Sunday, February 19, 2023
probing the channels of every possibility for victory
(using numerology herein, a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.)
By relinquishing negative and unwanted characteristics in the individual and in society there is provided a first step in achieving a world peace. Karma-making factors must be eliminated and the world must be imbued with a willingness to walk to the river of unity together—and to take responsibility of wading out beyond the ankles. The strong swimmers from among mankind must take the lead in probing the channels of every possibility for victory. -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 7:2
A civilization divided against itself cannot ultimately stand, for the interplay of forces in all past ages has ever created29 out11 of12 the15 brew21 of12 tyranny36 those22 internal39 dissatisfactions61 which33 have18 shaped26 the15 destruction of societies. Meru, Pearl 10:41
The ability to work change is inherent within the domain of man’s freewill; hence men speak of cell mutation without regard to the process of transmutation whereby benign change can be consistently directed both by man as the initiator and by God as the Preceptor under whose unerring guidance the inherent patterns of perfection reappear.
Man presupposes in his limited frame of reference that the programming that makes for perfect manifestation is inherent within substance itself. Little do men dream—that is, men who are wedded27 to8 material34 science31 (=100=10 x test10)—of the vast network of higher intelligences who function in magnificent consonance behind the screen of nature. But when they are apprised of the existence of the guardian spirits they are able to have a greater appreciation of the so-called miracles of nature. Going beyond a mere acknowledgment of these higher intelligences, serving under the divine Presence they may enter into actual communion with the beings who are responsible for the riot of color and tender expressions of abundance in verdant nature. Then they may learn to appreciate the science of nature. -Amaryllis, Pearls of Wisdom 12:19
But are they aware that the lowering of their vibratory action, their fatigue and those conditions which are indeed inherent within their body during moments of stress and strain are very apt to cause the mind itself to also bend in that13 circle32 of12 warped31 and10 disturbed39 condition49 (=186=6 x separate31) which produces in their world, if they allow it to do so, a feeling of neglect and a feeling of aloneness, a feeling of separation and a feeling that they are indeed separated by their personality from God Himself? How beautiful are the feet of them which preach the gospel of peace! -Archangel Michael, Pearl 54:3
virus, viral, spoil, peeve, shaped, noise, herd, Putin, Icarus, Babylon26. contortions, distortions, compromise, orthodoxy, double-minded54.
iron29 + grip32=61; monopoly44 + karma17=61; conspire45 + hate16=61;
subversion45 + cold16=61.
phi ratio is 1.618 to 1. phi/golden ratio series anchored at 61.0 goes:
9; 14.4, 23.3; 37.7; 61.0; 98.7; 160; in this series the number above the preceding number is 1.618 times more; now adding words (via numerologic value) the series goes: cuts9; end(s)14.4; defeat23.3; guidance(s)37.7; iron grip61.0; 98.7=dark eye33 x 3; 160=4 x arrogant40. -r.
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