the need of the one who goes forward in the way that is best, in the way that is highest, in a way far and beyond one’s greatest hope for perfect love. Fear not then that in leaving behind the old way and old path you will be deprived of love. A new love of springtime awaits you, a new joy of communion and a new dawn.
O blessed hearts, I see veils falling from you. I see the divine man and the divine woman appearing. I see the victory of the God- flame. And I touch you each one. I touch you with the hand of fire. I touch you for the cleansing.
I come, for I am of this people. I am a part of this evolution. I have been with you for millions of years, and I decide now to dedicate and consecrate the hour of victory. I am determined that you shall not turn back, that you shall not fail, that you shall not miss the perception of this moment! I am determined that you will save America. I am determined that you will save your salvation through the Inner Retreat. I am determined that the economy will have an infusion of light! Let the Lords of Karma prevail on the outcome.
Sometimes the old must pass away and the new come. Sometimes the old may be transformed and in the alchemical light have the appearance then of the new sign.
The will of God is good. The will of God will deliver you. Only stay with it and stay in your heart and let your perceptions be heart perceptions. Let the eye of the mind be the perception of the vision.
Maintain your identity and your integrity. Let nothing take from you that oneness here and now of God. Beware. Be alert. Be on guard. Expose the deceptors, the destroyers, the conspirators. They have no power. They have no power! Thus let them also make their choices. This is an hour of choice and choosing.
I shall touch you by the fire of my hand. I say this, beloved: If you accept my touch, be willing to live by it. Be willing to consummate my faith in glory. Be willing to defend it. And be certain of thy commitment to never go back into the questionable state of doubt and fear of thy own divinity. Take guardedly the touch of the archangel and know that henceforth you shall have an extraordinary presence—my Electronic Presence—with you when you make the call.
Insidious forces move against the defense of this nation, especially militarily. Let us not rest until America is invulnerable within and without. It is a tall order, but is anything too hard for the Lord or for his chelas or for the legions of Archangel Michael and Mighty Victory and all of his hosts? I tell you no!—nothing is too hard for the Lord Sanat Kumara! This Earth and universe belongs to God. I say: go claim it! Claim it for Him, claim it for the Mother and restore paradise. It can be done, but you must equate with the task and know that it is the work of the ages.
Let us begin. I am ready. From all whom I touch I shall therefore receive in return the inner electronic blueprint as well as untransmuted self. As long as you are striving ones I shall guard these two and assist you in every hour of burden. And you will know my presence within in a still, small voice and in the changes of thy life and this world.
God has come in this dark cycle. I pray you, receive Him, receive Her. Reject not the Most High, for my desire is that you shall live forevermore in the resurrection and life with the Lord Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother, Amen.
-Archangel Michael, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1984 (1:31 p.m. PST) at Camelot, Pearls of Wisdom 28:2
Sun into Pisces at 2:40 p.m. PST 2-18-2023. Sun at 1/9th of circle to Jupiter, Sun conjunct Saturn. So this is strong. (On may call, in the name I AM THAT I AM, SAINT GERMAIN AND ANGELIC HOSTS, LORD JESS AND GREAT HOSTS OF ASCENDED MASTERS, MAY THE LIGHT ENERGIESFROM AQUARIUS TO PISCES MODULATE FOR THE GREATER GOOD, AMEN.
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